Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _index_file(self, request, writer, filename, mode='update'):
        """ index a file as it were a page named pagename
            Assumes that the write lock is acquired
        fs_rootpage = 'FS' # XXX FS hardcoded

            wikiname = request.cfg.interwikiname or 'Self'
            itemid = "%s:%s" % (wikiname, os.path.join(fs_rootpage, filename))
            mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
            mtime = wikiutil.timestamp2version(mtime)
            if mode == 'update':
                query = xapidx.RawQuery(xapdoc.makePairForWrite('itemid', itemid))
                enq, mset, docs = writer.search(query, valuesWanted=['pagename', 'attachment', 'mtime', 'wikiname', ])
                if docs:
                    doc = docs[0] # there should be only one
                    uid = doc['uid']
                    docmtime = long(doc['values']['mtime'])
                    updated = mtime > docmtime
                    logging.debug("uid %r: mtime %r > docmtime %r == updated %r" % (uid, mtime, docmtime, updated))
                    uid = None
                    updated = True
            elif mode == 'add':
                updated = True
            logging.debug("%s %r" % (filename, updated))
            if updated:
                xitemid = xapdoc.Keyword('itemid', itemid)
                mimetype, file_content = self.contentfilter(filename)
                xwname = xapdoc.SortKey('wikiname', request.cfg.interwikiname or "Self")
                xpname = xapdoc.SortKey('pagename', fs_rootpage)
                xattachment = xapdoc.SortKey('attachment', filename) # XXX we should treat files like real pages, not attachments
                xmtime = xapdoc.SortKey('mtime', mtime)
                xrev = xapdoc.SortKey('revision', '0')
                title = " ".join(os.path.join(fs_rootpage, filename).split("/"))
                xtitle = xapdoc.Keyword('title', title)
                xmimetypes = [xapdoc.Keyword('mimetype', mt) for mt in [mimetype, ] + mimetype.split('/')]
                xcontent = xapdoc.TextField('content', file_content)
                doc = xapdoc.Document(textFields=(xcontent, ),
                                      keywords=xmimetypes + [xtitle, xitemid, ],
                                      sortFields=(xpname, xattachment,
                                          xmtime, xwname, xrev, ),
                doc.analyzerFactory = getWikiAnalyzerFactory()
                if mode == 'update':
                    logging.debug("%s (replace %r)" % (filename, uid))
                    doc.uid = uid
                    id = writer.index(doc)
                elif mode == 'add':
                    logging.debug("%s (add)" % (filename, ))
                    id = writer.index(doc)
        except (OSError, IOError):
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _index_page(self, writer, page, mode='update'):
        """ Index a page - assumes that the write lock is acquired

        @arg writer: the index writer object
        @arg page: a page object
        @arg mode: 'add' = just add, no checks
                   'update' = check if already in index and update if needed (mtime)
        request = page.request
        wikiname = request.cfg.interwikiname or "Self"
        pagename = page.page_name
        mtime = page.mtime_usecs()
        revision = str(page.get_real_rev())
        itemid = "%s:%s:%s" % (wikiname, pagename, revision)
        author = page.edit_info().get('editor', '?')
        # XXX: Hack until we get proper metadata
        language, stem_language = self._get_languages(page)
        categories = self._get_categories(page)
        domains = tuple(self._get_domains(page))
        updated = False

        if mode == 'update':
            # from #xapian: if you generate a special "unique id" term,
            # you can just call database.replace_document(uid_term, doc)
            # -> done in xapwrap.index.Index.index()
            query = xapidx.RawQuery(xapdoc.makePairForWrite('itemid', itemid))
            enq, mset, docs = writer.search(query, valuesWanted=['pagename', 'attachment', 'mtime', 'wikiname', ])
            if docs:
                doc = docs[0] # there should be only one
                uid = doc['uid']
                docmtime = long(doc['values']['mtime'])
                updated = mtime > docmtime
                logging.debug("uid %r: mtime %r > docmtime %r == updated %r" % (uid, mtime, docmtime, updated))
                uid = None
                updated = True
        elif mode == 'add':
            updated = True
        logging.debug("%s %r" % (pagename, updated))
        if updated:
            xwname = xapdoc.SortKey('wikiname', wikiname)
            xpname = xapdoc.SortKey('pagename', pagename)
            xattachment = xapdoc.SortKey('attachment', '') # this is a real page, not an attachment
            xmtime = xapdoc.SortKey('mtime', str(mtime))
            xrev = xapdoc.SortKey('revision', revision)
            xtitle = xapdoc.TextField('title', pagename, True) # prefixed
            mimetype = 'text/%s' % page.pi['format']  # XXX improve this
            xkeywords = [xapdoc.Keyword('itemid', itemid),
                    xapdoc.Keyword('lang', language),
                    xapdoc.Keyword('stem_lang', stem_language),
                    xapdoc.Keyword('fulltitle', pagename),
                    xapdoc.Keyword('revision', revision),
                    xapdoc.Keyword('author', author),
                ] + \
                [xapdoc.Keyword('mimetype', mt) for mt in [mimetype, ] + mimetype.split('/')]

