Ejemplo n.º 1
def getClosestFood(currentGameState, successorGameState,posX,posY):
    dict = {(posX,posY):1}
    posList = Queue()
    walls = successorGameState.getWalls()
    food = currentGameState.getFood()
    if food[posX][posY] == True:
        return 1
    check = False
    closestFood = 99999
    max = 20
    current = 0
    #from the position of pacman, expands on all sides with a valid path. efficient for dense food positions
    while not posList.empty():
        ((currX, currY),x) = posList._get()
        current = x+1
        if(food[currX][currY] == True):
            check = True
            closestFood = min(closestFood,current)
        if check == False and (currX-1,currY) not in dict.keys() and walls[currX-1][currY] != True:
            dict[(currX-1,currY)] = 1
        if check == False and (currX,currY-1) not in dict.keys()and walls[currX][currY-1] != True:
            dict[(currX,currY-1)] = 1
        if check == False and (currX+1,currY) not in dict.keys() and walls[currX+1][currY] != True:
            dict[(currX+1,currY)] = 1
        if check == False and(currX,currY+1) not in dict.keys() and walls[currX][currY+1] != True:
            dict[(currX,currY+1)] = 1
    return 1.0/closestFood
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _put(self, item):
     delay, item = item
     if delay:
         if self.task.running:
             heapq.heappush(self.delayed, (time.time() + delay, item))
             warn("TimeDelayQueue.put called with a delay parameter without background task having been started")
         Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _put_and_notify(self):
     with self.not_empty:
         while self.delayed:
             when, item = heapq.heappop(self.delayed)
             if when <= time.time():
                 Queue._put(self, item)
                 heapq.heappush(self.delayed, (when, item))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getClosestFood(currentGameState, successorGameState,posX,posY):
    dict = {(posX,posY):1}
    posList = Queue()
    walls = successorGameState.getWalls()
    food = currentGameState.getFood()
    if food[posX][posY] == True:
        return 1
    check = False
    closestFood = 99999
    max = 20
    current = 0
    while not posList.empty():
        #print "entered"
        ((currX, currY),x) = posList._get()
        current = x+1
        # if current >10:
        #     break
        if(food[currX][currY] == True):
            check = True
            closestFood = min(closestFood,current)
        if check == False and (currX-1,currY) not in dict.keys() and walls[currX-1][currY] != True:
            dict[(currX-1,currY)] = 1
        if check == False and (currX,currY-1) not in dict.keys()and walls[currX][currY-1] != True:
            dict[(currX,currY-1)] = 1
        if check == False and (currX+1,currY) not in dict.keys() and walls[currX+1][currY] != True:
            dict[(currX+1,currY)] = 1
        if check == False and(currX,currY+1) not in dict.keys() and walls[currX][currY+1] != True:
            dict[(currX,currY+1)] = 1
    # if closestFood <3:
    #     closestFood = 7-closestFood
    # elif closestFood < 10:
    #     closestFood = 5-closestFood/2
    # elif closestFood >10:
    #     closestFood = 5-closestFood/4
    return 1.0/closestFood
Ejemplo n.º 5
        eval_sess.ctlr.done("unexpected eval error")

    def _put(self, (eval_sess, is_reeval)):
        # Only consider re-evaluation if we are still on the same eval
        # session.
        if is_reeval and self._curr_eval_sess is not eval_sess:

        # We only allow *one* eval session at a time.
        # - Drop a possible accumulated eval session.
        if len(self.queue):
        # - Abort the current eval session.
        if not is_reeval and self._curr_eval_sess is not None:

