Ejemplo n.º 1
def analyse_bonds(model, A, B):
    Check A-B distances present in the model.
        model: Atoms object or string. If string it will read a file
        in the same folder, e.g. "name.traj"
        A: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "H"
        B: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "H"
    # Read file or Atoms object
    if isinstance(model, str) is True:
        model = read(model)

    analysis = Analysis(model)
    dash = "-" * 40
    print_AB = A + "-" + B
    # Retrieve bonds and values
    AB_Bonds = analysis.get_bonds(A, B)
    AB_BondsValues = analysis.get_values(AB_Bonds)
    # Table header
    print(print_AB+"       Distance / Angstrom")
        "count", "average", "minimum", "maximum"))
    # Table contents
        len(AB_BondsValues[0]), np.average(AB_BondsValues),
        np.amin(AB_BondsValues), np.amax(AB_BondsValues)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def analyse_angles(model, A, B, C):
    Check A-B distances present in the model.
        model: Atoms object or string. If string it will read a file
        in the same folder, e.g. "name.traj"
        A: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "O"
        B: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "C"
        C: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "O"
    # Read file or Atoms object
    if isinstance(model, str) is True:
        model = read(model)

    analysis = Analysis(model)
    dash = "-"*40
    print_ABC = A + "-" + B + "-" + C
    # Retrieve bonds and values
    ABC_Angle = analysis.get_angles(A, B, C)
    ABC_AngleValues = analysis.get_values(ABC_Angle)
    # Table header
    print(print_ABC+"       Angle / Degrees")
        "count", "average", "minimum", "maximum"))
    # Table contents
        len(ABC_Angle[0]), np.average(ABC_AngleValues),
        np.amin(ABC_AngleValues), np.amax(ABC_AngleValues)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_rdf_list(pos, r, nbin, frames, elements):
    pos: a list of atoms object
    r: the radial length
    nbin: the bin number in the radial range
    frames: how much pos number will you consider
    elements: the atom pair
    tmp_info = Analysis(pos)
    # this wil get a rdf for every snapshot
    tmp_rdf_list = tmp_info.get_rdf(r,
                                    imageIdx=slice(0, frames, 1),
    return tmp_rdf_list
Ejemplo n.º 4
def search_abnormal_bonds(model):
    Check all bond lengths in the model for abnormally
    short ones, ie. less than 0.74 Angstrom.
        model: Atoms object or string. If string it will read a file
        in the same folder, e.g. "name.traj"

    # Combination as AB = BA for bonds, avoiding redundancy
    from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
    # Read file or Atoms object
    if isinstance(model, str) is True:
        model = read(model)

    # Define lists of variables
    abnormal_bonds = []
    list_of_abnormal_bonds = []

    analysis = Analysis(model)
    # set() to ensure unique chemical symbols list
    list_of_symbols = list(set(model.get_chemical_symbols()))
    all_bonds = combinations_with_replacement(list_of_symbols, 2)

    # Iterate over all arrangements of chemical symbols
    for bonds in all_bonds:
        A = bonds[0]
        B = bonds[1]

        print_AB = A+'-'+B
        AB_Bonds = analysis.get_bonds(A, B)

        # Make sure bond exist before retrieving values
        if not AB_Bonds == [[]]:
            AB_BondsValues = analysis.get_values(AB_Bonds)

            for i in range(0, len(AB_BondsValues)):
                for values in AB_BondsValues[i]:
                    if values < 0.74:
                        abnormal_bonds += [1]
                        list_of_abnormal_bonds = list_of_abnormal_bonds + [print_AB]

    # Abnormality check
    if not len(abnormal_bonds) == 0:
        print("A total of", len(abnormal_bonds),
        "abnormal bond lengths observed (<0.74 A).")
        print("Identities:", list_of_abnormal_bonds)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_angles(cluster, mult=1, excluded_index=None, excluded_pair=None):
    #TODO: consider combining get_bonds and get_angles function
    ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.unique_angles function does not work, return all angles.
    three-body interactions.
    :param excluded_pair: excluding all [particle1, particle2, particle3] lists involving the excluded pair
    if excluded_index is None:
        excluded_index = []
    if excluded_pair is None:
        excluded_pair = []

    nl = NeighborList(natural_cutoffs(cluster, mult=mult),

    angle_list, shortened_list = [], []
    for count, indices in enumerate(Analysis(cluster, nl=nl).all_angles[0]):
        for index in indices:
            if all(
                    list(val) not in angle_list for val in list(
                        permutations([count, index[0], index[1]]))):
                angle_list.append([count, index[0], index[1]])

    for angle in angle_list:
        if all(single_index not in angle for single_index in excluded_index) and \
                all(list(value) not in excluded_pair for value in list(permutations(angle, 2))):

    return angle_list, shortened_list
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_bonds(cluster, mult=1, excluded_index=None, excluded_pair=None):
    Using ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis to get all bonds, then remove the repeated ones.
    Function also allows removing certain bonding pair defined by user (excluded_pair).
    Or removing pairs including certain atomic indices (excluded_index).
    :param cluster:
    :param mult:
    :param excluded_index: list of integers
    :param excluded_pair: list of lists
    :return: full bonding list, shortened list.
    If both excluded_index and excluded_pair are None, bonding list == shortened list
    if excluded_index is None:
        excluded_index = []
    if excluded_pair is None:
        excluded_pair = []

    nl = NeighborList(natural_cutoffs(cluster, mult=mult),

    bond_list, shortened_list = [], []
    for count, indices in enumerate(Analysis(cluster, nl=nl).all_bonds[0]):
        for index in indices:
            if [count, index] not in bond_list and [index, count
                                                    ] not in bond_list:
                bond_list.append([count, index])

    for bond in bond_list:
        if all(single_index not in bond for single_index in excluded_index) and \
                all(tuple(bond) not in list(permutations(pair)) for pair in excluded_pair):

    return bond_list, shortened_list
Ejemplo n.º 7
def analyse_all_angles(model):
    Returns a table of bond angle analysis for the supplied model.


