Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_date(get_htmlSource, SegFeild):
    deadline = str(SegFeild[24])
    curdate = datetime.now()
    curdate_str = curdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        if deadline != '':
            datetime_object_deadline = datetime.strptime(deadline, '%Y-%m-%d')
            datetime_object_curdate = datetime.strptime(
                curdate_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
            timedelta_obj = datetime_object_deadline - datetime_object_curdate
            day = timedelta_obj.days
            if day > 0:
                insert_in_Local(get_htmlSource, SegFeild)
                print("Expired Tender")
                global_var.expired += 1
            print("Deadline Not Given")
            global_var.deadline_Not_given += 1
    except Exception as e:
        exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
        print("Error ON : ",
              sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "--> " + str(e), "\n", exc_type,
              "\n", fname, "\n", exc_tb.tb_lineno)
def check_date(get_htmlSource, SegField):
    a = 0
    while a == 0:
        tender_date = str(SegField[24])
        nowdate = datetime.now()
        date2 = nowdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            if tender_date != '':
                deadline = time.strptime(tender_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
                currentdate = time.strptime(date2, "%Y-%m-%d")
                if deadline > currentdate:
                    insert_in_Local(get_htmlSource, SegField)
                    a = 1
                    print("Tender Expired")
                    Global_var.expired += 1
                    a = 1
                print("Deadline was not given")
                Global_var.deadline_Not_given += 1
                a = 1
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            print("Error ON : ",
                  sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "--> " + str(e), "\n",
                  exc_type, "\n", fname, "\n", exc_tb.tb_lineno)
            a = 0
def Check_date(get_htmlSource, browser, SegFeild):
    tender_date = str(SegFeild[24])
    nowdate = datetime.now()
    date2 = nowdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        if tender_date != '':
            deadline = time.strptime(tender_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
            currentdate = time.strptime(date2, "%Y-%m-%d")
            if deadline > currentdate:
                insert_in_Local(get_htmlSource, SegFeild)
                global_var.expired += 1
            print("Deadline was not given")
            global_var.deadline_Not_given += 1
            ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Deadline Not Found",
                                             "pprasindh.gov.pk", 1)
    except Exception as e:
        exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
        print("Error ON : ",
              sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "--> " + str(e), "\n", exc_type,
              "\n", fname, "\n", exc_tb.tb_lineno)
def Scraping_data(get_htmlSource, purchaser, reference_number, Title,
                  Tender_id, Url):

    SegFields = []
    for data in range(45):
    Decoded_get_htmlSource: str = html.unescape(str(get_htmlSource))
    Decoded_get_htmlSource: str = re.sub('\s+', ' ',
                                             "\n", "")
    a = True
    a = True
    while a == True:
            # ==================================================================================================================
            # Purchaser_Email ID
            Address_html = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "NAZWA I ADRES:")[2].partition("</div>")[0]
            Email_ID = Address_html.partition("e-mail")[2].partition(
                ",")[0].replace(':', '')
            SegFields[1] = Email_ID.strip()  # Purchaser_Email ID

            # ==================================================================================================================
            # Address

            Address = Address_html.partition("Polska,")[0]
            cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
            Address = re.sub(cleanr, '', Address).strip()
            Address = string.capwords(str(Address))
            Address = f'{str(Address)} Polska.'

            Tel = Address_html.partition("tel.")[2].partition(",")[0].strip()
            Fax = Address_html.partition("faks")[2].partition(".")[0].strip()

            Collected_Address = str(Address) + "<br>\n" + "Tel: " + str(
                Tel) + "<br>\n" + "faks: " + Fax.replace('-', '')
            SegFields[2] = Collected_Address  # Purchaser_Address

            # # ==================================================================================================================
            # #
            contactor_name = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Nazwa wykonawcy:")[2].partition("<br>")[0].strip()
            SegFields[3] = contactor_name  # Contractor_name

            CN_Address = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Adres pocztowy:")[2].partition("<br>")[0].strip()
            if CN_Address != '':
                SegFields[4] += f'{CN_Address}, '

            CN_Postal_Address = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Kod pocztowy:")[2].partition("<br>")[0].strip()

            CN_City = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
            if CN_City != '':
                SegFields[4] += f'{CN_City}, '

            CN_Country_province = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
            if CN_Country_province != '':
                SegFields[4] += f'{CN_Country_province}, '

            if CN_Postal_Address != '':
                    4] += f'Kod pocztowy({CN_Postal_Address})'  # Contractor_Address
            SegFields[4] = SegFields[4].strip().rstrip(',')
            SegFields[7] = global_var.pur_country_code  # Purchaser_Country