        # Lazily start the eval thread.
        if not self.isAlive():

        Queue._put(self, (eval_sess, is_reeval))
        assert len(self.queue) == 1

    def _get(self):
        eval_sess, is_reeval = Queue._get(self)
        if is_reeval:
            assert self._curr_eval_sess is eval_sess
            self._curr_eval_sess = eval_sess
        return eval_sess, is_reeval
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _put(self, item):
     Queue._put(self, item)
     self.unfinished_tasks += 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _put(self, item):
     pkg_name = item['name']
     if pkg_name not in self.all_items:        
         Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _put(self, item):
     Queue._put(self, item)
     self.unfinished_tasks += 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def _put(self, item):
		if item not in self.all_items:
			Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def mirror_tree_non_r(root, root2):
    s1 = Queue()
    s2 = Queue()
    while s1.empty() != True and s2.empty() != True:
        if s1.empty() or s2.empty():
            return False
        root = s1._get()
        root2 = s2._get()
        if root.data != root2.data:
            return False
        if root.left:
        if root2.right:
        if root.right:
        if root2.left:
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
class mysqlManager:

    TYPE_INSERT = "insert"
    TYPE_DELETE = "delete"

    def __init__(self, dbconfig):
        self.accountId = dbconfig["accountId"]
        self.db = baseMysql(dbconfig)
        self.__queue = Queue()
        self.__thread = Thread(target=self.__run)  ##io操作另起线程跑
        self.__active = True

    def __run(self):
        while self.__active == True:
                event = self.__queue.get(block=True,
                                         timeout=1)  # 获取事件的阻塞时间设为1秒
            except Empty:

    def __process(self, reqData):
        tableName = reqData.table
        type = reqData.type
        if type == self.TYPE_INSERT:
            self.dbInsert_(tableName, reqData.dict_["data"])

        if type == self.TYPE_DELETE:
            self.dbDelete_(tableName, reqData.dict_["data"])

    def putReq(self, req):

    def dbInsert(self, tableName, d):
        req = DatabaseReq(tableName, self.TYPE_INSERT)
        req.dict_['data'] = d


    def dbInsert_(self, tableName, d):
        sql = getInsertSql(tableName, d, self.accountId)

    def dbDelete(self, tableName, d):
        req = DatabaseReq(tableName, self.TYPE_DELETE)
        req.dict_['data'] = d


    def dbDelete_(self, tableName, d):
        sql = getDeleteSql(tableName, d, self.accountId)

    def dbSelect(self, tableName, d, ret_type):

        sql = getSelectSql(tableName, d, self.accountId, ret_type)
        return self.db.query(sql, ret_type)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def find_parameters(options, mse_callback):
    def update_param(c, g, p, mse, best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse, worker,
        if (mse < best_mse):
            best_mse, best_c, best_g, best_p = mse, c, g, p
        stdout_str = '[{0}] {1} {2} (best '.format\
         (worker,' '.join(str(x) for x in [c,g,p] if x is not None),mse)
        output_str = ''
        if c != None:
            stdout_str += 'c={0}, '.format(best_c)
            output_str += 'c={0} '.format(c)
        if g != None:
            stdout_str += 'g={0}, '.format(best_g)
            output_str += 'g={0} '.format(g)
        if p != None:
            stdout_str += 'p={0}, '.format(best_p)
            output_str += 'p={0} '.format(p)
        stdout_str += 'mse={0})'.format(best_mse)
        return best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse

    options = GridOption(options)

    # put jobs in queue

    jobs, resumed_jobs = calculate_jobs(options)
    job_queue = Queue(0)
    result_queue = Queue(0)

    for (c, g, p) in resumed_jobs:
        result_queue.put(('resumed', c, g, p, resumed_jobs[(c, g, p)]))

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g, p) in line:
            if (c, g, p) not in resumed_jobs:
                job_queue.put((c, g, p))

    # hack the queue to become a stack --
    # this is important when some thread
    # failed and re-put a job. It we still
    # use FIFO, the job will be put
    # into the end of the queue, and the graph
    # will only be updated in the end

    job_queue._put = job_queue.queue.appendleft

    # fire telnet workers

    if telnet_workers:
        nr_telnet_worker = len(telnet_workers)
        username = getpass.getuser()
        password = getpass.getpass()
        for host in telnet_workers:
            worker = TelnetWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host,
                                  username, password, options)

