Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, backend, name):
     Item.__init__(self, backend, name)
         itemname, attachname = name.rsplit('/')
     except ValueError:  # no '/' in there
         raise NoSuchItemError("No such attachment item, %r" % name)
     editlogpath = self._backend._get_item_path(itemname, 'edit-log')
     self._fs_current = 0  # attachments only have 1 revision with revno 0
     self._fs_meta = {}  # no attachment item level metadata
     self._fs_editlog = EditLog(editlogpath, idx=backend.idx)
     attachpath = self._backend._get_att_path(itemname, attachname)
     if not os.path.isfile(attachpath):
         # no attachment file means no item
         raise NoSuchItemError("No such attachment item, %r" % name)
     self._fs_attachname = attachname
     self._fs_attachpath = attachpath
     # fetch parent page's ACL as it protected the attachment also:
         parentpage = FsPageItem(backend, itemname)
         parent_current_rev = parentpage.get_revision(-1)
         acl = parent_current_rev._fs_meta.get(ACL)
     except (NoSuchItemError, NoSuchRevisionError):
         acl = None
     self._fs_parent_acl = acl
     self._syspages = backend._syspages
     uuid = backend.idx.content_uuid(name)
     self.uuid = self._fs_meta[UUID] = uuid
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, backend, name):
     Item.__init__(self, backend, name)
     filepath = backend._item2path(name)
         self._fs_stat = os.stat(filepath)
     except OSError, err:
         raise NoSuchItemError("No such item, %r" % name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, backend, itemname):
     Item.__init__(self, backend, itemname)
     currentpath = self._backend._current_path(itemname)
     editlogpath = self._backend._get_item_path(itemname, 'edit-log')
     self._fs_meta = {
     }  # 'current' is the only page metadata and handled elsewhere
         current = int(open(
             'r').read().strip()) - 1  # new api is 0-based, old is 1-based
     except (OSError, IOError):
         # no current file means no item
         raise NoSuchItemError("No such item, %r" % itemname)
     except ValueError:
         # we have a current file, but its content is damaged
         raise  # TODO: current = determine_current(revdir, editlog)
     self._fs_current = current
     self._fs_editlog = EditLog(editlogpath, idx=backend.idx)
     self._syspages = backend._syspages
     if backend.deleted_mode == DELETED_MODE_KILL:
             FsPageRevision(self, current)
         except NoSuchRevisionError:
             raise NoSuchItemError(
                 'deleted_mode wants killing/ignoring of page %r and its attachments'
                 % itemname)
     uuid = backend.idx.content_uuid(itemname)
     self.uuid = self._fs_meta[UUID] = uuid
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, backend, itemname=None, old_id=None):
     if itemname is not None:
         # get_item calls us with a new itemname (uuid)
         uuid = str(itemname)
         old_id = backend.idx.user_old_id(uuid=uuid)
     if not self.user_re.match(old_id):
         raise NoSuchItemError("userid does not match user_re")
     Item.__init__(self, backend, itemname)  # itemname might be None still
         meta = self._parse_userprofile(old_id)
     except (OSError, IOError):
         # no current file means no item
         raise NoSuchItemError("No such item, %r" % itemname)
     self._fs_meta = meta = self._process_usermeta(meta)
     if itemname is None:
         # iteritems calls us without itemname, just with old_id
         uuid = backend.idx.user_uuid(name=meta['name'], old_id=old_id)
         itemname = unicode(uuid)
         Item.__init__(self, backend,
                       itemname)  # XXX init again, with itemname
     self.uuid = meta[UUID] = uuid
 def get_item(self, name):
     return Item(self, name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def iteritems(self):
     filenames = os.listdir(self._path)
     for filename in filenames:
         yield Item(self, self._unquote(filename))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def create_item(self, itemname):
     if not isinstance(itemname, (str, unicode)):
         raise TypeError("Item names must have string type, not %s" % (type(itemname)))
     elif self.has_item(itemname):
         raise ItemAlreadyExistsError("An Item with the name %r already exists!" % (itemname))
     return Item(self, itemname)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_item(self, itemname):
     if not self._exists(itemname):
         raise NoSuchItemError("No such item, %r" % (itemname))
     return Item(self, itemname)