Ejemplo n.º 1
def modelReader(modelfile, mtype, readertype='extended'):
    Function to switch between different model specification readers 
    to read a given model specification into a dictionary of objects.

    @param modelfile String: Relative path to the model specification 
    @param mtype String: Type of model specification file. Allowable 
    types are 'ASM' (AdvanceSyn Model Specification). Default = 'ASM'.
    @param readertype String: Additional options based on mtype. If 
    mtype is ASM, then allowable types are 'basic' and 'extended'. 
    @return: A tuple of (Object containing the processed model, 
    Dictionary of objects where key is the object name and value is 
    the object numbering)
    if mtype == 'ASM':
        if readertype == 'extended': 
            (spec, modelobj) = ASModeller.process_asm_model(modelfile)
        if readertype == 'basic':
            spec = ASModeller.modelspec_reader(modelfile, 'basic')
            modelobj = None
    if mtype == 'MO':
        with open(modelfile, 'rb') as f:
            loaded_data = pickle.load(f)
        spec = loaded_data[0]
        modelobj = loaded_data[1]
    return (spec, modelobj)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def readASModelSpecification(modelfile):
    Function to read the AdvanceSyn model specification file and 
    print out its details after processing into model objects.


        python astools.py readASM --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec

    @param modelfile String: Relative path to the model specification 
    (spec, modelobj) = ASModeller.process_asm_model(modelfile)
    print('-------- Model Identifiers --------')
    for key in spec['Identifiers']:
        print('%s: %s' % (str(key), str(spec['Identifiers'][key])))
    print('-------- Model Objects --------')
    for key in modelobj:
        obj = modelobj[key]
        print('Name: %s' % str(obj.name))
        print('Description: %s' % str(obj.description))
        print('Initial: %s' % str(obj.value['initial']))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generateODEScript(modelfile,
    Function to generate Python ODE script from a given model 
    specification file.


        python astools.py genODE --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec --mtype=ASM --solver=RK4 --timestep=1 --endtime=21600 --lowerbound=0;0 --upperbound=1e-3;1e-3 --odefile=glycolysis.py

    @param modelfile String: Name of model specification file in 
    models folder. This assumes that the model file is not in models 
    @param mtype String: Type of model specification file. Allowable 
    types are 'ASM' (AdvanceSyn Model Specification). Default = 'ASM'.
    @param solver String: Type of solver to use. Allowable types 
    are 'Euler', 'Heun' (Runge-Kutta 2nd method or Trapezoidal), 
    'RK3' (third order Runge-Kutta), 'RK4' (fourth order 
    Runge-Kutta), 'RK38' (fourth order Runge-Kutta method, 3/8 rule), 
    'CK4' (fourth order Cash-Karp), 'CK5' (fifth order Cash-Karp), 
    'RKF4' (fourth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'RKF5' (fifth 
    order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'DP4' (fourth order Dormand-Prince), 
    and 'DP5' (fifth order Dormand-Prince). Default = 'RK4'. 
    @param timestep Float: Time step interval for simulation. 
    Default = 1.0.
    @param endtime Float: Time to end simulation - the simulation 
    will run from 0 to end time. Default = 21600.
    @param lowerbound String: Define lower boundary of objects. For 
    example, "1;2" means that when the value of the object hits 1, 
    it will be bounced back to 2. Default = 0;0; that is, when the 
    value of the object goes to negative, it will be bounced back 
    to zero. 
    @param upperbound String: Define upper boundary of objects. For 
    example, "10;9" means that when the value of the object hits 1, 
    it will be pushed down to 9. Default = 1e-3;1e-3; that is, when 
    the value of the object above 1e-3, it will be pushed back to 
    @param odefile String: Python ODE script file to write out. This 
    file will be written into odescript folder. Default = odescript.py.
    @return: A list containing the Python ODE script (one element = 
    one line).
    modelfile = os.path.abspath(modelfile)
    (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(modelfile, mtype, 'extended')
    datalist = ASModeller.generate_ODE(spec, modelobj, solver, timestep,
                                       endtime, lowerbound, upperbound)
    filepath = fileWriter(datalist, 'odescript', odefile)
    return datalist
Ejemplo n.º 4
def GSM_to_ASM(model, name, outputfile, metabolite_initial=1e-5, 
               enzyme_conc=1e-6, enzyme_kcat=13.7, enzyme_km=130e-6):
    Function to read reactions in Genome-Scale Models (GSM) using 
    Cameo and convert to AdvanceSyn Model (ASM) format.