    # fire ssh workers

    if ssh_workers:
        for host in ssh_workers:
            worker = SSHWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host, options)

    # fire local workers

    for i in range(nr_local_worker):
        worker = LocalWorker('local thread-' + str(i), job_queue, result_queue,
                             options, mse_callback)

    # gather results

    done_jobs = {}

    db = []
    best_mse = float('+inf')
    best_c, best_g, best_p = None, None, None

    for (c, g, p) in resumed_jobs:
        mse = resumed_jobs[(c, g, p)]
        best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse = update_param(
            c, g, p, mse, best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse, 'resumed', True)

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g, p) in line:
            while (c, g, p) not in done_jobs:
                (worker, c1, g1, p1, mse1) = result_queue.get()
                done_jobs[(c1, g1, p1)] = mse1
                if (c1, g1, p1) not in resumed_jobs:
                    best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse = update_param(
                        c1, g1, p1, mse1, best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse,
                        worker, False)
            db.append((c, g, p, done_jobs[(c, g, p)]))

    job_queue.put((WorkerStopToken, None, None))
    best_param, best_cgp = {}, []
    if best_c != None:
        best_param['c'] = best_c
        best_cgp += [best_c]
    if best_g != None:
        best_param['g'] = best_g
        best_cgp += [best_g]
    if best_p != None:
        best_param['p'] = best_p
        best_cgp += [best_p]
    print('{0} {1}'.format(' '.join(map(str, best_cgp)), best_mse))

    return best_mse, best_param
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def find_parameters(dataset_pathname, options=''):
        options = GridOption(dataset_pathname, options);

        if options.gnuplot_pathname:
            gnuplot = Popen(options.gnuplot_pathname,stdin = PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE).stdin
            gnuplot = None
        # put jobs in queue

        jobs,resumed_jobs = calculate_jobs(options)
        job_queue = Queue(0)
        result_queue = Queue(0)

        for (c,g) in resumed_jobs:

        for line in jobs:
            for (c,g) in line:
                if (c,g) not in resumed_jobs:

        # hack the queue to become a stack --
        # this is important when some thread
        # failed and re-put a job. It we still
        # use FIFO, the job will be put
        # into the end of the queue, and the graph
        # will only be updated in the end
        job_queue._put = job_queue.queue.appendleft
        # Broadcast the options
        for i in range(1, total_mpi):
            comm.send(options.__dict__, dest=i, tag=0)
        njobs_per_mpi = job_queue.qsize() / total_mpi
        job_queue0 = Queue(0)
        for i in range(0, njobs_per_mpi):
        # Dispatch the remained jobs
        id = 0
        rnd = [0] * total_mpi
        while not job_queue.empty():
            id = (id + 1) % total_mpi
            if id == 0:
            rnd[id] += 1
            (cexp, gexp) = job_queue.get()
            comm.isend((cexp, gexp), dest=id, tag=rnd[id])
        for i in range(1, total_mpi):
            comm.isend((None, None), dest=i, tag=(rnd[i]+1))
        while not job_queue0.empty():
            (cexp0, gexp0) = job_queue0.get()
            worker = Worker(options.__dict__, cexp0, gexp0)
            (cexp, gexp, rate) = worker.run()
            result_queue.put(('0', cexp, gexp, rate))
        for id in range(1, total_mpi):
            for i in range(1, rnd[id]+1):
                (workerid, cexp, gexp, rate) = comm.recv(source=id, tag=i)
                result_queue.put((workerid, cexp, gexp, rate))
        best_rate = -1
        best_c,best_g = None, None
        while not result_queue.empty():
            (workerid, c, g, rate) = result_queue.get()
            best_c, best_g, best_rate = update_param(options, c, g, rate, best_c, best_g, best_rate, 'mpi'+workerid, False)
            if gnuplot and options.grid_with_c and options.grid_with_g:
                redraw(db,[best_c, best_g, best_rate],gnuplot,options)
                redraw(db,[best_c, best_g, best_rate],gnuplot,options,True)
        if options.out_pathname:
        best_param, best_cg  = {}, []
        if best_c != None:
            best_param['c'] = 2.0**best_c
            best_cg += [2.0**best_c]
        if best_g != None:
            best_param['g'] = 2.0**best_g
            best_cg += [2.0**best_g]
        print('{0} {1}'.format(' '.join(map(str,best_cg)), best_rate))
        return best_rate, best_param
Ejemplo n.º 14
def find_parameters(dataset_pathname, options=""):
    def update_param(c, g, p, mse, best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse, worker, resumed):
        if mse < best_mse:
            best_mse, best_c, best_g, best_p = mse, c, g, p
        stdout_str = "[{0}] {1} {2} (best ".format(worker, " ".join(str(x) for x in [c, g, p] if x is not None), mse)
        output_str = ""
        if c != None:
            stdout_str += "c={0}, ".format(2.0 ** best_c)
            output_str += "log2c={0} ".format(c)
        if g != None:
            stdout_str += "g={0}, ".format(2.0 ** best_g)
            output_str += "log2g={0} ".format(g)
        if p != None:
            stdout_str += "p={0}, ".format(2.0 ** best_p)
            output_str += "log2p={0} ".format(p)
        stdout_str += "mse={0})".format(best_mse)
        if options.out_pathname and not resumed:
            output_str += "mse={0}\n".format(mse)