    model: Atoms object or string. If string it will read a file
    in the same folder, e.g. "name.traj"


    # Product to get all possible arrangements
    from itertools import product
    # Read file or Atoms object
    if isinstance(model, str) is True:
        model = read(model)

    analysis = Analysis(model)
    dash = "-" * 40
    # set() to ensure unique chemical symbols list
    list_of_symbols = list(set(model.get_chemical_symbols()))
    all_angles = product(list_of_symbols, repeat=3)

    # Table heading
        "Angle", "Count", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum"))

    # Iterate over all arrangements of chemical symbols
    for angles in all_angles:
        A = angles[0]
        B = angles[1]
        C = angles[2]

        print_ABC = A + '-' + B + '-' + C
        ABC_Angle = analysis.get_angles(A, B, C)

        # Make sure angles exist before retrieving values, print table contents
        if not ABC_Angle == [[]]:
            ABC_AngleValues = analysis.get_values(ABC_Angle)
                print_ABC, len(ABC_Angle[0]), np.average(ABC_AngleValues),
                np.amin(ABC_AngleValues), np.amax(ABC_AngleValues)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def analyse_all_bonds(model):
    Returns a table of bond distance analysis for the supplied model.


    model: Atoms object or string. If string it will read a file
    in the same folder, e.g. "name.traj"
    # Combination as AB = BA for bonds, avoiding redundancy
    from itertools import combinations_with_replacement

    # Read file or Atoms object
    if isinstance(model, str) is True:
        model = read(model)

    analysis = Analysis(model)
    dash = "-" * 40

    # set() to ensure unique chemical symbols list
    list_of_symbols = list(set(model.get_chemical_symbols()))
    all_bonds = combinations_with_replacement(list_of_symbols, 2)

    # Table heading
        "Bond", "Count", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum"))

    # Iterate over all arrangements of chemical symbols
    for bonds in all_bonds:
        A = bonds[0]
        B = bonds[1]

        print_AB = A + '-' + B
        AB_Bonds = analysis.get_bonds(A, B)

        # Make sure bond exist before retrieving values, then print contents
        if not AB_Bonds == [[]]:
            AB_BondsValues = analysis.get_values(AB_Bonds)
                print_AB, len(AB_BondsValues[0]), np.average(AB_BondsValues),
                np.amin(AB_BondsValues), np.amax(AB_BondsValues)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_psuedoatoms(atoms_obj, TRAP_atms, TRAP_bonds):

    ana_H = Analysis(atoms_obj)

    #Collect bond distances from ASE atoms.-Find easier way to do this!
    ASE_bond_dist = []
    ASE_bond_atms = []
    atm_bonds_list = ana_H.unique_bonds[0]
    for index, atm_bonds in enumerate(atm_bonds_list):
        for neighbor in atm_bonds:
            dist = np.linalg.norm(atoms_obj[index].position -
            ASE_bond_atms.append([index, neighbor])

    H_index = []
    ASE_bond_atms_cp = ASE_bond_atms.copy()
    ASE_bond_dist_cp = ASE_bond_dist.copy()
    atoms_obj_cp = atoms_obj.copy()
    #If "H" is in psuedo potentials, we must include it and collect it's index.
    if 'H' in TRAP_atms[:, 1]:
        for bond in TRAP_bonds:
            if 'H' in bond[2].split('-'):
                H_bond_dist = float(bond[3])
                indx, value = find_nearest(ASE_bond_dist_cp, H_bond_dist)
                for i in (ASE_bond_atms_cp[indx]):
                    if atoms_obj_cp[i].symbol == 'H':


    #Determine hybridization. "atoms_C" does not strictly apply to carbon atoms.
    atoms_H = atoms_obj.copy()
    del atoms_H[[atom.index for atom in atoms_H if not atom.symbol == 'H']]

    atoms_C = atoms_obj.copy()
    del atoms_C[[
        atom.index for atom in atoms_C
        if atom.symbol == 'H' and atom.index not in H_index

    for i, C in enumerate(atoms_C):
        hybridization = 0
        if C.symbol == 'C':
            for j, H in enumerate(atoms_H):
                if np.linalg.norm(C.position - H.position) < 1.2:
                    hybridization += 1
            atoms_C[i].mass += hybridization * (atoms_H[0].mass)
            atoms_C[i].tag = hybridization

    return atoms_C
Ejemplo n.º 10
def analyse_angles(model, A, B, C, verbose=True, multirow=False):
    Check A-B-C angles present in the model.

    model: Atoms object
    A: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "O"
    B: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "C"
    C: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "O"
    verbose: Boolean
        Whether to print information to screen
    multirow: Boolean
        Whether we are returning multiple sets of results in a Table

    from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
    analysis = Analysis(model)

    print_ABC = A + "-" + B + "-" + C
    # Retrieve bonds and values
    ABC_indices = analysis.get_angles(A, B, C)
    if len(ABC_indices[0]) == 0:
        ABC_values = None
        ABC_values = analysis.get_values(ABC_indices)

    if verbose and ABC_values is not None:
        # Table header
        if not multirow:
        # Table contents
        import numpy as np
            print_ABC, len(ABC_indices[0]), np.average(ABC_values),
            np.amin(ABC_values), np.amax(ABC_values)))

    return ABC_indices, ABC_values
Ejemplo n.º 11
def analyse_bonds(model, A, B, verbose=True, multirow=False):
    Check A-B distances present in the model.

    model: Atoms object
    A: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "H"
    B: string, chemical symbol, e.g. "H"
    verbose: Boolean
        Whether to print information to screen
    multirow: Boolean
        Whether we are working with analyse_all_bonds, so the output is multirow,
        or just one specific analysis of a bond, in which case the table header is needed.

