Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fill(self, window, worlds, location_pools, item_pools):
        search = Search.max_explore([world.state for world in worlds], itertools.chain.from_iterable(item_pools))
        if not search.can_beat_game(False):
            raise FillError('Item pool does not contain items required to beat game!')

        for world_dist in self.world_dists:
            world_dist.fill(window, worlds, location_pools, item_pools)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def can_reach_stone(worlds, stone_location, location):
    if location == None:
        return True

    old_item = location.item
    location.item = None
    search = Search.max_explore([world.state for world in worlds])
    location.item = old_item

    return (search.spot_access(stone_location)
            and search.state_list[location.world.id].guarantee_hint())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def buildWorldGossipHints(spoiler, world, checkedLocations=None):
    # rebuild hint exclusion list
    hintExclusions(world, clear_cache=True)

    world.barren_dungeon = False
    world.woth_dungeon = 0

    search = Search.max_explore([w.state for w in spoiler.worlds])
    for stone in gossipLocations.values():
        stone.reachable = (search.spot_access(
                           and search.state_list[world.id].guarantee_hint())

    if checkedLocations is None:
        checkedLocations = set()

    stoneIDs = list(gossipLocations.keys())

    world.distribution.configure_gossip(spoiler, stoneIDs)


    hint_dist = hint_dist_sets[world.hint_dist]
    hint_types, hint_prob = zip(*hint_dist.items())
    hint_prob, _ = zip(*hint_prob)

    # Add required location hints
    alwaysLocations = getHintGroup('always', world)
    for hint in alwaysLocations:
        location = world.get_location(hint.name)

        location_text = getHint(location.name, world.clearer_hints).text
        if '#' not in location_text:
            location_text = '#%s#' % location_text
        item_text = getHint(getItemGenericName(location.item),
                 GossipText('%s #%s#.' % (location_text, item_text),
                            ['Green', 'Red']),

    # Add trial hints
    if world.trials_random and world.trials == 6:
                     "#Ganon's Tower# is protected by a powerful barrier.",
    elif world.trials_random and world.trials == 0:
                     "Sheik dispelled the barrier around #Ganon's Tower#.",
    elif world.trials < 6 and world.trials > 3:
        for trial, skipped in world.skipped_trials.items():
            if skipped:
                             "the #%s Trial# was dispelled by Sheik." % trial,
    elif world.trials <= 3 and world.trials > 0:
        for trial, skipped in world.skipped_trials.items():
            if not skipped:
                             "the #%s Trial# protects Ganon's Tower." % trial,

    hint_types = list(hint_types)
    hint_prob = list(hint_prob)
    hint_counts = {}

    if world.hint_dist == "tournament":
        fixed_hint_types = []
        for hint_type in hint_types:
            fixed_hint_types.extend([hint_type] * int(hint_dist[hint_type][0]))
        fill_hint_types = ['sometimes', 'random']
        current_fill_type = fill_hint_types.pop(0)

    while stoneIDs:
        if world.hint_dist == "tournament":
            if fixed_hint_types:
                hint_type = fixed_hint_types.pop(0)
                hint_type = current_fill_type
                # Weight the probabilities such that hints that are over the expected proportion
                # will be drawn less, and hints that are under will be drawn more.
                # This tightens the variance quite a bit. The variance can be adjusted via the power
                weighted_hint_prob = []
                for w1_type, w1_prob in zip(hint_types, hint_prob):
                    p = w1_prob
                    if p != 0:  # If the base prob is 0, then it's 0
                        for w2_type, w2_prob in zip(hint_types, hint_prob):
                            if w2_prob != 0:  # If the other prob is 0, then it has no effect
                                # Raising this term to a power greater than 1 will decrease variance
                                # Conversely, a power less than 1 will increase variance
                                p = p * (
                                    ((hint_counts.get(w2_type, 0) / w2_prob) +
                                     1) /
                                    ((hint_counts.get(w1_type, 0) / w1_prob) +

                hint_type = random_choices(hint_types,
            except IndexError:
                raise Exception(
                    'Not enough valid hints to fill gossip stone locations.')

