def __init__(self, log: Log, filename: str, projectRootConfig: XmlProjectRootConfigFile) -> None:
        if projectRootConfig is None:
            raise Exception("projectRootConfig can not be None")
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileNotFoundException("Could not locate config file %s", filename)

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        elem = tree.getroot()
        if elem.tag != 'FslBuildGenConfig':
            raise XmlInvalidRootElement("The file did not contain the expected root tag 'FslBuildGenConfig'")

        super().__init__(log, elem)
        currentVersion = '2'
        fileVersion = self._ReadAttrib(elem, 'Version')
        if fileVersion != currentVersion:
            raise XmlException("The file was not of the expected version {0}".format(currentVersion))

        # In V2 we do not support local AddRootDirectory elements, we use the ones in ProjectRootConfig
        rootDirs = projectRootConfig.XmlRootDirectories
        if len(rootDirs) < 1:
            raise XmlException("The file did not contain at least one AddRootDirectory element")

        templateImportDirectory = self.__LoadAddTemplateImportDirectory(elem)

        self.__CheckForLegacyElements(elem, filename)

        # In V2 we do not support local PackageConfiguration elements, we use the ones in ProjectRootConfig
        xmlPackageConfigurations = projectRootConfig.XmlPackageConfiguration  # type: List[XmlConfigPackageConfiguration]
        if len(xmlPackageConfigurations) < 1:
            if projectRootConfig.SourceFileName is None:
                raise XmlException("The file '{0}' did not contain at least one PackageConfiguration element".format(filename))
                raise XmlException("The file '{0}' and {1} did not contain at least one PackageConfiguration element".format(filename, projectRootConfig.SourceFileName))

        newProjectTemplatesRootDirectories = LoadUtil.LoadAddNewProjectTemplatesRootDirectory(log, elem, filename)
        newProjectTemplatesRootDirectories = self.__MergeNewProjectTemplatesRootDirectories(newProjectTemplatesRootDirectories, projectRootConfig.XmlNewProjectTemplatesRootDirectories)

        xmlContentBuilderConfiguration = self.__LoadContentBuilderConfiguration(elem)

        xmlConfigFileTemplateFolder = self.__LoadTemplateFolder(elem)

        self.Version = int(fileVersion)  # type: int
        self.RootDirectories = rootDirs  # type: List[XmlConfigFileAddRootDirectory]
        self.TemplateImportDirectories = templateImportDirectory  # type: List[XmlConfigFileAddTemplateImportDirectory]
        self.PackageConfiguration = self.__ResolvePackageConfiguration(xmlPackageConfigurations)  # type: Dict[str, XmlConfigPackageConfiguration]
        self.NewProjectTemplateRootDirectories = newProjectTemplatesRootDirectories  # type: List[XmlConfigFileAddNewProjectTemplatesRootDirectory]
        self.TemplateFolder = xmlConfigFileTemplateFolder  # type: XmlConfigFileTemplateFolder
        self.GenFileName = self.__LoadGenFileName(elem)  # type: XmlConfigFileGenFile
        self.ContentBuilderConfiguration = xmlContentBuilderConfiguration  # type: XmlConfigContentBuilderConfiguration
        self.BuildDocConfiguration = projectRootConfig.XmlBuildDocConfiguration # type: List[XmlBuildDocConfiguration]
        self.ClangFormatConfiguration = projectRootConfig.XmlClangFormatConfiguration  # type: List[XmlClangFormatConfiguration]
        self.ClangTidyConfiguration = projectRootConfig.XmlClangTidyConfiguration  # type: List[XmlClangTidyConfiguration]
        self.CMakeConfiguration = projectRootConfig.XmlCMakeConfiguration  # type: List[XmlCMakeConfiguration]
        self.CompilerConfiguration = projectRootConfig.XmlCompilerConfiguration  # type: List[XmlConfigCompilerConfiguration]
        self.Experimental = self.__ResolveExperimental(projectRootConfig.XmlExperimental)  # type: Optional[XmlExperimental]
    def __init__(self, log: Log, xmlElement: ET.Element) -> None:
        super().__init__(log, xmlElement)
        self.Name = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Name')
        self.DebugName = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'DebugName', self.Name) # type: str
        defaultTargetName = "{0}::{0}".format(self.Name)
        self.TargetName = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'TargetName', defaultTargetName) # type: str
        self.Include = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Include')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.Location = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Location')  # type: Optional['str']
        # New assembly keywords primarily used for C# assemblies
        self.HintPath = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'HintPath')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.Version =  self._TryReadAttribAsVersion(xmlElement, 'Version')  # type: Optional[Version]
        self.PublicKeyToken = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'PublicKeyToken')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.ProcessorArchitecture = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'ProcessorArchitecture')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.Culture = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Culture')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.PackageManager = self.__TryGetPackageManager(log, xmlElement)
        self.IfCondition = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'If')  # type: Optional[str]
        # Can only be set from code, and it indicates that this dependency is managed by a recipe or similar
        self.IsManaged = False # type: bool
        strAccess = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Access')  # type: Optional['str']

