Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_user(self, username, email, password, active=False,
        A simple wrapper that creates a new :class:`User`.

        :param username:
            String containing the username of the new user.

        :param email:
            String containing the email address of the new user.

        :param password:
            String containing the password for the new user.

        :param active:
            Boolean that defines if the user requires activation by clicking
            on a link in an e-mail. Defaults to ``False``.

        :param send_email:
            Boolean that defines if the user should be sent an email. You could
            set this to ``False`` when you want to create a user in your own
            code, but don't want the user to activate through email.

        :return: :class:`User` instance representing the new user.

        now = get_datetime_now()

        new_user = get_user_model().objects.create_user(
            username, email, password)
        new_user.is_active = active

        userena_profile = self.create_userena_profile(new_user)

        # All users have an empty profile
        profile_model = get_profile_model()
            new_profile = new_user.get_profile()
        except profile_model.DoesNotExist:
            new_profile = profile_model(user=new_user)

        # Give permissions to view and change profile
        for perm in ASSIGNED_PERMISSIONS['profile']:
            assign(perm[0], new_user, new_profile)

        # Give permissions to view and change itself
        for perm in ASSIGNED_PERMISSIONS['user']:
            assign(perm[0], new_user, new_user)

        if send_email:

        return new_user
Ejemplo n.º 2
def upload_to_mugshot(instance, filename):
    Uploads a mugshot for a user to the ``USERENA_MUGSHOT_PATH`` and saving it
    under unique hash for the image. This is for privacy reasons so others
    can't just browse through the mugshot directory.

    extension = filename.split('.')[-1].lower()
    salt, hash = generate_sha1(instance.id)
    path = userena_settings.USERENA_MUGSHOT_PATH % {'username': instance.user.username,
                                                    'id': instance.user.id,
                                                    'date': instance.user.date_joined,
                                                    'date_now': get_datetime_now().date()}
    return '%(path)s%(hash)s.%(extension)s' % {'path': path,
                                               'hash': hash[:10],
                                               'extension': extension}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def activation_key_expired(self):
        Checks if activation key is expired.

        Returns ``True`` when the ``activation_key`` of the user is expired and
        ``False`` if the key is still valid.

        The key is expired when it's set to the value defined in
        ``USERENA_ACTIVATED`` or ``activation_key_created`` is beyond the
        amount of days defined in ``USERENA_ACTIVATION_DAYS``.

        expiration_days = datetime.timedelta(days=userena_settings.USERENA_ACTIVATION_DAYS)
        expiration_date = self.user.date_joined + expiration_days
        if self.activation_key == userena_settings.USERENA_ACTIVATED:
            return True
        if get_datetime_now() >= expiration_date:
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def change_email(self, email):
        Changes the email address for a user.

        A user needs to verify this new email address before it becomes
        active. By storing the new email address in a temporary field --
        ``temporary_email`` -- we are able to set this email address after the
        user has verified it by clicking on the verification URI in the email.
        This email gets send out by ``send_verification_email``.

        :param email:
            The new email address that the user wants to use.

        self.email_unconfirmed = email

        salt, hash = generate_sha1(self.user.username)
        self.email_confirmation_key = hash
        self.email_confirmation_key_created = get_datetime_now()

        # Send email for activation