    from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
    analysis = Analysis(model)

    print_AB = A + "-" + B
    # Retrieve bonds and values
    AB_Bonds = analysis.get_bonds(A, B)
    if AB_Bonds == [[]]:
        AB_BondsValues = None
        AB_BondsValues = analysis.get_values(AB_Bonds)

    if verbose and AB_BondsValues is not None:
        if not multirow:
        # Table contents
        import numpy as np
            print_AB, len(AB_BondsValues[0]), np.average(AB_BondsValues),
            np.amin(AB_BondsValues), np.amax(AB_BondsValues)))

    return print_AB, AB_Bonds, AB_BondsValues
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getslab(struct):
        struct: structre from which we will trim unbound species (Atoms object)
        baseslab: structure with unbound species trimmed
    adjmat = Analysis(struct, bothways=True).adjacency_matrix[0]
    numnodes = adjmat.shape[0]
    g = Graph(numnodes)
    for i in range(numnodes):
        for j in range(numnodes):
            if adjmat[i, j]:
                g.addEdge(i, j)
    cc = g.connectedComponents()
    maingraph = np.array([i for i in cc if 0 in i][0])
    return struct[[atom.index for atom in struct if atom.index in maingraph]]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def bondAnalysis(data, focusElement = "C", bondelems = ["C", "F", "H", "Si", "N"], verbose = False):
    `data` should be a pd Series consisting of (structure id: Atoms object) pairs 
    Length of returned values reflects only # of atoms of focusElement that have at least one bond to an 
    atom in bondelems. 
    analyses = {key:Analysis(value) for key, value in data.iteritems()}
    cbonds = {key: {
        i: a.get_bonds(focusElement, i)[0] for i in bondelems}
     for key, a in analyses.items()}
    cIdxs = {key: [atom.index for atom in value if atom.symbol == focusElement]
             for key, value in data.iteritems()}
    # construct cbonds 
    cbonds = {}
    for key, lst in cIdxs.items():
        _bonds = analyses[key].all_bonds[0]
        _struct = data[key]
        for idx in lst:
            mybonds = _bonds[idx]
            mybondDict = {}
            for bondelem in bondelems:
                mybondDict[bondelem] = sum(_struct[i].symbol == bondelem for i in mybonds)
            if np.sum(pd.Series(mybondDict)) == 0:
                if verbose:
                    print("no bonds between focusElement and bondelems detected")
                cbonds[(key, idx)] =  mybondDict
    cbonds = pd.DataFrame(cbonds).T
    # construct combos
    combos = {}
    combolists = {}
    for key, value in cbonds.iterrows():
        newkey = "".join([key*value for key,value in value.iteritems() if value > 0])
        newkey = Formula(newkey).format('hill')
        combos[newkey] = combos.get(newkey,0) + 1
        combolists[newkey] = combolists.get(newkey,[]) + [key]
    combos = pd.Series(combos)
    combolists = pd.Series(combolists)
    return cbonds, combos, combolists
Ejemplo n.º 14
def getFragIndices(struct, check=False):
        struct: structure (Atoms object)
        check: would you like to check max connectivity?
        array of indices for fragments
    a = Analysis(struct, bothways=True)
    adjmat = a.adjacency_matrix[0].toarray()
    if check:
        maxbonds = {'Ar': 0, 'Si': 6, 'F': 1, 'N': 4, 'H': 1, 'C': 5}
        for i, adjrow in enumerate(adjmat):
            elem = struct[i].symbol
            while np.sum(
                    adjrow) > maxbonds[elem] + 1:  # +1 because adjmat[i,i] = 1
                distances = {
                    atom.index: struct.get_distance(i, atom.index)
                    for atom in struct if adjrow[atom.index]
                for j, a in enumerate(adjrow):
                    if j in distances.keys() and distances[j] == np.max(
                        adjrow[j] = 0
                        adjmat[j, i] = 0  # Delete both directions of the edge
            adjmat[i] = adjrow

    numnodes = adjmat.shape[0]  # Adjacency matrix is NxN, N = #atoms
    g = Graph(numnodes)
    for i in range(numnodes):
        for j in range(numnodes):
            if adjmat[i, j]:
                g.addEdge(i, j)
    cc = g.connectedComponents()
    fragIndices = np.array([i for i in cc if 0 not in i])
    return fragIndices
Ejemplo n.º 15
def find_frag_perms(R, z, lat_and_inv=None, callback=None, max_processes=None):

    from ase import Atoms
    from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
    from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components

    print('Finding permutable non-bonded fragments... (assumes Ang!)')

    # TODO: positions must be in Angstrom for this to work!!

    n_train, n_atoms = R.shape[:2]
    atoms = Atoms(
        z, positions=R[0]
    )  # only use first molecule in dataset to find connected components (fix me later, maybe) # *0.529177249

    adj = Analysis(atoms).adjacency_matrix[0]
    _, labels = connected_components(csgraph=adj,

    frags = []
    for label in np.unique(labels):
        frags.append(np.where(labels == label)[0])
    n_frags = len(frags)

    if n_frags == n_atoms:
            'Skipping fragment symmetry search (something went wrong, e.g. length unit not in Angstroms, etc.)'
        return [range(n_atoms)]

    # print(labels)

    # from . import ui, io
    # xyz_str = io.generate_xyz_str(R[0][np.where(labels == 0)[0], :]*0.529177249, z[np.where(labels == 0)[0]])
    # xyz_str = ui.indent_str(xyz_str, 2)
    # sprint(xyz_str)

    # NEW

    # uniq_labels = np.unique(labels)
    # R_cg = np.empty((R.shape[0], len(uniq_labels), R.shape[2]))
    # z_frags = []
    # z_cg = []
    # for label in uniq_labels:
    #     frag_idxs = np.where(labels == label)[0]

    #     R_cg[:,label,:] = np.mean(R[:,frag_idxs,:], axis=1)
    #     z_frag = np.sort(z[frag_idxs])

    #     z_frag_label = 0
    #     if len(z_frags) == 0:
    #         z_frags.append(z_frag)
    #     else:
    #         z_frag_label = np.where(np.all(z_frags == z_frag, axis=1))[0]

    #         if len(z_frag_label) == 0: # not found
    #             z_frag_label = len(z_frags)
    #             z_frags.append(z_frag)
    #         else:
    #             z_frag_label = z_frag_label[0]

