Ejemplo n.º 1
def CompareFITS(fitsFile1, fitsFile2, err):
Compare 2 fits files.

* fitsFile1 = path to first FITS file 
* fitsFile2 = path to second FITS file
    image1 = Image.newPFImage('image1', fitsFile1, 0, True, err, True)
    image2 = Image.newPFImage('image2', fitsFile2, 0, True, err, True)
    compList = Image.PCompare(image1, image2, err)
    return compList
Ejemplo n.º 2
def crop_pb(image, outimage, err, minlevel=0.15, scratch_dir='/tmp/'):
    #Crop the image at the 15% level of the primary beam
    wtim = Image.newPFImage("weight", scratch_dir + '/crop_pb.fits', 0, False,
    im = Image.newPFImage("orig", image, 0, False, err)
    im.Clone(wtim, err)
    ImageUtil.PPBImage(im, wtim, err, minGain=minlevel)
    #Crop using pyfits
    output = pyfits.open(image)
    wtim = pyfits.open(scratch_dir + '/crop_pb.fits')
        0, 0] = output[0].data[0, 0] * wtim[0].data[0, 0] / wtim[0].data[0, 0]
    output.writeto(outimage, clobber=True)
    os.remove(scratch_dir + '/crop_pb.fits')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pbcorr_multiplane(image_filename, output_image, err, scratch_dir='/tmp/'):

    nplanes = Extract(image_filename, scratch_dir + "/TEMP", err)
    basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_filename))[0]
    #Got number of planes, now split them out and primary beam correct them.
    imArr = []
    for plane in range(nplanes - 1):
            pbcorr_obit(scratch_dir + "/TEMP.plane%2.2d.fits" % (plane + 1),
                        scratch_dir + "/PBCORR.plane%2.2d.fits" % (plane + 1),
        #Delete the image
        os.remove(scratch_dir + "/TEMP.plane%2.2d.fits" % (plane + 1))
    output = Image.newPFImage("out",
                              scratch_dir + '/pbcor_' + basename + '.fits', 0,
                              False, err)
    import SpectrumFit
    sf = SpectrumFit.PCreate("Fitter", 2)
    #Form final image by fitting the spectrum in the pb corrected planes at each pixel.
    sf.ImArr(imArr, output, err)
    #Crop the image at the 15% level of the primary beam
    crop_pb(scratch_dir + '/pbcor_' + basename + '.fits',
    for plane in range(nplanes - 1):
        os.remove(scratch_dir + "/PBCORR.plane%2.2d.fits" % (plane + 1))
    os.remove(scratch_dir + '/pbcor_' + basename + '.fits')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def PNVSSFetch (RA, Dec, outfile, err, \
                Type = 'image/xfits', Equinox = '2000', \
                ObjName='unnamed', Size = '0.50 0.50', \
                Poltype = 'I', MAPROJ = 'SIN',
                rotate = 0.0, Cells=[15.,15.]):
    Postage Stamp server for the NRAO/VLA Sky Survey (1.4 GHz)

    Fetch a postage stamp (AKA cutout) FITS image, jpeg or contour from the NVSS
    If a FITS file, returns an ObitImage object pointing to the result,
    otherwise the output file name
    If something goes wrong with the request or download, the output file
    will likely contain an HTML file explaining the results.
    Throws exception on error
    * RA      = Right Ascension as 'hh mm ss.sss'
    * Dec     = Declination as 'sdd mm ss.ss'
    * outfile = Name of the output file, absolute path or relative to CWD
                None => use name from server
    * err     = Python Obit Error/message stack
    * Type    = Type = "type" of result;
                'image/jpeg' = jpeg image,
                'application/octet-stream' = fits file
                'application/postscript' = contour plot (postscript)
                'image/x-fits' = fits image
                (default = /image/jpeg)
    * Equinox = coordinate equinox ('2000' or '1950')
    * ObjName = object name - used for labeling only (optional)
    * Size    = field size (RA,dec) in deg. (default 0.50 0.50)
    * Poltype = total intensity 'I' or 'IQU' (default 'I')
    * MAPROJ  = Map projection type: 'SIN', 'TAN', 'ARC', 'NCP',
                'GLS', 'MER', 'AIT','STG'
    * rotate  = Rotation on sky in deg in sense of from North to East
    * Cells   = pixel spacing in aseconds (default 15. 15.)
    # Package parameters
    query_args = {
        'Type': Type,
        'Equinox': Equinox,
        'ObjName': ObjName,
        'RA': RA,
        'Dec': Dec,
        'Size': Size,
        'Poltype': Poltype,
        'MAPROJ': MAPROJ,
        'rotate': str(rotate),
        'Cells': str(Cells[0]) + ' ' + str(Cells[1])
    NVSSURL = "https://www.cv.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/postage.pl"
    # fetch
    PWebFetch(NVSSURL, query_args, outfile, err)
    # Get fits image if requested
    if (Type == 'image/x-fits') or (Type == 'application/octet-stream'):
        #print "Get FITS"
        outfits = Image.newPFImage(ObjName, outfile, 0, True, err)
                         "Problem with FITS image, see contents of outfile")
        return outfile
    return outfits
Ejemplo n.º 5
def imhead(ObitObj):
    List header

    * ObitObj    = Obit or ParselTongue data object
    if ObitObj.__class__ == AIPSData.AIPSImage:
        # AIPS Image
        tmp = Image.newPAImage("AIPS Image",ObitObj.name, ObitObj.klass, ObitObj.disk, \
                               ObitObj.seq, True, err)
        del tmp
    elif ObitObj.__class__ == FITSData.FITSImage:
        # FITS Image
        tmp = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image", ObitObj.filename, ObitObj.disk,
                               True, err)
        del tmp
    elif ObitObj.__class__ == AIPSData.AIPSUVData:
        # AIPS UVData
        tmp = UV.newPAImage("AIPS UVData",ObitObj.name, ObitObj.klass, ObitObj.disk, \
                               ObitObj.seq, True, err)
        del tmp
    elif ObitObj.__class__ == FITSData.FITSUVData:
        # FITS UVData
        tmp = UV.newPFImage("FITS UVData", ObitObj.filename, ObitObj.disk,
                            True, err)
        del tmp
        # Presume it's an Obit object
Ejemplo n.º 6
def window(image):
    Make a window object for an image
    Returns OWindow object

    * image  = Obit image object
    if Image.IsA(image):
        # Obit/Image
        naxis = image.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][0:2]
    elif image.__class__ == AIPSData.AIPSImage:
        # AIPS Image
        tmp = Image.newPAImage("AIPS Image",image.name, image.klass, image.disk, \
                               image.seq, True, err)
        naxis = tmp.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][0:2]
        del tmp
    elif image.__class__ == FITSData.FITSImage:
        # FITS Image
        tmp = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image", image.filename, image.disk, True,
        naxis = tmp.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][0:2]
        del tmp
    return OWindow.PCreate1("Window", naxis, err)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def imhead (ObitObj):
    """ List header

    ObitObj    = Obit or ParselTongue data object
    if ObitObj.__class__==AIPSData.AIPSImage:
        # AIPS Image
        tmp = Image.newPAImage("AIPS Image",ObitObj.name, ObitObj.klass, ObitObj.disk, \
                               ObitObj.seq, True, err)
        del tmp
    elif ObitObj.__class__==FITSData.FITSImage:
        # FITS Image
        tmp = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image",ObitObj.filename, ObitObj.disk, True, err)
        del tmp
    elif ObitObj.__class__==AIPSData.AIPSUVData:
        # AIPS UVData
        tmp = UV.newPAImage("AIPS UVData",ObitObj.name, ObitObj.klass, ObitObj.disk, \
                               ObitObj.seq, True, err)
        del tmp
    elif ObitObj.__class__==FITSData.FITSUVData:
        # FITS UVData
        tmp = UV.newPFImage("FITS UVData",ObitObj.filename, ObitObj.disk, True, err)
        del tmp
        # Presume it's an Obit object
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ImageSpectrum(path, pixel, err, chOff=-9999, bchan=1, echan=0):
    """ Obtain a spectrum from a given pixel in an FITS image

    returns a dictionary with entries
       ch   = channel numbers
       vel  = velocity (km/s) coordinate (first col)
       freq = frequency (Hz)
       flux = spectral values
    path = FITS file path, assume FITS disk 0
    pixel = array of integers giving 1-rel pixel
    chOff = offset to add to channel number in computing Vel
            if not given is determined from image header
    bchan = first 1-rel plane number
    echan = highest plane number 0->all
    inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", path, 0, True, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making image")
    imDict = inImage.Desc.Dict
    #print imDict
    nplane = imDict["inaxes"][2]
    blc = [pixel[0], pixel[1], 1]
    trc = [pixel[0], imDict["inaxes"][1], 1]
    nchan = echan
    if echan <= 0:
        echan = imDict["inaxes"][2]
    inImage.Open(1, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making image")
    if chOff < -9000:
        d = inImage.Desc.Dict
        chOff = 1 - d["crpix"][d["jlocf"]]

