Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_04_Add(self):
     l_obj_0 = UuidData()
     l_obj_0.UUID = '12345678-dead-beef-dead-fedcba987654'
     l_obj_0.UuidType = 'House'
     Uuid.add_uuid(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_obj_0)
     print(PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_pyhouse_obj.Uuids, 'B2-04-A - one'))
     self.assertEqual(self.m_pyhouse_obj.Uuids.All[l_obj_0.UUID].UuidType, l_obj_0.UuidType)
     l_obj_1 = UuidData()
     l_obj_1.UUID = '01234567-dead-beef-dead-fedcba987654'
     l_obj_1.UuidType = 'Room'
     Uuid.add_uuid(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_obj_1)
     print(PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_pyhouse_obj.Uuids.All, 'B2-04-B - two'))
     self.assertEqual(self.m_pyhouse_obj.Uuids.All[l_obj_1.UUID].UuidType, l_obj_1.UuidType)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _get_one_interface(self, p_interface_name):
     """ Gather the information about a single interface given the interface name.
     Only UP interfaces return data, apparently,
     l_interface = NodeInterfaceData()
     l_interface.Name = p_interface_name
     # l_interface.Active = True
     l_interface.Key = 0
     l_interface.UUID = toolUuid.create_uuid(
     )  # We need a way to persist the UUID instead of this
     l_interface.NodeInterfaceType = 'Other'
     l_afList = Interfaces()._find_addr_lists(p_interface_name)
     for l_afID in l_afList.keys():
         l_v4 = []
         l_v6 = []
         l_afName = Interfaces()._find_addr_family_name(l_afID)
         if l_afName == 'AF_PACKET':
             l_interface.MacAddress = l_afList[l_afID]
         if l_afName == 'AF_INET':
             l_v4 = Interfaces()._get_address_list_INET(l_afList[l_afID])
             l_interface.V4Address = l_v4
         if l_afName == 'AF_INET6':
             l_v6 = Interfaces()._get_address_list_INET(l_afList[l_afID])
             l_interface.V6Address = l_v6
     return l_interface, l_v4, l_v6
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def saveMqttData(self, p_json):
     """Mqtt data is returned, so update the info.
     l_json = json_tools.decode_json_unicode(p_json)
     l_delete = l_json['Delete']
     l_ix = int(l_json['Key'])
     if l_delete:
             del self.m_pyhouse_obj.Computer.Mqtt.Brokers
         except AttributeError:
             LOG.error("web_mqtt - Failed to delete - JSON: {}".format(l_json))
         l_obj = self.m_pyhouse_obj.Computer.Mqtt.Brokers[l_ix]
     except KeyError:
         LOG.warning('Creating a new Mqtt Broker Key: {}'.format(l_ix))
         l_obj = MqttBrokerData()
     LOG.info('JSON {}'.format(l_json))
     l_obj.Name = l_json['Name']
     l_obj.Active = l_json['Active']
     l_obj.Key = l_ix
     l_obj.UUID = Uuid.make_valid(l_json['UUID'])
     l_obj.BrokerAddress = l_json['BrokerAddress']
     l_obj.BrokerPort = l_json['BrokerPort']
     self.m_pyhouse_obj.Computer.Mqtt.Brokers[l_obj.Key] = l_obj
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def saveMqttData(self, p_json):
     """Mqtt data is returned, so update the info.