            SegFields[5] = global_var.cont_country_code  # Contractor_Country

            CN_Email_ID = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Email wykonawcy:")[2].partition("<br>")[0].strip()
            SegFields[6] = CN_Email_ID.lower().strip()  # Contractor_EmailID

            # # ==================================================================================================================
            # # Purchaser_URL

            Purchaser_URL = Address_html.partition(
                "Adres strony internetowej (url):")[2].replace('<br>',
            SegFields[8] = Purchaser_URL

            # # ==================================================================================================================
            # # Purchaser_name
            SegFields[12] = purchaser.strip()

            # # ==================================================================================================================
            # # reference_no
            SegFields[13] = Tender_id.strip()

            SegFields[14] = "0"  # news_check

            SegFields[16] = "1"  # qc

            SegFields[17] = global_var.exe_no  # CA_exe_number

            # # ==================================================================================================================
            # # Tender Details

            SegFields[19] = Title  # short_descp

            Short_disc = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Krótki opis przedmiotu zamówienia")[2].partition("</div>")[0]
            Short_disc = str(Short_disc).encode('ascii', 'replace')
            cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
            Short_disc = re.sub(cleanr, '', str(Short_disc))
            Short_disc = string.capwords(
                str(Short_disc.strip().replace('?', '')))

            Type_of_contract = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Rodzaj zamówienia:</b>")[2].partition("</div>")[0]
            cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
            Type_of_contract = re.sub(cleanr, '', Type_of_contract)
            Type_of_contract = string.capwords(str(Type_of_contract.strip()))

            Collected_Tender_Details = f'Krótki opis przedmiotu zamówienia {str(Short_disc)}<br>\nRodzaj zamówienia: {str(Type_of_contract)}'
            SegFields[18] = Collected_Tender_Details  # award_details

            # # ==================================================================================================================
            # # contract_date

            DATE_OF_CONTRACT_AWARD = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "DATA UDZIELENIA ZAMÓWIENIA:")[2].partition("<br>")[0].replace(
                    ' ', '').strip()
            cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
            DATE_OF_CONTRACT_AWARD = re.sub(cleanr, '', DATE_OF_CONTRACT_AWARD)

                datetime_object = datetime.strptime(DATE_OF_CONTRACT_AWARD,
                mydate = datetime_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                SegFields[24] = mydate

            SegFields[20] = '0'  # userid

            contract_amount = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                "Wartość bez VAT</b>")[2].partition("<br>")[0].strip()
            if contract_amount != '':
                SegFields[21] = contract_amount.replace(',',
                                                        '')  # contract_value
                SegFields[22] = "PLN"  # contract_currency

            SegFields[28] = Url.strip()  # tender_doc_file_col2

            # Source Name
            SegFields[31] = global_var.source  # source_col1

            ReplyStrings = Decoded_get_htmlSource.partition(
                'Główny Kod CPV:</b>')[2].partition(
                    '</div> </div>')[0].strip()
            cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
            ReplyStrings = re.sub(cleanr, '', ReplyStrings)
            if ReplyStrings != "":
                copy_cpv = ""
                Cpv_status = True
                all_string = ""
                    while Cpv_status == True:
                        phoneNumRegex = re.compile(r'\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d-')
                        CPv_main = phoneNumRegex.search(ReplyStrings)
                        mainNumber = CPv_main.groups()
                        if CPv_main:
                            copy_cpv = CPv_main.group(), ", "
                            ReplyStrings = ReplyStrings.replace(
                                CPv_main.group(), "")
                            Cpv_status = False
                        result = "".join(str(x) for x in copy_cpv)
                        result = result.replace("-", "").strip()
                        result2 = result.replace("\n", "")
                        # print(result2)
                        all_string += result2
                # print(all_string.strip(","))
                all_string = all_string.strip().rstrip(',')
                SegFields[36] = all_string
                SegFields[36] = ""

            for SegIndex in range(len(SegFields)):
                print(SegIndex, end=' ')
                SegFields[SegIndex] = html.unescape(str(SegFields[SegIndex]))
                SegFields[SegIndex] = str(SegFields[SegIndex]).replace(
                    "'", "''")

            if len(SegFields[19]) >= 200:
                SegFields[19] = str(SegFields[19])[:200] + '...'

            if len(SegFields[18]) >= 1500:
                SegFields[18] = str(SegFields[18])[:1500] + '...'

            insert_in_Local(get_htmlSource, SegFields)
            a = False
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print("Error ON : ",
                  sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "--> " + str(e), "\n",
                  exc_type, "\n", fname, "\n", exc_tb.tb_lineno)
            global_var.On_Error += 1
            a = True