            for pagelink in page.getPageLinks(request):
                xkeywords.append(xapdoc.Keyword('linkto', pagelink))
            for category in categories:
                xkeywords.append(xapdoc.Keyword('category', category))
            for domain in domains:
                xkeywords.append(xapdoc.Keyword('domain', domain))
            xcontent = xapdoc.TextField('content', page.get_raw_body())
            doc = xapdoc.Document(textFields=(xcontent, xtitle),
                                  sortFields=(xpname, xattachment,
                                      xmtime, xwname, xrev),
            doc.analyzerFactory = getWikiAnalyzerFactory(request,

            if mode == 'update':
                logging.debug("%s (replace %r)" % (pagename, uid))
                doc.uid = uid
                id = writer.index(doc)
            elif mode == 'add':
                logging.debug("%s (add)" % (pagename, ))
                id = writer.index(doc)

        from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile

        attachments = AttachFile._get_files(request, pagename)
        for att in attachments:
            filename = AttachFile.getFilename(request, pagename, att)
            att_itemid = "%s:%s//%s" % (wikiname, pagename, att)
            mtime = wikiutil.timestamp2version(os.path.getmtime(filename))
            if mode == 'update':
                query = xapidx.RawQuery(xapdoc.makePairForWrite('itemid', att_itemid))
                enq, mset, docs = writer.search(query, valuesWanted=['pagename', 'attachment', 'mtime', ])
                logging.debug("##%r %r" % (filename, docs))
                if docs:
                    doc = docs[0] # there should be only one
                    uid = doc['uid']
                    docmtime = long(doc['values']['mtime'])
                    updated = mtime > docmtime
                    logging.debug("uid %r: mtime %r > docmtime %r == updated %r" % (uid, mtime, docmtime, updated))
                    uid = None
                    updated = True
            elif mode == 'add':
                updated = True
            logging.debug("%s %s %r" % (pagename, att, updated))
            if updated:
                xatt_itemid = xapdoc.Keyword('itemid', att_itemid)
                xpname = xapdoc.SortKey('pagename', pagename)
                xwname = xapdoc.SortKey('wikiname', request.cfg.interwikiname or "Self")
                xattachment = xapdoc.SortKey('attachment', att) # this is an attachment, store its filename
                xmtime = xapdoc.SortKey('mtime', mtime)
                xrev = xapdoc.SortKey('revision', '0')
                xtitle = xapdoc.Keyword('title', '%s/%s' % (pagename, att))
                xlanguage = xapdoc.Keyword('lang', language)
                xstem_language = xapdoc.Keyword('stem_lang', stem_language)
                mimetype, att_content = self.contentfilter(filename)
                xmimetypes = [xapdoc.Keyword('mimetype', mt) for mt in [mimetype, ] + mimetype.split('/')]
                xcontent = xapdoc.TextField('content', att_content)
                xtitle_txt = xapdoc.TextField('title',
                        '%s/%s' % (pagename, att), True)
                xfulltitle = xapdoc.Keyword('fulltitle', pagename)
                xdomains = [xapdoc.Keyword('domain', domain)
                        for domain in domains]
                doc = xapdoc.Document(textFields=(xcontent, xtitle_txt),
                                      keywords=xdomains + xmimetypes + [xatt_itemid,
                                          xtitle, xlanguage, xstem_language,
                                          xfulltitle, ],
                                      sortFields=(xpname, xattachment, xmtime,
                                          xwname, xrev, ),
                doc.analyzerFactory = getWikiAnalyzerFactory(request,
                if mode == 'update':
                    logging.debug("%s (replace %r)" % (pagename, uid))
                    doc.uid = uid
                    id = writer.index(doc)
                elif mode == 'add':
                    logging.debug("%s (add)" % (pagename, ))
                    id = writer.index(doc)