     l_json = json_tools.decode_json_unicode(p_json)
     l_delete = l_json['Delete']
     l_ix = int(l_json['Key'])
     if l_delete:
             del self.m_pyhouse_obj.Core.Mqtt.Brokers
         except AttributeError:
                 "web_mqtt - Failed to delete - JSON: {}".format(l_json))
         l_obj = self.m_pyhouse_obj.Core.Mqtt.Brokers[l_ix]
     except KeyError:
         LOG.warning('Creating a new Mqtt Broker Key: {}'.format(l_ix))
         l_obj = MqttBrokerInformation()
     LOG.info('JSON {}'.format(l_json))
     l_obj.Name = l_json['Name']
     l_obj.Active = l_json['Active']
     l_obj.Key = l_ix
     l_obj.UUID = Uuid.make_valid(l_json['UUID'])
     l_obj.BrokerAddress = l_json['BrokerAddress']
     l_obj.BrokerPort = l_json['BrokerPort']
     self.m_pyhouse_obj.Core.Mqtt.Brokers[l_obj.Key] = l_obj
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _read_file(p_pyhouse_obj, p_filename):
    l_name = _build_file(p_pyhouse_obj, p_filename)
        l_file = open(l_name, 'r')
        l_ret = l_file.read()
    except IOError:
        l_ret = toolUuid.create_uuid()
    return l_ret
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _read_all_thermostats_xml(p_pyhouse_obj, p_xml):
     l_dict = {}
     l_count = 0
         for l_xml in p_xml.iterfind('Thermostat'):
             l_obj = Utility._read_one_thermostat_xml(p_pyhouse_obj, l_xml)
             l_obj.Key = l_count
             l_dict[l_count] = l_obj
             l_uuid_obj = UuidData()
             l_uuid_obj.UUID = l_obj.UUID
             l_uuid_obj.UuidType = 'Thermostat'
             UtilUuid.add_uuid(p_pyhouse_obj, l_uuid_obj)
             l_count += 1
     except AttributeError as e_err:
         LOG.error('Reading Hvac.Thermostat information - {}'.format(e_err))
     LOG.info("Loaded {} Thermostats".format(l_count))
     return l_dict
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_04_Add(self):
     l_obj_0 = UuidData()
     l_obj_0.UUID = '12345678-dead-beef-dead-fedcba987654'
     l_obj_0.UuidType = 'House'
     Uuid.add_uuid(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_obj_0)
     print(PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_pyhouse_obj._Uuids, 'B2-04-A - one'))
     l_obj_1 = UuidData()
     l_obj_1.UUID = '01234567-dead-beef-dead-fedcba987654'
     l_obj_1.UuidType = 'Room'
     Uuid.add_uuid(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_obj_1)
                              'B2-04-B - two'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_uuid_from_xml(p_xml, p_name):
     UUIDs are always an element.
     l_xml = XML.get_any_field(p_xml, p_name)
     if l_xml is None or len(l_xml) != 36:
         l_xml_bad = l_xml
         l_xml = Uuid.create_uuid()
         LOG.error("A valid UUID was not found for {} - {} generating a new one. {}".format(p_name, l_xml_bad, l_xml))
     return l_xml
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_uuid_from_xml(p_xml, p_name):
     UUIDs are always an element.
     l_xml = XML.get_any_field(p_xml, p_name)
     if l_xml is None or len(l_xml) != 36:
         l_xml_bad = l_xml
         l_xml = Uuid.create_uuid()
             "A valid UUID was not found for {} - {} generating a new one. {}"
             .format(p_name, l_xml_bad, l_xml))
     return l_xml
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _add_default_login():
     l_obj = LoginData()
     l_obj.Name = 'admin'
     l_obj.Key = 0
     l_obj.Active = True
     l_obj.UUID = Uuid.create_uuid()
     l_obj.LoginFullName = 'Administrator'
     l_obj.LoginPasswordCurrent = 'admin'
     l_obj.LoginPasswordNew = ''
     l_obj.LoginPasswordChangeFlag = False
     l_obj.LoginRole = 1
     LOG.info('Adding admin login.')
     return l_obj
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def init_uuids(p_pyhouse_obj):
     """be sure that all the uuid files exist in /etc/pyhouse
     p_pyhouse_obj.Uuids.All = {}
     l_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'Computer.uuid')
         l_file = open(l_path, mode='r')
         _l_uuid = l_file.read()
     except IOError:
         _l_uuid = toolUuid.create_uuid()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _add_default_login():
     l_obj = LoginData()
     l_obj.Name = 'admin'
     l_obj.Key = 0
     l_obj.Active = True
     l_obj.UUID = Uuid.create_uuid()
     l_obj.LoginFullName = 'Administrator'
     l_obj.LoginPasswordCurrent = 'admin'
     l_obj.LoginPasswordNew = ''
     l_obj.LoginPasswordChangeFlag = False
     l_obj.LoginRole = 1
     LOG.info('Adding admin login.')
     return l_obj
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def read_all_controllers_xml(p_pyhouse_obj):
        """Called from lighting.
