Ejemplo n.º 1
def av_extract_params(av, params):
    """Extract the paramaters from an access vector.

    Extract the paramaters (in the form $N) from an access
    vector, storing them as Param objects in a dictionary.
    Some attempt is made at resolving conflicts with other
    entries in the dict, but if an unresolvable conflict is
    found it is reported to the caller.

    The goal here is to figure out how interface paramaters are
    actually used in the interface - e.g., that $1 is a domain used as
    a SRC_TYPE. In general an interface will look like this:

    interface(`foo', `
       allow $1 foo : file read;

    This is simple to figure out - $1 is a SRC_TYPE. A few interfaces
    are more complex, for example:


       allow $1 fingerd_t:fd use;
       allow fingerd_t $1:fd use;
       allow fingerd_t $1:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
       allow fingerd_t $1:process sigchld;

    Here the usage seems ambigious, but it is not. $1 is still domain
    and therefore should be returned as a SRC_TYPE.

      0  - success
      1  - conflict found
    ret = 0
    found_src = False
    if access.is_idparam(av.src_type):
        if __param_insert(av.src_type, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
            ret = 1

    if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
        if __param_insert(av.tgt_type, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
            ret = 1

    if access.is_idparam(av.obj_class):
        if __param_insert(av.obj_class, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS, av, params) == 1:
            ret = 1

    for perm in av.perms:
        if access.is_idparam(perm):
            if __param_insert(perm, PERM) == 1:
                ret = 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
def av_extract_params(av, params):
    """Extract the paramaters from an access vector.

    Extract the paramaters (in the form $N) from an access
    vector, storing them as Param objects in a dictionary.
    Some attempt is made at resolving conflicts with other
    entries in the dict, but if an unresolvable conflict is
    found it is reported to the caller.

    The goal here is to figure out how interface paramaters are
    actually used in the interface - e.g., that $1 is a domain used as
    a SRC_TYPE. In general an interface will look like this:

    interface(`foo', `
       allow $1 foo : file read;

    This is simple to figure out - $1 is a SRC_TYPE. A few interfaces
    are more complex, for example:


       allow $1 fingerd_t:fd use;
       allow fingerd_t $1:fd use;
       allow fingerd_t $1:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
       allow fingerd_t $1:process sigchld;

    Here the usage seems ambigious, but it is not. $1 is still domain
    and therefore should be returned as a SRC_TYPE.

      0  - success
      1  - conflict found
    ret = 0
    found_src = False
    if access.is_idparam(av.src_type):
        if __param_insert(av.src_type, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
            ret = 1

    if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
        if __param_insert(av.tgt_type, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
            ret = 1

    if access.is_idparam(av.obj_class):
        if __param_insert(av.obj_class, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS, av, params) == 1:
            ret = 1

    for perm in av.perms:
        if access.is_idparam(perm):
            if __param_insert(perm, PERM) == 1:
                ret = 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def extract_from_set(set, type):
     ret = 0
     for x in set:
         if access.is_idparam(x):
             if __param_insert(x, type, None, params):
                 ret = 1
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def extract_from_set(set, type):
     ret = 0
     for x in set:
         if access.is_idparam(x):
             if __param_insert(x, type, None, params):
                 ret = 1
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ifcall_extract_params(ifcall, params):
    ret = 0
    for arg in ifcall.args:
        if access.is_idparam(arg):
            # Assume interface arguments are source types. Fairly safe
            # assumption for most interfaces
            if __param_insert(arg, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, None, params):
                ret = 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ifcall_extract_params(ifcall, params):
    ret = 0
    for arg in ifcall.args:
        if access.is_idparam(arg):
            # Assume interface arguments are source types. Fairly safe
            # assumption for most interfaces
            if __param_insert(arg, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, None, params):
                ret = 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def index(self):
        for ifv in self.interfaces.values():
            tgt_types = set()
            for av in ifv.access:
                if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
                    tgt_types = set()

            for type in tgt_types:
                l = self.tgt_type_map.setdefault(type, [])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def index(self):
        for ifv in self.interfaces.values():
            tgt_types = set()
            for av in ifv.access:
                if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
                    tgt_types = set()

            for type in tgt_types:
                l = self.tgt_type_map.setdefault(type, [])
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def map_param(self, id, ifcall):
     if access.is_idparam(id):
         num = int(id[1:])
         if num > len(ifcall.args):
             # Tell caller to drop this because it must have
             # been generated from an optional param.
             return None
             arg = ifcall.args[num - 1]
             if isinstance(arg, list):
                 return arg
                 return [arg]
         return [id]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def map_param(self, id, ifcall):
     if access.is_idparam(id):
         num = int(id[1:])
         if num > len(ifcall.args):
             # Tell caller to drop this because it must have
             # been generated from an optional param.
             return None
             arg = ifcall.args[num - 1]
             if isinstance(arg, list):
                 return arg
                 return [arg]
         return [id]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def type_rule_extract_params(rule, params):
    def extract_from_set(set, type):
        ret = 0
        for x in set:
            if access.is_idparam(x):
                if __param_insert(x, type, None, params):
                    ret = 1
        return ret

    ret = 0
    if extract_from_set(rule.src_types, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE):
        ret = 1

    if extract_from_set(rule.tgt_types, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE):
        ret = 1

    if extract_from_set(rule.obj_classes, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS):
        ret = 1

    if access.is_idparam(rule.dest_type):
        if __param_insert(rule.dest_type, refpolicy.DEST_TYPE, None, params):
            ret = 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 12
def type_rule_extract_params(rule, params):
    def extract_from_set(set, type):
        ret = 0
        for x in set:
            if access.is_idparam(x):
                if __param_insert(x, type, None, params):
                    ret = 1
        return ret

    ret = 0
    if extract_from_set(rule.src_types, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE):
        ret = 1

    if extract_from_set(rule.tgt_types, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE):
        ret = 1
    if extract_from_set(rule.obj_classes, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS):
        ret = 1

    if access.is_idparam(rule.dest_type):
        if __param_insert(rule.dest_type, refpolicy.DEST_TYPE, None, params):
            ret = 1
    return ret
    def av_distance(self, req, prov):
        """Determine the 'distance' between 2 access vectors.