    #     z_cg.append(z_frag_label)

    # print(z_cg)
    # print(R_cg.shape)

    # perms = find_perms(R_cg, np.array(z_cg), lat_and_inv=lat_and_inv, max_processes=max_processes)

    # print('cg perms')
    # print(perms)

    # NEW

    # print(n_frags)

    print('| Found ' + str(n_frags) + ' disconnected fragments.')

    n_frags_unique = 0  # number of unique fragments

    # match fragments to find identical ones (allows permutations of fragments)
    swap_perms = [np.arange(n_atoms)]
    for f1 in range(n_frags):
        for f2 in range(f1 + 1, n_frags):

            sort_idx_f1 = np.argsort(z[frags[f1]])
            sort_idx_f2 = np.argsort(z[frags[f2]])
            inv_sort_idx_f2 = inv_perm(sort_idx_f2)

            z1 = z[frags[f1]][sort_idx_f1]
            z2 = z[frags[f2]][sort_idx_f2]

            if np.array_equal(z1, z2):  # fragment have the same composition
                n_frags_unique += 1

                for ri in range(
                        min(10, R.shape[0])
                ):  # only use first molecule in dataset for matching (fix me later)

                    R_match1 = R[ri, frags[f1], :]
                    R_match2 = R[ri, frags[f2], :]

                    #if np.array_equal(z1, z2):

                    R_pair = np.concatenate(
                                  sort_idx_f1, :], R_match2[None,
                                                            sort_idx_f2, :]))

                    perms = find_perms(R_pair,

                    # embed local permutation into global context
                    for p in perms:

                        match_perm = sort_idx_f1[p][inv_sort_idx_f2]

                        swap_perm = np.arange(n_atoms)
                        swap_perm[frags[f1]] = frags[f2][match_perm]
                        swap_perm[frags[f2][match_perm]] = frags[f1]

    swap_perms = np.unique(np.array(swap_perms), axis=0)

    print('| Found ' + str(n_frags_unique) +
          ' (likely to be) *unique* disconnected fragments.')

    # commplete symmetric group
    sym_group_perms = complete_sym_group(swap_perms)
    print('| Found ' + str(sym_group_perms.shape[0]) +
          ' fragment permutations after closure.')

    # match fragments with themselves (to find symmetries in each fragment)
    if n_frags > 1:
        print('| Matching individual fragments.')
        for f in range(n_frags):

            R_frag = R[:, frags[f], :]
            z_frag = z[frags[f]]

            # print(R_frag.shape)
            # print(z_frag)

            perms = find_perms(R_frag,

            # print(f)

    f = 0
    perms = find_perms_via_alignment(R[0, :, :],
                                     frags[f], [215, 214, 210, 211],
                                     [209, 208, 212, 213],
    #perms = find_perms_via_alignment(R[0, :, :], frags[f], [214, 215, 210, 211], [209, 208, 212, 213], z, lat_and_inv=lat_and_inv, max_processes=max_processes)
    sym_group_perms = np.vstack((perms[None, :], sym_group_perms))
    sym_group_perms = complete_sym_group(sym_group_perms, callback=callback)


    #import sys

    return sym_group_perms
Ejemplo n.º 16
def main(
    datadir = "temp/", #data files, structured as datadir/output$i-$j.gen and datadir/velos$i-$j
    outputdir = "temp.new/",  #files for output
    hbondrange = 6, #offset from surface corresponding to Hbond range
    zmincutoff = 0.1, #somewhat arbitrary value to get rid of atoms that have gone into bulk
    output_geom_name = "output",  #prefix for output geometry files
    output_velos_name = "velos" #prefix for output velocity files

    ### Read in geometry files ###

    hbondrange = int(hbondrange)
    zmincutoff = float(zmincutoff)

    geometries = {}
    for i in os.listdir(datadir):
        if output_geom_name in i:
            key = re.search(r"\d+", i)
            if key:
                key = key.group(0)
                geometries[key] =  gen.read_gen(datadir + i)

    ### Read in velocities ###
    velos = dict()
    for i in os.listdir(datadir):
        if output_velos_name in i:
            key = re.search(r"\d+", i)
            if key:
                key = key.group(0)
                velos[key] = pd.read_csv(datadir + i, header = None, dtype = float, sep = "\s+")

    ### trimming ###

    trimmedgeoms = dict()
    trimmedvelos = dict()

    removedspecies = dict()

    for key, geom in geometries.items(): 
        removedatoms = {'Si': 0, 'N': 0, 'H': 0, 'Ar': 0, 'F':0, 'C':0}

        # construct graph 
        adjmat = Analysis(geom).adjacency_matrix[0]
        numnodes = adjmat.shape[0]
        g = Graph(numnodes)
        for i in range(numnodes):
            for j in range(numnodes):
                if adjmat[i,j]:
        cc = g.connectedComponents()

        #identify slab, and max height of slab
        maingraph = np.array([i for i in cc if 0 in i][0])
        slab = geom[[atom.index for atom in geom if atom.index in maingraph]]
        gen.write_gen(outputdir + "slab{}.gen".format(key), slab)
        zcutoff = np.max([atom.position[2] for atom in slab]) + hbondrange
        # isolate fragments and identify which to remove
        fragGraphs = [i for i in cc if 0 not in i]
        fragZs = [[geom[i].position[2] for i in frag] for frag in fragGraphs]
        removeFrag = [np.all(np.array(i) > zcutoff) or np.all(np.array(i) < zmincutoff) 
                for i in fragZs]
        atomsToRemove = [i for g,r in zip(fragGraphs, removeFrag) if r for i in g]
        #account for any atoms that have wrapped around through the top of the cell (lookin at you, H)
        atomsToRemove += [a.index for a in geom if a.z > geom.cell[2,2]] 

        for idx in atomsToRemove:
            removedatoms[geom[idx].symbol] += 1 #tally removed atoms by species
        geomcopy = geom.copy()
        del geomcopy[[atom.index for atom in geomcopy if atom.index in atomsToRemove]]
        removedspecies[key] = pd.Series(removedatoms)
        trimmedgeoms[key] = geomcopy
        trimmedvelos[key] = velos[key][[i not in atomsToRemove for i in np.arange(len(velos[key]))]]