        Get the entire configuration of all the controllers and place them in a holding dict.

        @param p_pyhouse_obj: is the entire PyHouse Data
        @param p_controller_section_xml: is the XML element containing all controllers. <ControllerSection>
        @param p_version: is the old version of the XML Config file
        @return: a dict of all the controllers configured.
        l_count = 0
        l_dict = {}
        l_xml = p_pyhouse_obj.Xml.XmlRoot
        if l_xml is None:
            return l_dict
        l_xml = l_xml.find('HouseDivision')
        if l_xml is None:
            return l_dict
        l_xml = l_xml.find('LightingSection')
        if l_xml is None:
            return l_dict
        l_xml = l_xml.find('ControllerSection')
        if l_xml is None:
            return l_dict
            for l_one_xml in l_xml.iterfind('Controller'):
                l_obj = Utility._read_one_controller_xml(p_pyhouse_obj, l_one_xml)
                l_obj.Key = l_count
                l_dict[l_count] = l_obj
                l_uuid_obj = UuidData()
                l_uuid_obj.UUID = l_obj.UUID
                l_uuid_obj.UuidType = 'Controller'
                UtilUuid.add_uuid(p_pyhouse_obj, l_uuid_obj)
                LOG.info('Loaded controller {}'.format(l_obj.Name))
                l_count += 1
        except AttributeError as e_error:  # No Controller section
            LOG.warning('No Controllers found - {}'.format(e_error))
        LOG.info("Loaded {} Controllers".format(l_count))
        return l_dict
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _setup_Uuids(self):
     l_obj = UuidInformation()
     l_obj.All = UuidData()
     l_obj.All = {}
     l_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'Computer.uuid')
         l_file = open(l_path, mode='r')
         _l_uuid = l_file.read()
     except IOError:
         _l_uuid = toolUuid.create_uuid()
     # LOG.debug(PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_pyhouse_obj, 'SetupUuids-PyHouse', 190))
     return l_obj
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def read_all_GarageDoors_xml(p_pyhouse_obj):
     @param p_pyhouse_obj: is the master information store
     @param p_version: is the XML version of the file to use.
     @return: a dict of Garage Doors info
     l_count = 0
     l_dict = {}
     l_xml = p_pyhouse_obj.Xml.XmlRoot
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
     l_xml = l_xml.find('HouseDivision')
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
     l_xml = l_xml.find('SecuritySection')
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
     l_xml = l_xml.find('GarageDoorSection')
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
         for l_one_xml in l_xml.iterfind('GarageDoor'):
             l_obj = Utility._read_one_door_xml(p_pyhouse_obj, l_one_xml)
             l_obj.Key = l_count  # Renumber
             l_dict[l_count] = l_obj
             l_uuid_obj = UuidData()
             l_uuid_obj.UUID = l_obj.UUID
             l_uuid_obj.UuidType = 'GarageDoor'
             UtilUuid.add_uuid(p_pyhouse_obj, l_uuid_obj)
             LOG.info('Loaded Garage Door {}'.format(l_obj.Name))
             l_count += 1
     except AttributeError as e_err:  # No Lights section
         LOG.warning('No Garage Doors defined - {}'.format(e_err))
         #  print('XXX-1', e_err)
         l_dict = {}
     LOG.info("Loaded {} Garage Doors".format(l_count))
     return l_dict
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def write_base_UUID_object_xml(p_element_name, p_object):
     @param p_element_name: is the name of the XML element (Light, Button, etc.)
     @param p_object: is the device object that contains the info to be written.
