Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__( self ):
		# Window 'self.w':
		windowWidth  = 300
		windowHeight = 170
		windowWidthResize  = 500 # user can resize width by this value
		windowHeightResize = 0   # user can resize height by this value
		self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow(
			( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size
			"Position Clicker", # window title
			minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing)
			maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing)
			autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.PositionClicker.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size
		# UI elements:
		linePos, inset, lineHeight, indent = 12, 15, 22, 100

		self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos, -inset, 14), "Report positional combos that do not click:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True )
		self.w.descriptionText.getNSTextField().setToolTip_("Clicking means that when two matching positional shapes follow each other (e.g. initial and final), they ‘click’, i.e., they share at least 2 point coordinates. Or whatever number is set in the minimal node count setting below.")
		linePos += lineHeight
		tooltip = "Reference glyph. Pick a medial glyph with paths for clicking. We recommend behDotless-ar.medi."
		self.w.referenceText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, indent, 14), "Click with glyph", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True )
		self.w.referenceGlyphName = vanilla.ComboBox( (inset+indent, linePos-4, -inset-23, 25), self.getAllMediGlyphNames(), callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='regular' )
		self.w.updateButton = vanilla.SquareButton( (-inset-20, linePos-1, -inset, 18), "↺", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.updateReferenceGlyphs )
		self.w.updateButton.getNSButton().setToolTip_("Update the list in the combo box with all .medi glyphs in the frontmost font.")
		linePos += lineHeight
		tooltip = "The amount of point coordinates that must be shared between two consecutive positional forms. E.g., if set to 2, an initial and a final shape must have two or more nodes exactly on top of each other when they follow each other."
		self.w.clickCountText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, indent, 14), "Minimal node count", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True )
		self.w.clickCount = vanilla.EditText( (inset+indent, linePos-1, -inset, 19), "2", callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' )
		linePos += lineHeight
		self.w.includeNonExporting = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Include non-exporting glyphs", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' )
		self.w.includeNonExporting.getNSButton().setToolTip_("Will also measure glyphs that are set to not export.")
		linePos += lineHeight
		self.w.reuseTab = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Reuse current tab", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' )
		self.w.reuseTab.getNSButton().setToolTip_("Will use the current tab for output. Will open a new tab only if there is no Edit tab open already.")
		linePos += lineHeight
		# Run Button:
		self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-100-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Open Tab", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.PositionClickerMain )
		self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton )
		# Load Settings:
		if not self.LoadPreferences():
			print("Note: 'Position Clicker' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults")
		# Open window and focus on it:
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def init(self):
     self = super(PyInterpreter, self).init()
     if self is None:
         return None
     self._font = NSFont.userFixedPitchFontOfSize_(10)
     self._historyLength = 50
     self._history = [u""]
     self._historyView = 0
     self._characterIndexForInput = 0
     self._stdin = PseudoUTF8Input(self._nestedRunLoopReaderUntilEOLchars_)
     self._stderr = PseudoUTF8Output(self.writeStderr_)
     self._stdout = PseudoUTF8Output(self.writeStdout_)
     self._isInteracting = False
     self._console = AsyncInteractiveConsole()
     self._interp = self._console.asyncinteract(write=self.writeCode_).next
     self._autoscroll = True
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        # Window 'self.w':
        windowWidth = 250
        windowHeight = 200
        windowWidthResize = 800  # user can resize width by this value
        windowHeightResize = 800  # user can resize height by this value
        self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow(
            (windowWidth, windowHeight),  # default window size
            "Rename Glyphs",  # window title
            minSize=(windowWidth, windowHeight),  # minimum size (for resizing)
            maxSize=(windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight +
                     windowHeightResize),  # maximum size (for resizing)
            "com.mekkablue.RenameGlyphs.mainwindow"  # stores last window position and size