    # Loop over planes
    ch = []
    vel = []
    freq = []
    flux = []
    for i in range(bchan, echan + 1):
        # Read plane
        blc[2] = i
        trc[2] = i
        data = inImage.ReadPlane(err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error reading plane")
        s = data.get(0, 0)

        # save
        v = 0.001 * (imDict['crval'][2] + imDict['cdelt'][2] *
                     (i + chOff - imDict['crpix'][2]))
        #print "debug", i, s, v

    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error closinging image")
    return {'ch': ch, 'vel': vel, 'freq': freq, 'flux': flux}
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def writefits(self, disk, output, tables_to_copy=['AIPS CC', 'AIPS SN']):
        """ Write the image to a FITS file """

        err_msg = "Unable to write image to %s" % output

        outImage = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image DATA", output, disk, False,
        Image.PCopy(self._img, outImage, self._err)
        Image.PCopyTables(self._img, outImage, ['AIPS HI'], tables_to_copy,
        handle_obit_err(err_msg, self._err)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _init(self, desc, verbose=True):
     # Open with full path in disk 0
     disk = 0
     path = desc['dirname']+"/"+desc['filename']
     image = Image.newPFImage(desc['filename'], path, disk, 
                              True, self.err,
                              verbose = verbose)
     if not image.isOK:  # Exception if something went wrong
         raise OErr.OErr
     OErr.printErrMsg(self.err, "Error with FITSImage")
     return image
Ejemplo n.º 11
def AppendVLTable(infile, outfile=outfile, err=err):
    """ Copy VL table ver 1 from infile to outfile

    infile   = name of input FITS image file with VL table
    outfile  = name of output FITS image file with extant VL table
    err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    # Get images
    inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", infile, indisk, 1, err)
    outImage = Image.newPFImage("Output image", outfile, outdisk, 1, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating image objects")
    # obtain "AIPS VL" tables from each
    inTable = Image.PImageNewImageTable(inImage, 1, "AIPS VL", 1, err)
    outTable = Image.PImageNewImageTable(outImage, 3, "AIPS VL", 1, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error extracting AIPS VL table objects")
    # Concatenate
    Table.PConcat(inTable, outTable, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error concatenatinfg tables")
    print "Appended", infile, "to", outfile
Ejemplo n.º 12
def SumCCSpectrum(path, err, chOff=-9999):
    """ Obtain a spectrum from the CC tables in an FITS image

    Sum all the clean components in each table (one per channel)
    returns a dictionary with entries
       ch   = channel numbers
       vel  = velocity (km/s) coordinate (first col)
       flux = spectral values
    path  = FITS file path, assume FITS disk 0
    chOff = offset to add to channel number in computing Vel
            if not given is determined from image header
    inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", path, 0, True, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making image")
    imDict = inImage.Desc.Dict
    ntable = inImage.GetHighVer("AIPS CC")
    inImage.Open(Image.READONLY, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making image")
    if chOff < -9000:
        d = inImage.Desc.Dict
        chOff = 1 - d["crpix"][d["jlocf"]]

    # Loop over tables
    ch = []
    vel = []
    flux = []
    for i in range(1, ntable + 1):
        # Make Table
        inTable = inImage.NewTable(Table.READONLY, "AIPS CC", i, err)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Eror making table")
        inTable.Open(Table.READONLY, err)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with table")
        nrow = inTable.Desc.Dict["nrow"]
        sum = 0.0
        for irow in range(1, nrow + 1):
            row = inTable.ReadRow(irow, err)
            OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with table")
            sum = sum + row['FLUX'][0]
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with table")
        #print "debug", i, nrow, sum
        # save
        v = 0.001 * (imDict['crval'][2] + imDict['cdelt'][2] *
                     (i + chOff - imDict['crpix'][2]))

    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error closinging image")
    return {'ch': ch, 'vel': vel, 'flux': flux}
Ejemplo n.º 13
def SumImageSpectrum(path, err, chOff=-9999):
    """ Obtain a spectrum from integral of image planes in an FITS image

    Sum all pixel values and divides by the beam area
    returns a dictionary with entries
       ch   = channel numbers
       vel  = velocity (km/s) coordinate (first col)
       flux = spectral values
    path = FITS file path, assume FITS disk 0
    chOff = offset to add to channel number in computing Vel
            if not given is determined from image header
    inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", path, 0, True, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making image")
    imDict = inImage.Desc.Dict
    nplane = imDict["inaxes"][2]
    blc = [1, 1, 1]
    trc = [imDict["inaxes"][0], imDict["inaxes"][1], 1]
    beamMaj = imDict["beamMaj"] / abs(imDict["cdelt"][0])
    beamMin = imDict["beamMin"] / abs(imDict["cdelt"][1])
    barea = 1.1331 * beamMaj * beamMin
    inImage.Open(1, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making image")
    if chOff < -9000:
        d = inImage.Desc.Dict
        chOff = 1 - d["crpix"][d["jlocf"]]

    # Loop over planes
    ch = []
    vel = []
    flux = []
    for i in range(1, nplane + 1):
        # Read plane
        blc[2] = i
        trc[2] = i
        data = inImage.ReadPlane(err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error reading plane")
        s = data.Sum

        #print "debug", i, s/barea
        # save
        v = 0.001 * (imDict['crval'][2] + imDict['cdelt'][2] *
                     (i + chOff - imDict['crpix'][2]))
        flux.append(s / barea)

    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error closinging image")
    return {'ch': ch, 'vel': vel, 'flux': flux}
Ejemplo n.º 14
def NVSSPtFlux(RA, Dec, equinox, err, stokes='I',dir="/home/ftp/nvss/MAPS"):
    """ Determine the NVSS Flux density

    Returns flux density, None on failure
    RA       = Right ascension as string ("HH MM SS.SS")
    Dec      = Declonation as string ("sDD MM SS.SS")
    equinox  = equinox of RA,Dec, 1950 or 2000
    err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    stokes   = Stokes desired, 'I', 'Q' or 'U'
    dir      = directory or url of directory
    # Checks
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError,"err MUST be an OErr"
    if err.isErr: # existing error?
        return None
    file = NVSSFindFile(RA, Dec, equinox, err, stokes=stokes)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    path = dir+"/"+file
    #print "Image ",path
    img = Image.newPFImage("Image", path, 0, True, err, verbose=False)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    interp = ImageInterp.PCreate("Interpolator", img, err)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    ra  = ImageDesc.PHMS2RA(RA, sep=' ')
    dec = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Dec, sep=' ')
    # Precess 1950 to 2000?
    if equinox==1950:
        (ra,dec) = SkyGeom.PBtoJ(ra,dec)
    # Plane
    plane = 1
    if stokes=='Q':
        plane = 2
    if stokes=='U':
        plane = 3
    # Interpolate
    value = interp.Value(ra, dec, err, plane=plane)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    return value;
Ejemplo n.º 15
def pbcorr_obit(image_filename,

    #Load the original image into Obit
    im = Image.newPFImage("in", image_filename, 0, True, err)
    #Construct an output Obit Image
    im_pbcorr = Image.newPFImage("wt", scratch_dir + '/crop_pb.fits', 0, False,
    im.Clone(im_pbcorr, err)
    #ImageUtil.PPBCorr(im, im, im_pbcorr, err, antSize=12.0, PBmin=0.1)
    ImageUtil.PPBImage(im, im_pbcorr, err, minGain=mingain, antSize=13.5)
    inimage = pyfits.open(image_filename)
    beam = pyfits.open(scratch_dir + '/crop_pb.fits')
    pbcorrdata = inimage[0].data / beam[0].data
    new_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=pbcorrdata, header=inimage[0].header)
    pyfits.HDUList([new_hdu]).writeto(output_image, clobber=True)
    im_pbcorr = Image.newPFImage("wt", output_image, 0, False, err)
    os.remove(scratch_dir + '/crop_pb.fits')
    return im_pbcorr
Ejemplo n.º 16
def getFITS(file, disk=Adisk, Ftype='Image'):
    """ Return Obit object for FITS file in file on disk

    file      = FITS file name
    disk      = FITS disk number
    Ftype     = FITS data type: 'Image', 'UV'
    if Ftype == 'Image':
        out = Image.newPFImage("FITS image", file, disk, True, err)
    elif Ftype == 'UV':
        out = UV.newPFUV("FITS UV data", file, disk, True, err)
    out.Fname  = file
    out.Disk   = disk 
    out.Otype  = Ftype
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getFITS(file, disk=Adisk, Ftype='Image'):
    Return Obit object for FITS file in file on disk

