Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_fasta2select_aligned(self):
     """test align.fasta2select() on aligned FASTA (Issue 112)"""
     sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=True)
     # length of the output strings, not residues or anything real...
     assert len(
         sel['reference']) == 30623, "selection string has unexpected length"
     assert len(
         sel['mobile']) == 30623, "selection string has unexpected length"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_fasta2select_aligned(self):
        """test align.fasta2select() on aligned FASTA (Issue 112)"""
        from MDAnalysis.analysis.align import fasta2select

        sel = fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=True)
        # length of the output strings, not residues or anything real...
        assert_equal(len(sel['reference']), 30623, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
        assert_equal(len(sel['mobile']), 30623, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_fasta2select_aligned(self):
     """test align.fasta2select() on aligned FASTA (Issue 112)"""
     sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=True)
     # length of the output strings, not residues or anything real...
     assert len(
         sel['reference']) == 30623, "selection string has unexpected length"
     assert len(
         sel['mobile']) == 30623, "selection string has unexpected length"
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_fasta2select_aligned(self):
        """test align.fasta2select() on aligned FASTA (Issue 112)"""
        from MDAnalysis.analysis.align import fasta2select

        sel = fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=True)
        # length of the output strings, not residues or anything real...
        assert_equal(len(sel['reference']), 30623, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
        assert_equal(len(sel['mobile']), 30623, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_fasta2select_ClustalW(self):
        """test align.fasta2select() with calling ClustalW (Issue 113)"""
        # note: will not be run if clustalw is not installed
        from MDAnalysis.analysis.align import fasta2select

        sel = fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=False, alnfilename=self.alnfile, treefilename=self.treefile)
        # numbers computed from alignment with clustalw 2.1 on Mac OS X [orbeckst]
        # length of the output strings, not residues or anything real...
        assert_equal(len(sel['reference']), 23080, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
        assert_equal(len(sel['mobile']), 23090, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_fasta2select_ClustalW(self):
        """test align.fasta2select() with calling ClustalW (Issue 113)"""
        # note: will not be run if clustalw is not installed
        from MDAnalysis.analysis.align import fasta2select

        sel = fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=False, alnfilename=self.alnfile, treefilename=self.treefile)
        # numbers computed from alignment with clustalw 2.1 on Mac OS X [orbeckst]
        # length of the output strings, not residues or anything real...
        assert_equal(len(sel['reference']), 23080, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
        assert_equal(len(sel['mobile']), 23090, err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_fasta2select_file(self, tmpdir):
     """test align.fasta2select() on a non-aligned FASTA with default
     with tmpdir.as_cwd():
         sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=False,
                                  alnfilename=None, treefilename=None)
         assert len(sel['reference']) == 23080, ("selection string has"
                                                 "unexpected length")
         assert len(sel['mobile']) == 23090, ("selection string has"
                                              "unexpected length")
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_fasta2select_ClustalW(self):
     """MDAnalysis.analysis.align: test fasta2select() with ClustalW (Issue 113)"""
     sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=False,
     # numbers computed from alignment with clustalw 2.1 on Mac OS X
     # [orbeckst] length of the output strings, not residues or anything
     # real...
     assert_equal(len(sel['reference']), 23080,
                  err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
     assert_equal(len(sel['mobile']), 23090,
                  err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_fasta2select_ClustalW(self, tmpdir):
     """MDAnalysis.analysis.align: test fasta2select() with ClustalW (Issue 113)"""
     alnfile = str(tmpdir.join('alignmentprocessing.aln'))
     treefile = str(tmpdir.join('alignmentprocessing.dnd'))
     sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=False,
                              alnfilename=alnfile, treefilename=treefile)
     # numbers computed from alignment with clustalw 2.1 on Mac OS X
     # [orbeckst] length of the output strings, not residues or anything
     # real...
     assert len(
         sel['reference']) == 23080, "selection string has unexpected length"
     assert len(
         sel['mobile']) == 23090, "selection string has unexpected length"
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_fasta2select_ClustalW(self, tmpdir):
     """MDAnalysis.analysis.align: test fasta2select() with ClustalW (Issue 113)"""
     alnfile = str(tmpdir.join('alignmentprocessing.aln'))
     treefile = str(tmpdir.join('alignmentprocessing.dnd'))
     sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq, is_aligned=False,
                              alnfilename=alnfile, treefilename=treefile)
     # numbers computed from alignment with clustalw 2.1 on Mac OS X
     # [orbeckst] length of the output strings, not residues or anything
     # real...
     assert len(
         sel['reference']) == 23080, "selection string has unexpected length"
     assert len(
         sel['mobile']) == 23090, "selection string has unexpected length"
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_fasta2select_ClustalW(self):
     """MDAnalysis.analysis.align: test fasta2select() with ClustalW (Issue 113)"""
     sel = align.fasta2select(self.seq,
     # numbers computed from alignment with clustalw 2.1 on Mac OS X
     # [orbeckst] length of the output strings, not residues or anything
     # real...
                  err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")
                  err_msg="selection string has unexpected length")