        python astools.py GSM-to-ASM --metabolite_initial=1e-5 --enzyme_conc=1e-6 --enzyme_kcat=13.7 --enzyme_km=130e-6 --model=e_coli_core --name=e_coli_core --outputfile=models/asm/e_coli_core.modelspec 

    @param model String: Model acceptable by Cameo (see http://cameo.bio/02-import-models.html).
    @param name String: Name of model author / creator.
    @param outputfile String: Relative path to the write out the converted 
    ASM model.
    @param metabolite_initial Float: Initial metabolite concentration. Default = 1e-5 (10 uM).
    @param enzyme_conc Float: Enzyme concentration. Default = 1e-6 (1 uM)
    @param enzyme_kcat Float: Enzyme kcat / turnover number. Default = 13.7 (13.7 per second).
    @param enzyme_km Float: Enzyme Km (Michaelis-Menten constant). Default = 130e-6 (130 uM).
    rxnList = ASExternalTools.get_reaction_compounds(model, False)
    ASModeller.gsm_km_converter(model, name, outputfile, rxnList, 
                                metabolite_initial, enzyme_conc, 
                                enzyme_kcat, enzyme_km)
    return rxnList
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generateODEScript(modelfile,
    Function to generate Python ODE script from a given model 
    specification file.


        python astools.py genODE --modelfile=asm/glycolysis.modelspec --mtype=ASM --solver=RK4 --timestep=1 --endtime=21600 --odefile=glycolysis.py

    @param modelfile String: Name of model specification file in 
    models folder. This assumes that the model file is in models 
    @param mtype String: Type of model specification file. Allowable 
    types are 'ASM' (AdvanceSyn Model Specification). Default = 'ASM'.
    @param solver String: Type of solver to use. Allowable types 
    are 'Euler', 'Heun' (Runge-Kutta 2nd method or Trapezoidal), 
    'RK3' (third order Runge-Kutta), 'RK4' (fourth order 
    Runge-Kutta), 'RK38' (fourth order Runge-Kutta method, 3/8 rule), 
    'CK4' (fourth order Cash-Karp), 'CK5' (fifth order Cash-Karp), 
    'RKF4' (fourth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'RKF5' (fifth 
    order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'DP4' (fourth order Dormand-Prince), 
    and 'DP5' (fifth order Dormand-Prince). Default = 'RK4'. 
    @param timestep Float: Time step interval for simulation. 
    Default = 1.0.
    @param endtime Float: Time to end simulation - the simulation 
    will run from 0 to end time. Default = 21600.
    @param odefile String: Python ODE script file to write out. This 
    file will be written into odescript folder. Default = odescript.py.
    @return: A list containing the Python ODE script (one element = 
    one line).
    modelfile = 'models\\' + modelfile
    (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(modelfile, mtype, 'extended')
    datalist = ASModeller.generate_ODE(spec, modelobj, solver, timestep,
    filepath = fileWriter(datalist, 'odescript', odefile)
    return datalist
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mergeASM(modelfile, outputfile, prefix='exp'):
    Function to read the AdvanceSyn model specification file(s) 
    and merge them into a single AdvanceSyn model specification 


        python astools.py mergeASM --prefix=exp --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec;models/asm/RFPproduction.modelspec --outputfile=models/asm/glycolysis_RFP.modelspec

    @param modelfile String: Relative path(s) to the model specification 
    file(s), separated by semi-colon. 
    @param outputfile String: Relative path to the output model 
    objects file.
    @param prefix String: Prefix for new reaction IDs. This prefix 
    cannot be any existing prefixes in any of the model specifications 
    to be merged. Default = 'exp'.
    specList = []
    modelobjList = []
    modelfile = [x.strip() for x in modelfile.split(';')]
    print('Input Model File(s) ...')
    count = 1
    for mf in modelfile:
        mf = os.path.abspath(mf)
        print('ASM Model File %s: %s' % (count, mf))
        (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(mf, 'ASM', 'basic')
        count = count + 1
    (merged_spec, merged_modelobj) = \
        ASModeller.modelMerge(specList, modelobjList, prefix, 
                              True, False)
    filepath = os.path.abspath(outputfile)
    print('Output AdvanceSyn Model Specification File: ' + filepath)
    outfile = open(filepath, 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generateModelObject(modelfile, outputfile, prefix='exp'):
    Function to read the AdvanceSyn model specification file(s) 
    and generate a file consisting of the internal model objects.


        python astools.py genMO --prefix=exp --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec;models/asm/RFPproduction.modelspec --outputfile=models/mo/glycolysis.mo