        return best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse

    options = GridOption(dataset_pathname, options)

    if options.gnuplot_pathname:
        gnuplot = Popen(options.gnuplot_pathname, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdin
        gnuplot = None

        # put jobs in queue

    jobs, resumed_jobs = calculate_jobs(options)
    job_queue = Queue(0)
    result_queue = Queue(0)

    for (c, g, p) in resumed_jobs:
        result_queue.put(("resumed", c, g, p, resumed_jobs[(c, g, p)]))

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g, p) in line:
            if (c, g, p) not in resumed_jobs:
                job_queue.put((c, g, p))

                # hack the queue to become a stack --
                # this is important when some thread
                # failed and re-put a job. It we still
                # use FIFO, the job will be put
                # into the end of the queue, and the graph
                # will only be updated in the end

    job_queue._put = job_queue.queue.appendleft

    # fire telnet workers

    if telnet_workers:
        nr_telnet_worker = len(telnet_workers)
        username = getpass.getuser()
        password = getpass.getpass()
        for host in telnet_workers:
            worker = TelnetWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host, username, password, options)

            # fire ssh workers

    if ssh_workers:
        for host in ssh_workers:
            worker = SSHWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host, options)

            # fire local workers

    for i in range(nr_local_worker):
        worker = LocalWorker("local", job_queue, result_queue, options)

        # gather results

    done_jobs = {}

    if options.out_pathname:
        if options.resume_pathname:
            result_file = open(options.out_pathname, "a")
            result_file = open(options.out_pathname, "w")

    db = []
    best_mse = float("+inf")
    best_c, best_g, best_p = None, None, None

    for (c, g, p) in resumed_jobs:
        mse = resumed_jobs[(c, g, p)]
        best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse = update_param(c, g, p, mse, best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse, "resumed", True)

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g, p) in line:
            while (c, g, p) not in done_jobs:
                (worker, c1, g1, p1, mse1) = result_queue.get()
                done_jobs[(c1, g1, p1)] = mse1
                if (c1, g1, p1) not in resumed_jobs:
                    best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse = update_param(
                        c1, g1, p1, mse1, best_c, best_g, best_p, best_mse, worker, False
            db.append((c, g, p, done_jobs[(c, g, p)]))
        if gnuplot and options.grid_with_c and options.grid_with_g:
            redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options)
            redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options, True)