    # collect all removed species series into a df and write as csv

    for key, geom in trimmedgeoms.items():
        gen.write_gen("%sinput%s.gen" % (outputdir, key), 
    for key, v in trimmedvelos.items():
        v.to_csv("%s%s%s.in" % (outputdir, output_velos_name, key), 
            sep = " ", index = False, header = False)
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def process(self):

		with open(self.raw_paths[1], 'r') as f:
			target = f.read().split('\n')[0:-1]
			target = [float(i) for i in target]
			target = torch.tensor(target, dtype=torch.float)

		omdData = OrganicMaterialsDatabase(self.raw_paths[0], download=False)
		data_list = []
		for i in range(len(omdData)):
			mol = omdData[i]
			if mol is None:
				print(str(i),' not a molecule')

			pos = mol['_positions']
			print('after constructing positions')

			atomic_number = []
			for atom_num in mol['_atomic_numbers']:

			row, col, bond_idx = [], [], []
			print('before fetching the atom properties ',str(i))
			at_obj = omdData.get_atoms(idx=i)
			print('after fetching the atom properties')

			#added atomic masses
			atomic_masses = []
			for atomic_mass in at_obj.get_masses():
			N = len(atomic_number)

			x = torch.tensor([
				atomic_number, #atomic_masses
			], dtype=torch.float).t().contiguous()

			bond_anal = Analysis(at_obj)
			for bond_list in bond_anal.unique_bonds:
				for start, atom_bond_list in enumerate(bond_list):
					for end in atom_bond_list:
						row += [start, end]
						col += [end, start]
						bond_idx += 2 * [self.bonds["SINGLE"]]

			print('after constructing the bonds')
			# cutoff_radius = 5.0
			# all_distances = at_obj.get_all_distances()
			# cutoff_distance_nodes = np.array(np.nonzero(all_distances <= cutoff_radius))
			# for ydim in range(0,cutoff_distance_nodes.shape[1]):
			# 	row += [cutoff_distance_nodes[0][ydim], cutoff_distance_nodes[1][ydim]]
			# 	col += [cutoff_distance_nodes[1][ydim], cutoff_distance_nodes[0][ydim]]
			# 	bond_idx += 2 * [self.bonds["SINGLE"]]

			edge_index = torch.tensor([row, col], dtype=torch.long)
			edge_attr = F.one_hot(torch.tensor(bond_idx),
			edge_index, edge_attr = coalesce(edge_index, edge_attr, N, N)

			y = target[i].unsqueeze(0)
			name = str(at_obj.symbols)
			print('constructing data')
			data = Data(x=x, pos=pos, edge_index=edge_index,edge_attr=edge_attr,
				y=y, name=name)

			print('after constructing data')
			if self.pre_filter is not None and not self.pre_filter(data):
			if self.pre_transform is not None:
				data = self.pre_transform(data)

			# print('----------------')
			# print(data.x.shape)
			# print(data.edge_index.shape)
			# print(data.x)
			# print(data.edge_index)
			# print('------------------')

		print('saving data')
		torch.save(self.collate(data_list), self.processed_paths[0])
AllPbIBonds = []
AllSnIBonds = []
AllPbIAngles = []
AllSnIAngles = []
AllPbIPbAngles = []
AllSnISnAngles = []

for i in range(0, 16):

    PEA2PbSnI4 = read('CONTCAR_PbSn' + str(i))


    ana = Analysis(PEA2PbSnI4)

    # Bonds

    PbIBonds = ana.get_bonds('Pb', 'I', unique=True)
    SnIBonds = ana.get_bonds('Sn', 'I', unique=True)

    #print("\nThere are {} Pb-I bonds in PEA2PbSnI4.".format(len(PbIBonds[0])))
    #print("There are {} Pb-I bonds in PEA2PbSnI4.".format(len(SnIBonds[0])))

    if len(PbIBonds[0]) > 0:
        PbIBondValues = ana.get_values(PbIBonds)

    if len(SnIBonds[0]) > 0:
        SnIBondValues = ana.get_values(SnIBonds)
crystal = read(filename)
crystal1 = read(filename1)

corrdinates = crystal.get_positions()
cell_length = crystal.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()
cell_length = cell_length[0:3]  # only select the cell length

dr = 0.01  # shperical shell radius dr
min_length_cell = min(cell_length)  # select the smalles length in cell

rmax = (min_length_cell / 2) - 0.1  #  2*rmax < min_length_cell

bins = np.rint((min_length_cell / 3) * 100)
bins = bins.astype(int)
rdf = Analysis(crystal)
rdf2 = Analysis(crystal1)
g = rdf.get_rdf(rmax, bins)
g_r = rdf.get_rdf(rmax, bins)
r = np.linspace(0, rmax, bins)

y1 = np.array(g)
y = np.array(g_r)

y1 = np.transpose(y1)
y = np.transpose(y)
plt.plot(r, y, color='black')
plt.plot(r, y1, color='blue')
Ejemplo n.º 20
def transmute(threshold,
              slabElems=["Si", "N"],
    Find undercoordinated surface/near-surface atoms and transmute them to C

        - threshold (k): maxiumum number of bonds to be considered "undercoordinated" (should be 1 or 2)
        - transmute: whether to transmute elements or not 
        - slabElems: elements to consider as part of the 'core slab'; only these will be transmuted
        - surfDepth: depth of atoms to consider below surface; surface defined as max z coord among slabElems
        - simple: Use basic bond counting as implemented in ASE, or advanced with coordLabeller from `dependencies` (simple=False is UNTESTED!!!)
        - numStructs: Number of structures to consider
        - numOut: Number of structures to output
        - kwargs: to be passed to the readStructs function from `dependencies`
    simple = True  # only support simple bond count for now
    if numStructs > 0:
        data = readStructs(**kwargs)['geom'][:numStructs]
        data = readStructs(**kwargs)['geom']

