Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run(self, counter):
     if not self._PCR_mixtures: return
     print('PCR Simulation: calculating equilibrium in the system '
           'and running the simulation...')
     pcr = self._new_PCR()
     if len(self._PCR_mixtures) > 1:
         counter.set_subwork(2, (len(self._PCR_mixtures), 0.01))
         results_path = self._pcrM.ParallelPCR(counter[0],
                                               self._abort_event, pcr,
         if not results_path or self.aborted(): return
         results = from_shelf(results_path)
         pcr = run_pcr_from_file(pcr, counter)
         results = (pcr(self._PCR_mixtures.itervalues().next()),)
     if results is None or self.aborted(): return
     for res in results:
         if not res: continue
         hit_id, obj_val, products, reaction_end = res
         self._max_objective_value   = max(self._max_objective_value, obj_val)
         self._products[hit_id]      = products
         self._reaction_ends[hit_id] = reaction_end
     #filter out hits without products
     self._products = dict(hit for hit in self._products.items() 
                           if hit[1])
     self._nonzero  = len(self._products) > 0
     print 'PCR Simulation: done.'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def run(self, counter):
     if not self._PCR_mixtures: return
         'PCR Simulation: calculating equilibrium in the system '
         'and running the simulation...')
     pcr = self._new_PCR()
     if len(self._PCR_mixtures) > 1:
         counter.set_subwork(2, (len(self._PCR_mixtures), 0.01))
         results_path = self._pcrM.ParallelPCR(counter[0],
                                               self._abort_event, pcr,
         if not results_path or self.aborted(): return
         results = from_shelf(results_path)
         pcr = run_pcr_from_file(pcr, counter)
         results = (pcr(self._PCR_mixtures.itervalues().next()), )
     if results is None or self.aborted(): return
     for res in results:
         if not res: continue
         hit_id, obj_val, products, reaction_end = res
         self._max_objective_value = max(self._max_objective_value, obj_val)
         self._products[hit_id] = products
         self._reaction_ends[hit_id] = reaction_end
     #filter out hits without products
     self._products = dict(hit for hit in self._products.items() if hit[1])
     self._nonzero = len(self._products) > 0
     print 'PCR Simulation: done.'
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _extract_annealings(*annealings_list):
     fwd_annealings = []
     rev_annealings = []
     for filename in annealings_list:
         ann = from_shelf(filename)
         if not ann: continue
         if ann[0]: fwd_annealings.extend(ann[0]) 
         if ann[1]: rev_annealings.extend(ann[1])
     return fwd_annealings,rev_annealings
 def _extract_annealings(*annealings_list):
     fwd_annealings = []
     rev_annealings = []
     for filename in annealings_list:
         ann = from_shelf(filename)
         if not ann: continue
         if ann[0]: fwd_annealings.extend(ann[0])
         if ann[1]: rev_annealings.extend(ann[1])
     return fwd_annealings, rev_annealings
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def process_sequences(seqs, _depth):
     if _depth == 0: return
     with user_message('RingBlast: processing %d sequences of the %d ring.' 
                       % (len(seqs), depth-_depth+1), '\n'): 
         next_ring = blast_filter_fetch(seqs)
         if not next_ring: return
         to_check = []
         next_to_process = []
         for n in next_ring:
             next_seqs = from_shelf(n)
             if not next_seqs: continue 
             for ns in next_seqs:
                 sid = self.base_sid(ns)
                 if sid in extended_set:
                     #FIXME: need to merge sequences properly, instead of replacing 
                     if len(extended_set[sid]) < len(ns):
                         extended_set[sid] = ns 
                 else: to_check.append(ns)
     if not to_check or not check_sequences(to_check, next_to_process): return
     if next_to_process: process_sequences(next_to_process, _depth-1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def process_sequences(seqs, _depth):
     if _depth == 0: return
     with user_message('RingBlast: processing %d sequences of the %d ring.' 
                       % (len(seqs), depth-_depth+1), '\n'): 
         next_ring = blast_filter_fetch(seqs)
         if not next_ring: return
         to_check = []
         next_to_process = []
         for n in next_ring:
             next_seqs = from_shelf(n)
             if not next_seqs: continue 
             for ns in next_seqs:
                 sid = self.base_sid(ns)
                 if sid in extended_set:
                     #FIXME: need to merge sequences properly, instead of replacing 
                     if len(extended_set[sid]) < len(ns):
                         extended_set[sid] = ns 
                 else: to_check.append(ns)
     if not to_check or not check_sequences(to_check, next_to_process): return
     if next_to_process: process_sequences(next_to_process, _depth-1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def ring_blast(self, query, db='nr', evalue=0.001, blast_filter=None, depth=1, command='blastn', **kwargs):
     '''Perform a blast search with the given query to obtain the core set of hits.
     Make another search with each hit as a query.
