Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_user_name():
    Generates user names for each user with a NULL username field.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username IS NULL")
    users_obj = convert_objects(cursor.fetchall(), cursor.description)
    counter = random.randint(1, 101)
    for user in users_obj:
        # Set username. It will be
        # [first letter of firstname][lastname without spaces/special charcters][a number to differentiate]
        user_name = ""
        if 'first_name' in user and user['first_name'] is not None:
            user_name += user["first_name"][:1]
        if 'last_name' in user and user['last_name'] is not None:
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5843518/remove-all-special-characters-punctuation-and-spaces-from-string
            user_name += ''.join(e for e in user["last_name"] if e.isalnum())
        user_name += str(counter)
        counter += 1
        put_cursor = connection.cursor()
        put_cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET username=%s WHERE id=%s",
                           (user_name, user['id']))
    return make_response("OK", HTTPStatus.OK)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def execute_insert(sql_q_format, args):
    Executes an insert statement.

    :param sql_q_format: A complete SQL query with zero or more %s
    :param args: List of parameters to be substituted into the SQL query
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql_q_format, args)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _remove_user_from_event(user_id, event_id):
    Removes a user-event pair from the event_registration table.
    :param user_id: id of user.
    :param event_id: id of event
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        "DELETE FROM event_registration WHERE id_event=%s AND id_guest=%s",
        (event_id, user_id))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _add_user_to_event(user_id, event_id, role):
    Registers user to an event.
    :param user_id: id of user
    :param event_id: id of event
    :param role: either "host" or "guest"
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    event_registration_cursor = connection.cursor()
        "INSERT INTO event_registration VALUES (%s,%s,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, %s)",
        (user_id, event_id, role))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def execute_single_tuple_query(sql_q_format, args):
    Returns a single tuple of results from a SQL query
    format string and correpsonding arguments.

    :param sql_q_format: A complete SQL query with zero or more %s
    :param args: List of parameters to be substituted into the SQL query
    :return: A response object ready to return to the client
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql_q_format, args)
    response = make_response_from_single_tuple(cursor)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 6
def execute_mod(sql_q_format, args):
    Executes a SQL statement that modifies the database without getting data.

    :param sql_q_format: A complete SQL query with zero or more %s
    :param args: List of parameters to be substituted into the SQL query
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql_q_format, args)
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_user_by_email(email):
    Checks database and returns object representing user with that username.
    :param email: email of CultureMesh account (string)
    :return: user_obj from db or None if no corresponding found.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=%s"
    cursor.execute(query, (email, ))
    user_db_tuple = cursor.fetchone()
    if user_db_tuple is None:
        return None
    user = convert_objects([user_db_tuple], cursor.description)[0]
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 8
def execute_get_all(sql_q_format, args):
    Get all available items from the database that match a query.

    :param sql_q_format: SQL command to execute, with ``%s`` to fill ``args``
    :param args: Arguments used to replace ``%s`` in ``sql_q_format``
    :return: Tuple of the form ``(items, description)`` where ``items`` is a
    tuple of objects retrieved from the database and ``description`` is the
    cursor description that names the attributes in the objects.
    conn = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql_q_format, args)
    items = cursor.fetchall()
    descr = cursor.description
    return items, descr
Ejemplo n.º 9
def execute_get_one(sql_q_format, args):
    Get one item from the database.

    :param sql_q_format: SQL command to execute, with ``%s`` to fill ``args``
    :param args: Arguments used to replace ``%s`` in ``sql_q_format``
    :return: Tuple of the form ``(item, description)`` where ``item`` is the
    object retrieved from the database and ``description`` is the cursor
    description that names the attributes in the object.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql_q_format, args)
    result = cursor.fetchone()
    description = cursor.description
    return result, description
Ejemplo n.º 10
def network_exists(network_id):
    This function is used to validate endpoint input.
    This function checks if the passed network id is a valid
    network id (there is a corresponding network with that id.)
    :param network_id:
    :return: true if valid, false if no network found.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    network_check = connection.cursor()
    network_check.execute("SELECT * \
                           FROM networks \
                           WHERE id=%s",
    possible_network = network_check.fetchone()
    return possible_network is not None
Ejemplo n.º 11
def user_exists(user_id):
     This function is used to validate endpoint input.
     This function checks if the passed user id is a valid user id
    (there is a corresponding user with that id.)
    :param user_id:
    :return: true if valid, false if no user found.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    user_check = connection.cursor()
    user_check.execute("SELECT * \
                        FROM users \
                        WHERE id=%s",
    possible_user = user_check.fetchone()
    return possible_user is not None
Ejemplo n.º 12
def event_exists(event_id):
    This function is used to validate endpoint input.
    This function checks if the passed event id is a valid event id
    (there is a corresponding event with that id.)
    :param event_id: the event id.
    :return: true if valid, false if no event found.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    event_registration_check_cursor = connection.cursor()
    event_registration_check_cursor.execute("SELECT * \
                                             FROM events \
                                             WHERE id=%s",
    possible_event = event_registration_check_cursor.fetchone()
    return possible_event is not None
Ejemplo n.º 13
def execute_get_many(sql_q_format, args, count):
    Get many items from the database.