    ## make bond counts

    if simple:
        analyses = {key: Analysis(value) for key, value in data.items()}
        bonds = {key: value.all_bonds[0] for key, value in analyses.items()}
        numBonds = {
            key: [len(i) for i in value]
            for key, value in bonds.items()
        for key, b in bonds.items():
            for idx, atomBonds in enumerate(b):
                for bond in atomBonds:
                    e1, e2 = data[key][idx].symbol, data[key][bond].symbol
                    if e1 not in slabElems or e2 not in slabElems:
                        numBonds[key][idx] -= 1

        bonds = {
            key: coordLabeller(value,
            for key, value in data.items()
        numBonds = {
            key: [len(value[i]) for i in range(len(value))]
            for key, value in bonds.items()
        for key, b in bonds.items():
            for idx, bond in b.items():  #dictionary
                for bond in atomBonds:
                    e1, e2 = data[key][idx].symbol, data[key][bond].symbol
                    if e1 not in slabElems or e2 not in slabElems:
                        numBonds[key][idx] -= 1

    ## look for criteria: surface depth, core slab elements, low coordination
    toReplace = {}
    for key, numBondList in numBonds.items():
        minz = np.max([
            atom.position[2] for atom in data[key] if atom.symbol in slabElems
        ]) - surfDepth
        toReplace[key] = [
            int(nBonds <= threshold and data[key][i].symbol in slabElems
                and data[key][i].position[2] > minz)
            for i, nBonds in enumerate(numBondList)

    ## set labels for atoms to be transmuted, and generate counts
    numTransmuted = {}
    for key, value in data.items():
        numTransmuted[key] = np.sum(toReplace[key])
    data = pd.DataFrame(data)
    data['n'] = pd.Series(numTransmuted)
    data = data.sort_values("n", ascending=False)
    if numOut > 0:
        data = data.iloc[:numOut, :]

    ## transmute atoms
    if transmute:
        for key in data.index:
            for atom in data['geom'][key]:
                if toReplace[key][atom.index]:
                    atom.symbol = target

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 21
#test the geometry.analysis module
import numpy as np
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
from ase.build import molecule

mol = molecule('CH3CH2OH')
ana = Analysis(mol)
assert np.shape(ana.adjacency_matrix[0].todense()) == (9, 9)
for imI in range(len(ana.all_bonds)):
    l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_bonds[imI]])
    l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_bonds[imI]])
    assert l1 == l2 * 2

for imi in range(len(ana.all_angles)):
    l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_angles[imi]])
    l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_angles[imi]])
    assert l1 == l2 * 2

for imi in range(len(ana.all_dihedrals)):
    l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_dihedrals[imi]])
    l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_dihedrals[imi]])
    assert l1 == l2 * 2

assert len(ana.get_angles('C','C','H', unique=False)[0]) == len(ana.get_angles('C','C','H', unique=True)[0])*2

csixty = molecule('C60')
mol = molecule('C7NH5')

ana = Analysis(csixty)
ana2 = Analysis(mol)
Ejemplo n.º 22
from ase.io.trajectory import Trajectory
import numpy as np
from ase.io import read
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
#old file see bonds.py for better version
file = read('tin_acetate.xyz')

traj = Trajectory('tin_acetate.traj', 'w')
file = read('tin_acetate.traj')

ana = Analysis(file)

SiOBonds = ana.get_bonds('Sn', 'O')
SiOSiAngles = ana.get_angles('O', 'Sn', 'O')

print("there are {} Si-O bonds in BETA".format(len(SiOBonds[0])))
print("there are {} Si-O-Si angles in BETA".format(len(SiOSiAngles[0])))

SiOBondsValues = ana.get_values(SiOBonds)
SiOSiAngleValues = ana.get_values(SiOSiAngles)

print("bond length data:")
print("the average Si-O bond length is {}.".format(np.average(SiOBondsValues)))
print("the minimum Si-O Distance is:", np.amin(SiOBondsValues))
print("the maximum Si-O Distance is:", np.amax(SiOBondsValues))

print("bond angle data:")
print("the average Si-O-Si angle is {}.".format(np.average(SiOSiAngleValues)))
print("the maximum Si-O-Si angle is:", np.amax(SiOSiAngleValues))
print("the minimum Si-O-Si angle is:", np.amin(SiOSiAngleValues))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_analysis():
    #test the geometry.analysis module

    mol = molecule('CH3CH2OH')
    ana = Analysis(mol)
    assert np.shape(ana.adjacency_matrix[0].todense()) == (9, 9)
    for imI in range(len(ana.all_bonds)):
        l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_bonds[imI]])
        l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_bonds[imI]])
        assert l1 == l2 * 2

    for imi in range(len(ana.all_angles)):
        l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_angles[imi]])
        l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_angles[imi]])
        assert l1 == l2 * 2

    for imi in range(len(ana.all_dihedrals)):
        l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_dihedrals[imi]])
        l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_dihedrals[imi]])
        assert l1 == l2 * 2

    assert len(ana.get_angles('C', 'C', 'H', unique=False)[0]) == len(
        ana.get_angles('C', 'C', 'H', unique=True)[0]) * 2

    csixty = molecule('C60')
    mol = molecule('C7NH5')

    ana = Analysis(csixty)
    ana2 = Analysis(mol)
    for imI in range(len(ana.all_bonds)):
        l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_bonds[imI]])
        l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_bonds[imI]])
        assert l1 == l2 * 2
    for imI in range(len(ana.all_angles)):
        l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_angles[imI]])
        l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_angles[imI]])
        assert l1 == l2 * 2
    for imI in range(len(ana.all_dihedrals)):
        l1 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.all_dihedrals[imI]])
        l2 = sum([len(x) for x in ana.unique_dihedrals[imI]])
        assert l1 == l2 * 2

    assert len(ana2.get_angles('C', 'C', 'H', unique=False)[0]) == len(
        ana2.get_angles('C', 'C', 'H', unique=True)[0]) * 2
    assert len(ana2.get_dihedrals('H', 'C', 'C', 'H', unique=False)[0]) == len(
        ana2.get_dihedrals('H', 'C', 'C', 'H', unique=True)[0]) * 2
Ejemplo n.º 24
def search_abnormal_bonds(model, verbose=True):
    Check all bond lengths in the model for abnormally
    short ones, ie. less than 0.74 Angstrom.

