Ejemplo n.º 1
def maint_db_update(dbo):
    Check and run any outstanding database updates
        # This should never be run at a time when users may be
        # using the system, remove any database update locks as any
        # lock at this time should be erroneous

        # Check to see if any updates need performing on this database
        if dbupdate.check_for_updates(dbo):
            ttask(dbupdate.perform_updates, dbo)

        if dbupdate.check_for_view_seq_changes(dbo):
            ttask(dbupdate.install_db_views, dbo)
            ttask(dbupdate.install_db_sequences, dbo)
            ttask(dbupdate.install_db_stored_procedures, dbo)

        em = str(sys.exc_info()[0])
        al.error("FAIL: running db updates: %s" % em, "cron.maint_db_update",
                 dbo, sys.exc_info())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def daily(dbo):
    Tasks to run once each day before users login for the day.
        # The batch should never be run at a time when users may be
        # using the system, remove any database update locks as any
        # lock at this time should be erroneous

        # Check to see if any updates need performing on this database
        if dbupdate.check_for_updates(dbo):
            ttask(dbupdate.perform_updates, dbo)

        if dbupdate.check_for_view_seq_changes(dbo):
            ttask(dbupdate.install_db_views, dbo)
            ttask(dbupdate.install_db_sequences, dbo)
            ttask(dbupdate.install_db_stored_procedures, dbo)

        # Update on shelter and foster animal location fields
        ttask(animal.update_on_shelter_animal_statuses, dbo)
        ttask(animal.update_foster_animal_statuses, dbo)

        # Update on shelter animal variable data (age, time on shelter, etc)
        ttask(animal.update_on_shelter_variable_animal_data, dbo)

        # Update variable data for young offshelter animals
        ttask(animal.update_offshelter_young_variable_animal_data, dbo)

        # Update animal figures for reports
        ttask(animal.update_animal_figures, dbo)
        ttask(animal.update_animal_figures_annual, dbo)

        # Update waiting list urgencies and auto remove
        ttask(waitinglist.auto_remove_waitinglist, dbo)
        ttask(waitinglist.auto_update_urgencies, dbo)

        # Email diary notes to users
        ttask(diary.email_uncompleted_upto_today, dbo)

        # Update animal litter counts
        ttask(animal.update_active_litters, dbo)

        # Find any missing person geocodes
        ttask(person.update_missing_geocodes, dbo)

        # Clear out any old audit logs
        ttask(audit.clean, dbo)

        # Remove old publisher logs
        ttask(publish.delete_old_publish_logs, dbo)

        # auto cancel any reservations
        ttask(movement.auto_cancel_reservations, dbo)

        # auto cancel animal holds
        ttask(animal.auto_cancel_holds, dbo)

        # auto remove online forms
        ttask(onlineform.auto_remove_old_incoming_forms, dbo)

        # auto anonymise expired personal data
        ttask(person.update_anonymise_personal_data, dbo)

        # auto remove expired media items
        ttask(media.remove_expired_media, dbo)

        # auto update clinic statuses
        ttask(clinic.auto_update_statuses, dbo)

        # Update the generated looking for report
        ttask(person.update_lookingfor_report, dbo)

        # Update the generated lost/found match report
        ttask(lostfound.update_match_report, dbo)

        # Email any reports set to run with batch
        ttask(extreports.email_daily_reports, dbo)

        # Send fosterer medical reports
        ttask(movement.send_fosterer_emails, dbo)

        em = str(sys.exc_info()[0])
        al.error("FAIL: running batch tasks: %s" % em, "cron.daily", dbo,