        hint = hint_func[hint_type](spoiler, world, checkedLocations)

        if hint == None:
            index = hint_types.index(hint_type)
            hint_prob[index] = 0
            if world.hint_dist == "tournament" and hint_type == current_fill_type:
                    'Not enough valid %s hints for tournament distribution.',
                if fill_hint_types:
                    current_fill_type = fill_hint_types.pop(0)
                        'Switching to %s hints to fill remaining gossip stone locations.',
                    raise Exception(
                        'Not enough valid hints for tournament distribution.')
            gossip_text, location = hint
            place_ok = add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneIDs, gossip_text,
                                hint_dist[hint_type][1], location)
            if place_ok:
                hint_counts[hint_type] = hint_counts.get(hint_type, 0) + 1
            if not place_ok and world.hint_dist == "tournament":
                logging.getLogger('').debug('Failed to place %s hint for %s.',
                                            hint_type, location.name)
                fixed_hint_types.insert(0, hint_type)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def fill(self, window, worlds, location_pools, item_pools):
        world = worlds[self.id]
        locations = {}
        if self.locations:
            locations = {
                loc: self.locations[loc]
                for loc in random.sample(self.locations.keys(),
        for starting_item in self.starting_items:
            for _ in range(self.starting_items[starting_item].count):
                    if starting_item in item_groups['DungeonReward']:
                    item = None
                    if starting_item in item_groups['Bottle']:
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#Bottle",
                                                      self.id, "#Junk", worlds)
                    elif starting_item in item_groups['AdultTrade']:
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools,
                                                      "#AdultTrade", self.id,
                                                      "#Junk", worlds)
                    elif IsItem(starting_item):
                            item = self.pool_replace_item(
                                item_pools, starting_item, self.id, "#Junk",
                        except KeyError:
                            pass  # If a normal item exceeds the item pool count, continue.
                except KeyError:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Started with too many "%s" in world %d, and not enough "%s" are available in the item pool to be removed.'
                        % (starting_item, self.id + 1, starting_item))

                if starting_item in item_groups['Song']:
                    self.song_as_items = True

                # Update item_pool
                if item is not None:
                    if item not in self.item_pool:
                        self.item_pool[item.name] = ItemPoolRecord({
                            'type': 'set',
                            'count': 1
                        self.item_pool[item.name].count += 1
                    item_pools[5].append(ItemFactory(item.name, world))
        for (location_name,
             record) in pattern_dict_items(locations, world.itempool, []):
            if record.item is None:

            player_id = self.id if record.player is None else record.player - 1

            location_matcher = lambda loc: loc.world.id == world.id and loc.name == location_name
            location = pull_first_element(location_pools, location_matcher)
            if location is None:
                    location = LocationFactory(location_name)
                except KeyError:
                    raise RuntimeError('Unknown location in world %d: %s' %
                                       (world.id + 1, location_name))
                if location.type == 'Boss':
                elif location.name in world.disabled_locations:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Location already filled in world %d: %s' %
                        (self.id + 1, location_name))

            if record.item in item_groups['DungeonReward']:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Cannot place dungeon reward %s in world %d in location %s.'
                    % (record.item, self.id + 1, location_name))

            if record.item == '#Junk' and location.type == 'Song' and not world.shuffle_song_items:
                record.item = '#JunkSong'

            ignore_pools = None
            is_invert = pattern_matcher(record.item)('!')
            if is_invert and location.type != 'Song' and not world.shuffle_song_items:
                ignore_pools = [2]
            if is_invert and location.type == 'Song' and not world.shuffle_song_items:
                ignore_pools = [i for i in range(len(item_pools)) if i != 2]