    * file      = FITS file name
    * disk      = FITS disk number
    * Ftype     = FITS data type: 'Image', 'UV'
    if Ftype == 'Image':
        out = Image.newPFImage("FITS image", file, disk, True, err)
    elif Ftype == 'UV':
        out = UV.newPFUV("FITS UV data", file, disk, True, err)
    out.Fname = file
    out.Disk = disk
    out.Otype = Ftype
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 18
def tvlod(image, window=None):
    """ display image

    image  = Obit Image, created with getname, getFITS
    window = Optional window for image to edit
    if Image.PIsA(image):
        # Obit/Image
        ODisplay.PImage(disp, image, err, window=window)
    elif image.__class__==AIPSData.AIPSImage:
        # AIPS Image
        tmp = Image.newPAImage("AIPS Image",image.name, image.klass, image.disk, \
                               image.seq, True, err)
        ODisplay.PImage(disp, tmp, err, window=window)
        del tmp
    elif image.__class__==FITSData.FITSImage:
        # FITS Image
        tmp = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image",image.filename, image.disk, True, err)
        ODisplay.PImage(disp, tmp, err, window=window)
        del tmp
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: PTObit.py Proyecto: mauch/Obit
def tvlod(image, window=None):
    display image

    * image  = Obit Image, created with getname, getFITS
    * window = Optional window for image to edit
    if Image.PIsA(image):
        # Obit/Image
        ODisplay.PImage(disp, image, err, window=window)
    elif image.__class__==AIPSData.AIPSImage:
        # AIPS Image
        tmp = Image.newPAImage("AIPS Image",image.name, image.klass, image.disk, \
                               image.seq, True, err)
        ODisplay.PImage(disp, tmp, err, window=window)
        del tmp
    elif image.__class__==FITSData.FITSImage:
        # FITS Image
        tmp = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image",image.filename, image.disk, True, err)
        ODisplay.PImage(disp, tmp, err, window=window)
        del tmp
Ejemplo n.º 20
def window (image):
    """ Make a window object for an image

    Returns OWindow object
    image  = Obit image object
    if Image.IsA(image):
        # Obit/Image
        naxis = image.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][0:2]
    elif image.__class__==AIPSData.AIPSImage:
        # AIPS Image
        tmp = Image.newPAImage("AIPS Image",image.name, image.klass, image.disk, \
                               image.seq, True, err)
        naxis = tmp.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][0:2]
        del tmp
    elif image.__class__==FITSData.FITSImage:
        # FITS Image
        tmp = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image",image.filename, image.disk, True, err)
        naxis = tmp.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][0:2]
        del tmp
    return OWindow.PCreate1("Window", naxis, err)
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: VLACal.py Proyecto: mauch/Obit
def VLAPolCal(uv, InsCals, RLCal, RLPhase, err, RM=0.0, \
              doCalib=2, gainUse=0, flagVer=-1, \
              soltype="APPR", fixPoln=False, avgIF=False, \
              solInt=0.0, refAnt=0, \
              pmodel=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], \
              FOV=0.05, niter = 100, \
              nThreads=1, noScrat=[], logfile = ""):
    """ Polarization calibration, both instrumental and orientation

    Do Instrumental and R-L calibration
    Instrumental cal uses PCAL, R-L cal is done by imaging each IF in Q and U
    and summing the CLEAN components.
    uv       = UV data object to calibrate
    InsCals  = Instrumental poln calibrators, name or list of names
               If None no instrumental cal
    RLCal    = R-L (polarization angle) calibrator,
               If None no R-L cal
    RLPhase  = R-L phase of RLCal (deg) at 1 GHz
    err      = Obit error/message stack
    RM       = Rotation measure of RLCal
    doCalib  = Apply prior calibration table, positive=>calibrate
    gainUse  = CL/SN table to apply
    flagVer  = Input Flagging table version
    soltype  = solution type
    fixPoln  = if True, don't solve for source polarization in ins. cal
    avgIF    = if True, average IFs in ins. cal.
    solInt   = instrumental solution interval (min), 0=> scan average
    refAnt   = Reference antenna
    pmodel   = Instrumental poln cal source poln model.
               pmodel[0] = I flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[1] = Q flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[2] = U flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[3] = V flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[4] = X offset in sky (arcsec)
               pmodel[5] = Y offset in sky (arcsec)
    FOV      = field of view radius (deg) needed to image RLCal
    niter    = Number  of iterations of CLEAN in R-L cal
    nThreads = Number of threads to use in imaging
    noScrat  = list of disks to avoid for scratch files
    logfile  = Log file for task
    # Instrumental calibrtation
    if InsCals != None:
        pcal = AIPSTask.AIPSTask("pcal")
        pcal.logFile = logfile
        setname(uv, pcal)
        if type(InsCals) == list:
            pcal.calsour[1:] = InsCals
            pcal.calsour[1:] = [InsCals]
        pcal.docalib = doCalib
        pcal.gainuse = gainUse
        pcal.flagver = flagVer
        pcal.soltype = soltype
        pcal.solint = solInt
        pcal.refant = refAnt
        if fixPoln:
            pcal.bparm[10] = 1.0
        if avgIF:
            pcal.cparm[1] = 1.0
        pcal.pmodel[1:] = pmodel
        # end instrumental poln cal

    # R-L phase cal
    if RLCal != None:
        img = ObitTask.ObitTask("Imager")
        img.logFile = logfile
        setname(uv, img)
        img.doCalib = doCalib
        img.gainUse = gainUse
        img.flagVer = flagVer
        img.doPol = True
        img.Sources[0] = RLCal
        img.Stokes = "IQU"
        img.FOV = FOV
        img.Niter = niter
        img.autoWindow = True
        img.dispURL = "None"
        img.Catalog = "None"
        img.nThreads = nThreads
        img.noScrat = noScrat
        # Temporary output files
        if img.DataType == "AIPS":
            img.outName = "TEMP"
            img.outClass = "IPOLCL"
            img.outDisk = img.inDisk
            img.outSeq = 6666
            img.out2Name = "TEMP"
            img.out2Class = "IPOLCL"
            img.out2Disk = img.inDisk
            img.out2Seq = 7777
        elif img.DataType == "FITS":
            img.outFile = "TEMPPOLCAL.fits"
            img.outDisk = img.inDisk
            img.out2File = "TEMPPOLCAL2.uvtab"
            img.out2Disk = img.inDisk
    # How many IFs?
        h = uv.Desc.Dict
        if h["jlocif"] >= 0:
            nif = h["inaxes"][h["jlocif"]]
            nif = 1

        # Lists of flux densities and RMSes
        IFlux = []
        IRMS = []
        QFlux = []
        QRMS = []
        UFlux = []
        URMS = []

        # Loop over IF imaging I,Q, U
        for iif in range(1, nif + 1):
            img.BIF = iif
            img.EIF = iif
            #img.dispURL    = "ObitView"  # DEBUG
            #img.debug=True               # DEBUG

