Ejemplo n.º 1
def diff_calc_func(start_mat, end_mat, corrected_avg_interval):

    temp = start_mat.M.Inverse() * end_mat.M
    ang, temp_axis = Rotation.GetRotAngle(temp)

    o = start_mat.M * temp_axis
    p_start_vec = start_mat.p
    p_end_vec = end_mat.p
    # print "p vectors ", p_end_vec, p_start_vec

    # Finding difference in position values between start and end
    delta_x = p_end_vec[0] - p_start_vec[0]
    delta_y = p_end_vec[1] - p_start_vec[1]
    delta_z = p_end_vec[2] - p_start_vec[2]

    # Calculation of differentiated values such as velocity/acceleration
    twist_val = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
    twist_val.x = delta_x / corrected_avg_interval.to_sec()
    twist_val.y = delta_y / corrected_avg_interval.to_sec()
    twist_val.z = delta_z / corrected_avg_interval.to_sec()
    # twist_rot = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()

    # Calculation of angular velocity/acceleration
    twist_rot = o * (ang / corrected_avg_interval.to_sec())
    # print "accel is ", twist_vel
    # print "accel rot is ", twist_rot[2]
    return twist_val, twist_rot
def vel_calc_func(start_mat, end_mat, corrected_average_interval):

    # Create rotation matrices
    start_r = start_mat.M
    end_r = end_mat.M

    # Transform matrices using inverse for correct orientation
    temp = start_mat.M.Inverse() * end_mat.M
    temp_mat = Frame(Rotation(temp))

    ang, temp_axis = Rotation.GetRotAngle(temp)
    o = start_mat.M * temp_axis
    p_start_vec = start_mat.p
    p_end_vec = end_mat.p
    # print "p vectors ", p_end_vec, p_start_vec
    delta_x = p_end_vec[0] - p_start_vec[0]
    print "delta x is ", delta_x
    delta_y = p_end_vec[1] - p_start_vec[1]
    delta_z = p_end_vec[2] - p_start_vec[2]

    # Assign values to a Vector3 element
    twist_vel = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
    twist_vel.x = delta_x / corrected_average_interval.to_sec()
    twist_vel.y = delta_y / corrected_average_interval.to_sec()
    twist_vel.z = delta_z / corrected_average_interval.to_sec()
    # twist_rot = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
    twist_rot = o * (ang / corrected_average_interval.to_sec())
    print "twist vel is ", twist_vel
    print "twist rot is ", twist_rot[2]
    return twist_vel, twist_rot