    @param modelfile String: Relative path(s) to the model specification 
    file(s), separated by semi-colon. 
    @param outputfile String: Relative path to the output model 
    objects file.
    @param prefix String: Prefix for new reaction IDs. This prefix 
    cannot be any existing prefixes in any of the model specifications 
    to be merged. Default = 'exp'.
    specList = []
    modelobjList = []
    modelfile = [x.strip() for x in modelfile.split(';')]
    print('Input Model File(s) ...')
    count = 1
    for mf in modelfile:
        mf = os.path.abspath(mf)
        print('ASM Model File %s: %s' % (count, mf))
        (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(mf, 'ASM', 'extended')
        count = count + 1
    (merged_spec, merged_modelobj) = \
        ASModeller.modelMerge(specList, modelobjList, prefix, 
                              True, True)
    filepath = os.path.abspath(outputfile)
    print('Output Model Objects File: ' + filepath)
    with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
        dumpdata = (merged_spec, merged_modelobj)
        pickle.dump(dumpdata, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def generateNetwork(modelfile, outputfile, outfmt='SIF'):
    Function to read the AdvanceSyn model specification file(s) 
    and generate a network / reaction visualization file.


        python astools.py genNetwork --outfmt=SIF --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec;models/asm/RFPproduction.modelspec --outputfile=glycolysis_RFP.sif

    @param modelfile String: Relative path(s) to the model specification 
    file(s), separated by semi-colon. 
    @param outputfile String: Relative path to the output model 
    objects file.
    @param outfmt String: Type of network visualizatio format to 
    generate. Allowable options are 'SIF' (Simple Interaction 
    Format). Default = 'SIF' (Simple Interaction Format).
    specList = []
    modelfile = [x.strip() for x in modelfile.split(';')]
    print('Input Model File(s) ...')
    count = 1
    for mf in modelfile:
        mf = os.path.abspath(mf)
        print('ASM Model File %s: %s' % (count, mf))
        (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(mf, 'ASM', 'extended')
        count = count + 1
    outfmt = str(outfmt).upper()
    datalist = ASModeller.generateNetworkMap(specList, outfmt)
    outputfile = os.path.abspath(outputfile)
    outfile = open(outputfile, 'w')
    print('Output File: ' + outputfile)
    print('Output Format: ' + outfmt)
    for line in datalist:
        outfile.write(str(line) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def localSensitivity(modelfile, multiple=100, prefix='', 
                     mtype='ASM', solver='RK4', timestep=1, 
                     endtime=21600, cleanup=True, 
                     outfmt='reduced', sampling=100,
    Function to perform local sensitivity analysis using OFAT/OAT 
    (one factor at a time) method where the last data time (end 
    time) simulation results are recorded into results file.


        python astools.py LSA --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec --prefix=sen01 --mtype=ASM --multiple=100 --solver=RK4 --timestep=1 --endtime=21600 --cleanup=True --outfmt=reduced --resultfile=sensitivity_analysis.csv