            # Get fluxes from inner quarter of images
            if img.DataType == "AIPS":
                outName = (img.Sources[0].strip() + "TEMP")[0:12]
                outDisk = img.outDisk
                outSeq = 6666
                # Stokes I
                outClass = "IPOLCL"
                x = Image.newPAImage("I", outName, outClass, outDisk, outSeq,
                                     True, err)
                h = x.Desc.Dict
                blc = [h["inaxes"][0] / 4, h["inaxes"][1] / 4]
                trc = [3 * h["inaxes"][0] / 4, 3 * h["inaxes"][1] / 4]
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes Q
                outClass = "QPOLCL"
                x = Image.newPAImage("Q", outName, outClass, outDisk, outSeq,
                                     True, err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes U
                outClass = "UPOLCL"
                x = Image.newPAImage("U", outName, outClass, outDisk, outSeq,
                                     True, err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Delete UV output
                out2Name = (img.Sources[0].strip() + "TEMP")[0:12]
                out2Class = "IPOLCL"
                out2Disk = img.inDisk
                out2Seq = 7777
                u = UV.newPAUV("UV", out2Name, out2Class, out2Disk, out2Seq,
                               True, err)
                del u
            elif img.DataType == "FITS":
                # Stokes I
                outFile = img.Sources[0].strip() + "ITEMPPOLCAL.fits"
                x = Image.newPFImage("I", outFile, img.outDisk, True, err)
                h = x.Desc.Dict
                blc = [h["inaxes"][0] / 4, h["inaxes"][1] / 4]
                trc = [3 * h["inaxes"][0] / 4, 3 * h["inaxes"][1] / 4]
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes Q
                outFile = img.Sources[0].strip() + "ITEMPPOLCAL.fits"
                x = Image.newPFImage("Q", outFile, img.outDisk, True, err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes U
                outFile = img.Sources[0].strip() + "ITEMPPOLCAL.fits"
                x = Image.newPFImage("Q", outFile, img.outDisk, True, err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc, trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                out2File = img.Sources[0].strip() + "TEMPPOLCAL2.uvtab"
                u = UV.newPFUV("UV", outFile, img.outDisk, True, err)
                del u
        # End accumulate statistics by file type
        # End loop over IF

        # Give results, compute R-L correction
        RLCor = []
        import math
        mess = " IF     IFlux    IRMS    QFlux   QRMS    UFlux  URMS  R-L Corr"
        printMess(mess, logfile)
        for i in range(0, len(IFlux)):
            # REALLY NEED RM Correction!!!!!
            cor = RLPhase - 57.296 * math.atan2(UFlux[i], QFlux[i])
            mess = "%3d  %8.3f %8.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f "%\
                (i+1, IFlux[i], IRMS[i], QFlux[i], QRMS[i], UFlux[i], URMS[i], cor)
            printMess(mess, logfile)
        # Copy highest CL table
        hiCL = uv.GetHighVer("AIPS CL")

        # Apply R-L phase corrections
        clcor = AIPSTask.AIPSTask("clcor")
        clcor.logFile = logfile
        setname(uv, clcor)
        clcor.opcode = "POLR"
        clcor.gainver = hiCL
        clcor.gainuse = hiCL + 1
        clcor.clcorprm[1:] = RLCor
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: VLACal.py Proyecto: mauch/Obit
def VLAImFITS(inImage, filename, outDisk, err, fract=None, quant=None, \
          exclude=["AIPS HI","AIPS PL","AIPS SL"], include=["AIPS CC"],
    """ Write AIPS image as FITS

    Write a Image data set as a FITAB format file
    History also copied
    inImage    = Image data to copy
    filename   = name of FITS file
    outDisk     = FITS directory number
    err        = Python Obit Error/message stack
    fract      = Fraction of RMS to quantize
    quant      = quantization level in image units, has precedence over fract
                 None or <= 0 => use fract.
    exclude    = List of table types NOT to copy
                 NB: "AIPS HI" isn't really a table and gets copied anyway
    include    = List of table types to copy
    headHi     = if True move history to header, else leave in History table
    # Checks
    if not Image.PIsA(inImage):
        raise TypeError, "inImage MUST be a Python Obit Image"
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError, "err MUST be an OErr"
    # Set output
    outImage = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image DATA", filename, outDisk, False,
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating FITS data")
    # Check for valid pixels
    if inImage.Desc.Dict["maxval"] <= inImage.Desc.Dict["minval"]:
        fract = None
        quant = None
    # Copy
    if fract or quant:
        Image.PCopy(inImage, outImage, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error copying Image data to FITS")
    # Copy History
    inHistory = History.History("inhistory", inImage.List, err)
    outHistory = History.History("outhistory", outImage.List, err)
    History.PCopy(inHistory, outHistory, err)
    # Add this programs history
    outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit imtab", err)
    if fract:
                            "imtab   / Quantized at " + str(fract) + " RMS",
        -1, "imtab   / FITS file " + filename + ", disk " + str(outDisk), err)
    # History in header?
    if headHi:
        # Copy back to header
        inHistory = History.History("inhistory", outImage.List, err)
        History.PCopy2Header(inHistory, outHistory, err)
        # zap table
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with history")
    # Copy Tables
    Image.PCopyTables(inImage, outImage, exclude, include, err)
Ejemplo n.º 23
list = InfoList.InfoList()
dim = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
InfoList.PPutLong(list, "longItem", dim, [321], err)
x = InfoList.PGet(list, "longItem")

x = FArray.FArray("MyFArray", [30, 50])
FArray.PSetVal(x, [25, 25], 3.1415926)
pos = [-1, -1]
result = FArray.PMax(x, pos)
print "FArray max is", result, "should be 3.1415926"
result = FArray.PMin(x, pos)
print "FArray min is", result, "should be 0"

file = "testPcube.fits"
disk = 1
image = Image.newPFImage("myImage", file, disk, True, err)
Image.POpen(image, 1, err)
Image.PRead(image, err)
Image.PClose(image, err)
data = Image.PGetFArray(image)
pos = [-1, -1]
result = FArray.PMax(data, pos)
print "Max in", file, "is", result
result = FArray.PRMS(data)
print "RMS in", file, "is", result

del err
Ejemplo n.º 24
# Init Obit
err = OErr.OErr()
ObitSys = OSystem.OSystem("Image", 1, 100, 1, ["None"], 1, ["."], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Bomb if needed for debugging

# Get file names
outFile = sys.argv[1]
inFile = sys.argv[2:]
inDisk = 1
outDisk = 1

# Convert files into Images
inImage = [Image.newPFImage(inFile[0], inFile[0], inDisk, True, err)]
for x in inFile[1:]:
    inImage.append(Image.newPFImage("Input image", x, inDisk, True, err))
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")

# output image
outImage = Image.newPFImage(outFile, outFile, outDisk, False, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing output image")

# Add number of planes
id = inImage[0].Desc
od = outImage.Desc
ImageDesc.PCopyDesc(id, od, err)
dict = od.Dict
inaxes = id.Dict["inaxes"]
inaxes[2] = len(inImage)
Ejemplo n.º 25
#print sys.argv

# Get Filenames (FITS)
inDisk = 1
outDisk = 1
inFile = sys.argv[1]
outFile = sys.argv[2]
# Fraction of RMS if given
if (len(sys.argv) >= 4):
    fract = float(sys.argv[3])
    fract = 0.25

# Set data
inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", inFile, inDisk, True, err)
outImage = Image.newPFImage("Output image", outFile, outDisk, False, err)
#Image.PClone(inImage, outImage, err)   # Same structure etc.
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Copy to quantized integer image with history
print "Write quantized output image"
Image.PCopyQuantizeFITS(inImage, outImage, err, fract=fract)

# Copy History
inHistory = History.History("inhistory", inImage.List, err)
outHistory = History.History("outhistory", outImage.List, err)
History.PCopyHeader(inHistory, outHistory, err)
# Add this programs history
outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit " + ObitSys.pgmName, err)
Ejemplo n.º 26
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("Feather", 1, 100, 1, ["../AIPSdata/"], 1, ["../testIt/"], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# For debugging

# Get file names
outFile = 'FeatherTestOut.fits'
inFile = ['FeatherTestIn1.fits','FeatherTestIn2.fits']
inDisk = 1
outDisk = 1
masterDisk = 1
masterFile  = 'FeatherTestMaster.fits'

# Convert files into Images
inImage   = [Image.newPFImage(inFile[0], inFile[0], inDisk, 1, err)]
for x in inFile[1:]:
    inImage.append(Image.newPFImage("Input image", x, inDisk, 1, err))
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")

# Create FFTs
FFTfor = FeatherUtil.PCreateFFT(inImage[0], 1)
FFTrev = FeatherUtil.PCreateFFT(inImage[0], 2)

# Create padded images for FFT size
print "Pad/interpolate Images to same grid"
padImage = []
i = 0;
# First image sets the grid for the following
print "Pad Loop",i,inFile[i]
name = "Pad"+inFile[i]
Ejemplo n.º 27
def UpdateOTF (OTFTask, Rcvr, outFile, outDisk, DataRoot, err, \
               scanList=None, offTime=None, avgTime=None, config=None, \
               scanNo=None, doBS=None, dataNorm=None):
    """ Update OTF and return object

    return Python OTF object
    Update an OTF object with scans not yet in the file.
    Read DataRoot/scanLog.fits and determine which scans are available and
    are not already in the output OTF.
    These scans are appended and the output OTF returned.
    Does some data validity checks.