        access = None
        if self.Include != None or strAccess != None:
            strAccess = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Access') if access is None else access
            if strAccess == "Public":
                access = AccessType.Public
            elif strAccess == "Private":
                access = AccessType.Private
                raise XmlFormatException("Unknown access type '{0}' on external dependency: '{1}'".format(access, self.Name))

        strElementType = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Type')
        elementType = ExternalDependencyType.TryFromString(strElementType)
        if elementType is None:
            raise XmlException(xmlElement, "Unknown external dependency type: '{0}' expected: {1}".format(strElementType,
        self.Type = elementType  # type: ExternalDependencyType

        # The access type is only relevant for the include file location
        # the rest should always be included
        self.Access = AccessType.Public if access is None else access   # type: int
        self.ConsumedBy = None

        if self.Type == ExternalDependencyType.DLL:
            if not self.Include is None:
                raise XmlException(xmlElement, "DLL dependency: '{0}' can not contain include paths".format(self.Name))
            if self.Access != AccessType.Public:
                raise XmlException(xmlElement, "DLL dependency: '{0}' can only have a access type of Public".format(self.Name))

        if not isinstance(self.Access, int):
            raise Exception("Internal error")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __CheckForLegacyElement(self, xmlElement: ET.Element, filename: str,
                             name: str) -> None:
     found = xmlElement.find(name)
     if found is not None:
         raise XmlException(
             "The file '{0}' contained a legacy {1} element which is not supported anymore. Use the 'Project.gen' file instead"
             .format(filename, name))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, log: Log, filename: str) -> None:
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileNotFoundException("Could not locate config file %s",

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        elem = tree.getroot()
        if elem.tag != 'FslBuildGeneratorVSProjectTemplateCustomization':
            raise XmlInvalidRootElement(
                "The file did not contain the expected root tag 'FslBuildGeneratorVSProjectTemplateCustomization'"

        super().__init__(log, elem)
        strVersion = self._ReadAttrib(elem, 'Version')
        if strVersion != "1":
            raise Exception("Unsupported version")

        xmlConfiguration = self.__LoadTemplateConfiguration(log, elem)
        if len(xmlConfiguration) != 1:
            raise XmlException(
                "The file did not contain exactly one BuildOutput element")

        self.Version = 1
        self.BuildOutput = xmlConfiguration[0]
        self.Path = IOUtil.GetDirectoryName(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, log: Log, filename: str) -> None:
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileNotFoundException("Could not locate config file %s", filename)