    @param modelfile String: Name of model specification file in 
    models folder. This assumes that the model file is not in models 
    @param multiple Integer: Multiples to change each variable value. 
    Default = 100 (which will multiple the original parameter value 
    by 100).
    @param prefix String: A prefixing string for the set of new model 
    specification for identification purposes. Default = ''.
    @param mtype String: Type of model specification file. Allowable 
    types are 'ASM' (AdvanceSyn Model Specification). Default = 'ASM'.
    @param solver String: Type of solver to use. Allowable types 
    are 'Euler', 'Heun' (Runge-Kutta 2nd method or Trapezoidal), 
    'RK3' (third order Runge-Kutta), 'RK4' (fourth order 
    Runge-Kutta), 'RK38' (fourth order Runge-Kutta method, 3/8 rule), 
    'CK4' (fourth order Cash-Karp), 'CK5' (fifth order Cash-Karp), 
    'RKF4' (fourth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'RKF5' (fifth 
    order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'DP4' (fourth order Dormand-Prince), 
    and 'DP5' (fifth order Dormand-Prince). Default = 'RK4'. 
    @param timestep Float: Time step interval for simulation. 
    Default = 1.0.
    @param endtime Float: Time to end simulation - the simulation 
    will run from 0 to end time. Default = 21600.
    @param cleanup String: Flag to determine whether to remove all 
    generated temporary models and ODE code files. Default = True.
    @param outfmt String: Output format. Allowable types are 'reduced' 
    (only the final result will be saved into resultfile) and 'full' 
    (all data, depending on sampling, will be saved into resultfile).
    @param sampling Integer: Sampling frequency. If 100, means only 
    every 100th simulation result will be written out. The first 
    (start) and last (end) result will always be written out. 
    Default = 100.
    @param resultfile String: Relative or absolute file path to 
    write out sensitivity results. Default = 'sensitivity_analysis.csv'
    MSF = sensitivityGenerator(modelfile, multiple, prefix, mtype)
    outfmt = str(outfmt).lower()
    sampling = int(sampling)
    resultfile = os.path.abspath(resultfile)
    resultfile = open(resultfile, 'w')
    header = False
    msf_count = len(MSF)
    model_count = 0
    for param in MSF:
        model_count = model_count + 1
        # Generate ODE codes from model
        (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(MSF[param]['ASM'], 
                                    mtype, 'extended')
        print('Processing model %s of %s: %s' % \
            (model_count, msf_count, MSF[param]['ASM']))
        ODECode = ASModeller.generate_ODE(spec, modelobj, solver, 
                 timestep, endtime)
        odefile = re.sub('\.', '_', param)
        filepath = fileWriter(ODECode, 'models/temp', odefile + '.py')
        MSF[param]['ODE'] = filepath
        # Simulate ODE codes
        m = importlib.import_module('models.temp.'+ odefile)
        if header == False:
            labels = ['Parameter', 'Change'] + m.labels
            resultfile.write(','.join(labels) + '\n')
            header = True
        simData = []
        data_row_count = 0
        for data in m.model:
            if outfmt == "reduced":
                simData = [str(x) for x in data]
            elif outfmt == "full":
                if (data_row_count % sampling) == 0:
                    simData.append([str(x) for x in data])
                data_row_count = data_row_count + 1
        MSF[param]['Data'] = simData
        # Write out sensitivity results to resultfile
        if outfmt == "reduced":
            data = [param, MSF[param]['Change']] + MSF[param]['Data']
            data = [str(x) for x in data]
            resultfile.write(','.join(data) + '\n')
        elif outfmt == "full":
            for datarow in MSF[param]['Data']:
                data = [param, MSF[param]['Change']] + datarow
                data = [str(x) for x in data]
                resultfile.write(','.join(data) + '\n')
    if str(cleanup).upper() == 'TRUE':
        for param in MSF:
            ASMfile = MSF[param]['ASM']
            ODEfile = MSF[param]['ODE']
Ejemplo n.º 10
def sensitivityGenerator(modelfile, multiple=100, 
                         prefix='', mtype='ASM'):
    Function to generate a series of AdvanceSyn Model Specifications 
    from an existing model by multiplying a multiple to the variable 
    in preparation for sensitivity analyses.


        python astools.py senGen --modelfile=models/asm/glycolysis.modelspec --prefix=sen01 --mtype=ASM --multiple=100

    @param modelfile String: Name of model specification file in 
    models folder. This assumes that the model file is not in models 
    @param multiple Integer: Multiples to change each variable value. 
    Default = 100 (which will multiple the original parameter value 
    by 100).
    @param prefix String: A prefixing string for the set of new model 
    specification for identification purposes. Default = ''.
    @param mtype String: Type of model specification file. Allowable 
    types are 'ASM' (AdvanceSyn Model Specification). Default = 'ASM'.
    @return: Dictionary of file paths of generated models.
    gModelSpecFiles = {}
    # Step 1: Process baseline model
    # Step 1.1: Process original model file 
    (bspec, modelobj) = modelReader(modelfile, mtype, 'basic')
    spec = ASModeller.specobj_reader(bspec, 'extended')
    # Step 1.2: Process file path for original model
    if len(modelfile.split(os.sep)) == 1:
        filepath = modelfile.split('/')[-1]
        filepath = modelfile.split(os.sep)[-1]
    filepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0]
    if prefix == '':
        filepath = os.sep.join(['models', 'temp', 
            '%s.original.modelspec' % filepath])
        filepath = os.sep.join(['models', 'temp', 
            '%s.%s.original.modelspec' % (prefix, filepath)])
    # Step 1.3: Write out original model
    filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
    tModelFile = open(filepath, 'w')
    # Step 1.4: Update file listings
    gModelSpecFiles['original'] = \
        {'ASM': os.path.abspath(filepath),
         'Change': 'None'}
    # Step 2: Generate models for changed parameter value 
    for param in bspec['Variables']:
        # Step 2.1: Change parameter value 
        original_parameter = float(bspec['Variables'][param])
        new_parameter = str(original_parameter * multiple)
        bspec.set('Variables', param, new_parameter)
        # Step 2.2: Reprocess model to update model
        spec = ASModeller.specobj_reader(bspec, 'extended')
        # Step 2.3: Process file path for new model
        if len(modelfile.split(os.sep)) == 1:
            filepath = modelfile.split('/')[-1]
            filepath = modelfile.split(os.sep)[-1]
        filepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0]
        if prefix == '':
            filepath = os.sep.join(['models', 'temp', 
                '%s.%s.modelspec' % (filepath, param)])
            filepath = os.sep.join(['models', 'temp', 
                '%s.%s.%s.modelspec' % (prefix, filepath, param)])
        # Step 2.4: Write out as new model
        filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
        tModelFile = open(filepath, 'w')
        # Step 2.5: Update file listings
        gModelSpecFiles[param] = \
            {'ASM': os.path.abspath(filepath),
             'Change': '%s --> %s' % (str(original_parameter), 
        print('Modified %s: %s --> %s' % \
            (param, str(original_parameter), str(new_parameter)))
        print('  New ASM model in %s' % str(filepath))
        # Step 2.6: Change back to original parameter value
        bspec.set('Variables', param, str(original_parameter))
    return gModelSpecFiles
Ejemplo n.º 11
def localSensitivity(modelfile,
    Function to perform local sensitivity analysis using OFAT/OAT 
    (one factor at a time) method where the last data time (end 
    time) simulation results are recorded into results file.


