def make_skipped_step_in_because_of_filters(self, py_db, frame):
        msg = 'Frame skipped from debugging during step-in.'
        if py_db.get_use_libraries_filter():
            msg += (
                '\nNote: may have been skipped because of "justMyCode" option (default == true). '
                'Try setting \"justMyCode\": false in the debug configuration (e.g., launch.json).\n'

        body = OutputEventBody(msg, category='console')
        event = OutputEvent(body)
        return NetCommand(CMD_WRITE_TO_CONSOLE, 0, event, is_json=True)
 def make_io_message(self, v, ctx):
     category = 'stdout' if int(ctx) == 1 else 'stderr'
     body = OutputEventBody(v, category)
     event = OutputEvent(body)
     return NetCommand(CMD_WRITE_TO_CONSOLE, 0, event, is_json=True)
 def make_warning_message(self, msg):
     category = 'console'
     body = OutputEventBody(msg, category)
     event = OutputEvent(body)
     return NetCommand(CMD_WRITE_TO_CONSOLE, 0, event, is_json=True)