                item = self.pool_remove_item(item_pools,
            except KeyError:
                if location.type == 'Shop' and "Buy" in record.item:
                                              "Buy *",
                        item = ItemFactory([record.item], world=world)[0]
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Too many shop buy items were added to world %d, and not enough shop buy items are available in the item pool to be removed.'
                            % (self.id + 1))
                elif record.item in item_groups['Bottle']:
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#Bottle",
                                                      player_id, record.item,
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Too many bottles were added to world %d, and not enough bottles are available in the item pool to be removed.'
                            % (self.id + 1))
                elif record.item in item_groups['AdultTrade']:
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools,
                                                      "#AdultTrade", player_id,
                                                      record.item, worlds)
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Too many adult trade items were added to world %d, and not enough adult trade items are available in the item pool to be removed.'
                            % (self.id + 1))
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#Junk",
                                                      player_id, record.item,
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Too many items were added to world %d, and not enough junk is available to be removed.'
                            % (self.id + 1))
                # Update item_pool
                if item.name not in self.item_pool:
                    self.item_pool[item.name] = ItemPoolRecord({
                        'type': 'set',
                        'count': 1
                    self.item_pool[item.name].count += 1
            except IndexError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unknown item %s being placed on location %s in world %d.'
                    % (record.item, location, self.id + 1))

            if record.price is not None and item.type != 'Shop':
                location.price = record.price
                world.shop_prices[location.name] = record.price

            if location.type == 'Song' and item.type != 'Song':
                self.song_as_items = True
            location.world.push_item(location, item, True)

            if item.advancement:
                search = Search.max_explore(
                    [world.state for world in worlds],
                if not search.can_beat_game(False):
                    raise FillError(
                        '%s in world %d is not reachable without %s in world %d!'
                        (location.name, self.id + 1, item.name, player_id + 1))
            window.fillcount += 1
            window.update_progress(5 + (
                (window.fillcount / window.locationcount) * 30))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def fill(self, window, worlds, location_pools, item_pools):
        """Fills the world with restrictions defined in a plandomizer JSON file.

        :param window:
        :param worlds: A list of the world objects that define the rules of each game world.
        :param location_pools: A list containing all of the location pools.
            0: Shop Locations
            1: Song Locations
            2: Fill locations
        :param item_pools: A list containing all of the item pools.
            0: Shop Items
            1: Dungeon Items
            2: Songs
            3: Progression Items
            4: Priority Items
            5: The rest of the Item pool
        world = worlds[self.id]
        locations = {}
        if self.locations:
            locations = {loc: self.locations[loc] for loc in random.sample(self.locations.keys(), len(self.locations))}
        used_items = []
        for (location_name, record) in pattern_dict_items(locations, world.itempool, used_items):
            if record.item is None:

            player_id = self.id if record.player is None else record.player - 1

            location_matcher = lambda loc: loc.world.id == world.id and loc.name.lower() == location_name.lower()
            location = pull_first_element(location_pools, location_matcher)
            if location is None:
                    location = LocationFactory(location_name)
                except KeyError:
                    raise RuntimeError('Unknown location in world %d: %s' % (world.id + 1, location_name))
                if location.type == 'Boss':
                elif location.name in world.disabled_locations:
                    raise RuntimeError('Location already filled in world %d: %s' % (self.id + 1, location_name))

            if record.item in item_groups['DungeonReward']:
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot place dungeon reward %s in world %d in location %s.' % (record.item, self.id + 1, location_name))

            if record.item == '#Junk' and location.type == 'Song' and not world.shuffle_song_items:
                record.item = '#JunkSong'

            ignore_pools = None
            is_invert = pattern_matcher(record.item)('!')
            if is_invert and location.type != 'Song' and not world.shuffle_song_items:
                ignore_pools = [2]
            if is_invert and location.type == 'Song' and not world.shuffle_song_items:
                ignore_pools = [i for i in range(len(item_pools)) if i != 2]