     If results of the second search contain new hits,
     check if these are reciprocal by yet another search with them
     and checking that results contain hits from the core set and if they are,
     add the to the final set.
     if isinstance(query, SeqRecord): query = [query]
     def blast_filter_fetch(seqs):
         def worker(s):
             r = self.blast_seq(s, db, evalue, command)
             if r and blast_filter: blast_filter(r)
             if r: return self.fetch_results(r, db, what='alignment')
             return None
         results = []
         total = len(seqs)
         prg = ProgressCounter('Performing blast search for %d sequences:' % total, total)
         def assembler(i, res):
             if res: results.append(res)
         with prg:
             if not self.parallelize2(1, worker, assembler, seqs): return None
             return results
     with user_message('RingBlast: building a core set of sequences.', '\n'):
         core_seqs = blast_filter_fetch(query)
         if not core_seqs: return None
         core_seqs = self.unique_seqs(chain.from_iterable(from_shelf(r) for r in core_seqs))
         extended_set = dict((self.base_sid(s), s) for s in core_seqs)
         if depth <= 0: return core_seqs
         core_db = self.format_tmp_db(core_seqs, command.endswith('n'))
     def check_sequences(seqs, next_to_process):
         total = len(seqs)
         prg = ProgressCounter('RingBlast: checking %d new sequences:' % total, total)
         def worker(seq):
             res = self.blast_seq(seq, core_db, 100, command)
             if res and blast_filter: blast_filter(res)
             return bool(res), seq
         def assembler(i, res):
             if not res[0]: return 
             seq = res[1]
             extended_set[self.base_sid(seq)] = seq
         with prg: return self.parallelize2(1, worker, assembler, seqs)
     def process_sequences(seqs, _depth):
         if _depth == 0: return
         with user_message('RingBlast: processing %d sequences of the %d ring.' 
                           % (len(seqs), depth-_depth+1), '\n'): 
             next_ring = blast_filter_fetch(seqs)
             if not next_ring: return
             to_check = []
             next_to_process = []
             for n in next_ring:
                 next_seqs = from_shelf(n)
                 if not next_seqs: continue 
                 for ns in next_seqs:
                     sid = self.base_sid(ns)
                     if sid in extended_set:
                         #FIXME: need to merge sequences properly, instead of replacing 
                         if len(extended_set[sid]) < len(ns):
                             extended_set[sid] = ns 
                     else: to_check.append(ns)
         if not to_check or not check_sequences(to_check, next_to_process): return
         if next_to_process: process_sequences(next_to_process, _depth-1)
     process_sequences(core_seqs, depth)
     return extended_set.values()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def ring_blast(self, query, db='nr', evalue=0.001, blast_filter=None, depth=1, command='blastn', **kwargs):
     '''Perform a blast search with the given query to obtain the core set of hits.
     Make another search with each hit as a query.
     If results of the second search contain new hits,
     check if these are reciprocal by yet another search with them
     and checking that results contain hits from the core set and if they are,
     add the to the final set.
     if isinstance(query, SeqRecord): query = [query]
     def blast_filter_fetch(seqs):
         def worker(s):
             r = self.blast_seq(s, db, evalue, command, **kwargs)
             if r and blast_filter: blast_filter(r)
             if r: return self.fetch_results(r, db, what='alignment')
             return None
         results = []
         total = len(seqs)
         prg = ProgressCounter('Performing blast search for %d sequences:' % total, total)
         def assembler(i, res):
             if res: results.append(res)
         with prg:
             if not self.parallelize2(1, worker, assembler, seqs): return None
             return results
     with user_message('RingBlast: building a core set of sequences.', '\n'):
         core_seqs = blast_filter_fetch(query)
         if not core_seqs: return None
         core_seqs = self.unique_seqs(chain.from_iterable(from_shelf(r) for r in core_seqs))
         extended_set = dict((self.base_sid(s), s) for s in core_seqs)
         if depth <= 0: return core_seqs
         core_db = self.format_tmp_db(core_seqs, command.endswith('n'))
     def check_sequences(seqs, next_to_process):
         total = len(seqs)
         prg = ProgressCounter('RingBlast: checking %d new sequences:' % total, total)
         def worker(seq):
             res = self.blast_seq(seq, core_db, 100, command)
             if res and blast_filter: blast_filter(res)
             return bool(res), seq
         def assembler(i, res):
             if not res[0]: return 
             seq = res[1]
             extended_set[self.base_sid(seq)] = seq
         with prg: return self.parallelize2(1, worker, assembler, seqs)
     def process_sequences(seqs, _depth):
         if _depth == 0: return
         with user_message('RingBlast: processing %d sequences of the %d ring.' 
                           % (len(seqs), depth-_depth+1), '\n'): 
             next_ring = blast_filter_fetch(seqs)
             if not next_ring: return
             to_check = []
             next_to_process = []
             for n in next_ring:
                 next_seqs = from_shelf(n)
                 if not next_seqs: continue 
                 for ns in next_seqs:
                     sid = self.base_sid(ns)
                     if sid in extended_set:
                         #FIXME: need to merge sequences properly, instead of replacing 
                         if len(extended_set[sid]) < len(ns):
                             extended_set[sid] = ns 
                     else: to_check.append(ns)
         if not to_check or not check_sequences(to_check, next_to_process): return
         if next_to_process: process_sequences(next_to_process, _depth-1)
     process_sequences(core_seqs, depth)
     return extended_set.values()