Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, pstocks, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead, capital, StampTaxRate, CommissionChargeRate):
     self._strategy = None
     # actual timescope of the back test, depending on the user setting and the available data
     self.timescope = None
     # number of extra daily data for computation (ahead of start datatime)
     # set in the main program
     self.n_ahead = n_ahead
     # an output class instance for the report file
     self.o = None
     # check whether datetime is proper
     assert dt_start < dt_end
     # is_Day_cst: to check whether there is at least one daily candlestick data in pstocks
     is_Day_cst_exist = False
     # load candlestick(cst) data
     # .stocks = {code(str): PStock,}
     self.stocks = {}
     for pstock in pstocks:
         # get info from filename
         # .ID(class StockID), .period(str)
         ID, period = parse_cst_filename(pstock)
         if period == "1Day":
             is_Day_cst_exist = True
         if ID.code not in self.stocks:
             self.stocks[ID.code] = PStock(pstock, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
             self.stocks[ID.code].load_cst(pstock, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
     # remind user
     assert is_Day_cst_exist, "At least one item in pstocks should be daily candlestick data"
     # for convenience, store sz cst information as class PStock
     self.sz = PStock("000001.sz-1Day", dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
     # for convenience, store dayily close price of sz
     self.sz_daily_close = self.sz.cst["1Day"]["close"].values[n_ahead:]
     # get sz daily time axis
     self.szTimeAxis = self.sz.cst["1Day"].index[n_ahead:]  # pd.DataFrame.index
     # find missing daily candlestick data and fill them up in .stocks[code].missing_cst['1Day']
     # as pd.DataFrame
     # read candlestick data timescope from sz
     self.timescope = str(self.szTimeAxis[0]), str(self.szTimeAxis[-1])
     # initial capital to invest, a constant once being set
     self._capital = capital
     # cash in the account, changing during the back test
     self._cash = capital
     # stock shares in the account, changing during the back test
     self._shares = {}  # ._shares: {code(str): quantity(int)}
     # records. add one record after each transaction(buy or sell)
     # _records = [(datetime(str), cash, shares),]
     self._records = []
     self._records.append((self.timescope[0], self._cash, self._shares.copy()))
     # set stamp tax rate and commission charge rate
     self.StampTaxRate = StampTaxRate
     self.CommissionChargeRate = CommissionChargeRate
     # to store total commission charge in the back test
     self._total_commission_charge = 0
     # to store total stamp tax in the back test
     self._total_stamp_tax = 0
     # trading_stocks: To store the stocks that are traded. Note that although have been loaded,
     #                 some stocks in self.stocks may not been traded in user's strategy.
     self.trading_stocks = set()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, pstocks, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead):
     self._analysis = None
     # actual timescope of the back test, depending on the user setting and the available data
     self.timescope = None
     # number of extra daily data for computation (ahead of start datatime)
     # set in the main program
     self.n_ahead = n_ahead
     # check whether datetime is proper
     assert (dt_start < dt_end)
     # is_Day_cst: to check whether there is at least one daily candlestick data in pstocks
     is_Day_cst_exist = False
     # load candlestick(cst) data
     # .stocks = {code(str): PStock,}
     self.stocks = {}
     for pstock in pstocks:
         # get info from filename
         # .ID(class StockID), .period(str)
         ID, period = parse_cst_filename(pstock)
         if period == '1Day':
             is_Day_cst_exist = True
         if ID.code not in self.stocks:
             self.stocks[ID.code] = PStock(pstock, dt_start, dt_end,
             self.stocks[ID.code].load_cst(pstock, dt_start, dt_end,
     # remind user
     assert is_Day_cst_exist, "At least one item in pstocks should be daily candlestick data"
     # for convenience, store sz cst information as class PStock
     self.sz = PStock('000001.sz-1Day', dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
     # for convenience, store dayily close price of sz
     self.sz_daily_close = self.sz.cst['1Day']['close'].values[n_ahead:]
     # get sz daily time axis
     self.szTimeAxis = self.sz.cst['1Day'].index[
         n_ahead:]  # pd.DataFrame.index
     # find missing daily candlestick data and fill them up in .stocks[code].missing_cst['1Day']
     # as pd.DataFrame
     # read candlestick data timescope from sz
     self.timescope = str(self.szTimeAxis[0]), str(self.szTimeAxis[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def load(self, pstocks):
     Download cst data and save them in .csv file (in /data/cst).
         pstocks(str): filename of cst data
     end = datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=1)
     # download cst data for all required pstocks
     for pstock in pstocks:
         # get info from filename
         # .ID(class StockID), .period(str)
         ID, period = parse_cst_filename(pstock)
         # get cst data file path
         fname = pstock + ".csv"
         pathname = os.path.join(self.dir_data, fname)
         if os.path.exists(pathname):  # if cst data file exists
             # get modified date
             file_mtime = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(pathname))
             file_mtime = datetime.strptime(file_mtime,
                                            "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
             start = file_mtime.date()
             # make the cst data file up-to-date
             if start < end:
                 # download using tushare
                 df = self.download(ID.code, str(start), str(end), period)
                 if df is not None:  # not empty
                     # update cst data file
                     df.to_csv(pathname, mode='a', header=None)
         else:  # if cst data file not exists, download data and create it.