                if record.item == "#Bottle":
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#Bottle", player_id, record.item, worlds)
                        # Update item_pool
                        if item.name not in self.item_pool:
                            self.item_pool[item.name] = ItemPoolRecord()
                            self.item_pool[item.name].count += 1
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Too many bottles were added to world %d, and not enough bottles are available in the item pool to be removed.' % (
                                        self.id + 1))
                elif record.item == "#AdultTrade":
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#AdultTrade", player_id, record.item, worlds)
                        # Update item_pool
                        if item.name not in self.item_pool:
                            self.item_pool[item.name] = ItemPoolRecord()
                            self.item_pool[item.name].count += 1
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Too many adult trade items were added to world %d, and not enough adult trade items are available in the item pool to be removed.' % (
                                        self.id + 1))
                    item = self.pool_remove_item(item_pools, record.item, 1, world_id=player_id, ignore_pools=ignore_pools)[0]
            except KeyError:
                if location.type == 'Shop' and "Buy" in record.item:
                        self.pool_remove_item([item_pools[0]], "Buy *", 1, world_id=player_id)
                        item = ItemFactory([record.item], world=world)[0]
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError('Too many shop buy items were added to world %d, and not enough shop buy items are available in the item pool to be removed.' % (self.id + 1))
                elif record.item in item_groups['Bottle']:
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#Bottle", player_id, record.item, worlds)
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError('Too many bottles were added to world %d, and not enough bottles are available in the item pool to be removed.' % (self.id + 1))
                elif record.item in item_groups['AdultTrade']:
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#AdultTrade", player_id, record.item, worlds)
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError('Too many adult trade items were added to world %d, and not enough adult trade items are available in the item pool to be removed.' % (self.id + 1))
                elif record.item == "Weird Egg":
                    # If Letter has not been shown to guard before obtaining a second weird egg a softlock can occur
                    # if there are important items at deku theater or an important location locked behind the gate
                    # or if Keaton Mask gets overwritten before giving it to the guard.
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "Weird Egg", player_id, record.item, worlds)
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError('Weird Egg already placed in World %d.' % (self.id + 1))
                        item = self.pool_replace_item(item_pools, "#Junk", player_id, record.item, worlds)
                    except KeyError:
                        raise RuntimeError('Too many items were added to world %d, and not enough junk is available to be removed.' % (self.id + 1))
                # Update item_pool
                if item.name not in self.item_pool:
                    self.item_pool[item.name] = ItemPoolRecord()
                    self.item_pool[item.name].count += 1
            except IndexError:
                raise RuntimeError('Unknown item %s being placed on location %s in world %d.' % (record.item, location, self.id + 1))

            if record.price is not None and item.type != 'Shop':
                location.price = record.price
                world.shop_prices[location.name] = record.price

            if location.type == 'Song' and item.type != 'Song':
                self.song_as_items = True
            location.world.push_item(location, item, True)

            if item.advancement:
                search = Search.max_explore([world.state for world in worlds], itertools.chain.from_iterable(item_pools))
                if not search.can_beat_game(False):
                    raise FillError('%s in world %d is not reachable without %s in world %d!' % (location.name, self.id + 1, item.name, player_id + 1))
            window.fillcount += 1
            window.update_progress(5 + ((window.fillcount / window.locationcount) * 30))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def buildWorldGossipHints(spoiler, world, checkedLocations=None):
    # rebuild hint exclusion list
    hintExclusions(world, clear_cache=True)

    world.barren_dungeon = 0
    world.woth_dungeon = 0

    search = Search.max_explore([w.state for w in spoiler.worlds])
    for stone in gossipLocations.values():
        stone.reachable = (
            and search.state_list[world.id].guarantee_hint())

    if checkedLocations is None:
        checkedLocations = set()

    stoneIDs = list(gossipLocations.keys())

    world.distribution.configure_gossip(spoiler, stoneIDs)

    if 'disabled' in world.hint_dist_user:
        for stone_name in world.hint_dist_user['disabled']:
                stone_id = gossipLocations_reversemap[stone_name]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(f'Gossip stone location "{stone_name}" is not valid')
            (gossip_text, _) = get_junk_hint(spoiler, world, checkedLocations)
            spoiler.hints[world.id][stone_id] = gossip_text

    stoneGroups = []
    if 'groups' in world.hint_dist_user:
        for group_names in world.hint_dist_user['groups']:
            group = []
            for stone_name in group_names:
                    stone_id = gossipLocations_reversemap[stone_name]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError(f'Gossip stone location "{stone_name}" is not valid')