        # UI elements:
        self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((10, 12 + 2, -10, 14),
                                        "Add lines like oldname=newname:",
        self.w.renameList = vanilla.TextEditor((1, 40, -1, -40),

        # Run Button:
        self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button((-100, -35, -15, -15),
        #self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton )

        # Load Settings:
        if not self.LoadPreferences():
                "Note: 'Rename Glyphs' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults"

        # Open window and focus on it:
	def __init__( self ):
		# Window 'self.w':
		windowWidth  = 350
		windowHeight = 110
		windowWidthResize  = 500 # user can resize width by this value
		windowHeightResize = 0   # user can resize height by this value
		self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow(
			( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size
			"Set Hidden App Preferences", # window title
			minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing)
			maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing)
			autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.SetHiddenAppPreferences.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size
		# UI elements:
		linePos, inset, lineHeight = 8, 12, 22
		self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, -inset, 14), "Choose and apply the app defaults:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True )
		linePos += lineHeight
		self.w.pref = vanilla.ComboBox( (inset, linePos-2, -inset-100, 25), self.prefs, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='regular' )
		self.w.pref.getNSComboBox().setToolTip_("Pick an app default from the list, or type in an identifier.")
		self.w.prefValue = vanilla.EditText( (-inset-90, linePos, -inset, 21), "", sizeStyle='regular' )
		self.w.prefValue.getNSTextField().setToolTip_("Enter a value for the chosen app default.")
		linePos += lineHeight
		# Run Button:
		self.w.delButton = vanilla.Button( (-170-inset, -20-inset, -90-inset, -inset), "Reset", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.SetHiddenAppPreferencesMain )
		self.w.delButton.getNSButton().setToolTip_("Will delete the setting, effectively resetting it to its default.")
		self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-80-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Apply", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.SetHiddenAppPreferencesMain )
		self.w.runButton.getNSButton().setToolTip_("Sets the entered value for the chosen app default.")
		self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton )
		# Load Settings:
		if not self.LoadPreferences():
			print("Note: 'Set Hidden App Preferences' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults")
		# Open window and focus on it:
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):

        self.alphabetSet = alphabetSetLower

        # set up window
        self.w = vanilla.Window((420, 150), "Pangrammer Helper")
        # set up remaining letters display
        self.w.alphabet = vanilla.TextBox((15, 15, -15, 20), self.alphabetSet)
        # set up text field, inserting Space Center text if available
        if CurrentSpaceCenter() is None:
            pangram = "Type your pangram here"
            sp = CurrentSpaceCenter()
            pangram = sp.getRaw()
        self.w.pangramEditor = vanilla.TextEditor(
            (15, 40, -15, 70), pangram, callback=self.textEditorCallback)
        self.w.counter = vanilla.TextBox((-250, 112, -15, 20),
                                         "Pangram length: 0",
        self.w.checkBox = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 110, -15, 20),
        self.w.checkBoxLabel = vanilla.TextBox(
            # don’t know how to access the NSText of a Vanilla check box label
            (32, 112, -15, 20),
            "Mixed case")

        # set the editor font to be monospaced, and the rest to be system font
        monospace_font = NSFont.userFixedPitchFontOfSize_(12)
        system_font = NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(12)

        # set remaining letters and counter to reflect contents of text field
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def init(self):
     self = super().init()
     if self is None:
         return None
     self._font = NSFont.userFixedPitchFontOfSize_(10)
     self._historyLength = 50
     self._history = ['']
     self._historyView = 0
     self._characterIndexForInput = 0
     self._stdin = PseudoUTF8Input(self._nestedRunLoopReaderUntilEOLchars_)
     self._stderr = PseudoUTF8Output(self.writeStderr_)
     self._stdout = PseudoUTF8Output(self.writeStdout_)
     self._isInteracting = False
     self._console = AsyncInteractiveConsole()
     self._interp = self._console.asyncinteract(
         banner="Python %s in %s\n%s\n" % (
             'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.'
     self._autoscroll = True
     return self