Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setup_properties(self):
     scaleProp = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "Scale of the object",
     self.Properties.Add("scale", scaleProp, Geo.Vector2(1, 1))
     uniScaleProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(self, "Scale of the object",
                                            "Uniform scale")
     self.Properties.Add("uniScale", uniScaleProp, 1)
     centerProp = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "Scale from this point",
     self.Properties.Add("center", centerProp, Geo.Vector2(0, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setup_properties(self):
     print "Creating properties"
     #position point 1
     posFromProp = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "Start point position",
                                            "Start position")
     self.Properties.Add("posFrom", posFromProp, Geo.Vector2(0, 2))
     #position point 2
     posToProp = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "End point position",
                                          "End position")
     self.Properties.Add("posTo", posToProp, Geo.Vector2(0, -2))
     thicknessProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(self, "Thickness of the line",
     self.Properties.Add("thickness", thicknessProp, 0.2)
     actionProp = Props.DropdownNodeProperty(
         self, "Choose what to do with existing shapes", "Action",
         ["Replace", "Merge"])
     self.Properties.Add("action", actionProp, "Replace")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def evaluate_frame(self, frame, dataFeed):
        if dataFeed.ChannelExists(Node.PROPERTY_OUT_CHANNEL):
            previousVal = dataFeed.GetChannelData(Node.PROPERTY_OUT_CHANNEL)

        self.Properties["xProp"].StaticValue = previousVal.X
        self.Properties["yProp"].StaticValue = previousVal.Y

        xProp = self.Properties.GetValue("xProp", frame)
        yProp = self.Properties.GetValue("yProp", frame)

        newVal = Geo.Vector2(xProp, yProp)
        dataFeed.SetChannelData(Node.PROPERTY_OUT_CHANNEL, newVal)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def evaluate_frame(self, frame, dataFeed):
        size = self.Properties.GetValue("size", frame)
        pos = self.Properties.GetValue("pos", frame)
        action = self.Properties.GetValue("action", frame)
        points = [
            Geo.Vector2(size / 2, size / 2) + pos,
            Geo.Vector2(-size / 2, size / 2) + pos,
            Geo.Vector2(-size / 2, -size / 2) + pos,
            Geo.Vector2(size / 2, -size / 2) + pos,
        triangles = [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]
        mesh = Meshing.Mesh()
        mesh.triangles = triangles
        mesh.points = points

        meshGroupInput = dataFeed.GetChannelData(Node.MESH_CHANNEL)
        if action == "Merge":
            meshGroup = meshGroupInput
            meshGroup = Meshing.MeshGroup(mesh)

        dataFeed.SetChannelData(Node.MESH_CHANNEL, meshGroup)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setup_properties(self):
     print "Creating properties"
     posProp = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "Position of the square",
     self.Properties.Add("pos", posProp, Geo.Vector2(0, 0))
     sizeProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(self, "Size of the square", "Size")
     self.Properties.Add("size", sizeProp, 2)
     actionProp = Props.DropdownNodeProperty(
         self, "Choose what to do with existing shapes", "Action",
         ["Replace", "Merge"])
     self.Properties.Add("action", actionProp, "Replace")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setup_properties(self):
     print "Creating properties"
     #position point 1
     pos1Prop = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "First center position",
                                         "Position 1")
     self.Properties.Add("pos1", pos1Prop, Geo.Vector2(0, 2))
     #position point 2
     pos2Prop = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self, "Second center position",
                                         "Position 2")
     self.Properties.Add("pos2", pos2Prop, Geo.Vector2(0, -2))
     thicknessProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(self,
                                             "Thickness of the capsule",
     self.Properties.Add("thickness", thicknessProp, 2)
     detailProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(
         self, "Definition of the rounded edges", "Detail")
     self.Properties.Add("detail", detailProp, 6)
     actionProp = Props.DropdownNodeProperty(
         self, "Choose what to do with existing shapes", "Action",
         ["Replace", "Merge"])
     self.Properties.Add("action", actionProp, "Replace")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def evaluate_frame(self, frame, dataFeed):
        scaleNonUniform = self.Properties.GetValue("scale", frame)
        scaleUniform = self.Properties.GetValue("uniScale", frame)
        globalScale = scaleNonUniform * Geo.Vector2(scaleUniform, scaleUniform)
        center = self.Properties.GetValue("center", frame)

