Ejemplo n.º 1
  def createDICOMFileForScene(self):
    Export the scene data:
    - first to a directory using the utility in the mrmlScene
    - create a zip file using the application logic
    - create secondary capture based on the sample dataset
    - add the zip file as a private creator tag
    TODO: confirm that resulting file is valid - may need to change the CLI
    to include more parameters or do a new implementation ctk/DCMTK

    # set up temp directories and files
    self.dicomDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dicomExport', slicer.app.temporaryPath)
    self.sceneDirectory = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory,'scene')
    os.mkdir(self.sceneDirectory) # known to be unique
    self.imageFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.jpg")
    self.zipFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.zip")
    self.dumpFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "dicom.dump")
    self.sdbFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "SlicerDataBundle.dcm")
    # Clean up paths on Windows (some commands and operations are not performed properly with mixed slash and backslash)
    self.dicomDirectory = self.dicomDirectory.replace('\\','/')
    self.sceneDirectory = self.sceneDirectory.replace('\\','/') # otherwise invalid zip file is created on Windows (with the same size strangely)
    self.imageFile = self.imageFile.replace('\\','/')
    self.zipFile = self.zipFile.replace('\\','/')
    self.dumpFile = self.dumpFile.replace('\\','/')
    self.sdbFile = self.sdbFile.replace('\\','/')

    # get the screen image
    self.progress('Saving Image...')
    pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(slicer.util.mainWindow())
    imageReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()

    #add storage node for each storable node in the scene, add file name if file name doesn't exist
    # TODO: this could be moved to appLogic.SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory
    lnodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClass("vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode")
    lnum = lnodes.GetNumberOfItems()
    for itemNum in xrange(lnum):
      node = lnodes.GetItemAsObject(itemNum)
      snode = node.GetStorageNode()
      if snode == None:
        print "something is none"
        snode = node.CreateDefaultStorageNode()
      if snode.GetFileName() == None:

    # save the scene to the temp dir
    self.progress('Saving Scene...')
    appLogic = slicer.app.applicationLogic()
    appLogic.SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory(self.sceneDirectory, imageReader.GetOutput())

    # make the zip file
    self.progress('Making zip...')
    appLogic.Zip(self.zipFile, self.sceneDirectory)
    zipSize = os.path.getsize(self.zipFile)

    # now create the dicom file
    # - create the dump (capture stdout)
    # cmd = "dcmdump --print-all --write-pixel %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile)
    self.progress('Making dicom reference file...')
    if not self.referenceFile:
      # set reference file the first file found in the DICOM database
      # if there is still no reference file, then there are no files in the database, cannot continue
      if not self.referenceFile:
        print('ERROR: No reference file! DICOM database is empty.')
    args = ['--print-all', '--write-pixel', self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile]
    dump = DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dcmdump', args).start()

    # append this to the dumped output and save the result as self.dicomDirectory/dcm.dump
    # with %s as self.zipFile and %d being its size in bytes
    zipSizeString = "%d" % zipSize

    # hack: encode the file zip file size as part of the creator string
    # because none of the normal types (UL, DS, LO) seem to survive
    # the dump2dcm step (possibly due to the Unknown nature of the private tag)
    creatorString = "3D Slicer %s" % zipSizeString
    candygram = """(cadb,0010) LO [%s]           #  %d, 1 PrivateCreator
(cadb,1008) LO [%s]                                   #   4, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
(cadb,1010) OB =%s                                      #  %d, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
""" % (creatorString, len(creatorString), zipSizeString, self.zipFile, zipSize)

    dump = str(dump) + candygram

    print('dumping to: %s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')
    fp = open('%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')

    self.progress('Encapsulating Scene in DICOM Dump...')
    args = [
        '%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
        '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
        '--generate-new-uids', '--overwrite-uids', '--ignore-errors']
    DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dump2dcm', args).start()

