Ejemplo n.º 1
def matchingSens(osmLine):

    index = 0

    # Looping over the stations because sometimes some of them
    # are not the same depending of the direction
    while index+2 < len(osmLine["sensA"])-1:
        firstStationName = ots.stationName(osmLine["sensA"][index+0])
        secondStationName = ots.stationName(osmLine["sensA"][index+1])

        if secondStationName == firstStationName:
            secondStationName = ots.stationName(osmLine["sensA"][index+2])

        lineId = mbt.idForLine(osmLine["name"])

        #ordered Stations list from mobitrans
        lineStations = mbt.stationsForLine(lineId, 1)
        stationList = [x["name"] for x in lineStations]

        result1 = difflib.get_close_matches(firstStationName, stationList)
        result2 = difflib.get_close_matches(secondStationName, stationList)

        #second chance, looking for substrings:
        if not result1:
            result1 = [s for s in stationList if s in firstStationName]
        if not result2:
            result2 = [s for s in stationList if s in secondStationName]

        # third change, doing the same but with no accent nor diacritics
        if not result1:
            asciiName = ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', firstStationName) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')
            result1 = [s for s in stationList if s in asciiName]
        if not result2:
            asciiName = ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', secondStationName) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')
            result2 = [s for s in stationList if s in asciiName]

        if result1 and result2:
            index += 1

    if not result1 or not result2:
        #print(firstStationName, secondStationName, stationList)
        print("\n*No match found while calculating directions for line", osmLine["name"], firstStationName, secondStationName, "")

    index1 = stationList.index(result1[0])
    index2 = stationList.index(result2[0])

    if index1 < index2:
        sens = 1
        sens = 2

    return sens
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def dispatchDirections(self, index):

        # Using the first direction for the base of the comparison.
        baseStations = self.directions[0].stations()

        # First direction is sensA by default
        if index < len(baseStations):
            aId = baseStations[index]
            print("   ", len(baseStations), self.name)

        # Related stations are all the stations at location (== same name)
        relatedStations = ots.relatedStations(aId)

        # Search for a station present in every direction
        for aDirection in self.directions[
                1:]:  # Since index 0 is the base for this, skipping it every time.
            if ots.isSoloStation(aId):
                if aId not in aDirection.stations():
                if not set.intersection(set(aDirection.stations()),
                    return False

        # Skipping the station if its present multiple times on a track (ex: dead-end loop in middle of the line)
        if ots.hasDuplicateName(baseStations, index):
            return False

        # Skipping when previous and next station == previous station (occurs in dead-end loop like above)
        if index - 1 >= 0 and index + 1 < len(
                self.directions[0].stations()):  # bounds checking
            if ots.stationName(baseStations[index - 1]) == ots.stationName(
                    baseStations[index + 1]):
                return False

        # At this point we have to station we need
        # now comparing the next or the previous station

        nextStationId = baseStations[index + 1]

        if (index > 0):
            previousStationId = baseStations[index - 1]

        # Lists for where the station will be added
        sensA = [self.directions[0]
                 ]  # Already adding stations of the first direction
        sensB = list()

        # Actually dispatching the directions
        for aDirection in self.directions[1:]:  # skipping index 0
            # Index of the sharedStation for this direction
            # The intersection should return only one item.
            # If not there is a problem in selecting the station
            if ots.isSoloStation(aId):
                sharedStation = [aId]
                sharedStation = set.intersection(set(aDirection.stations()),

            if len(sharedStation) == 1:
                # Index of the station for this direction
                stationIndex = aDirection.stations().index(sharedStation.pop())

                # The next Station is the same than for the 1st sub-direction
                if stationIndex < len(
                        aDirection.stations()) - 1 and ots.isSameStation(
                            nextStationId, aDirection[stationIndex + 1]):

                    # The previous Station is the same than for the 1st sub-direction
                elif index > 0 and ots.isSameStation(
                        previousStationId, aDirection[stationIndex - 1]):

                # Every other case : It's the opposite direction of 1st sub-direction

                print("ERROR IN SHARED STATION")

        mergedDirectionA = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensA))
        mergedDirectionB = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensB))

        # Removing partial terminus, only keeping branch terminus & trunk terminus
        for aTerminus in self.terminusA:
            # sensA is a list of osmDirection objet, can't iterate directly therefore using itertools
            if mergedDirectionA.count(aTerminus) > 1:
                if (aTerminus == 1804374990):
                    print("coucou", mergedDirectionA.count(aTerminus))

        for aTerminus in self.terminusB:
            # sensB is a list of osmDirection objet, can't iterate directly therefore using itertools
            if mergedDirectionB.count(aTerminus) > 1:

        # Making a bigList of the stations for each direction. Always with unique values and ordered
        # Ordered is important for the first direction as it will be use to compare with Mobitrans
        self.stationsSensA[:] = unique(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensA))
        self.stationsSensB[:] = unique(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensB))
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def associateOppositeStations(linesDict):

    resultList = list()

    for aLine in linesDict:

        if "MbtId" not in aLine:

        aLineDict = dict()

        lineName = aLine["name"]
        lineId = aLine["MbtId"]

        if "OsmId" in aLine:
            aLineDict["osmId"] = aLine["OsmId"]

        aLineDict["mbtId"] = lineId
        aLineDict["name"] = lineName
        aLineDict["sens1"] = list()
        aLineDict["sens2"] = list()

        if not "sens1" in aLine:

        for osmStationId in aLine["sens1"]:
            aDict = dict()
            aDict["name"] = ots.stationName(osmStationId)
            aDict["osmId"] = osmStationId
            aDict["mbtId"] = mbt.stationIdForLine(aDict["name"], lineId, 1)
            aDict["terminus"] = osmStationId in aLine["terminus1"]

            # If there is no mobitrans id for this station on the line with sens1, not adding it
            # /!\ Data should probably be changed on OSM to match with the one from Mobitrans
            if aDict["mbtId"] is None:


        for osmStationId in aLine["sens2"]:
            aDict = dict()
            aDict["name"] = ots.stationName(osmStationId)
            aDict["osmId"] = osmStationId
            aDict["mbtId"] = mbt.stationIdForLine(aDict["name"], lineId, 2)
            aDict["terminus"] = osmStationId in aLine["terminus2"]

            # If there is no mobitrans id for this station on the line with sens2, not adding it
            # /!\ Data should probably be changed on OSM to match with the one from Mobitrans
            if aDict["mbtId"] is None:


    if verbose:
        (termWidth, height) = console.getTerminalSize()
        pprint.pprint(resultList, width=termWidth)

    #  jsonData = json.dumps(resultList, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    return resultList
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def dispatchDirections(self, index):

        # Using the first direction for the base of the comparison.
        baseStations = self.directions[0].stations()

        # First direction is sensA by default
        if index < len(baseStations):
            aId =  baseStations[index]
            print ("   ", len(baseStations), self.name)

        # Related stations are all the stations at location (== same name)
        relatedStations = ots.relatedStations(aId)

        # Search for a station present in every direction
        for aDirection in self.directions[1:]:  # Since index 0 is the base for this, skipping it every time.
            if ots.isSoloStation(aId):
                if aId not in aDirection.stations():
                if not set.intersection(set(aDirection.stations()),set(relatedStations)):
                    return False

        # Skipping the station if its present multiple times on a track (ex: dead-end loop in middle of the line)
        if ots.hasDuplicateName(baseStations, index):
            return False

        # Skipping when previous and next station == previous station (occurs in dead-end loop like above)
        if index-1 >= 0 and index+1 < len(self.directions[0].stations()):  # bounds checking
            if ots.stationName(baseStations[index-1]) == ots.stationName(baseStations[index+1]):
                return False

        # At this point we have to station we need
        # now comparing the next or the previous station

        nextStationId = baseStations[index+1]

        if(index > 0):
            previousStationId = baseStations[index-1]

        # Lists for where the station will be added
        sensA = [self.directions[0]]  # Already adding stations of the first direction
        sensB = list()

        # Actually dispatching the directions
        for aDirection in self.directions[1:]:  # skipping index 0
            # Index of the sharedStation for this direction
            # The intersection should return only one item.
            # If not there is a problem in selecting the station
            if ots.isSoloStation(aId):
                sharedStation = [aId]
                sharedStation = set.intersection(set(aDirection.stations()), set(relatedStations))

            if len(sharedStation) == 1:
                # Index of the station for this direction
                stationIndex = aDirection.stations().index(sharedStation.pop())

                # The next Station is the same than for the 1st sub-direction
                if stationIndex < len(aDirection.stations())-1 and ots.isSameStation(nextStationId, aDirection[stationIndex+1]):

                    # The previous Station is the same than for the 1st sub-direction
                elif index > 0 and ots.isSameStation(previousStationId, aDirection[stationIndex-1]):

                # Every other case : It's the opposite direction of 1st sub-direction

                print("ERROR IN SHARED STATION")

        mergedDirectionA = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensA))
        mergedDirectionB = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensB))

        # Removing partial terminus, only keeping branch terminus & trunk terminus
        for aTerminus in self.terminusA:
            # sensA is a list of osmDirection objet, can't iterate directly therefore using itertools
            if mergedDirectionA.count(aTerminus) > 1:
                if(aTerminus == 1804374990):
                    print("coucou", mergedDirectionA.count(aTerminus))

        for aTerminus in self.terminusB:
            # sensB is a list of osmDirection objet, can't iterate directly therefore using itertools
            if mergedDirectionB.count(aTerminus) > 1:

        # Making a bigList of the stations for each direction. Always with unique values and ordered
        # Ordered is important for the first direction as it will be use to compare with Mobitrans
        self.stationsSensA[:] = unique(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensA))
        self.stationsSensB[:] = unique(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sensB))
        return True