Ejemplo n.º 1
 def execute(self, command, timeout, environment=(),
             user="******", verbose=False):
     Runs a command on the device and returns log and errorlevel.
     return Ssh.execute(dev_ip=self._registered_lease, timeout=timeout,
                        user=user, environment=environment, command=command,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _get_model_and_type(cls, dev_ip):
     Tries to assess the model and type of the device.
     cpuinfo = Ssh.execute(dev_ip=dev_ip,
                           command=("cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"))
     if cpuinfo:
         return cls._devices_catalog.get_model_and_type_by_device(cpuinfo)
     return [None, None]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _by_ip_is_responsive(cls, dev_ip):
     Check if the device is in service mode.
     logging.debug("Trying to ssh into {0}.".format(dev_ip))
     result = Ssh.execute(dev_ip=dev_ip,
                          command=("echo", "$?"),
                          timeout=cls._SSH_SHORT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT, )
     logging.debug("result: {0}".format(result))
     if (result is None) or (result.returncode is not 0):
         logging.debug("Ssh failed.")
         logging.debug("Ssh successful.")
     return (result is not None) and (result.returncode is 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def init_class(cls, init_data):
     Initializer for class variables and parent class.
         logging.debug("PCDevice class init_data: {0}".
         cls._leases_file_name = init_data["leases_file_name"]
         cls._root_partition = init_data["root_partition"]
         cls._service_mode_name = init_data["service_mode"]
         cls._test_mode_name = init_data["test_mode"]
         cls._registered_lease = None
         return Ssh.init() and Scp.init()
     except KeyError as error:
         logging.critical("Error initializing PC Device Class {0}."
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _by_ip_is_in_mode(cls, dev_ip, mode):
        Check if the device with given ip is responsive to ssh
        and in the specified mode.
        logging.debug("Trying to ssh into {0} to test the mode.".format(dev_ip))
        retval = Ssh.execute(dev_ip=dev_ip,
                             command=("cat", "/proc/version", "|",
                                      "grep", mode["name"]),
                             timeout=cls._SSH_SHORT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT, )
        if retval is None or retval.returncode is not 0:
            logging.debug("Ssh failed.")
        elif mode["name"] not in retval.stdoutdata:
            logging.debug("Device not in \"{0}\" mode.".format(mode["name"]))
            logging.debug("Device in \"{0}\" mode.".format(mode["name"]))

        return retval is not None and \
               retval.returncode is 0 and \
               mode["name"] in retval.stdoutdata