# Use this for FONA800 and FONA808
fona = FONA(uart, rst)

# Use this for FONA3G
# fona = FONA3G(uart, rst)

# Initialize network
while fona.network_status != 1:
    print("Connecting to network...")
print("Connected to network!")
print("RSSI: %ddB" % fona.rssi)

# Text a number
print("Sending SMS...")
if not fona.send_sms(140404, "HELP"):
    raise RuntimeError("FONA did not successfully send SMS")
print("SMS Sent!")

# Ask the FONA how many SMS message it has stored
num_sms = fona.num_sms()
print("%d SMS's on SIM Card" % num_sms)

# FONA3G SMS memory slots start at 0
if fona.version == FONA_3G_A or fona.version == FONA_3G_E:
    sms_idx = 0
else:  # FONA800 and FONA808 SMS slots start at 1
    sms_idx = 1

# Read num_sms messages from the FONA
for slot in range(sms_idx, num_sms):
Ejemplo n.º 2
            response = "Temperature: %0.1f C" % temp
        elif message in ['humid', 'humidity', 'h']:
            response = "Humidity: %0.1f %%" % humid
        elif message in ['pres', 'pressure', 'p']:
            response = "Pressure: %0.1f hPa" % pres
        elif message in ['status', 's']:
            response = "Temperature: {0:.2f}C\nHumidity: {1:.1f}% \
                     Pressure: {2:.1f}hPa".format(temp, humid, pres)
        elif message in ['help']:
            response = "I'm a SMS Sensor - txt me with a command:\
                        TEMP - Read temperature\
                        HUMID - Read humidity\
                        PRES - Read pressure\
                        STATUS - Read all sensors.\
                        HELP - List commands"

            response = "Incorrect message format received. \
                        Text HELP to this number for a list of commands."

        # Send a response back to the sender
        print("Sending response...")
        if not fona.send_sms(int(sender), response):
            print("SMS Send Failed")
        print("SMS Sent!")

        # Delete the original message
        if not fona.delete_sms(sms_slot):
            print("Could not delete SMS in slot", sms_slot)
Ejemplo n.º 3
ri = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5)

# Use this for FONA800 and FONA808
fona = FONA(uart, rst, ri)

# Use this for FONA3G
# fona = FONA3G(uart, rst, ri)

# Initialize Network
while fona.network_status != 1:
    print("Connecting to network...")
print("Connected to network!")
print("RSSI: %ddB" % fona.rssi)

# Enable FONA SMS notification
fona.enable_sms_notification = True

print("FONA Ready!\nWaiting for SMS...")
while True:
    sender, message = fona.receive_sms()

    if message:
        print("Incoming SMS from {}: {}".format(sender, message))

        # Reply back!
        print("Sending response...")
        if not fona.send_sms(int(sender), "Hey, I got your text!"):
            print("SMS Send Failed")
        print("SMS Sent!")