Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _update_text(self) -> None:
        assert self._text_node is not None
        if self._ready:

            # Once we're ready, we've saved the name, so lets ask the system
            # for it so we get appended numbers and stuff.
            text = Lstr(value=self._sessionplayer.getname(full=True))
            text = Lstr(value='${A} (${B})',
                        subs=[('${A}', text),
                              ('${B}', Lstr(resource='readyText'))])
            text = Lstr(value=self._getname(full=True))

        can_switch_teams = len(self.lobby.sessionteams) > 1

        # Flash as we're coming in.
        fin_color = _ba.safecolor(self.get_color()) + (1, )
        if not self._inited:
            animate_array(self._text_node, 'color', 4, {
                0.15: fin_color,
                0.25: (2, 2, 2, 1),
                0.35: fin_color

            # Blend if we're in teams mode; switch instantly otherwise.
            if can_switch_teams:
                animate_array(self._text_node, 'color', 4, {
                    0: self._text_node.color,
                    0.1: fin_color
                self._text_node.color = fin_color

        self._text_node.text = text
    def spawn_player_spaz(self,
                          player: PlayerType,
                          position: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0),
                          angle: float = None) -> MyPlayerSpaz:
        """Create and wire up a ba.PlayerSpaz for the provided ba.Player."""
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        # pylint: disable=cyclic-import

        name = player.getname()
        color = player.color
        highlight = player.highlight

        light_color = _math.normalized_color(color)
        display_color = _ba.safecolor(color, target_intensity=0.75)
        spaz = MyPlayerSpaz(color=color,

        player.actor = spaz
        assert spaz.node
        if position is None:
            # In teams-mode get our team-start-location.
            if isinstance(self.session, DualTeamSession):
                position = (self.map.get_start_position(player.team.id))
                # Otherwise do free-for-all spawn locations.
                position = self.map.get_ffa_start_position(self.players)
        # If this is co-op and we're on Courtyard or Runaround, add the
        # material that allows us to collide with the player-walls.
        # FIXME: Need to generalize this.
        if isinstance(self.session, CoopSession) and self.map.getname() in [
                'Courtyard', 'Tower D'
            mat = self.map.preloaddata['collide_with_wall_material']
            assert isinstance(spaz.node.materials, tuple)
            assert isinstance(spaz.node.roller_materials, tuple)
            spaz.node.materials += (mat, )
            spaz.node.roller_materials += (mat, )

        spaz.node.name = name
        spaz.node.name_color = display_color
        # Move to the stand position and add a flash of light.
                angle if angle is not None else random.uniform(0, 360)))
        _ba.playsound(self._spawn_sound, 1, position=spaz.node.position)
        light = _ba.newnode('light', attrs={'color': light_color})
        spaz.node.connectattr('position', light, 'position')
        animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 0.25: 1, 0.5: 0})
        _ba.timer(0.5, light.delete)
        return spaz