     @return: An Element with Attributes filled in and perhaps sub-elements attached
     l_elem = XmlConfigTools().write_base_object_xml(p_element_name, p_object)
         PutGetXML.put_uuid_element(l_elem, 'UUID', p_object.UUID)
     except AttributeError:
         PutGetXML.put_uuid_element(l_elem, 'UUID', 'No UUID Given')
         LOG.error('UUID missing for {}'.format(p_object.Name))
         l_UUID = Uuid.create_uuid()
         PutGetXML.put_uuid_element(l_elem, 'UUID', l_UUID)
     return l_elem
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def read_all_MotionSensors_xml(p_pyhouse_obj):
     @param p_pyhouse_obj: is the master information store
     @return: a dict of Motion Sensor info
     l_count = 0
     l_dict = {}
     l_xml = p_pyhouse_obj.Xml.XmlRoot
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
     l_xml = l_xml.find('HouseDivision')
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
     l_xml = l_xml.find('SecuritySection')
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
     l_xml = l_xml.find('MotionDetectorSection')
     if l_xml is None:
         return l_dict
         for l_one_xml in l_xml.iterfind('Motion'):
             l_obj = Utility._read_one_motion_xml(p_pyhouse_obj, l_one_xml)
             l_obj.Key = l_count  # Renumber
             l_dict[l_count] = l_obj
             l_uuid_obj = UuidData()
             l_uuid_obj.UUID = l_obj.UUID
             l_uuid_obj.UuidType = 'MotionDetector'
             UtilUuid.add_uuid(p_pyhouse_obj, l_uuid_obj)
             LOG.info('Loaded Motion Detectors {}'.format(l_obj.Name))
             l_count += 1
     except AttributeError as e_err:  # No such section
         LOG.warning('No Motion Detectors defined - {}'.format(e_err))
         #  print('XXX-1', e_err)
         l_dict = {}
     LOG.info("Loaded {} Motion Detectors".format(l_count))
     return l_dict
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def write_base_UUID_object_xml(p_element_name, p_object):
     @param p_element_name: is the name of the XML element (Light, Button, etc.)
     @param p_object: is the device object that contains the info to be written.
     @return: An Element with Attributes filled in and perhaps sub-elements attached
     l_elem = XmlConfigTools().write_base_object_xml(
         p_element_name, p_object)
         PutGetXML.put_uuid_element(l_elem, 'UUID', p_object.UUID)
     except AttributeError:
         PutGetXML.put_uuid_element(l_elem, 'UUID', 'No UUID Given')
         LOG.error('UUID missing for {}'.format(p_object.Name))
         l_UUID = Uuid.create_uuid()
         PutGetXML.put_uuid_element(l_elem, 'UUID', l_UUID)
     return l_elem
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_02_Invalid(self):
     l_test = '123456'
     l_uuid = Uuid.make_valid(l_test)
     #  print('UUID = {}'.format(l_uuid))
     self.assertNotEqual(l_uuid, l_test)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_03_Valid(self):
     l_test = '12345678-dead-beef-dead-fedcba987654'
     l_uuid = Uuid.make_valid(l_test)
     #  print('UUID = {}'.format(l_uuid))
     self.assertEqual(l_uuid, l_test)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_01_None(self):
     l_test = None
     l_uuid = Uuid.make_valid(l_test)
     #  print('UUID = {}'.format(l_uuid))
     self.assertNotEqual(l_uuid, l_test)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _add_uuid(p_pyhouse_obj, p_obj):
     l_obj = UuidData()
     l_obj.UUID = p_obj.UUID
     l_obj.UuidType = 'House'
     Uuid.add_uuid(p_pyhouse_obj, l_obj)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_01_None(self):
     l_test = None
     l_uuid = Uuid.make_valid(l_test)
     #  print('UUID = {}'.format(l_uuid))
     self.assertNotEqual(l_uuid, l_test)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_02_Invalid(self):
     l_test = '123456'
     l_uuid = Uuid.make_valid(l_test)
     #  print('UUID = {}'.format(l_uuid))
     self.assertNotEqual(l_uuid, l_test)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_03_Valid(self):
     l_test = '12345678-dead-beef-dead-fedcba987654'
     l_uuid = Uuid.make_valid(l_test)
     #  print('UUID = {}'.format(l_uuid))
     self.assertEqual(l_uuid, l_test)