# def check_date(get_htmlSource, SegFields):
#     deadline = str(SegFields[24])
#     curdate = datetime.now()
#     curdate_str = curdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
#     try:
#         if deadline != '':
#             datetime_object_deadline = datetime.strptime(deadline, '%Y-%m-%d')
#             datetime_object_curdate = datetime.strptime(curdate_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
#             timedelta_obj = datetime_object_deadline - datetime_object_curdate
#             day = timedelta_obj.days
#             if day > 0:
#                 insert_in_Local(get_htmlSource , SegFields)
#             else:
#                 print("Expired Tender")
#                 global_var.expired += 1
#         else:
#             print("Deadline Not Given")
#             global_var.deadline_Not_given += 1
#     except Exception as e:
#         exc_type , exc_obj , exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
#         fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
#         print("Error ON : " , sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "--> " + str(e) , "\n" , exc_type , "\n" , fname , "\n" ,exc_tb.tb_lineno)
def Scrap_data(browser, Tender_href):
    global a
    a = True
    while a == True:
            for href in Tender_href:
                Global_var.Total += 1
                for Submission_date in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="CLOSING_DATE"]'):
                    Submission_date = Submission_date.get_attribute('innerText').strip()
                    if Submission_date != '':
                        nowdate = datetime.now()
                        date2 = nowdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                        deadline = time.strptime(Submission_date, "%m/%d/%Y")
                        currentdate = time.strptime(date2, "%Y-%m-%d")
                        if deadline > currentdate:
                            SegFeild = []
                            for data in range(45):
                            SegFeild[24] = date2
                            get_htmlSource = ""
                            for outerHTML in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('/html/body/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/div/form/div[3]'):
                                get_htmlSource = outerHTML.get_attribute('outerHTML')
                                get_htmlSource = get_htmlSource.replace('href="viewAttachment', 'href="https://www.ok.gov/dcs/solicit/app/viewAttachment')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="16" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="14" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="13" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="12" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="15" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="11" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="17" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="18" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="19" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="20" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="MAIN_MENU" value="Return To Main Menu" tabindex="10" class="sm_button">','')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="15" class="sm_button">','') \
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="13" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="14" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="16" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="17" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="18" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="19" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="20" class="sm_button">', '')\
                                    .replace('<input type="submit" name="button" id="BACK" value="Back" tabindex="12" class="sm_button">', '')
                            # Attachment
                            for attachment in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@class="table_wrapper"]'):
                                attachment = attachment.get_attribute('outerHTML')
                                SegFeild[4] = attachment.replace('href="viewAttachment', 'href="https://www.ok.gov/dcs/solicit/app/viewAttachment')
                            # Purchaser
                            for Agency in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="AGENCY_ID"]'):
                                Agency = Agency.get_attribute('innerText').upper()
                                SegFeild[12] = Agency.strip()

                            # Title
                            for Description in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="DESCRIPTION"]'):
                                Description = Description.get_attribute('innerText').strip()
                                Description = string.capwords(str(Description))
                                SegFeild[19] = Description

                            # tender NO
                            for SOL_NUMBER in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="SOL_NUMBER"]'):
                                SOL_NUMBER = SOL_NUMBER.get_attribute('innerText').strip()
                                SegFeild[13] = SOL_NUMBER.strip()