             # get listing date of the stock
             ListingDate = self.stock_basics.ix[ID.code]['timeToMarket']
             ListingDate = datetime.strptime(str(ListingDate),
             # download using tushare
             df = self.download(ID.code, str(ListingDate), str(end), period)
             if df is not None:  # not empty
                 # save
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def load(self, pstocks):
     Download cst data and save them in .csv file (in /data/cst).
         pstocks(str): filename of cst data
     end = datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days = 1)
     # download cst data for all required pstocks 
     for pstock in pstocks:
         # get info from filename 
         # .ID(class StockID), .period(str)
         ID, period = parse_cst_filename(pstock)
         # get cst data file path
         fname = pstock + ".csv"      
         pathname = os.path.join(self.dir_data, fname)                  
         if os.path.exists(pathname): # if cst data file exists
             # get modified date
             file_mtime = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(pathname))
             file_mtime = datetime.strptime(file_mtime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
             start = file_mtime.date()
             # make the cst data file up-to-date
             if start < end:
                 # download using tushare
                 df = self.download(ID.code, str(start), str(end), period)
                 if df is not None: # not empty
                     # update cst data file
                     df.to_csv(pathname, mode='a', header = None)
         else: # if cst data file not exists, download data and create it.
             # get listing date of the stock
             ListingDate = self.stock_basics.ix[ID.code]['timeToMarket']
             ListingDate = datetime.strptime(str(ListingDate), '%Y%m%d').date()
             # download using tushare
             df = self.download(ID.code, str(ListingDate), str(end), period)
             if df is not None: # not empty
                 # save         
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, pstocks, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead):
     self._analysis = None 
     # actual timescope of the back test, depending on the user setting and the available data 
     self.timescope = None
     # number of extra daily data for computation (ahead of start datatime)
     # set in the main program
     self.n_ahead = n_ahead
     # check whether datetime is proper
     assert(dt_start < dt_end)
     # is_Day_cst: to check whether there is at least one daily candlestick data in pstocks
     is_Day_cst_exist = False
     # load candlestick(cst) data
     # .stocks = {code(str): PStock,}
     self.stocks = {}
     for pstock in pstocks:
         # get info from filename
         # .ID(class StockID), .period(str)
         ID, period = parse_cst_filename(pstock) 
         if period == '1Day':
             is_Day_cst_exist = True
         if ID.code not in self.stocks:
             self.stocks[ID.code] = PStock(pstock, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
             self.stocks[ID.code].load_cst(pstock, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
     # remind user
     assert is_Day_cst_exist, "At least one item in pstocks should be daily candlestick data"
     # for convenience, store sz cst information as class PStock
     self.sz = PStock('000001.sz-1Day', dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
     # for convenience, store dayily close price of sz
     self.sz_daily_close = self.sz.cst['1Day']['close'].values[n_ahead:]
     # get sz daily time axis
     self.szTimeAxis = self.sz.cst['1Day'].index[n_ahead:] # pd.DataFrame.index
     # find missing daily candlestick data and fill them up in .stocks[code].missing_cst['1Day'] 
     # as pd.DataFrame 
     # read candlestick data timescope from sz
     self.timescope = str(self.szTimeAxis[0]), str(self.szTimeAxis[-1]) 
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, pstocks, dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead, capital,
              StampTaxRate, CommissionChargeRate):
     self._strategy = None
     # actual timescope of the back test, depending on the user setting and the available data
     self.timescope = None
     # number of extra daily data for computation (ahead of start datatime)
     # set in the main program
     self.n_ahead = n_ahead
     # an output class instance for the report file
     self.o = None
     # check whether datetime is proper
     assert (dt_start < dt_end)
     # is_Day_cst: to check whether there is at least one daily candlestick data in pstocks
     is_Day_cst_exist = False
     # load candlestick(cst) data
     # .stocks = {code(str): PStock,}
     self.stocks = {}
     for pstock in pstocks:
         # get info from filename
         # .ID(class StockID), .period(str)
         ID, period = parse_cst_filename(pstock)
         if period == '1Day':
             is_Day_cst_exist = True
         if ID.code not in self.stocks:
             self.stocks[ID.code] = PStock(pstock, dt_start, dt_end,
             self.stocks[ID.code].load_cst(pstock, dt_start, dt_end,
     # remind user
     assert is_Day_cst_exist, "At least one item in pstocks should be daily candlestick data"
     # for convenience, store sz cst information as class PStock
     self.sz = PStock('000001.sz-1Day', dt_start, dt_end, n_ahead)
     # for convenience, store dayily close price of sz
     self.sz_daily_close = self.sz.cst['1Day']['close'].values[n_ahead:]
     # get sz daily time axis
     self.szTimeAxis = self.sz.cst['1Day'].index[
         n_ahead:]  # pd.DataFrame.index
     # find missing daily candlestick data and fill them up in .stocks[code].missing_cst['1Day']
     # as pd.DataFrame
     # read candlestick data timescope from sz
     self.timescope = str(self.szTimeAxis[0]), str(self.szTimeAxis[-1])
     # initial capital to invest, a constant once being set
     self._capital = capital
     # cash in the account, changing during the back test
     self._cash = capital
     # stock shares in the account, changing during the back test
     self._shares = {}  # ._shares: {code(str): quantity(int)}
     # records. add one record after each transaction(buy or sell)
     # _records = [(datetime(str), cash, shares),]
     self._records = []
         (self.timescope[0], self._cash, self._shares.copy()))
     # set stamp tax rate and commission charge rate
     self.StampTaxRate = StampTaxRate
     self.CommissionChargeRate = CommissionChargeRate
     # to store total commission charge in the back test
     self._total_commission_charge = 0
     # to store total stamp tax in the back test
     self._total_stamp_tax = 0
     # trading_stocks: To store the stocks that are traded. Note that although have been loaded,
     #                 some stocks in self.stocks may not been traded in user's strategy.
     self.trading_stocks = set()