        This function is used to find an access vector that matches
        a 'required' access. To do this we comput a signed numeric
        value that indicates how close the req access is to the
        'provided' access vector. The closer the value is to 0
        the closer the match, with 0 being an exact match.

        A value over 0 indicates that the prov access vector provides more
        access than the req (in practice, this means that the source type,
        target type, and object class is the same and the perms in prov is
        a superset of those in req.

        A value under 0 indicates that the prov access less - or unrelated
        - access to the req access. A different type or object class will
        result in a very low value.

        The values other than 0 should only be interpreted relative to
        one another - they have no exact meaning and are likely to

          req - [AccessVector] The access that is required. This is the
                access being matched.
          prov - [AccessVector] The access provided. This is the potential
                 match that is being evaluated for req.
          0   : Exact match between the acess vectors.

          < 0 : The prov av does not provide all of the access in req.
                A smaller value indicates that the access is further.

          > 0 : The prov av provides more access than req. The larger
                the value the more access over req.
        # FUTURE - this is _very_ expensive and probably needs some
        # thorough performance work. This version is meant to give
        # meaningful results relatively simply.
        dist = 0

        # Get the difference between the types. The addition is safe
        # here because type_distance only returns 0 or negative.
        dist += self.type_distance(req.src_type, prov.src_type)
        dist += self.type_distance(req.tgt_type, prov.tgt_type)

        # Object class distance
        if req.obj_class != prov.obj_class and not access.is_idparam(
            dist -= self.obj_penalty

        # Permission distance

        # If this av doesn't have a matching source type, target type, and object class
        # count all of the permissions against it. Otherwise determine the perm
        # distance and dir.
        if dist < 0:
            pdist = self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(prov.obj_class,
            pdist = self.perm_distance(req, prov)

        # Combine the perm and other distance
        if dist < 0:
            if pdist < 0:
                return dist + pdist
                return dist - pdist
        elif dist >= 0:
            if pdist < 0:
                return pdist - dist
                return dist + pdist
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def av_distance(self, req, prov):
        """Determine the 'distance' between 2 access vectors.

        This function is used to find an access vector that matches
        a 'required' access. To do this we comput a signed numeric
        value that indicates how close the req access is to the
        'provided' access vector. The closer the value is to 0
        the closer the match, with 0 being an exact match.

        A value over 0 indicates that the prov access vector provides more
        access than the req (in practice, this means that the source type,
        target type, and object class is the same and the perms in prov is
        a superset of those in req.

        A value under 0 indicates that the prov access less - or unrelated
        - access to the req access. A different type or object class will
        result in a very low value.

        The values other than 0 should only be interpreted relative to
        one another - they have no exact meaning and are likely to

          req - [AccessVector] The access that is required. This is the
                access being matched.
          prov - [AccessVector] The access provided. This is the potential
                 match that is being evaluated for req.
          0   : Exact match between the acess vectors.

          < 0 : The prov av does not provide all of the access in req.
                A smaller value indicates that the access is further.

          > 0 : The prov av provides more access than req. The larger
                the value the more access over req.
        # FUTURE - this is _very_ expensive and probably needs some
        # thorough performance work. This version is meant to give
        # meaningful results relatively simply.
        dist = 0

        # Get the difference between the types. The addition is safe
        # here because type_distance only returns 0 or negative.
        dist += self.type_distance(req.src_type, prov.src_type)
        dist += self.type_distance(req.tgt_type, prov.tgt_type)

        # Object class distance
        if req.obj_class != prov.obj_class and not access.is_idparam(prov.obj_class):
            dist -= self.obj_penalty

        # Permission distance

        # If this av doesn't have a matching source type, target type, and object class
        # count all of the permissions against it. Otherwise determine the perm
        # distance and dir.
        if dist < 0:
            pdist = self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(prov.obj_class, prov.perms)
            pdist = self.perm_distance(req, prov)

        # Combine the perm and other distance
        if dist < 0:
            if pdist < 0:
                return dist + pdist
                return dist - pdist
        elif dist >= 0:
            if pdist < 0:
                return pdist - dist
                return dist + pdist
 def type_distance(self, a, b):
     if a == b or access.is_idparam(b):
         return 0
         return -self.type_penalty
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def type_distance(self, a, b):
     if a == b or access.is_idparam(b):
         return 0
         return -self.type_penalty
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def set_name(self, name):
     if not access.is_idparam(name):
         raise ValueError("Name [%s] is not a param" % name)
     self.__name = name
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def set_name(self, name):
     if not access.is_idparam(name):
         raise ValueError("Name [%s] is not a param" % name)
     self.__name = name
Ejemplo n.º 19
def role_extract_params(role, params):
    if access.is_idparam(role.role):
        return __param_insert(role.role, refpolicy.ROLE, None, params)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def role_extract_params(role, params):
    if access.is_idparam(role.role):
        return __param_insert(role.role, refpolicy.ROLE, None, params)