    # put the remaining locations into singleton groups
    stoneGroups.extend([[id] for id in stoneIDs])


    # Create list of items for which we want hints. If Bingosync URL is supplied, include items specific to that bingo.
    # If not (or if the URL is invalid), use generic bingo hints
    if world.hint_dist == "bingo":
        bingoDefaults = read_json(data_path('Bingo/generic_bingo_hints.json'))
        if world.bingosync_url is not None and world.bingosync_url.startswith("https://bingosync.com/"): # Verify that user actually entered a bingosync URL
            logger = logging.getLogger('')
            logger.info("Got Bingosync URL. Building board-specific goals.")
            world.item_hints = buildBingoHintList(world.bingosync_url)
            world.item_hints = bingoDefaults['settings']['item_hints']

        if world.tokensanity in ("overworld", "all") and "Suns Song" not in world.item_hints:
            world.item_hints.append("Suns Song")

        if world.shopsanity != "off" and "Progressive Wallet" not in world.item_hints:
            world.item_hints.append("Progressive Wallet")

    # Load hint distro from distribution file or pre-defined settings
    # 'fixed' key is used to mimic the tournament distribution, creating a list of fixed hint types to fill
    # Once the fixed hint type list is exhausted, weighted random choices are taken like all non-tournament sets
    # This diverges from the tournament distribution where leftover stones are filled with sometimes hints (or random if no sometimes locations remain to be hinted)
    sorted_dist = {}
    type_count = 1
    hint_dist = OrderedDict({})
    fixed_hint_types = []
    max_order = 0
    for hint_type in world.hint_dist_user['distribution']:
        if world.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['order'] > 0:
            hint_order = int(world.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['order'])
            sorted_dist[hint_order] = hint_type
            if max_order < hint_order:
                max_order = hint_order
            type_count = type_count + 1
    if (type_count - 1) < max_order:
        raise Exception("There are gaps in the custom hint orders. Please revise your plando file to remove them.")
    for i in range(1, type_count):
        hint_type = sorted_dist[i]
        if world.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['copies'] > 0:
            fixed_num = world.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['fixed']
            hint_weight = world.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['weight']
            logging.getLogger('').warning("Hint copies is zero for type %s. Assuming this hint type should be disabled.", hint_type)
            fixed_num = 0
            hint_weight = 0
        hint_dist[hint_type] = (hint_weight, world.hint_dist_user['distribution'][hint_type]['copies'])
        fixed_hint_types.extend([hint_type] * int(fixed_num))

    hint_types, hint_prob = zip(*hint_dist.items())
    hint_prob, _ = zip(*hint_prob)

    # Add required location hints, only if hint copies > 0
    if hint_dist['always'][1] > 0:
        alwaysLocations = getHintGroup('always', world)
        for hint in alwaysLocations:
            location = world.get_location(hint.name)
            if location.item.name in bingoBottlesForHints and world.hint_dist == 'bingo':
                always_item = 'Bottle'
                always_item = location.item.name
            if always_item in world.item_hints:

            if location.name in world.hint_text_overrides:
                location_text = world.hint_text_overrides[location.name]
                location_text = getHint(location.name, world.clearer_hints).text
            if '#' not in location_text:
                location_text = '#%s#' % location_text
            item_text = getHint(getItemGenericName(location.item), world.clearer_hints).text
            add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups, GossipText('%s #%s#.' % (location_text, item_text), ['Green', 'Red']), hint_dist['always'][1], location, force_reachable=True)
            logging.getLogger('').debug('Placed always hint for %s.', location.name)

    # Add trial hints, only if hint copies > 0
    if hint_dist['trial'][1] > 0:
        if world.trials_random and world.trials == 6:
            add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups, GossipText("#Ganon's Tower# is protected by a powerful barrier.", ['Pink']), hint_dist['trial'][1], force_reachable=True)
        elif world.trials_random and world.trials == 0:
            add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups, GossipText("Sheik dispelled the barrier around #Ganon's Tower#.", ['Yellow']), hint_dist['trial'][1], force_reachable=True)
        elif world.trials < 6 and world.trials > 3:
            for trial,skipped in world.skipped_trials.items():
                if skipped:
                    add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups,GossipText("the #%s Trial# was dispelled by Sheik." % trial, ['Yellow']), hint_dist['trial'][1], force_reachable=True)
        elif world.trials <= 3 and world.trials > 0:
            for trial,skipped in world.skipped_trials.items():
                if not skipped:
                    add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups, GossipText("the #%s Trial# protects Ganon's Tower." % trial, ['Pink']), hint_dist['trial'][1], force_reachable=True)