    :param sql_q_format: SQL command to execute, with ``%s`` to fill ``args``
    :param args: Arguments used to replace ``%s`` in ``sql_q_format``
    :param count: The maximum number of items to return
    :return: Tuple of the form ``(items, description)`` where ``items`` is a
    tuple of objects retrieved from the database and ``description`` is the
    cursor description that names the attributes in the objects.
    conn = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute(sql_q_format, args)
    items = cursor.fetchmany(count)
    descr = cursor.description
    return items, descr
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_user_by_id(id):
    Checks database and returns object representing user with that id.
    :param id: id of CultureMesh account (string)
    :return: user_obj from db or None if no corresponding found.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    # Note table_name is never supplied by a client, so we do not
    # need to escape it.
    query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=%s"
    cursor.execute(query, (id, ))
    user_db_tuple = cursor.fetchone()
    if user_db_tuple is None:
        return None
    user = convert_objects([user_db_tuple], cursor.description)[0]
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_by_id(table_name, id_, cut_out_fields=[]):
    Given a table name and an id to search for, queries the table
    and returns a response object ready to be returned to the client.

    :param table_name: The name of the table to query
    :param id_: The id of the object to fetch
    :param cut_out_fields: a list of fields that should be removed for privacy reasons.
    :returns: A response object ready to return to the client.
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Note table_name is never supplied by a client, so we do not
    # need to escape it.
    query = "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE id=%%s" % (table_name,)
    cursor.execute(query, (id_))
    response = make_response_from_single_tuple(cursor, cut_out_fields)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_language_autocomplete():
    input_text = request.args['input_text']
    if input_text is None:
        return make_response("Must have valid input_text field",
    connection = mysql.get_db()
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # TODO: this is entirely unsafe, need better way to
    #       work with autocomplete.
    query = "SELECT * FROM languages WHERE languages.name REGEXP %s ORDER BY num_speakers DESC LIMIT 20;"

    cursor.execute(query, (input_text, ))
    langs = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(langs) == 0:
        return make_response(jsonify([]), HTTPStatus.OK)

    langs = convert_objects(langs, cursor.description)
    return make_response(jsonify(langs), HTTPStatus.OK)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_paginated(sql_q_format, selection_fields, args,
    order_clause, order_index_format, order_arg):
    Utility function for getting paginated results from a

    See OneNote documentation for Pagination mechanics.

    NOTE: only works if the WHERE class of the SQL statement
          matches a single id.

    NOTE: the only thing here not provided by the user is args.

    We call get_paginated_objects.

    :param sql_q_format: A partial SQL query with zero or more %s
    :param selection_fields: A list of the values to be substituted into sql_q_format
    :param args: The query parameters (request.args)
    :param order_clause: The SQL part that dictates order on the final results
    :param order_index_format: The partial SQL query to be used for pagination
                                ordering, of the form "FIELD <= %s"
    :param order_arg: The query param on which order is based for pagination
    :returns: A response object ready to return to the client
    conn = mysql.get_db()
    count = int(args.get("count", 100))
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    if order_arg in args:
        order_arg_val = args[order_arg]
        sql_q_format += " AND " + order_index_format
        cursor.execute(sql_q_format + order_clause, (*selection_fields, order_arg_val))
        cursor.execute(sql_q_format + order_clause, (*selection_fields,))
    items = cursor.fetchmany(count)
    if len(items) == 0:
        return make_response(jsonify([]), HTTPStatus.OK)
    items = convert_objects(items, cursor.description)
    return make_response(jsonify(items), HTTPStatus.OK)