    OTFTask  = Name of Obit task to read GBT archive and write to OTF format
               DCR = "DCROTF"
               PAR = "PAROTF" (Mustang)
               CCB = "CCBOTF"
               VEGAS = "VEGASOTF"
    Rcvr     = directory name with data for receiver.
               DCR = "DCR"
               PAR = "Rcvr_PAR" (Mustang)
               CCB = "CCB26_40"
               VEGAS = GBT VEGAS spectrometer
    outFile  = Name of output OTF FITS file
    outDisk  = disk number for outFile, 0=> current working directory
    DataRoot = Root of GBT archive for current project
               If None, don't attempt
    err      = Python Obit Error/message stack

    Optional, backend specific values
    scanList = All, list of scan numbers, None=>all
    offTime  = PAR, CCB, VEGAS Offset in sec to be added to time
    avgTime  = PAR Data averaging time in seconds
    config   = PAR  path of configuration file
    scanNo   = PAR, CCB, VEGAS, replace GBT scan number with this value
    doBS     = CCB, output beamswitched data
    dataNorm = CCB normalization factors for beamswitched data
    # Checks
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError, "err MUST be an OErr"

    # Anything to do?
    if not DataRoot:
        outOTF = OTF.newPOTF("output", outFile, outDisk, True, err, nrec=1000)
        return outOTF

    # Scan list
    if scanList:
        sList = scanList
        sList = range(1, 1000000)

    # How much data is already there?
    maxscan = 0  # max scan number found so far
    outOTF = None
    if FITSDir.PExist(outFile, outDisk, err):
        outOTF = OTF.newPOTF("output", outFile, outDisk, True, err)
        indx = outOTF.NewTable(Table.READONLY, "OTFIndex", 1, err)
        indx.Open(Table.READONLY, err)
        norow = indx.Desc.Dict["nrow"]
        indxRow = indx.ReadRow(norow, err)
        maxscan = indxRow["SCAN_ID"][0]

    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Output OTF file")
    print "Highest previous scan is", maxscan

    # Task to read/append
    otf = ObitTask.ObitTask(OTFTask)
    otf.DataRoot = DataRoot
    otf.outOTF = outFile
    otf.outDisk = outDisk
    # Optional parameters
    if offTime:
        otf.offTime = offTime
    if avgTime:
        otf.avgTime = avgTime
    if config:
        otf.config = config
    if scanNo:
        otf.scanNo = scanNo
    if doBS:
        otf.doBS = doBS
    if dataNorm:
        otf.dataNorm = dataNorm

    img = Image.newPFImage("Scan log", DataRoot + "ScanLog.fits", 0, True, err)
    scanLog = img.NewTable(Table.READONLY, "ScanLog", 1, err)
    scanLog.Open(Table.READONLY, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with ScanLog")
    norow = scanLog.Desc.Dict["nrow"]
    scnstr = []  # list of scan numbers
    for irow in range(1, norow + 1):
        scan = scanLog.ReadRow(irow, err)
        scanno = scan["SCAN"][0]
        if (scanno > maxscan) and (scanno in sList):
            # Take this one
            maxscan = scanno
            datetime = scan["DATE-OBS"][0]
            # Table ScanLog, multiple entries per scan, need to translate
            # timestring to scan, "-" => "_", "T" => "_"
            scanstr = datetime.replace("-", "_").replace("T", "_").rstrip()
            # Make sure there is actual data
            test = DataRoot + Rcvr + "/" + scanstr + ".fits"
            OK = FITSDir.PExist(test, 0, err) or FITSDir.PExist(
                test + ".gz", 0, err)
            test = DataRoot + "GO/" + scanstr + ".fits"
            OK = OK and FITSDir.PExist(test, 0, err) or FITSDir.PExist(
                test + ".gz", 0, err)
            test = DataRoot + "Antenna/" + scanstr + ".fits"
            #print "antenna",test
            OK = OK and FITSDir.PExist(test, 0, err) or FITSDir.PExist(
                test + ".gz", 0, err)
            #print "DEBUG scan",scanstr, Rcvr, OK
            if OK:
                # Run selected translator to append this scan
                otf.Scan = scanstr
                    otf.debug = True  # DEBUG
                    print "failed on scan", scanstr

    # Now have list of scans>maxscan in scnstr
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with ScanLog")

    print "Added Scans", scnstr

    # Output if just created
    if not outOTF:
        outOTF = OTF.newPOTF("output", outFile, outDisk, True, err)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Output OTF file")
    return outOTF
Ejemplo n.º 28
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# For debugging
#print sys.argv

# Get file names
tmplFile = "C0000P00.gz"      # Template
tmpFile1 = "testSum1.fits"    # work accumulation
tmpFile2 = "testSum2.fits"    # work accumulation
outFile  = "Comb0000P00.fits" # output
inDisk   = 1
outDisk  = 1

# Convert files into Images
tmplImage  = Image.newPFImage("Template image", tmplFile, inDisk,  True, err)
SumWtImage = Image.newPFImage("Accum image 1", tmpFile1, outDisk, False, err)
SumWt2     = Image.newPFImage("Accum image 2", tmpFile2, outDisk, False, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")

# Do it
MosaicUtil.PMakeMaster(tmplImage, [1000,1000], SumWtImage, SumWt2, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")
print "Made accumulation images "

print "Made master images ",tmpFile1,tmpFile2

del tmplImage # cleanup

# Weight them together
Ejemplo n.º 29
#print sys.argv

# Get Filenames (FITS)
inDisk   = 1
outDisk  = 1
inFile   = sys.argv[1]
outFile = sys.argv[2]
# Fraction of RMS if given
if (len(sys.argv)>=4):
    fract  = float(sys.argv[3])
    fract = 0.25

# Set data
inImage   = Image.newPFImage("Input image",    inFile,   inDisk, True, err)
outImage  = Image.newPFImage("Output image",   outFile,  outDisk,  False, err)
#Image.PClone(inImage, outImage, err)   # Same structure etc.
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Copy to quantized integer image with history
print "Write quantized output image"
Image.PCopyQuantizeFITS (inImage, outImage, err, fract=fract)

# Copy History
inHistory  = History.History("inhistory",  inImage.List, err)
outHistory = History.History("outhistory", outImage.List, err)
History.PCopyHeader(inHistory, outHistory, err)
# Add this programs history
outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit "+ObitSys.pgmName,err)
Ejemplo n.º 30
list = InfoList.InfoList();
dim = [1,0,0,0,0]
InfoList.PPutLong (list, "longItem", dim, [321], err)
x=InfoList.PGet (list, "longItem")

result = FArray.PMax(x,pos)
print "FArray max is",result, "should be 3.1415926"
result = FArray.PMin(x,pos)
print "FArray min is",result, "should be 0"

file = "testPcube.fits"
disk = 1
image = Image.newPFImage("myImage", file, disk, True, err);
data = Image.PGetFArray(image);
result = FArray.PMax(data,pos)
print "Max in",file,"is",result
result = FArray.PRMS(data)
print "RMS in",file,"is",result

del err
Ejemplo n.º 31
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# For debugging
#print sys.argv

# Get Filenames (FITS)
inDisk = 1
tmplDisk = 1
outDisk = 1
scale = float(sys.argv[1])
inFile = sys.argv[2]
outFile = sys.argv[3]

# Set data
inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", inFile, inDisk, 1, err)
outImage = Image.newPFImage("Output image", outFile, outDisk, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Update header scale times bigger image with scale times smaller increment
inHead = inImage.Desc.Dict
inHead["cdelt"][0] /= scale
inHead["cdelt"][1] /= scale
inHead["crpix"][0] = (scale * (inHead["crpix"][0] - 1.0)) + 1.0
inHead["crpix"][1] = (scale * (inHead["crpix"][1] - 1.0)) + 1.0
inHead["inaxes"][0] = int(scale * (inHead["inaxes"][0]))
inHead["inaxes"][1] = int(scale * (inHead["inaxes"][1]))
outImage.Desc.Dict = inHead
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error setting output header")
Ejemplo n.º 32
# Files (FITS)
inDisk = 1
outDisk = 1
inFile  = 'UVSubTestIn.uvtab'
inModel = 'UVSubTestModIn.fits'
outFile = 'UVSubTestOut.uvtab'
masterDisk = 1
masterFile  = 'UVSubTestMaster.uvtab'