    # Add user-specified hinted item locations if using a built-in hint distribution
    # Raise error if hint copies is zero
    if len(world.item_hints) > 0 and world.hint_dist_user['named_items_required']:
        if hint_dist['named-item'][1] == 0:
            raise Exception('User-provided item hints were requested, but copies per named-item hint is zero')
            for i in range(0, len(world.item_hints)):
                hint = get_specific_item_hint(spoiler, world, checkedLocations)
                if hint == None:
                    raise Exception('No valid hints for user-provided item')
                    gossip_text, location = hint
                    place_ok = add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups, gossip_text, hint_dist['named-item'][1], location)
                    if not place_ok:
                        raise Exception('Not enough gossip stones for user-provided item hints')

    hint_types = list(hint_types)
    hint_prob  = list(hint_prob)
    hint_counts = {}

    custom_fixed = True
    while stoneGroups:
        if fixed_hint_types:
            hint_type = fixed_hint_types.pop(0)
            copies = hint_dist[hint_type][1]
            if copies > len(stoneGroups):
                # Quiet to avoid leaking information.
                logging.getLogger('').debug(f'Not enough gossip stone locations ({len(stoneGroups)} groups) for fixed hint type {hint_type} with {copies} copies, proceeding with available stones.')
                copies = len(stoneGroups)
            custom_fixed = False
            # Make sure there are enough stones left for each hint type
            num_types = len(hint_types)
            hint_types = list(filter(lambda htype: hint_dist[htype][1] <= len(stoneGroups), hint_types))
            new_num_types = len(hint_types)
            if new_num_types == 0:
                raise Exception('Not enough gossip stone locations for remaining weighted hint types.')
            elif new_num_types < num_types:
                hint_prob = []
                for htype in hint_types:
                # Weight the probabilities such that hints that are over the expected proportion
                # will be drawn less, and hints that are under will be drawn more.
                # This tightens the variance quite a bit. The variance can be adjusted via the power
                weighted_hint_prob = []
                for w1_type, w1_prob in zip(hint_types, hint_prob):
                    p = w1_prob
                    if p != 0: # If the base prob is 0, then it's 0
                        for w2_type, w2_prob in zip(hint_types, hint_prob):
                            if w2_prob != 0: # If the other prob is 0, then it has no effect
                                # Raising this term to a power greater than 1 will decrease variance
                                # Conversely, a power less than 1 will increase variance
                                p = p * (((hint_counts.get(w2_type, 0) / w2_prob) + 1) / ((hint_counts.get(w1_type, 0) / w1_prob) + 1))

                hint_type = random_choices(hint_types, weights=weighted_hint_prob)[0]
                copies = hint_dist[hint_type][1]
            except IndexError:
                raise Exception('Not enough valid hints to fill gossip stone locations.')

        hint = hint_func[hint_type](spoiler, world, checkedLocations)

        if hint == None:
            index = hint_types.index(hint_type)
            hint_prob[index] = 0
            # Zero out the probability in the base distribution in case the probability list is modified
            # to fit hint types in remaining gossip stones
            hint_dist[hint_type] = (0.0, copies)
            gossip_text, location = hint
            place_ok = add_hint(spoiler, world, stoneGroups, gossip_text, copies, location)
            if place_ok:
                hint_counts[hint_type] = hint_counts.get(hint_type, 0) + 1
                if location is None:
                    logging.getLogger('').debug('Placed %s hint.', hint_type)
                    logging.getLogger('').debug('Placed %s hint for %s.', hint_type, location.name)
            if not place_ok and custom_fixed:
                logging.getLogger('').debug('Failed to place %s fixed hint for %s.', hint_type, location.name)
                fixed_hint_types.insert(0, hint_type)