Ejemplo n.º 1
def printPullSheet(keys):
	color = {None : '#F62217', 0 : '#F62217', 1: '#000000'}
	rows = cdblib.doCableSearch(keys)
	rdict = [dict(label = row[0] - 100000,
				  type = '{0} ({1})'.format(row[7],row[16]),
				  use = row[8],
				  source = row[9],
				  path = row[12],
				  destination = row[10],
				  color = color[row[13]])
				  for row in rows]

	# Setup the renderer to make the html list
	renderer = pystache.Renderer()
	data = renderer.render_path('pullsheet.mustache', {'title' : 'Cable Pullsheet',
													   'footer' : time.asctime(time.localtime()),
												       'sourceList' : rdict})
	print data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def printTableData(keys):
	rows = cdblib.doCableSearch(keys)
	rdict = [dict(label = cdblib.makeCableLabel(row,'{A/B}'),
				  type = row[7],
				  longType = row[16],
				  use = row[8],
				  source = row[9],
				  destination = row[10],
				  path = row[12],
				  wiring = row[11],
				  installed = row[13])
				  for row in rows]

	# Setup the renderer to make the html list
	renderer = pystache.Renderer()
	data = renderer.render_path('tableData.mustache', {'footer' : time.asctime(time.localtime()),
													   'title'  : 'Cable Data',
													   'sourceList' : rdict,
													   'idlist' : ",".join(["{0}".format(row[0]) for row in rows])})
	print data