# Bombs away

# Set data
print "Set data"
inData  = UV.newPFUV("Input uv data", inFile, inDisk, True, err)
inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image",inModel, inDisk, True, err)
outData = UV.newPFUV("Output uv data", outFile, outDisk, False, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Make Mosaic
mosaic = ImageMosaic.newObit("Mosaic", 2, err)
#mosaic = ImageMosaic.newObit("Mosaic", 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making mosaic")
# Add image
ImageMosaic.PSetImage(mosaic, 0, inImage)
ImageMosaic.PSetImage(mosaic, 1, inImage)

# Make SkyModel model
model = SkyModel.PCreate("SkyModel", mosaic)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making SkyModel")
Ejemplo n.º 33
# test Contour plot
import Obit, OTObit, Image, ImageUtil, OSystem, OErr, OPlot, math
# Init Obit
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("Plot", 1, 100, 0, ["None"], 1, ["../testIt/"], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Contour plot
file = "AGNVLA.fits"
plotfile = "testCont.ps"
cntfac = 2.0**0.5
blc =[ 230,119]
trc = [285,178]
img = Image.newPFImage("in image",file, 1, True, err)

cont = OPlot.newOPlot("cont", err, output=plotfile+"/ps")
OPlot.PContour(cont, "Some AGN", img, lev, cntfac, err)
# Text
txt=[(265.0,155.0,"A"), \
     (258.0,155.0,"B"), \
     (251.0,152.0,"C"), \
     (247.0,149.0,"D"), \
     (241.0,146.0,"E"), \
OPlot.PSetCharSize(cont, 1 ,err)
for ss in txt:
    x=-(ss[0]-1.-250.9)*2.0/60.0; y=(ss[1]-1.-150.1)*2.0/60.0;
Ejemplo n.º 34
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# For debugging
#print sys.argv

# Get Filenames (FITS)
inDisk   = 1
tmplDisk = 1
outDisk  = 1
inFile   = sys.argv[1]
tmplFile = sys.argv[2]
outFile  = sys.argv[3]

# Set data
inImage   = Image.newPFImage("Input image",    inFile,   inDisk,   1, err)
tmplImage = Image.newPFImage("Template image", tmplFile, tmplDisk, 1, err)
outImage  = Image.newPFImage("Output image",   outFile,  outDisk,  0, err)
Image.PClone(tmplImage, outImage, err)   # Same structure etc.
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Interpolate
ImageUtil.PInterpolateImage(inImage, outImage, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error interpolating")

# copy history 
inHistory  = History.History("history", inImage.List, err)
outHistory = History.History("history", outImage.List, err)
History.PCopyHeader(inHistory, outHistory, err)
# Add this programs history
outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
Ejemplo n.º 35
import OErr, OSystem

adirs = []
fdirs = ['./']

# Init Obit
err = OErr.OErr()
user = 100
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("plotSpectrum", 1, user, len(adirs), adirs, \
                         len(fdirs), fdirs, True, False, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

fblank = FArray.fblank

# In image
icube = Image.newPFImage('In', inFile, fdisk, True, err)
# Image info
nterm = icube.Desc.List.Dict['NTERM'][2][0]
nspec = icube.Desc.List.Dict['NSPEC'][2][0]
freqs = []
for i in range(1, nspec + 1):
    key = 'FREQ%4.4d' % i
    freqs.append(1.0e-9 * icube.Desc.List.Dict[key][2][0])  # GHz

# end loop
# Interpolator
fi = FInterpolate.FInterpolate('FI', icube.FArray, icube.Desc, 2)
# Get pixel locations
pixels = []
vals = []
for s in srcpos:
Ejemplo n.º 36
    # end image to uv plane
    inIm.Desc.Dict = header

    #  end FFTHeaderUpdate
# Get file names
inFile = sys.argv[1]
outAFile = sys.argv[2]
outPFile = sys.argv[3]
inDisk   = 1
outADisk = 1
outPDisk = 1

# Convert files into Images
inImage  = Image.newPFImage(inFile, inFile, inDisk, True, err)
outAImage  = Image.newPFImage(outAFile, outAFile, outADisk, False, err)
outPImage  = Image.newPFImage(outPFile, outPFile, outPDisk, False, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")

# Size of FFT
inImage.Open(Image.READONLY, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error reading input")
inHead = inImage.Desc.Dict
FFTdim = [FFT.PSuggestSize(inHead["inaxes"][0]), FFT.PSuggestSize(inHead["inaxes"][1])]

# Create float arrays for FFT size
inFArray  = FArray.FArray("inF", naxis=FFTdim)
Ejemplo n.º 37
err = OErr.OErr()
ObitSys = OSystem.OSystem("TestSort", 1, 100, 1, ["../AIPSdata/"], 1,
                          ["../PythonData/"], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Files (FITS)
inDisk = 1
inFile = 'GaussTest.fits'
#outFile  = 'GaussTest.fits'
# AIPS test AIPS image user 100 C346R422    .POLI  .   2,, disk 8/142
#aname = "C346R422"
#aclass = "POLI"
#aseq = 2

# Set data
inImage = Image.newPFImage("Input image", inFile, inDisk, 1, err)
#outImage   = Image.newPAImage("Output image", aname, aclass, inDisk, aseq, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# For debugging

# Make Table
inTable = Image.PImageGetTable(inImage, 3, "AIPS VL", 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Eror making table")

Table.PSort(inTable, "DEC(2000)", 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error sorting")

# Say something
Ejemplo n.º 38
def VLAImFITS(inImage, filename, outDisk, err, fract=None, quant=None, \
          exclude=["AIPS HI","AIPS PL","AIPS SL"], include=["AIPS CC"],
    """ Write AIPS image as FITS

    Write a Image data set as a FITAB format file
    History also copied
    inImage    = Image data to copy
    filename   = name of FITS file
    outDisk     = FITS directory number
    err        = Python Obit Error/message stack
    fract      = Fraction of RMS to quantize
    quant      = quantization level in image units, has precedence over fract
                 None or <= 0 => use fract.
    exclude    = List of table types NOT to copy
                 NB: "AIPS HI" isn't really a table and gets copied anyway
    include    = List of table types to copy
    headHi     = if True move history to header, else leave in History table
    # Checks
    if not Image.PIsA(inImage):
        raise TypeError,"inImage MUST be a Python Obit Image"
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError,"err MUST be an OErr"
    # Set output
    outImage = Image.newPFImage("FITS Image DATA", filename, outDisk, False, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating FITS data")
    # Check for valid pixels
    if inImage.Desc.Dict["maxval"]<=inImage.Desc.Dict["minval"]:
        fract=None; quant=None
    # Copy
    if fract or quant:
        Image.PCopyQuantizeFITS (inImage, outImage, err, fract=fract, quant=quant)
        Image.PCopy (inImage, outImage, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error copying Image data to FITS")
    # Copy History
    inHistory  = History.History("inhistory",  inImage.List, err)
    outHistory = History.History("outhistory", outImage.List, err)
    History.PCopy(inHistory, outHistory, err)
    # Add this programs history
    outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit imtab",err)
    if fract:
        outHistory.WriteRec(-1,"imtab   / Quantized at "+str(fract)+" RMS",err)
    outHistory.WriteRec(-1,"imtab   / FITS file "+filename+", disk "+str(outDisk),err)
    # History in header?
    if headHi:
        # Copy back to header
        inHistory  = History.History("inhistory",  outImage.List, err)
        History.PCopy2Header (inHistory, outHistory, err)
        # zap table
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with history")
    # Copy Tables
    Image.PCopyTables (inImage, outImage, exclude, include, err)
Ejemplo n.º 39
# 4) 

# Set data
inOTF =OTF.newPOTF("Input data", inFile, inDisk, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating input data object")
inInfo = inOTF.List

################################## Set parameters #####################################
# Get position from OTF
pos =  GBTUtil.GetTargetPos(inOTF, target[0], err)
ra  = pos[0]                      # ra of center
dec = pos[1]                      # dec of center

# dirty beam
dirtyBeam  = Image.newPFImage("dirty beam", BeamFile,  inDisk,  True, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing dirty beam")