        python astools.py LSA --modelfile=asm/glycolysis.modelspec --prefix=sen01 --mtype=ASM --multiple=100 --solver=RK4 --timestep=1 --endtime=21600 --cleanup=True --resultfile=sensitivity_analysis.csv

    @param modelfile String: Name of model specification file in 
    models folder.
    @param multiple Integer: Multiples to change each variable value. 
    Default = 100 (which will multiple the original parameter value 
    by 100).
    @param prefix String: A prefixing string for the set of new model 
    specification for identification purposes. Default = ''.
    @param mtype String: Type of model specification file. Allowable 
    types are 'ASM' (AdvanceSyn Model Specification). Default = 'ASM'.
    @param solver String: Type of solver to use. Allowable types 
    are 'Euler', 'Heun' (Runge-Kutta 2nd method or Trapezoidal), 
    'RK3' (third order Runge-Kutta), 'RK4' (fourth order 
    Runge-Kutta), 'RK38' (fourth order Runge-Kutta method, 3/8 rule), 
    'CK4' (fourth order Cash-Karp), 'CK5' (fifth order Cash-Karp), 
    'RKF4' (fourth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'RKF5' (fifth 
    order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg), 'DP4' (fourth order Dormand-Prince), 
    and 'DP5' (fifth order Dormand-Prince). Default = 'RK4'. 
    @param timestep Float: Time step interval for simulation. 
    Default = 1.0.
    @param endtime Float: Time to end simulation - the simulation 
    will run from 0 to end time. Default = 21600.
    @param cleanup String: Flag to determine whether to remove all 
    generated temporary models and ODE code files. Default = True.
    @param resultfile String: Relative or absolute file path to 
    write out sensitivity results. Default = 'sensitivity_analysis.csv'
    MSF = sensitivityGenerator(modelfile, multiple, prefix, mtype)
    for param in MSF:
        # Generate ODE codes from model
        (spec, modelobj) = modelReader(MSF[param]['ASM'], mtype, 'extended')
        print('Processing model: %s' % MSF[param]['ASM'])
        ODECode = ASModeller.generate_ODE(spec, modelobj, solver, timestep,
        odefile = re.sub('\.', '_', param)
        filepath = fileWriter(ODECode, 'models/temp', odefile + '.py')
        MSF[param]['ODE'] = filepath
        # Simulate ODE codes
        m = importlib.import_module('models.temp.' + odefile)
        labels = [param, 'Change'] + m.labels
        for data in m.model:
            simData = [str(x) for x in data]
        MSF[param]['Data'] = simData
    resultfile = os.path.abspath(resultfile)
    resultfile = open(resultfile, 'w')
    resultfile.write(','.join(labels) + '\n')
    for param in MSF:
        data = [param, MSF[param]['Change']] + MSF[param]['Data']
        data = [str(x) for x in data]
        resultfile.write(','.join(data) + '\n')
    if str(cleanup).upper() == 'TRUE':
        for param in MSF:
            ASMfile = MSF[param]['ASM']
            ODEfile = MSF[param]['ODE']