Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, serial_ports=None):

        # Module name
        self.moduleName = "moteConnector"

        # Module signals
        self.to_MoteProbe = "to_MoteProbe"
        self.from_MoteProbe = "from_MoteProbe"
        self.to_MoteParser = "to_MoteParser"
        self.from_MoteParser = "from_MoteParser"

        # Store the serial ports
        self.serial_ports = serial_ports

        # List to store all moteProbe objects
        self.moteProbes = []

        for serial_port in self.serial_ports:
            # Creates the MoteProbe
            moteProbe = MoteProbe.MoteProbe(mote_connector=self.moduleName, serial_port=serial_port)

            # Appends the MoteProbe to the MoteProbe list

            # Connects the MoteProbe with the MoteConnector
            dispatcher.connect(self._from_MoteProbe, sender=moteProbe.moduleName, signal=moteProbe.from_MoteProbe)

            # Starts the current MoteProbe

        # Create the MoteParser object
        self.moteParser = MoteParser.MoteParser(mote_connector=self.moduleName)

        # Connects the MoteParser with the MoteConnector
        dispatcher.connect(self._from_MoteParser, sender=self.moteParser.moduleName, signal=self.from_MoteParser)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, mote_connector = None):
        # Module name
        self.moduleName = 'moteParser'

        # Module signals
        self.from_MoteConnector = 'from_MoteConnector'
        self.to_MoteConnector = 'to_MoteConnector'
        self.to_MoteParser = 'to_MoteParser'
        self.from_MoteParser = 'from_MoteParser'
        self.to_MainFrame = 'to_MainFrame'
        # Mote connector
        self.mote_connector = mote_connector

        # Connects the MoteProbe with the MoteConnector
        dispatcher.connect(self._from_MoteConnector, sender = self.mote_connector, signal = self.to_MoteParser)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     # Call constructor     
     # Module name
     self.moduleName = 'mainFrame'
     # Module signals
     self.to_MainFrame = 'to_MainFrame'
     # Detect serial ports
     self.serial_ports = None
     while(not self.serial_ports):
         # Create the MoteProbe list, one for each serial port available
         self.serial_ports = MoteUtils.find_serial_ports()
         # If no serial ports are available
         if(not self.serial_ports):
             error_type = "Warning"
             error_msg = "No serial port available is available in your system."
             error_box = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, error_type, error_msg, buttons = QtGui.QMessageBox.Retry | QtGui.QMessageBox.Close)
             if(error_box == QtGui.QMessageBox.Retry):
             elif(error_box == QtGui.QMessageBox.Close):
     # Create a MoteConector
     self.connector = MoteConnector.MoteConnector(serial_ports = self.serial_ports)
     # Obtain the MoteParser from the MoteConnector
     self.mote_parser = self.connector.get_parser()
     # Connects the MainFrame with the MoteParser
     dispatcher.connect(self._to_MainFrame, sender = self.mote_parser.moduleName, signal = self.to_MainFrame)
     # Create the widget that contains the frame
     self.graph = GraphFrame.GraphFrame("")
     # Arrange the frame horizontally
     self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self)
     # Add the frame into the layout
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, mote_connector = None, serial_port = None):
     # Call constructor
     # Set thread as daemon
     # Terminate thread event
     self._stopEvent = threading.Event()
     # Serial port name and data rate
     self.serial_name, self.serial_rate = serial_port
     self.serial_port = None
     # Module name
     self.moduleName = "moteProbe@" + self.serial_name
     self.from_MoteProbe = 'from_MoteProbe'
     # Signals
     self.to_MoteConnector = 'to_MoteConnector'
     self.from_MoteConnector = 'from_MoteConnector'
     self.to_MoteProbe = 'to_MoteProbe'
     self.from_MoteProbe = 'from_MoteProbe'
     # Mote connector
     self.mote_connector = mote_connector
     # HDLC driver
     self.hdlc = HDLC.HDLC()
     # Receive variables
     self.receive_buffer = ''
     self.is_receiving = False
     self.rx_byte = 0
     self.last_rx_byte = 0
     # Transmit variables 
     self.transmit_buffer = ''
     # Attach the signal from the MoteConnector
     dispatcher.connect(receiver = self._from_MoteConnector, sender = self.mote_connector, signal = self.to_MoteProbe)