# Image display
disp = ODisplay.ODisplay("ObitView", "ObitView", err)

# Imaging parameters
OTF.ImageInput["InData"]  = inOTF
OTF.ImageInput["disk"]    = inDisk
OTF.ImageInput["OutName"] = dirtFile
OTF.ImageInput["Beam"]    = dirtyBeam
OTF.ImageInput["ra"]  = ra                   # Center RA
OTF.ImageInput["dec"] = dec                  # Center Dec
OTF.ImageInput["xCells"] = cells             # "X" cell spacing
OTF.ImageInput["yCells"] = cells             # "Y" cell spacing
OTF.ImageInput["nx"] = nx                    # number of cells in X
Ejemplo n.º 40
def VLAPolCal(uv, InsCals, RLCal, RLPhase, err, RM=0.0, \
              doCalib=2, gainUse=0, flagVer=-1, \
              soltype="APPR", fixPoln=False, avgIF=False, \
              solInt=0.0, refAnt=0, \
              pmodel=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], \
              FOV=0.05, niter = 100, \
              nThreads=1, noScrat=[], logfile = ""):
    """ Polarization calibration, both instrumental and orientation

    Do Instrumental and R-L calibration
    Instrumental cal uses PCAL, R-L cal is done by imaging each IF in Q and U
    and summing the CLEAN components.
    uv       = UV data object to calibrate
    InsCals  = Instrumental poln calibrators, name or list of names
               If None no instrumental cal
    RLCal    = R-L (polarization angle) calibrator,
               If None no R-L cal
    RLPhase  = R-L phase of RLCal (deg) at 1 GHz
    err      = Obit error/message stack
    RM       = Rotation measure of RLCal
    doCalib  = Apply prior calibration table, positive=>calibrate
    gainUse  = CL/SN table to apply
    flagVer  = Input Flagging table version
    soltype  = solution type
    fixPoln  = if True, don't solve for source polarization in ins. cal
    avgIF    = if True, average IFs in ins. cal.
    solInt   = instrumental solution interval (min), 0=> scan average
    refAnt   = Reference antenna
    pmodel   = Instrumental poln cal source poln model.
               pmodel[0] = I flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[1] = Q flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[2] = U flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[3] = V flux density (Jy)
               pmodel[4] = X offset in sky (arcsec)
               pmodel[5] = Y offset in sky (arcsec)
    FOV      = field of view radius (deg) needed to image RLCal
    niter    = Number  of iterations of CLEAN in R-L cal
    nThreads = Number of threads to use in imaging
    noScrat  = list of disks to avoid for scratch files
    logfile  = Log file for task
    # Instrumental calibrtation
    if InsCals!=None:
        pcal = AIPSTask.AIPSTask("pcal")
        pcal.logFile = logfile
        if type(InsCals)==list:
            pcal.calsour[1:] = InsCals
            pcal.calsour[1:] = [InsCals]
        pcal.docalib = doCalib
        pcal.gainuse = gainUse
        pcal.flagver = flagVer
        pcal.soltype = soltype
        pcal.solint  = solInt
        pcal.refant  = refAnt
        if fixPoln:
        if avgIF:
        pcal.pmodel[1:]  = pmodel
        # end instrumental poln cal

    # R-L phase cal
    if RLCal!=None:
        img = ObitTask.ObitTask("Imager")
        img.logFile    = logfile
        img.doCalib    = doCalib
        img.gainUse    = gainUse
        img.flagVer    = flagVer
        img.doPol      = True
        img.Sources[0] = RLCal
        img.Stokes     = "IQU"
        img.FOV        = FOV
        img.Niter      = niter
        img.autoWindow = True
        img.dispURL    = "None"
        img.Catalog    = "None"
        img.nThreads   = nThreads
        img.noScrat    = noScrat
        # Temporary output files
        if img.DataType=="AIPS":
            img.outName = "TEMP"
            img.outClass= "IPOLCL"
            img.outDisk = img.inDisk
            img.outSeq  = 6666
            img.out2Name = "TEMP"
            img.out2Class= "IPOLCL"
            img.out2Disk = img.inDisk
            img.out2Seq  = 7777
        elif img.DataType=="FITS":
            img.outFile  = "TEMPPOLCAL.fits"
            img.outDisk  = img.inDisk
            img.out2File = "TEMPPOLCAL2.uvtab"
            img.out2Disk = img.inDisk
       # How many IFs?
        h = uv.Desc.Dict
        if h["jlocif"]>=0:
            nif = h["inaxes"][h["jlocif"]]
            nif = 1

        # Lists of flux densities and RMSes
        IFlux = []
        IRMS  = []
        QFlux = []
        QRMS  = []
        UFlux = []
        URMS  = []
        # Loop over IF imaging I,Q, U
        for iif in range (1, nif+1):
            img.BIF = iif
            img.EIF = iif
            #img.dispURL    = "ObitView"  # DEBUG
            #img.debug=True               # DEBUG
            # Get fluxes from inner quarter of images
            if img.DataType=="AIPS":
                outName = (img.Sources[0].strip()+"TEMP")[0:12]
                outDisk = img.outDisk
                outSeq  = 6666
                # Stokes I
                x =  Image.newPAImage("I",outName, outClass, outDisk,outSeq,True,err)
                h = x.Desc.Dict
                blc = [h["inaxes"][0]/4,h["inaxes"][1]/4]
                trc = [3*h["inaxes"][0]/4,3*h["inaxes"][1]/4]
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc,trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes Q
                x =  Image.newPAImage("Q",outName, outClass, outDisk,outSeq,True,err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc,trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes U
                x =  Image.newPAImage("U",outName, outClass, outDisk,outSeq,True,err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc,trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Delete UV output
                out2Name = (img.Sources[0].strip()+"TEMP")[0:12]
                out2Disk = img.inDisk
                out2Seq  = 7777
                u =  UV.newPAUV("UV",out2Name,out2Class,out2Disk,out2Seq,True,err)
                del u
            elif img.DataType=="FITS":
                # Stokes I
                outFile  = img.Sources[0].strip()+"ITEMPPOLCAL.fits"
                x =  Image.newPFImage("I",outFile,img.outDisk,True,err)
                h = x.Desc.Dict
                blc = [h["inaxes"][0]/4,h["inaxes"][1]/4]
                trc = [3*h["inaxes"][0]/4,3*h["inaxes"][1]/4]
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc,trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes Q
                outFile  = img.Sources[0].strip()+"ITEMPPOLCAL.fits"
                x =  Image.newPFImage("Q",outFile,img.outDisk,True,err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc,trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                # Stokes U
                outFile  = img.Sources[0].strip()+"ITEMPPOLCAL.fits"
                x =  Image.newPFImage("Q",outFile,img.outDisk,True,err)
                stat = imstat(x, err, blc=blc,trc=trc)
                x.Zap(err)  # Cleanup
                del x
                out2File = img.Sources[0].strip()+"TEMPPOLCAL2.uvtab"
                u =  UV.newPFUV("UV",outFile,img.outDisk,True,err)
                del u
           # End accumulate statistics by file type
        # End loop over IF

        # Give results, compute R-L correction
        RLCor = []
        import math
        mess = " IF     IFlux    IRMS    QFlux   QRMS    UFlux  URMS  R-L Corr"
        printMess(mess, logfile)
        for i in range (0,len(IFlux)):
            # REALLY NEED RM Correction!!!!!
            cor = RLPhase - 57.296 * math.atan2(UFlux[i],QFlux[i])
            mess = "%3d  %8.3f %8.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f "%\
                (i+1, IFlux[i], IRMS[i], QFlux[i], QRMS[i], UFlux[i], URMS[i], cor)
            printMess(mess, logfile)
        # Copy highest CL table
        hiCL = uv.GetHighVer("AIPS CL")

        # Apply R-L phase corrections
        clcor = AIPSTask.AIPSTask("clcor")
        clcor.logFile  = logfile
        clcor.opcode   = "POLR"
        clcor.gainver  = hiCL
        clcor.gainuse  = hiCL+1
        clcor.clcorprm[1:] = RLCor
Ejemplo n.º 41
# Program to generate a dirty beam
import Image, ImageDesc, OSystem, OErr, FArray

# Init Obit
err = OErr.OErr()
ObitSys = OSystem.OSystem("MakeDBeam", 1, 103, 1, ["None"], 1, ["./FITSdata/"],
                          1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Files
disk = 1
outFile = "!PARDBeam1.5.fits"  # output image

# Create image object
outImage = Image.newPFImage("Output image", outFile, disk, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# define image
RA = 0.0
Dec = 0.0
nx = 51
ny = 51
xCells = 2.0 / 3600.0
yCells = 2.0 / 3600.0
beamsize = 8.0 / 3600.0  # beamsize in deg.