    # now create the Secondary Capture data set
    # cmd = "img2dcm -k 'InstanceNumber=1' -k 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle' -df %s/template.dcm %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile, self.sdbFile)
    args = [
        '-k', 'InstanceNumber=1',
        '-k', 'StudyDescription=Slicer Scene Export',
        '-k', 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle',
        '--dataset-from', '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
        self.imageFile, self.sdbFile]
    self.progress('Creating DICOM Binary File...')
    DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('img2dcm', args).start()
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createDICOMFileForScene(self, parameters):
    Export the scene data:
    - first to a directory using the utility in the mrmlScene
    - create a zip file using python utility
    - create secondary capture based on the sample dataset
    - add the zip file as a private creator tag
    TODO: confirm that resulting file is valid - may need to change the CLI
    to include more parameters or do a new implementation ctk/DCMTK

        # set up temp directories and files
        self.dicomDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp("", "dicomExport", slicer.app.temporaryPath)
        self.sceneDirectory = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene")
        os.mkdir(self.sceneDirectory)  # known to be unique
        self.imageFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.jpg")
        self.zipFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.zip")
        self.dumpFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "dicom.dump")
        self.sdbFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "SlicerDataBundle.dcm")

        # get the screen image
        pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(slicer.util.mainWindow())
        imageReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()

        # save the scene to the temp dir
        appLogic = slicer.app.applicationLogic()
        appLogic.SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory(self.sceneDirectory, imageReader.GetOutput())

        # make the zip file
        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.zipFile, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        start = len(self.sceneDirectory) + 1
        for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(self.sceneDirectory):
            for f in files:
                filePath = os.path.join(root, f)
                archiveName = filePath[start:]
                zip.write(filePath, archiveName)
        zipSize = os.path.getsize(self.zipFile)

        # now create the dicom file
        # - create the dump (capture stdout)
        # cmd = "dcmdump --print-all --write-pixel %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile)
        if not self.referenceFile:
        args = ["--print-all", "--write-pixel", self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile]
        dump = DICOMLib.DICOMCommand("dcmdump", args).start()

        # append this to the dumped output and save the result as self.dicomDirectory/dcm.dump
        # with %s as self.zipFile and %d being its size in bytes
        candygram = """(cadb,0010) LO [3D Slicer Candygram]                    #  20, 1 PrivateCreator
(cadb,1008) OB =%s                                      #  %d, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
""" % (

        dump = dump + candygram

        fp = open("%s/dump.dcm" % self.dicomDirectory, "w")

        # cmd = "dump2dcm %s/dump.dcm %s/template.dcm" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.dicomDirectory)
        args = ["%s/dump.dcm" % self.dicomDirectory, "%s/template.dcm" % self.dicomDirectory]
        DICOMLib.DICOMCommand("dump2dcm", args).start()

        # now create the SC data set
        # cmd = "img2dcm -k 'InstanceNumber=1' -k 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle' -df %s/template.dcm %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile, self.sdbFile)
        args = [
            "SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle",
            "%s/template.dcm" % self.dicomDirectory,
        DICOMLib.DICOMCommand("img2dcm", args).start()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def createDICOMFileForScene(self, parameters):
    Export the scene data:
    - first to a directory using the utility in the mrmlScene
    - create a zip file using the application logic
    - create secondary capture based on the sample dataset
    - add the zip file as a private creator tag
    TODO: confirm that resulting file is valid - may need to change the CLI
    to include more parameters or do a new implementation ctk/DCMTK

        # set up temp directories and files
        self.dicomDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dicomExport',
        self.sceneDirectory = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, 'scene')
        os.mkdir(self.sceneDirectory)  # known to be unique
        self.imageFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.jpg")
        self.zipFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.zip")
        self.dumpFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "dicom.dump")
        self.sdbFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory,

        # get the screen image
        self.progress('Saving Image...')
        pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(slicer.util.mainWindow())
        imageReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()

        # save the scene to the temp dir
        self.progress('Saving Scene...')
        appLogic = slicer.app.applicationLogic()

        # make the zip file
        self.progress('Making zip...')
        appLogic.Zip(self.zipFile, self.sceneDirectory)
        zipSize = os.path.getsize(self.zipFile)

