Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_read_group_info_file(self):
     wrongfiles = ["empty.txt", "wrongmatchedline.txt", 
                   "zerogroupline.txt", "matchedwrong.txt"]
     for file in wrongfiles:
         filepath = os.path.join(self.indir, file)
                           inputcommon.read_group_info, filepath)
     nomatched = os.path.join(self.indir, "nomatched.txt")
     grs, group2samples, is_matched = inputcommon.read_group_info(nomatched)
     g2s = {'group1': ['s1.1', 's1.2', 's1.3'], 'group2': ['s2.1'],
            'group3': ['s3.1', 's3.2', 's3.3', 's3.4']}
     self.assertTrue(group2samples, g2s)
     self.assertTrue(not is_matched)
     matched = os.path.join(self.indir, "matchedcorrect.txt")
     grs, group2samples, is_matched = inputcommon.read_group_info(matched)
     g2s = {'group1': ['s1.1', 's1.2', 's1.3'], 
            'group2': ['s2.1', 's2.2', 's2.3'],
            'group3': ['s3.1', 's3.2', 's3.3']}
     self.assertTrue(group2samples, g2s)
     rep = os.path.join(self.indir, "repetitivenames.txt")
     grs, group2samples, is_matched = inputcommon.read_group_info(matched)
     self.assertTrue(group2samples, g2s)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    matrixfile = sys.argv[1]
    g2sfile = sys.argv[2]
    outdir = sys.argv[3]
    # read in matrix:
    r2c2count = read_matrix(matrixfile)
    # group info:
    groups, g2s, matched = read_group_info(g2sfile)

    pair2count = get_pair2count(r2c2count)
    # get distribution (draw dist and get outliers)
    lowpoint, uppoint = get_dist(pair2count, g2s, outdir)
    # re draw group comparison boxplot with lims:
    group_cmp(pair2count, g2s, lowpoint, uppoint, outdir)

    # draw heatmap:
    s2g = lcommon.get_val2key_1to1(g2s)
    s2color = dcommon.get_name2color_wtgroup(s2g.keys(), s2g, g2s)
    heatmap_file = os.path.join(outdir, "heatmap.pdf")
    names = []
    for g, gnames in g2s.iteritems():
        for n in gnames:
            if n in r2c2count:
    draw_heatmap(r2c2count, s2color, lowpoint, uppoint, heatmap_file, names)