Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testFragmentedBackup(self):

        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 2, 3)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 2, 3)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 3, 4)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 5, 7)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 8, 8)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 2, 12)

        # Secret Too big test
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, BAD_SECRET, 2, 3)

        # More needed than pieces
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, SECRET, 4, 3)

        # Secret Too many needed needed
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, SECRET, 9, 12)

        # Too few pieces needed
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, SECRET, 1, 12)

        # Test Reconstuction failures
        fragmentList = SplitSecret(SECRET, 3, 5)
        reconSecret = ReconstructSecret(fragmentList[:2], 2, len(SECRET))
        self.assertNotEqual(reconSecret, SECRET)

# Running tests with "python <module name>" will NOT work for any Armory tests
# You must run tests with "python -m unittest <module name>" or run all tests with "python -m unittest discover"
# if __name__ == "__main__":
#    unittest.main()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testFragmentedBackup(self):

        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 2, 3)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 2, 3)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 3, 4)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 5, 7)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 8, 8)
        self.subtestAllFragmentedBackups(SECRET, 2, 12)

        # Secret Too big test
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, BAD_SECRET, 2, 3)

        # More needed than pieces
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, SECRET, 4, 3)

        # Secret Too many needed needed
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, SECRET, 9, 12)

        # Too few pieces needed
        self.assertRaises(FiniteFieldError, SplitSecret, SECRET, 1, 12)

        # Test Reconstuction failures
        fragmentList = SplitSecret(SECRET, 3, 5)
        reconSecret = ReconstructSecret(fragmentList[:2], 2, len(SECRET))
        self.assertNotEqual(reconSecret, SECRET)
Ejemplo n.º 3
   def callSplitSecret(self, secretHex, M, N, nbytes=1):
      secret = hex_to_binary(secretHex)
      print '\nSplitting secret into %d-of-%d: secret=%s' % (M,N,secretHex)
      tstart = RightNow() 
      out = SplitSecret(secret, M, N)
      tsplit = RightNow() - tstart
      print 'Fragments:'
      for i in range(len(out)):
         x = binary_to_hex(out[i][0])
         y = binary_to_hex(out[i][1])
         print '   Fragment %d: [%s, %s]' % (i+1,x,y)
      trecon = 0
      print 'Reconstructing secret from various subsets of fragments...'
      for i in range(10):
         tstart = RightNow()
         reconstruct = ReconstructSecret(out, M, nbytes)
         trecon += RightNow() - tstart
         print '   The reconstructed secret is:', binary_to_hex(reconstruct)
         self.assertEqual(binary_to_hex(reconstruct), secretHex)
      print 'Splitting secret took: %0.5f sec' % tsplit
      print 'Reconstructing takes:  %0.5f sec' % (trecon/10)

# Running tests with "python <module name>" will NOT work for any Armory tests
# You must run tests with "python -m unittest <module name>" or run all tests with "python -m unittest discover"
# if __name__ == "__main__":
#    unittest.main()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def callSplitSecret(self, secretHex, M, N, nbytes=1):
    secret = hex_to_binary(secretHex)
    print '\nSplitting secret into %d-of-%d: secret=%s' % (M,N,secretHex)
    tstart = RightNow() 
    out = SplitSecret(secret, M, N)
    tsplit = RightNow() - tstart
    print 'Fragments:'
    for i in range(len(out)):
       x = binary_to_hex(out[i][0])
       y = binary_to_hex(out[i][1])
       print '   Fragment %d: [%s, %s]' % (i+1,x,y)
    trecon = 0
    print 'Reconstructing secret from various subsets of fragments...'
    for i in range(10):
       tstart = RightNow()
       reconstruct = ReconstructSecret(out, M, nbytes)
       trecon += RightNow() - tstart
       print '   The reconstructed secret is:', binary_to_hex(reconstruct)
       self.assertEqual(binary_to_hex(reconstruct), secretHex)
    print 'Splitting secret took: %0.5f sec' % tsplit
    print 'Reconstructing takes:  %0.5f sec' % (trecon/10)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def subtestAllFragmentedBackups(self, secret, m, n):
     fragmentMap = splitSecretToFragmentMap(SplitSecret(secret, m, n))
     for combinationMap in self.getNextCombination(fragmentMap, m):
         fragmentList = [value for value in combinationMap.itervalues()]
         reconSecret = ReconstructSecret(fragmentList, m, len(secret))
         self.assertEqual(reconSecret, secret)