    model: Atoms object or string. If string it will read a file
        in the same folder, e.g. "name.traj"

    # Combination as AB = BA for bonds, avoiding redundancy
    from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
    # Imports necessary to work out accurate minimum bond distances
    from ase.data import chemical_symbols, covalent_radii

    # Read file or Atoms object
    if isinstance(model, str) is True:
        model = read(model)

    # Define lists of variables
    abnormal_bonds = []
    list_of_abnormal_bonds = []

    analysis = Analysis(model)
    # set() to ensure unique chemical symbols list
    list_of_symbols = list(set(model.get_chemical_symbols()))
    all_bonds = combinations_with_replacement(list_of_symbols, 2)

    # Iterate over all arrangements of chemical symbols

    for bonds in all_bonds:
        A = bonds[0]
        B = bonds[1]
        # For softcoded bond cutoff
        sum_of_covalent_radii = covalent_radii[chemical_symbols.index(
            A)] + covalent_radii[chemical_symbols.index(B)]

        print_AB = A + '-' + B
        AB_Bonds = analysis.get_bonds(A, B)

        # Make sure bond exist before retrieving values
        if not AB_Bonds == [[]]:
            AB_BondsValues = analysis.get_values(AB_Bonds)

            for i in range(0, len(AB_BondsValues)):
                for values in AB_BondsValues[i]:
                    # TODO: move the 75% of sum_of_covalent_radii before the loops
                    if values < max(0.4, sum_of_covalent_radii * 0.75):
                        abnormal_bonds += [1]
                        list_of_abnormal_bonds = list_of_abnormal_bonds + [

    # Abnormality check
    # is it possible to make a loop with different possible values instead of 0.75 and takes the average
    if len(abnormal_bonds) > 0:
        if verbose:
                "A total of", len(abnormal_bonds),
                "abnormal bond lengths observed (<" +
                str(max(0.4, sum_of_covalent_radii * 0.75)) + " A).")
            print("Identities:", list_of_abnormal_bonds)
        return False
        if verbose:
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 25
def analyzeFragments(datadir, **kwargs):
        Pass in `name` and `shallow` kwargs if needed for utils.readStruct function
    geometries = readStructs(datadir, **kwargs)['geom']
    analyses = {key: Analysis(item) for key, item in geometries.items()}
    analyses = pd.Series(analyses)

    ### fragmentation ###

    fragmentLists = []
    for struct in geometries:
        adjmat = Analysis(struct).adjacency_matrix[0]
        numnodes = adjmat.shape[0]
        g = Graph(numnodes)
        for i in range(numnodes):
            for j in range(numnodes):
                if adjmat[i,j]:
        cc = g.connectedComponents()
        isSmallgraph = np.array([len(i) for i in cc]) < 10
        smallgraphs = []
        for i, subgraph in enumerate(cc):
            if isSmallgraph[i]:
                smallgraphs += [struct[[atom.index for atom in struct if atom.index in subgraph]]]
        fragmentLists += [smallgraphs]

    flatten = lambda t: [item for sublist in t for item in sublist]
    fragmentTypes = np.unique([i.symbols.get_chemical_formula() for i in flatten(fragmentLists)])
    fragdict = {i:j for i, j in zip(geometries.keys(), fragmentLists)}

    fragmentData = pd.DataFrame({key: [0] * len(geometries) for key in fragmentTypes})

    fragmentData.index = fragdict.keys()

    for key, fragmentList in fragdict.items():
        for fragment in fragmentList:
            _symbol = fragment.symbols.get_chemical_formula()
            fragmentData[_symbol].loc[key] += 1
    fragmentData.to_csv(datadir + "fragdata.csv")
    print(fragmentData.sum(axis = 0))

    ### bond counts ###
    # totalbonds = []
    # bondcounts = {}
    # for key, analysis in analyses.items(): 
        # try:
            # totalbonds += [len(analysis.get_bonds(e1, e2, unique = True)[0])]
            # bondcounts[key] =  len(analysis.get_bonds(e1, e2, unique = True)[0])
        # except:
            # print('error on {}'.format(key))
    # totalbonds = np.array(totalbonds)
    # if form:
        # print('percent runs with {}-{} bond formation = {}'.format(e1, e2, np.sum(totalbonds > 0)/170))
    # else:
        # print('average number of final {}-{} bonds = {}'.format(e1, e2, np.sum(totalbonds)/170))
    # # plt.hist(totalbonds, bins = np.arange(0, np.max(totalbonds) + 1))
    # # plt.hist(totalbonds, bins = np.arange(5, 14))
    # if form:
        # plt.title('distribution of # of {}-{} bonds formed'.format(e1, e2));
    # else:
        # plt.title('distribution of # of {}-{} bonds count'.format(e1, e2));
    # plt.show()   

    from itertools import combinations
    elems = ["Si", "F", "N", "C", "H", "Ar"]

    result = {}
    for e1, e2 in combinations(elems, 2):
        bondcounts = {}
        for key, analysis in analyses.items(): 
            bondcounts[key] =  len(analysis.get_bonds(e1, e2, unique = True)[0])
        bondcounts = pd.Series(bondcounts)
        result["{}-{}".format(e1, e2)] = bondcounts
Ejemplo n.º 26
from ase.io.trajectory import Trajectory
import numpy as np
from ase.io import read
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis

BEA = read('BEA.cif')

traj = Trajectory('BEA.traj', 'w')
BEA = read('BEA.traj')

ana = Analysis(BEA)