        # now create the dicom file
        # - create the dump (capture stdout)
        # cmd = "dcmdump --print-all --write-pixel %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile)
        self.progress('Making dicom reference file...')
        if not self.referenceFile:
        args = [
            '--print-all', '--write-pixel', self.dicomDirectory,
        dump = DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dcmdump', args).start()

        # append this to the dumped output and save the result as self.dicomDirectory/dcm.dump
        # with %s as self.zipFile and %d being its size in bytes
        zipSizeString = "%d" % zipSize
        candygram = """(cadb,0010) LO [3D Slicer Lollipop]           #  %d, 1 PrivateCreator
(cadb,1008) UL [%s]                                     #   4, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
(cadb,1010) OB =%s                                      #  %d, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
""" % (len('3D Slicer Lollipop'), zipSizeString, self.zipFile, zipSize)

        dump = dump + candygram

        fp = open('%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')

        self.progress('Encapsulating Scene in DICOM Dump...')
        args = [
            '%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
            '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, '--generate-new-uids',
            '--overwrite-uids', '--ignore-errors'
        DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dump2dcm', args).start()

        # now create the Secondary Capture data set
        # cmd = "img2dcm -k 'InstanceNumber=1' -k 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle' -df %s/template.dcm %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile, self.sdbFile)
        args = [
            '-k', 'InstanceNumber=1', '-k',
            'StudyDescription=Slicer Scene Export', '-k',
            'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle', '--dataset-from',
            '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile,
        self.progress('Creating DICOM Binary File...')
        DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('img2dcm', args).start()
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def createDICOMFileForScene(self):
    Export the scene data:
    - first to a directory using the utility in the mrmlScene
    - create a zip file using the application logic
    - create secondary capture based on the sample dataset
    - add the zip file as a private creator tag
    TODO: confirm that resulting file is valid - may need to change the CLI
    to include more parameters or do a new implementation ctk/DCMTK

        # set up temp directories and files
        self.dicomDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dicomExport',
        self.sceneDirectory = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, 'scene')
        os.mkdir(self.sceneDirectory)  # known to be unique
        self.imageFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.jpg")
        self.zipFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.zip")
        self.dumpFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "dicom.dump")
        self.sdbFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory,
        # Clean up paths on Windows (some commands and operations are not performed properly with mixed slash and backslash)
        self.dicomDirectory = self.dicomDirectory.replace('\\', '/')
        self.sceneDirectory = self.sceneDirectory.replace(
            '\\', '/'
        )  # otherwise invalid zip file is created on Windows (with the same size strangely)
        self.imageFile = self.imageFile.replace('\\', '/')
        self.zipFile = self.zipFile.replace('\\', '/')
        self.dumpFile = self.dumpFile.replace('\\', '/')
        self.sdbFile = self.sdbFile.replace('\\', '/')

        # get the screen image
        self.progress('Saving Image...')
        pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(slicer.util.mainWindow())
        imageReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()

        #add storage node for each storable node in the scene, add file name if file name doesn't exist
        # TODO: this could be moved to appLogic.SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory
        lnodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClass("vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode")
        lnum = lnodes.GetNumberOfItems()
        for itemNum in xrange(lnum):
            node = lnodes.GetItemAsObject(itemNum)
            snode = node.GetStorageNode()
            if snode == None:
                print "something is none"
                snode = node.CreateDefaultStorageNode()
            if snode.GetFileName() == None:
                snode.SetFileName(node.GetID() + ".h5")

        # save the scene to the temp dir
        self.progress('Saving Scene...')
        appLogic = slicer.app.applicationLogic()

        # make the zip file
        self.progress('Making zip...')
        appLogic.Zip(self.zipFile, self.sceneDirectory)
        zipSize = os.path.getsize(self.zipFile)

        # now create the dicom file
        # - create the dump (capture stdout)
        # cmd = "dcmdump --print-all --write-pixel %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile)
        self.progress('Making dicom reference file...')
        if not self.referenceFile:
            # set reference file the first file found in the DICOM database
            # if there is still no reference file, then there are no files in the database, cannot continue
            if not self.referenceFile:
                print('ERROR: No reference file! DICOM database is empty.')
        args = [
            '--print-all', '--write-pixel', self.dicomDirectory,
        dump = DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dcmdump', args).start()