        meshInput = dataFeed.GetChannelData(Node.MESH_CHANNEL)
        meshGroup = Meshing.MeshGroup()

        for mesh in meshInput:
            newPoints = []
            for point in mesh.points:
                newPoints.append((point - center) * globalScale + center)
            mesh.points = newPoints

        dataFeed.SetChannelData(Node.MESH_CHANNEL, meshGroup)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def setup_properties(self):
     print "Creating properties"
     posProp = Props.VectorNodeProperty(self,
                                        "Position of the circle's center",
     self.Properties.Add("pos", posProp, Geo.Vector2(0, 0))
     radiusProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(self, "Circle's radius", "Radius")
     self.Properties.Add("radius", radiusProp, 5)
     detailProp = Props.FloatNodeProperty(self, "Smoothness of the circle",
     self.Properties.Add("detail", detailProp, 12)
     actionProp = Props.DropdownNodeProperty(
         self, "Choose what to do with existing shapes", "Action",
         ["Replace", "Merge"])
     self.Properties.Add("action", actionProp, "Replace")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def evaluate_frame(self, frame, dataFeed):
        pos1 = self.Properties.GetValue("pos1", frame)
        pos2 = self.Properties.GetValue("pos2", frame)
        thickness = self.Properties.GetValue("thickness", frame)
        detail = self.Properties.GetValue("detail", frame)
        action = self.Properties.GetValue("action", frame)

        #normalize data
        detail = 1 if detail < 1 else int(detail)

        #calculate normal vector in both ways
        normal1 = Geo.Vector2.Normalize(
            Geo.Vector2(pos2.Y - pos1.Y, pos1.X - pos2.X)) * Geo.Vector2(
                thickness / 2)
        normal2 = Geo.Vector2.Normalize(
            Geo.Vector2(pos1.Y - pos2.Y, pos2.X - pos1.X)) * Geo.Vector2(
                thickness / 2)
        #angle between circle division
        divisionAngle = math.pi / detail

        #main rectangle points
        points = [
            pos1, pos2, pos1 + normal1, pos1 + normal2, pos2 + normal1,
            pos2 + normal2
        #circle points
        for i in range(detail - 1):
            positionOnCircle1 = Geo.Vector2(
                thickness / 2 *
                math.cos(divisionAngle *
                         (i + 1) + math.atan2(normal1.Y, normal1.X) + math.pi),
                thickness / 2 *
                math.sin(divisionAngle *
                         (i + 1) + math.atan2(normal1.Y, normal1.X) + math.pi))
            points.append(positionOnCircle1 + pos1)
            positionOnCircle2 = Geo.Vector2(
                thickness / 2 *
                math.cos(divisionAngle *
                         (i + 1) + math.atan2(normal1.Y, normal1.X)),
                thickness / 2 *
                math.sin(divisionAngle *
                         (i + 1) + math.atan2(normal1.Y, normal1.X)))
            points.append(positionOnCircle2 + pos2)

        #main rectangle triangles
        triangles = [0, 2, 4, 4, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 5]
        #circle triangles border
            [0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 0, detail * 2 + 2, 2, 1, detail * 2 + 3, 5])
        #circle triangles center
        for i in range(detail - 2):
            triangles.extend([0, 6 + (2 * i), 8 + (2 * i)])
            triangles.extend([1, 7 + (2 * i), 9 + (2 * i)])

        mesh = Meshing.Mesh()
        mesh.triangles = triangles
        mesh.points = points

        meshGroupInput = dataFeed.GetChannelData(Node.MESH_CHANNEL)
        if action == "Merge":
            meshGroup = meshGroupInput
            meshGroup = Meshing.MeshGroup(mesh)

        dataFeed.SetChannelData(Node.MESH_CHANNEL, meshGroup)