    if options.out_pathname:
    job_queue.put((WorkerStopToken, None, None))
    best_param, best_cgp = {}, []
    if best_c != None:
        best_param["c"] = 2.0 ** best_c
        best_cgp += [2.0 ** best_c]
    if best_g != None:
        best_param["g"] = 2.0 ** best_g
        best_cgp += [2.0 ** best_g]
    if best_p != None:
        best_param["p"] = 2.0 ** best_p
        best_cgp += [2.0 ** best_p]
    print("{0} {1}".format(" ".join(map(str, best_cgp)), best_mse))

    return best_mse, best_param
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _put(self, item):
     if isinstance(item, basestring) and self.task is not None:
         Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _put(self, item):
     if item not in self.all_items:
         Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _put(self, item):
     Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def find_parameters(dataset_pathname, options=''):
    def update_param(c, g, rate, best_c, best_g, best_rate, worker, resumed):
        if (rate > best_rate) or (rate == best_rate and g == best_g
                                  and c < best_c):
            best_rate, best_c, best_g = rate, c, g
        stdout_str = '[{0}] {1} {2} (best '.format\
         (worker,' '.join(str(x) for x in [c,g] if x is not None),rate)
        output_str = ''
        if c != None:
            stdout_str += 'c={0}, '.format(2.0**best_c)
            output_str += 'log2c={0} '.format(c)
        if g != None:
            stdout_str += 'g={0}, '.format(2.0**best_g)
            output_str += 'log2g={0} '.format(g)
        stdout_str += 'rate={0})'.format(best_rate)
        if options.out_pathname and not resumed:
            output_str += 'rate={0}\n'.format(rate)

        return best_c, best_g, best_rate

    options = GridOption(dataset_pathname, options)

    if options.gnuplot_pathname:
        gnuplot = Popen(options.gnuplot_pathname,
        gnuplot = None

    # put jobs in queue

    jobs, resumed_jobs = calculate_jobs(options)
    job_queue = Queue(0)
    result_queue = Queue(0)

    for (c, g) in resumed_jobs:
        result_queue.put(('resumed', c, g, resumed_jobs[(c, g)]))

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g) in line:
            if (c, g) not in resumed_jobs:
                job_queue.put((c, g))

    # hack the queue to become a stack --
    # this is important when some thread
    # failed and re-put a job. It we still
    # use FIFO, the job will be put
    # into the end of the queue, and the graph
    # will only be updated in the end

    job_queue._put = job_queue.queue.appendleft

    # fire telnet workers

    if telnet_workers:
        nr_telnet_worker = len(telnet_workers)
        username = getpass.getuser()
        password = getpass.getpass()
        for host in telnet_workers:
            worker = TelnetWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host,
                                  username, password, options)

    # fire ssh workers

    if ssh_workers:
        for host in ssh_workers:
            worker = SSHWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host, options)

    # fire local workers

    for i in range(nr_local_worker):
        worker = LocalWorker('local', job_queue, result_queue, options)

    # gather results

    done_jobs = {}

    if options.out_pathname:
        if options.resume_pathname:
            result_file = open(options.out_pathname, 'a')
            result_file = open(options.out_pathname, 'w')

    db = []
    best_rate = -1
    best_c, best_g = None, None

    for (c, g) in resumed_jobs:
        rate = resumed_jobs[(c, g)]
        best_c, best_g, best_rate = update_param(c, g, rate, best_c, best_g,
                                                 best_rate, 'resumed', True)

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g) in line:
            while (c, g) not in done_jobs:
                (worker, c1, g1, rate1) = result_queue.get()
                done_jobs[(c1, g1)] = rate1
                if (c1, g1) not in resumed_jobs:
                    best_c, best_g, best_rate = update_param(
                        c1, g1, rate1, best_c, best_g, best_rate, worker,
            db.append((c, g, done_jobs[(c, g)]))
        if gnuplot and options.grid_with_c and options.grid_with_g:
            redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options)
            redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options, True)

    if options.out_pathname:
    job_queue.put((WorkerStopToken, None))
    best_param, best_cg = {}, []
    if best_c != None:
        best_param['c'] = 2.0**best_c
        best_cg += [2.0**best_c]
    if best_g != None:
        best_param['g'] = 2.0**best_g
        best_cg += [2.0**best_g]
    print('{0} {1}'.format(' '.join(map(str, best_cg)), best_rate))

    return [best_rate, best_param]
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _put(self, item):
     Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _put(self, item):

        Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: utils.py Proyecto: sirusb/imp
    def _put(self, item):

        Queue._put(self, item)
Ejemplo n.º 22
            if len(self.queue):
                pending = list(self.queue)
                for evalr, _ in pending:
                        log.exception("Failed to close evalr")
            ## - Abort the current eval session.
            if not is_reeval and self._curr_eval_sess is not None:

        # Lazily start the eval thread.
        if not self.isAlive():

        Queue._put(self, (eval_sess, is_reeval))
        if replace:
            assert len(self.queue) == 1

    def _get(self):
        eval_sess, is_reeval = Queue._get(self)
        if is_reeval:
            assert self._curr_eval_sess is eval_sess
            self._curr_eval_sess = eval_sess
        return eval_sess, is_reeval

Ejemplo n.º 23
    def find_parameters(dataset_pathname, options=''):
        options = GridOption(dataset_pathname, options)

        if options.gnuplot_pathname:
            gnuplot = Popen(options.gnuplot_pathname,
            gnuplot = None

        # put jobs in queue

        jobs, resumed_jobs = calculate_jobs(options)
        job_queue = Queue(0)
        result_queue = Queue(0)

        for (c, g) in resumed_jobs:
            result_queue.put(('resumed', c, g, resumed_jobs[(c, g)]))

        for line in jobs:
            for (c, g) in line:
                if (c, g) not in resumed_jobs:
                    job_queue.put((c, g))

        # hack the queue to become a stack --
        # this is important when some thread
        # failed and re-put a job. It we still
        # use FIFO, the job will be put
        # into the end of the queue, and the graph
        # will only be updated in the end

        job_queue._put = job_queue.queue.appendleft

        # Broadcast the options
        for i in range(1, total_mpi):
            comm.send(options.__dict__, dest=i, tag=0)

        njobs_per_mpi = job_queue.qsize() / total_mpi

        job_queue0 = Queue(0)
        for i in range(0, njobs_per_mpi):

        # Dispatch the remained jobs
        id = 0
        rnd = [0] * total_mpi
        while not job_queue.empty():
            id = (id + 1) % total_mpi
            if id == 0:
            rnd[id] += 1
            (cexp, gexp) = job_queue.get()
            comm.isend((cexp, gexp), dest=id, tag=rnd[id])

        for i in range(1, total_mpi):
            comm.isend((None, None), dest=i, tag=(rnd[i] + 1))

        while not job_queue0.empty():
            (cexp0, gexp0) = job_queue0.get()
            worker = Worker(options.__dict__, cexp0, gexp0)
            (cexp, gexp, rate) = worker.run()
            result_queue.put(('0', cexp, gexp, rate))

        for id in range(1, total_mpi):
            for i in range(1, rnd[id] + 1):
                (workerid, cexp, gexp, rate) = comm.recv(source=id, tag=i)
                result_queue.put((workerid, cexp, gexp, rate))

        best_rate = -1
        best_c, best_g = None, None
        while not result_queue.empty():
            (workerid, c, g, rate) = result_queue.get()
            best_c, best_g, best_rate = update_param(options, c, g, rate,
                                                     best_c, best_g, best_rate,
                                                     'mpi' + workerid, False)
            if gnuplot and options.grid_with_c and options.grid_with_g:
                redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options)
                redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options, True)

        if options.out_pathname:
        best_param, best_cg = {}, []
        if best_c != None:
            best_param['c'] = 2.0**best_c
            best_cg += [2.0**best_c]
        if best_g != None:
            best_param['g'] = 2.0**best_g
            best_cg += [2.0**best_g]
        print('{0} {1}'.format(' '.join(map(str, best_cg)), best_rate))