# Set image parameters in descriptor
imagDesc = outImage.Desc
imagDict = imagDesc.Dict
imagDict["ctype"][0] = "RA---SIN"
imagDict["ctype"][1] = "DEC--SIN"
Ejemplo n.º 42
import sys, Obit, Image, FArray, CArray, FFT, ImageUtil, OSystem, OErr, InfoList, History

# Init Obit
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("AvgImage", 1, 100, 1, ["None"], 1, ["./"], True, False, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Get file names
outFile = sys.argv[1]
inFile = sys.argv[2:]
inDisk = 1
outDisk = 1

# Convert files into Images
inImage   = [Image.newPFImage(inFile[0], inFile[0], inDisk, 1, err)]
for x in inFile[1:]:
    inImage.append(Image.newPFImage("Input image", x, inDisk, 1, err))
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")

# Read accumulate images
accumArray = None
countArray = None
for x in inImage:
    fa = x.FArray
    if not accumArray:
        accumArray = FArray.PCopy(fa,err)
        countArray = FArray.PClone(fa,err)   # Count of elements
        FArray.PFill(countArray, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 43
History.PCopyHeader(inHistory, outHistory, err)
# Add this programs history
outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit "+ObitSys.pgmName,err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" inFile = "+inFile,err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" FOV = "+str(FOV),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" Stokes = "+Stokes,err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" TimeRange = "+str(TimeRange),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" UVRange = "+str(UVRange),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" Robust = "+str(Robust),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" UVTaper = "+str(UVTaper),err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with history")

# output image
outImage  = Image.newPFImage("Output image", outFile,  outDisk,  False, err)
Image.PClone(tmpImage, outImage, err)   # Same structure etc.

# Copy to quantized integer image with history
print "Write output image"
inHistory  = History.History("history", tmpImage.List, err)
Image.PCopyQuantizeFITS (tmpImage, outImage, err, inHistory=inHistory)

# Compare with master lie [rms diff, max abs diff, max. master]
masterImage  = Image.newPFImage("Master image",   masterFile,  masterDisk,  True, err)
diff = Image.PCompare(outImage, masterImage, err);
print "Comparison, rel. max. residual",diff[1]/diff[0], " rel RMS residual",diff[2]/diff[0]

# Say something
print "CLEAN: Dirty Image ",inFile,"Clean",outFile
Ejemplo n.º 44
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("Feather", 1, 100, 1, ["../AIPSdata/"], 1, ["../PythonData/"], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# For debugging
#print sys.argv

# Get file names
outFile = sys.argv[1]
inFile = sys.argv[2:]
inDisk = 1
outDisk = 1

# Convert files into Images
inImage   = [Image.newPFImage(inFile[0], inFile[0], inDisk, 1, err)]
for x in inFile[1:]:
    inImage.append(Image.newPFImage("Input image", x, inDisk, 1, err))
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing images")

# Create FFTs
FFTfor = FeatherUtil.PCreateFFT(inImage[0], 1)
FFTrev = FeatherUtil.PCreateFFT(inImage[0], 2)

# Create padded images for FFT size
print "********** Pad/interpolate Images to same grid *******"
padImage = []
i = 0;
# First image sets the grid for the following
print "Pad Loop",i,inFile[i]
name = "Pad"+inFile[i]
Ejemplo n.º 45
History.PCopyHeader(inHistory, outHistory, err)
# Add this programs history
outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit "+ObitSys.pgmName,err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" inFile = "+inFile,err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" FOV = "+str(FOV),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" Stokes = "+Stokes,err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" TimeRange = "+str(TimeRange),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" UVRange = "+str(UVRange),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" Robust = "+str(Robust),err)
outHistory.WriteRec(-1,ObitSys.pgmName+" UVTaper = "+str(UVTaper),err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with history")

# output image
outImage  = Image.newPFImage("Output image", outFile,  outDisk,  False, err)
Image.PClone(tmpImage, outImage, err)   # Same structure etc.

# Copy to quantized integer image with history
print "Write output image"
inHistory  = History.History("history", tmpImage.List, err)
Image.PCopyQuantizeFITS (tmpImage, outImage, err, inHistory=inHistory)

# Compare with master lie [rms diff, max abs diff, max. master]
masterImage  = Image.newPFImage("Master image",   masterFile,  masterDisk,  True, err)
diff = Image.PCompare(outImage, masterImage, err);
print "Comparison, rel. max. residual",diff[1]/diff[0], " rel RMS residual",diff[2]/diff[0]

# Cleanup
ImageMosaic.PZapImage(outMosaic, -1, err)      # delete mosaic images
tmpImage.Zap(err)                              # Full field too
Ejemplo n.º 46
# Init Obit
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("TestSort", 1, 100, 1, ["../AIPSdata/"], 1, ["../PythonData/"], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Files (FITS)
inDisk = 1
inFile   = 'GaussTest.fits'
#outFile  = 'GaussTest.fits'
# AIPS test AIPS image user 100 C346R422    .POLI  .   2,, disk 8/142
#aname = "C346R422"
#aclass = "POLI"
#aseq = 2

# Set data
inImage   = Image.newPFImage("Input image", inFile,  inDisk,   1, err)
#outImage   = Image.newPAImage("Output image", aname, aclass, inDisk, aseq, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# For debugging

# Make Table
inTable = Image.PImageGetTable (inImage, 3, "AIPS VL", 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Eror making table")

Table.PSort (inTable, "DEC(2000)", 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error sorting")

# Say something
Ejemplo n.º 47
def open_img(aips_path, mode=None, MF=False):
    Opens an AIPS/FITS Image file and returns a wrapped :class:`ImageFacade` object.

    aips_path: :class:`AIPSPath`
        Obit file object.
    mode(optional): str
        "r" to read, "w" to write, "rw" to read and write.
        Defaults to "r"
    MF(optional): boolean
        Open as an ImageMF?

        An Obit Image object

    err = obit_err()

    if mode is None:
        mode = "r"

    img_mode = img_file_mode(mode)
    exists = False  # Test if the file exists

    if aips_path.dtype == "AIPS":
        if MF:
            img_open = ImageMF.newPAImage
            img_open = Image.newPAImage
            img = img_open(aips_path.label, aips_path.name, aips_path.aclass,
                           aips_path.disk, aips_path.seq, exists, err)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Error calling newPAImage on '%s'" % aips_path)
    elif aips_path.dtype == "FITS":
        raise NotImplementedError("newPFImage calls do not currently work")

            img = Image.newPFImage(aips_path.label, aips_path.name,
                                   aips_path.disk, exists, err)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Error calling newPFImage on '%s'" % aips_path)
        raise ValueError("Invalid dtype '{}'".format(aips_path.dtype))

    handle_obit_err("Error opening '%s'" % aips_path, err)

    err_msg = "Error opening '%s'" % aips_path

        img.Open(img_mode, err)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(err_msg)

    handle_obit_err(err_msg, err)

    return img
Ejemplo n.º 48
ObitSys=OSystem.OSystem ("HGeom", 1, 100, 1, ["../AIPSdata/"], 1, ["../testIt/"], 1, 0, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Files (FITS)
inDisk = 1
inFile   = 'HGeomTestIn.fits'
tmplDisk = 1
tmplFile = 'HGeomTestTmpl.fits'
masterDisk = 1
masterFile  = 'HGeomTestMaster.fits'
outDisk = 1
outFile  = '!HGeomTestOut.fits'

# Set data
inImage   = Image.newPFImage("Input image",    inFile,   inDisk,   True, err)
tmplImage = Image.newPFImage("Template image", tmplFile, tmplDisk, True, err)
outImage  = Image.newPFImage("Output image",   outFile,  outDisk,  False, err)
Image.PClone(tmplImage, outImage, err)   # Same structure etc.
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# For debugging

# Generate scratch file from tmplFile
tmpImage  = Image.PScratch(tmplImage, err)
Image.POpen(tmpImage, Image.WRITEONLY, err)   # Open
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error cloning template")

# Interpolate
ImageUtil.PInterpolateImage(inImage, tmpImage, err)