        # append this to the dumped output and save the result as self.dicomDirectory/dcm.dump
        # with %s as self.zipFile and %d being its size in bytes
        zipSizeString = "%d" % zipSize

        # hack: encode the file zip file size as part of the creator string
        # because none of the normal types (UL, DS, LO) seem to survive
        # the dump2dcm step (possibly due to the Unknown nature of the private tag)
        creatorString = "3D Slicer %s" % zipSizeString
        candygram = """(cadb,0010) LO [%s]           #  %d, 1 PrivateCreator
(cadb,1008) LO [%s]                                   #   4, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
(cadb,1010) OB =%s                                      #  %d, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
""" % (creatorString, len(creatorString), zipSizeString, self.zipFile, zipSize)

        dump = str(dump) + candygram

        print('dumping to: %s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')
        fp = open('%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')

        self.progress('Encapsulating Scene in DICOM Dump...')
        args = [
            '%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
            '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, '--generate-new-uids',
            '--overwrite-uids', '--ignore-errors'
        DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dump2dcm', args).start()

        # now create the Secondary Capture data set
        # cmd = "img2dcm -k 'InstanceNumber=1' -k 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle' -df %s/template.dcm %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile, self.sdbFile)
        args = [
            '-k', 'InstanceNumber=1', '-k',
            'StudyDescription=Slicer Scene Export', '-k',
            'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle', '--dataset-from',
            '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile,
        self.progress('Creating DICOM Binary File...')
        DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('img2dcm', args).start()
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def createDICOMFileForScene(self):
    Export the scene data:
    - first to a directory using the utility in the mrmlScene
    - create a zip file using the application logic
    - create secondary capture based on the sample dataset
    - add the zip file as a private creator tag
    TODO: confirm that resulting file is valid - may need to change the CLI
    to include more parameters or do a new implementation ctk/DCMTK

    # set up temp directories and files
    self.dicomDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dicomExport', slicer.app.temporaryPath)
    self.sceneDirectory = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory,'scene')
    os.mkdir(self.sceneDirectory) # known to be unique
    self.imageFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.jpg")
    self.zipFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.zip")
    self.dumpFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "dicom.dump")
    self.sdbFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "SlicerDataBundle.dcm")
    # Clean up paths on Windows (some commands and operations are not performed properly with mixed slash and backslash)
    self.dicomDirectory = self.dicomDirectory.replace('\\','/')
    self.sceneDirectory = self.sceneDirectory.replace('\\','/') # otherwise invalid zip file is created on Windows (with the same size strangely)
    self.imageFile = self.imageFile.replace('\\','/')
    self.zipFile = self.zipFile.replace('\\','/')
    self.dumpFile = self.dumpFile.replace('\\','/')
    self.sdbFile = self.sdbFile.replace('\\','/')

    # get the screen image
    self.progress('Saving Image...')
    pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(slicer.util.mainWindow())
    imageReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()

    # save the scene to the temp dir
    self.progress('Saving Scene...')
    appLogic = slicer.app.applicationLogic()
    appLogic.SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory(self.sceneDirectory, imageReader.GetOutput())

    # make the zip file
    self.progress('Making zip...')
    appLogic.Zip(self.zipFile, self.sceneDirectory)
    zipSize = os.path.getsize(self.zipFile)

    # now create the dicom file
    # - create the dump (capture stdout)
    # cmd = "dcmdump --print-all --write-pixel %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile)
    self.progress('Making dicom reference file...')
    if not self.referenceFile:
      # set reference file the first file found in the DICOM database
      # if there is still no reference file, then there are no files in the database, cannot continue
      if not self.referenceFile:
        print('ERROR: No reference file! DICOM database is empty.')
    args = ['--print-all', '--write-pixel', self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile]
    dump = DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dcmdump', args).start()