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        elem = tree.getroot()
        if elem.tag == 'FslBuildGeneratorVSProjectTemplate':
        elif elem.tag == 'FslBuildNewVSProjectTemplate':
            log.LogPrintWarning("Template file '{0}' using legacy template FslBuildNewVSProjectTemplate update it to FslBuildGeneratorVSProjectTemplate".format(filename))
            raise XmlInvalidRootElement("The file did not contain the expected root tag 'FslBuildGeneratorVSProjectTemplate'")

        super().__init__(log, elem)
        strVersion = self._ReadAttrib(elem, 'Version')
        if strVersion != "1":
            raise Exception("Unsupported version")

        xmlTemplate = self.__LoadTemplateConfiguration(log, elem)
        if len(xmlTemplate) != 1:
            raise XmlException("The file did not contain exactly one Template element")

        directoryName = IOUtil.GetDirectoryName(filename)
        self.Name = IOUtil.GetFileName(directoryName)
        self.Id = self.Name.lower()
        self.Version = 1
        self.Template = xmlTemplate[0]
        self.Path = IOUtil.GetDirectoryName(filename)
        self.Prefix = ("%s_" % (self.Name)).upper()

        if self.Name != self.Template.Name:
            raise Exception("The parent template directory name '{0}' does not match the template name '{1}' {2}".format(self.Name, self.Template.Name, self.Path))
 def __LoadContentBuilderConfiguration(self, xmlElement: ET.Element) -> XmlConfigContentBuilderConfiguration:
     foundElements = xmlElement.findall("ContentBuilderConfiguration")
     if len(foundElements) > 1:
         raise XmlException("The file contained more than one ContentBuilderConfiguration")
     elif len(foundElements) == 1:
         return XmlConfigContentBuilderConfiguration(self.Log, foundElements[0])
     return FakeXmlConfigContentBuilderConfiguration(self.Log)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __ExtractType(self, variantType: str) -> int:
     if variantType == 'Normal':
         return VariantType.Normal
     elif variantType == 'Virtual':
         return VariantType.Virtual
         raise XmlException(
             "Unknown variant type: '{0}' expected: Normal, Virtual".format(
def _LoadBuildDocConfiguration(log: Log, xmlElement: ET.Element, filename: str) -> List[XmlBuildDocConfiguration]:
    res = []
    foundElements = xmlElement.findall("BuildDocConfiguration")
    for foundElement in foundElements:
        res.append(XmlBuildDocConfiguration(log, foundElement))

    if len(res) > 1:
        raise XmlException("The file '{0}' contained more than one BuildDocConfiguration".format(filename))

    return res
def _LoadAddRootDirectory(log: Log, xmlElement: ET.Element, filename: str) -> List[XmlConfigFileAddRootDirectory]:
    res = []
    foundElements = xmlElement.findall("AddRootDirectory")
    for foundElement in foundElements:
        res.append(XmlConfigFileAddRootDirectory(log, foundElement))

    if len(res) < 1:
        raise XmlException("The file '{0}' did not contain at least one AddRootDirectory element".format(filename))

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __ValidateVariantName(self) -> None:
     if self.Type == VariantType.Normal:
         if not Util.IsValidName(self.Name):
             raise XmlUnsupportedVariantNameException(
                 self.XMLElement, self.Name)
     elif self.Type == VariantType.Virtual:
         if not Util.IsValidVirtualVariantName(self.Name):
             raise XmlUnsupportedVirtualVariantNameException(
                 self.XMLElement, self.Name)
         raise XmlException(self.XMLElement, "Unknown variant type")
    def __ResolvePackageConfiguration(self, xmlPackageConfigurations: List[XmlConfigPackageConfiguration]) -> Dict[str, XmlConfigPackageConfiguration]:
        # prepare the package configurations
        packageConfigurationDict = {} # type: Dict[str, XmlConfigPackageConfiguration]
        for entry in xmlPackageConfigurations:
            if entry.Name in packageConfigurationDict:
                firstEntry = packageConfigurationDict[entry.Name]
                raise XmlException2(entry.XMLElement, "Duplicated package configuration name '{0}' found in '{1}' and '{2}'".format(entry.Name, entry.SourceFile, firstEntry.SourceFile))
            packageConfigurationDict[entry.Name] = entry