SiOBonds = ana.get_bonds('Si', 'O')
SiOSiAngles = ana.get_angles('Si', 'O', 'Si')

print("there are {} Si-O bonds in BETA".format(len(SiOBonds[0])))
print("there are {} Si-O-Si angles in BETA".format(len(SiOSiAngles[0])))

SiOBondsValues = ana.get_values(SiOBonds)
SiOSiAngleValues = ana.get_values(SiOSiAngles)

print("bond length data:")
print("the average Si-O bond length is {}.".format(np.average(SiOBondsValues)))
print("the minimum Si-O Distance is:", np.amin(SiOBondsValues))
print("the maximum Si-O Distance is:", np.amax(SiOBondsValues))

print("bond angle data:")
print("the average Si-O-Si angle is {}.".format(np.average(SiOSiAngleValues)))
print("the maximum Si-O-Si angle is:", np.amax(SiOSiAngleValues))
print("the minimum Si-O-Si angle is:", np.amin(SiOSiAngleValues))
Ejemplo n.º 27
Main Program Begins Here
#Collect TRAPPE input params
TRAPPE_fname =  'trappe_parameters_99.txt'
TRAPPE_atoms, TRAPPE_bonds, TRAPPE_name = get_TRAPPE_params(TRAPPE_fname)

#Convert Smiles string into Atoms object.
atoms = pubchem_atoms_search(smiles=SMILES)

#Determine psuedo-atoms of molecule and remove hydrogens.
psuedo_atoms = get_psuedoatoms(atoms,TRAPPE_atoms,TRAPPE_bonds)

ana = Analysis(psuedo_atoms) #Create geometry analysis object from Atoms object.

organized_ASE_atoms = Order_atoms_wrt_TRAPPE(psuedo_atoms,ana,TRAPPE_bonds,TRAPPE_atoms)

#Center the psuedo_atoms. FEASST requires atom[0] to be located within origin!
for atm in organized_ASE_atoms:
    if atm[0] == 1:
        center_about = np.copy(atm[-1])
for atm in organized_ASE_atoms:
    atm[-1] -= center_about

File Output
Ejemplo n.º 28
def main(
        numsofar,  #use the run number you're seeding for
        batch,  #current batch number
        velo,  # velocity of incident Ar in Å/ps
        datadir="temp/",  #data files, structured as datadir/output$i-$j.gen and datadir/velos$i-$j
        outputdir="temp.new/",  #files for output
        zmincutoff=0.1,  #somewhat arbitrary value to get rid of atoms that have gone into bulk

    numsofar = int(numsofar)
    batch = int(batch)
    velo = float(velo)

    hbondrange = int(hbondrange)
    zmincutoff = float(zmincutoff)
    numperbatch = int(numperbatch)
    numbatches = int(numbatches)

    ### Read in geometry files ###

    geometries = {}
    for i in os.listdir(datadir):
        if "output" in i:
            key = re.search(r"\d+", i)
            if key:
                key = key.group(0)
                geometries[key] = gen.read_gen(datadir + i)

    ### Read in velocities ###
    velos = dict()
    for i in os.listdir(datadir):
        if "velos" in i:
            key = re.search(r"\d+", i)
            if key:
                key = key.group(0)
                velos[key] = pd.read_csv(datadir + i,

    # to account for seed behavior from first numssofar sets of runs
    # numssofar can also be interpreted as = current run seeding for
    for b in range(batch + numsofar * numbatches):
        for i in range(numperbatch):
            x_rand, y_rand, z_rand = np.append(np.random.random(size=2), 0)

    ### trimming ###

    trimmedgeoms = dict()
    trimmedvelos = dict()

    removedspecies = dict()

    for key, geom in geometries.items():
        removedatoms = {'Si': 0, 'N': 0, 'H': 0, 'Ar': 0, 'F': 0, 'C': 0}

        # construct graph
        adjmat = Analysis(geom).adjacency_matrix[0]
        numnodes = adjmat.shape[0]
        g = Graph(numnodes)
        for i in range(numnodes):
            for j in range(numnodes):
                if adjmat[i, j]:
                    g.addEdge(i, j)
        cc = g.connectedComponents()

        #identify slab, and max height of slab
        maingraph = np.array([i for i in cc if 0 in i][0])
        slab = geom[[atom.index for atom in geom if atom.index in maingraph]]
        gen.write_gen(outputdir + "slab{}.gen".format(key), slab)
        zcutoff = np.max([atom.position[2] for atom in slab]) + hbondrange

        # isolate fragments and identify which to remove
        fragGraphs = [i for i in cc if 0 not in i]
        fragZs = [[geom[i].position[2] for i in frag] for frag in fragGraphs]
        removeFrag = [
            np.all(np.array(i) > zcutoff) or np.all(np.array(i) < zmincutoff)
            for i in fragZs
        atomsToRemove = [
            i for g, r in zip(fragGraphs, removeFrag) if r for i in g
        #account for any atoms that have wrapped around through the top of the cell (lookin at you, H)
        atomsToRemove += [a.index for a in geom if a.z > geom.cell[2, 2]]
        for idx in atomsToRemove:
                geom[idx].symbol] += 1  #tally removed atoms by species

        geomcopy = geom.copy()
        del geomcopy[[
            atom.index for atom in geomcopy if atom.index in atomsToRemove

        x_rand, y_rand, z_rand = geomcopy.cell.cartesian_positions(
            np.append(np.random.random(size=2), 0))

                      position=(x_rand, y_rand))

        removedspecies[key] = pd.Series(removedatoms)
        trimmedgeoms[key] = geomcopy
        trimmedvelos[key] = velos[key][[
            i not in atomsToRemove for i in np.arange(len(velos[key]))
        trimmedvelos[key] = trimmedvelos[key].append(pd.Series([0, 0, -velo]),

    # collect all removed species series into a df and write as csv

    for key, geom in trimmedgeoms.items():
        gen.write_gen("%sinput%s.gen" % (outputdir, key), geom)
    for key, v in trimmedvelos.items():
        v.to_csv("%svelos%s.in" % (outputdir, key),
                 sep=" ",