    # append this to the dumped output and save the result as self.dicomDirectory/dcm.dump
    # with %s as self.zipFile and %d being its size in bytes
    zipSizeString = "%d" % zipSize
    candygram = """(cadb,0010) LO [3D Slicer Lollipop]           #  %d, 1 PrivateCreator
(cadb,1008) UL [%s]                                     #   4, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
(cadb,1010) OB =%s                                      #  %d, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
""" % (len('3D Slicer Lollipop'), zipSizeString, self.zipFile, zipSize)

    dump = dump + candygram

    fp = open('%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')

    self.progress('Encapsulating Scene in DICOM Dump...')
    args = [
        '%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
        '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
        '--generate-new-uids', '--overwrite-uids', '--ignore-errors']
    DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dump2dcm', args).start()

    # now create the Secondary Capture data set
    # cmd = "img2dcm -k 'InstanceNumber=1' -k 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle' -df %s/template.dcm %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile, self.sdbFile)
    args = [
        '-k', 'InstanceNumber=1',
        '-k', 'StudyDescription=Slicer Scene Export',
        '-k', 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle',
        '--dataset-from', '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
        self.imageFile, self.sdbFile]
    self.progress('Creating DICOM Binary File...')
    DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('img2dcm', args).start()
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def createDICOMFileForScene(self, parameters):
    Export the scene data:
    - first to a directory using the utility in the mrmlScene
    - create a zip file using python utility
    - create secondary capture based on the sample dataset
    - add the zip file as a private creator tag
    TODO: confirm that resulting file is valid - may need to change the CLI
    to include more parameters or do a new implementation ctk/DCMTK

    # set up temp directories and files
    self.dicomDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dicomExport', slicer.app.temporaryPath)
    self.sceneDirectory = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory,'scene')
    os.mkdir(self.sceneDirectory) # known to be unique
    self.imageFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.jpg")
    self.zipFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "scene.zip")
    self.dumpFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "dicom.dump")
    self.sdbFile = os.path.join(self.dicomDirectory, "SlicerDataBundle.dcm")

    # get the screen image
    pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(slicer.util.mainWindow())
    imageReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()

    # save the scene to the temp dir
    appLogic = slicer.app.applicationLogic()
    appLogic.SaveSceneToSlicerDataBundleDirectory(self.sceneDirectory, imageReader.GetOutput())

    # make the zip file
    zip = zipfile.ZipFile( self.zipFile, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
    start = len(self.sceneDirectory) + 1
    for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(self.sceneDirectory):
      for f in files:
        filePath = os.path.join(root,f)
        archiveName = filePath[start:]
        zip.write(filePath, archiveName)
    zipSize = os.path.getsize(self.zipFile)

    # now create the dicom file 
    # - create the dump (capture stdout)
    # cmd = "dcmdump --print-all --write-pixel %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile)
    if not self.referenceFile:
    args = ['--print-all', '--write-pixel', self.dicomDirectory, self.referenceFile]
    dump = DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dcmdump', args).start()

    # append this to the dumped output and save the result as self.dicomDirectory/dcm.dump
    #with %s as self.zipFile and %d being its size in bytes
    candygram = """(cadb,0010) LO [3D Slicer Candygram]                    #  20, 1 PrivateCreator
(cadb,1008) OB =%s                                      #  %d, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
""" % (self.zipFile, zipSize)

    dump = dump + candygram

    fp = open('%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, 'w')

    # cmd = "dump2dcm %s/dump.dcm %s/template.dcm" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.dicomDirectory)
    args = ['%s/dump.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory, '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory]
    DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('dump2dcm', args).start()

    # now create the SC data set
    # cmd = "img2dcm -k 'InstanceNumber=1' -k 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle' -df %s/template.dcm %s %s" % (self.dicomDirectory, self.imageFile, self.sdbFile)
    args = ['-k', 'InstanceNumber=1', '-k', 'SeriesDescription=Slicer Data Bundle',
      '-df', '%s/template.dcm' % self.dicomDirectory,
      self.imageFile, self.sdbFile]
    DICOMLib.DICOMCommand('img2dcm', args).start()