Ejemplo n.º 1
def index_genotype_ac_array(g, item, array_cls, vector_cls):

    # apply indexing operation to underlying values
    out = g.values[item]

    # decide whether to wrap the output, if so how
    wrap_array = (
        hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 3 and  # dimensionality preserved
        out.shape[2] == g.shape[2] and  # alleles preserved
        not contains_newaxis(item))
    wrap_vector = (
        # single row selection
        isinstance(item, int) or (
            # other way to make a single row selection
            isinstance(item, tuple) and len(item) == 2
            and isinstance(item[0], int)
            and isinstance(item[1], (slice, list, np.ndarray, type(Ellipsis))))
        or (
            # single column selection
            isinstance(item, tuple) and len(item) == 2
            and isinstance(item[0], (slice, list, np.ndarray))
            and isinstance(item[1], int)))

    if wrap_array:
        out = array_cls(out)
    if wrap_vector:
        out = vector_cls(out)

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def index_haplotype_array(h, item, cls):

    # apply indexing operation on underlying values
    out = h.values[item]

    # decide whether to wrap the result as HaplotypeArray
    wrap_array = (
        hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 2 and  # dimensionality preserved
        not contains_newaxis(item))

    if wrap_array:
        out = cls(out)

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def index_genotype_ac_vector(g, item, cls):

    # apply indexing operation on underlying values
    out = g.values[item]

    # decide whether to wrap the result
    wrap = (
        hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 2 and  # dimensionality preserved
        out.shape[1] == g.shape[1] and  # alleles preserved
        not contains_newaxis(item))

    if wrap:
        out = cls(out)

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
def index_allele_counts_array(ac, item, cls):

    # apply indexing operation on underlying values
    out = ac.values[item]

    # decide whether to wrap the result as HaplotypeArray
    wrap_array = (
        hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 2 and  # dimensionality preserved
        ac.shape[1] == out.shape[1] and  # number of alleles preserved
        not contains_newaxis(item))

    if wrap_array:
        out = cls(out)

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 5
def index_genotype_vector(g, item, cls):

    # apply indexing operation on underlying values
    out = g.values[item]

    # decide whether to wrap the result
    wrap = (
        hasattr(out, 'ndim') and out.ndim == 2 and  # dimensionality preserved
        out.shape[1] == g.shape[1] and  # ploidy preserved
        not contains_newaxis(item))

    if wrap:
        out = cls(out)
        if g.mask is not None:
            out.mask = g.mask[item]
        if g.is_phased is not None:
            out.is_phased = g.is_phased[item]

    return out