                            # Tender Details
                            CONTRACT_TYPE = ""
                            BUYER_ID = ''
                            DATE_STATUS = ''
                            STATUS = ''
                            for CONTRACT_TYPE in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="CONTRACT_TYPE"]'):
                                CONTRACT_TYPE = CONTRACT_TYPE.get_attribute('innerText').replace('&nbsp;', '').strip()
                            for BUYER_ID in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="BUYER_ID"]'):
                                BUYER_ID = BUYER_ID.get_attribute('innerText').strip()
                            for DATE_STATUS in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="DATE_STATUS"]'):
                                DATE_STATUS = DATE_STATUS.get_attribute('innerText').strip()
                            for STATUS in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="STATUS"]'):
                                STATUS = STATUS.get_attribute('innerText').strip()
                            # CPV
                            global result2
                            for CPV in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@class="commodity"]'):
                                CPV = CPV.get_attribute('innerText').strip().replace('\n', '')
                                if CPV != "":
                                    copy_cpv = ""
                                    Cpv_status = True
                                    all_string = ""
                                        while Cpv_status == True:
                                            phoneNumRegex = re.compile(r'\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d')
                                            CPv_main = phoneNumRegex.search(CPV)
                                            mainNumber = CPv_main.groups()
                                            if CPv_main:
                                                copy_cpv = CPv_main.group(), ", "
                                                CPV = CPV.replace(CPv_main.group(), "")
                                                Cpv_status = False
                                            result = "".join(str(x) for x in copy_cpv)
                                            result = result.replace("", "").strip()
                                            result2 = result.replace("\n", "")
                                            # print(result2)
                                            all_string += result2+','
                                    all_string = all_string.replace(',,', ',')
                                    if all_string.endswith(','):
                                        all_string = all_string[:-1]
                                    SegFeild[36] = all_string
                                    SegFeild[36] = ""
                            CPV = ''
                            for CPV in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@class="commodity"]'):
                                CPV = CPV.get_attribute('innerText').strip().replace('\n', ', ')
                            SegFeild[18] = "Agency: " + str(SegFeild[12]) + "<br>\n""Contract Type: " + CONTRACT_TYPE + "<br>\n""Solicitation Number: " + str(SegFeild[13]) + "<br>\n"\
                                            "Status: " + STATUS + "<br>\n""Closing Date Status: " + DATE_STATUS + "<br>\n""DESCRIPTION: " + str(SegFeild[19]) + "<br>\n""BUYER: " + BUYER_ID+"<br>\n""CPV: " + CPV

                            SegFeild[7] = "US"

                            # notice type
                            SegFeild[14] = "2"

                            SegFeild[22] = "0"

                            SegFeild[26] = "0.0"

                            SegFeild[27] = "0"  # Financier

                            SegFeild[28] = browser.current_url

                            # Source Name
                            SegFeild[31] = 'ok.gov'

                            SegFeild[42] = SegFeild[7]  # project_location

                            SegFeild[43] = ''  # set_aside

                            for SegIndex in range(len(SegFeild)):
                                print(SegIndex, end=' ')
                                SegFeild[SegIndex] = html.unescape(str(SegFeild[SegIndex]))
                                SegFeild[SegIndex] = str(SegFeild[SegIndex]).replace("'", "''")

                            if len(SegFeild[19]) >= 200:
                                SegFeild[19] = str(SegFeild[19])[:200]+'...'

                            if len(SegFeild[18]) >= 1500:
                                SegFeild[18] = str(SegFeild[18])[:1500]+'...'
                            a = False
                            insert_in_Local(get_htmlSource , SegFeild)
                            print(" Total: " + str(Global_var.Total) + " Duplicate: " + str(
                                Global_var.duplicate) + " Expired: " + str(Global_var.expired) + " Inserted: " + str(
                                Global_var.inserted) + " Skipped: " + str(
                                Global_var.skipped) + " Deadline Not given: " + str(
                                Global_var.deadline_Not_given) + " QC Tenders: " + str(Global_var.QC_Tender), "\n")
                            a = False
                            print("Tender Expired")
                            Global_var.expired += 1
                            a = False
                            print(" Total: " + str(Global_var.Total) + " Duplicate: " + str(
                                Global_var.duplicate) + " Expired: " + str(Global_var.expired) + " Inserted: " + str(
                                Global_var.inserted) + " Skipped: " + str(
                                Global_var.skipped) + " Deadline Not given: " + str(
                                Global_var.deadline_Not_given) + " QC Tenders: " + str(Global_var.QC_Tender), "\n")
                        print("Deadline was not given")
                        Global_var.deadline_Not_given += 1
                        print(" Total: " + str(Global_var.Total) + " Duplicate: " + str(
                            Global_var.duplicate) + " Expired: " + str(Global_var.expired) + " Inserted: " + str(
                            Global_var.inserted) + " Skipped: " + str(
                            Global_var.skipped) + " Deadline Not given: " + str(
                            Global_var.deadline_Not_given) + " QC Tenders: " + str(Global_var.QC_Tender), "\n")
                        a = False

            ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Total: " + str(Global_var.Total) + "\n""Duplicate: " + str(
                Global_var.duplicate) + "\n""Expired: " + str(Global_var.expired) + "\n""Inserted: " + str(
                Global_var.inserted) + "\n""Skipped: " + str(
                Global_var.skipped) + "\n""Deadline Not given: " + str(
                Global_var.deadline_Not_given) + "\n""QC Tenders: " + str(Global_var.QC_Tender) + "",
                                             "ok.gov", 1)
            a = False
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print("Error ON : ", sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + "--> " + str(e), "\n", exc_type, "\n", fname, "\n", exc_tb.tb_lineno)
            a = True