        return best_rate, best_param
Ejemplo n.º 24
def find_parameters(dataset_pathname, options=''):
    def update_param(c, g, rate, best_c, best_g, best_rate, worker, resumed):
        if (rate > best_rate) or (rate == best_rate and g == best_g and c < best_c):
            best_rate, best_c, best_g = rate, c, g
        stdout_str = '[{0}] {1} {2} (best '.format \
            (worker, ' '.join(str(x) for x in [c, g] if x is not None), rate)
        output_str = ''
        if c != None:
            stdout_str += 'c={0}, '.format(2.0 ** best_c)
            output_str += 'log2c={0} '.format(c)
        if g != None:
            stdout_str += 'g={0}, '.format(2.0 ** best_g)
            output_str += 'log2g={0} '.format(g)
        stdout_str += 'rate={0})'.format(best_rate)
        if options.out_pathname and not resumed:
            output_str += 'rate={0}\n'.format(rate)

        return best_c, best_g, best_rate

    options = GridOption(dataset_pathname, options);

    if options.gnuplot_pathname:
        gnuplot = Popen(options.gnuplot_pathname, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdin
        gnuplot = None

    # put jobs in queue

    jobs, resumed_jobs = calculate_jobs(options)
    job_queue = Queue(0)
    result_queue = Queue(0)

    for (c, g) in resumed_jobs:
        result_queue.put(('resumed', c, g, resumed_jobs[(c, g)]))

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g) in line:
            if (c, g) not in resumed_jobs:
                job_queue.put((c, g))

    # hack the queue to become a stack --
    # this is important when some thread
    # failed and re-put a job. It we still
    # use FIFO, the job will be put
    # into the end of the queue, and the graph
    # will only be updated in the end

    job_queue._put = job_queue.queue.appendleft

    # fire telnet workers

    if telnet_workers:
        nr_telnet_worker = len(telnet_workers)
        username = getpass.getuser()
        password = getpass.getpass()
        for host in telnet_workers:
            worker = TelnetWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue,
                                  host, username, password, options)

    # fire ssh workers

    if ssh_workers:
        for host in ssh_workers:
            worker = SSHWorker(host, job_queue, result_queue, host, options)

    # fire local workers

    for i in range(nr_local_worker):
        worker = LocalWorker('local', job_queue, result_queue, options)

    # gather results

    done_jobs = {}

    if options.out_pathname:
        if options.resume_pathname:
            result_file = open(options.out_pathname, 'a')
            result_file = open(options.out_pathname, 'w')

    db = []
    best_rate = -1
    best_c, best_g = None, None

    for (c, g) in resumed_jobs:
        rate = resumed_jobs[(c, g)]
        best_c, best_g, best_rate = update_param(c, g, rate, best_c, best_g, best_rate, 'resumed', True)

    for line in jobs:
        for (c, g) in line:
            while (c, g) not in done_jobs:
                (worker, c1, g1, rate1) = result_queue.get()
                done_jobs[(c1, g1)] = rate1
                if (c1, g1) not in resumed_jobs:
                    best_c, best_g, best_rate = update_param(c1, g1, rate1, best_c, best_g, best_rate, worker, False)
            db.append((c, g, done_jobs[(c, g)]))
        if gnuplot and options.grid_with_c and options.grid_with_g:
            redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options)
            redraw(db, [best_c, best_g, best_rate], gnuplot, options, True)

    if options.out_pathname:
    job_queue.put((WorkerStopToken, None))
    best_param, best_cg = {}, []
    if best_c != None:
        best_param['c'] = 2.0 ** best_c
        best_cg += [2.0 ** best_c]
    if best_g != None:
        best_param['g'] = 2.0 ** best_g
        best_cg += [2.0 ** best_g]
    print('{0} {1}'.format(' '.join(map(str, best_cg)), best_rate))

    return best_rate, best_param
Ejemplo n.º 25
	def _put(self,item):
		print "emmiting signal"