        if 'default' not in packageConfigurationDict:
            raise XmlException("The file did not contain the 'default' PackageConfiguration element")
        return packageConfigurationDict
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __ValidateOptionNames(self) -> None:
     if self.Type == VariantType.Normal:
         for option in self.Options:
             if not Util.IsValidName(option.Name):
                 raise XmlUnsupportedVariantOptionNameException(
                     option.XMLElement, option.Name)
     elif self.Type == VariantType.Virtual:
         if len(self.Options) != 1:
             raise XmlInvalidVirtualVariantOptionException(
                 self.XMLElement, self.Name)
         if not self.Options[0].Name == self.Name:
             raise XmlUnsupportedVirtualVariantOptionNameException(
                 self.Options[0].XMLElement, self.Options[0].Name,
         raise XmlException(self.XMLElement, "Unknown variant type")
    def __init__(self, log: Log, filename: str) -> None:
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileNotFoundException("Could not locate config file %s", filename)

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        elem = tree.getroot()
        if elem.tag != 'FslBuildNewTemplate':
            raise XmlInvalidRootElement("The file did not contain the expected root tag 'FslBuildGenConfig'")

        super().__init__(log, elem)
        fileVersion = self._ReadAttrib(elem, 'Version')
        if fileVersion != '1':
            raise Exception("The template file version was not correct")

        xmlTemplate = self.__LoadTemplateConfiguration(log, elem)
        if len(xmlTemplate) != 1:
            raise XmlException("The file did not contain exactly one Template element")

        self.Name = IOUtil.GetFileName(IOUtil.GetDirectoryName(filename))
        self.Id = self.Name.lower()
        self.Version = int(fileVersion)  # type: int
        self.Template = xmlTemplate[0]
        self.Path = IOUtil.GetDirectoryName(filename)
        self.Prefix = ("%s_" % (self.Name)).upper()
    def __init__(self, log: Log, xmlElement: ET.Element) -> None:
        super(XmlGenFileExternalDependency, self).__init__(log, xmlElement)
        self.Name = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Name')
        self.DebugName = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'DebugName',
                                          self.Name)  # type: str
        self.Include = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement,
                                           'Include')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.Location = self._TryReadAttrib(
            xmlElement, 'Location')  # type: Optional['str']
        # New assembly keywords primarily used for C# assemblies
        self.HintPath = self._TryReadAttrib(
            xmlElement, 'HintPath')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.Version = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement,
                                           'Version')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.PublicKeyToken = self._TryReadAttrib(
            xmlElement, 'PublicKeyToken')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.ProcessorArchitecture = self._TryReadAttrib(
            xmlElement, 'ProcessorArchitecture')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.Culture = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement,
                                           'Culture')  # type: Optional['str']
        self.PackageManager = self.__TryGetPackageManager(log, xmlElement)
        strAccess = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement,
                                        'Access')  # type: Optional['str']

        access = None
        if self.Include != None or strAccess != None:
            strAccess = self._ReadAttrib(
                xmlElement, 'Access') if access is None else access
            if strAccess == "Public":
                access = AccessType.Public
            elif strAccess == "Private":
                access = AccessType.Private
                raise XmlFormatException(
                    "Unknown access type '{0}' on external dependency: '{1}'".
                    format(access, self.Name))

        strElementType = self._ReadAttrib(xmlElement, 'Type')
        elementType = ExternalDependencyType.TryFromString(strElementType)
        if elementType is None:
            raise XmlException(
                "Unknown external dependency type: '{0}' expected: StaticLib, DLL, Headers, Assembly, Find"
        self.Type = elementType  # type: int

        # The access type is only relevant for the include file location
        # the rest should always be included
        self.Access = AccessType.Public if access is None else access  # type: int
        self.ConsumedBy = None

        if self.Type == ExternalDependencyType.DLL:
            if not self.Include is None:
                raise XmlException(
                    "DLL dependency: '{0}' can not contain include paths".
            if self.Access != AccessType.Public:
                raise XmlException(
                    "DLL dependency: '{0}' can only have a access type of Public"

        if not isinstance(self.Access, int):
            raise Exception("Internal error")