Ejemplo n.º 1
    def save(self, output_file, overwrite=False):

        """Save the model to disk"""

        if os.path.exists(output_file) and overwrite is False:

            raise ModelFileExists("The file %s exists already. If you want to overwrite it, use the 'overwrite=True' "
                                  "options as 'model.save(\"%s\", overwrite=True)'. " % (output_file, output_file))


            data = self.to_dict_with_types()

            # Write it to disk


                # Get the YAML representation of the data

                representation = my_yaml.dump(data)

                with open(output_file, "w+") as f:

                    # Add a new line at the end of each voice (just for clarity)

                    f.write(representation.replace("\n", "\n\n"))

            except IOError:

                raise CannotWriteModel(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_file)),
                                       "Could not write model file %s. Check your permissions to write or the "
                                       "report on the free space which follows: " % output_file)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def save(self, output_file, overwrite=False):
        """Save the model to disk"""

        if os.path.exists(output_file) and overwrite is False:

            raise ModelFileExists(
                "The file %s exists already. If you want to overwrite it, use the 'overwrite=True' "
                "options as 'model.save(\"%s\", overwrite=True)'. " %
                (output_file, output_file))


            data = self.to_dict_with_types()

            # Write it to disk


                # Get the YAML representation of the data

                representation = my_yaml.dump(data)

                with open(output_file, "w+") as f:

                    # Add a new line at the end of each voice (just for clarity)

                    f.write(representation.replace("\n", "\n\n"))

            except IOError:

                raise CannotWriteModel(
                    "Could not write model file %s. Check your permissions to write or the "
                    "report on the free space which follows: " % output_file)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def xspec_model_factory(model_name, xspec_function, model_type, definition):

    class_name = 'XS_%s' % model_name

    # Get the path to the user data directory
    user_data_path = get_user_data_path()

    # Check if the code for this function already exists

    code_file_name = os.path.join(user_data_path, '%s.py' % class_name)

    if os.path.exists(code_file_name):

        # Code already exists


        print("Generating code for Xspec model %s..." % model_name)

        # If this is an additive model (model_type == 'add') we need to add
        # one more parameter (normalization)

        if model_type == 'add':

            definition['parameters']['norm'] = {'initial value': 1.0,
                                                      'desc': '(see https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/manual/'
                                                      'min': 0,
                                                      'max': None,
                                                      'delta': 0.1,
                                                      'unit': 'keV / (cm2 s)',
                                                      'free': True}

        assert model_type != 'con', "Convolution models are not yet supported"

        # Get a list of the parameter names
        parameters_names = ", ".join(definition['parameters'].keys())

        # Create the docstring
        docstring = my_yaml.dump(definition)

        # Create the class by substituting in the class_definition_code the
        # relevant things for this model

        code = class_definition_code.replace('$MODEL_NAME$', model_name)
        code = code.replace('$DOCSTRING$', docstring)
        code = code.replace('$PARAMETERS_NAMES$', parameters_names)
        code = code.replace('$XSPEC_FUNCTION$', xspec_function)
        code = code.replace('$MODEL_TYPE$', model_type)

        # Write to the file

        with open(code_file_name, 'w+') as f:

            f.write("# This code has been automatically generated. Do not edit.\n")
            f.write("\n\n%s\n" % code)

    # Add the path to sys.path if it doesn't
    if user_data_path not in sys.path:


    # Import the class in the current namespace (locals)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        exec('from %s import %s' % (class_name, class_name))

    # Return the class we just created

    return class_name, locals()[class_name]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def xspec_model_factory(model_name, xspec_function, model_type, definition):

    class_name = 'XS_%s' % model_name

    # Get the path to the user data directory
    user_data_path = get_user_data_path()

    # Check if the code for this function already exists

    code_file_name = os.path.join(user_data_path, '%s.py' % class_name)

    if os.path.exists(code_file_name):

        # Code already exists


        print("Generating code for Xspec model %s..." % model_name)

        # If this is an additive model (model_type == 'add') we need to add
        # one more parameter (normalization)

        if model_type == 'add':

            definition['parameters']['norm'] = {
                'initial value': 1.0,
                '(see https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/manual/'
                'min': 0,
                'max': None,
                'delta': 0.1,
                'unit': 'keV / (cm2 s)',
                'free': True

        assert model_type != 'con', "Convolution models are not yet supported"

        # Get a list of the parameter names
        parameters_names = ", ".join(definition['parameters'].keys())

        # Create the docstring
        docstring = my_yaml.dump(definition)

        # Create the class by substituting in the class_definition_code the
        # relevant things for this model

        code = class_definition_code.replace('$MODEL_NAME$', model_name)
        code = code.replace('$DOCSTRING$', docstring)
        code = code.replace('$PARAMETERS_NAMES$', parameters_names)
        code = code.replace('$XSPEC_FUNCTION$', xspec_function)
        code = code.replace('$MODEL_TYPE$', model_type)

        # Write to the file

        with open(code_file_name, 'w+') as f:

                "# This code has been automatically generated. Do not edit.\n")
            f.write("\n\n%s\n" % code)

    # Add the path to sys.path if it doesn't
    if user_data_path not in sys.path:


    # Import the class in the current namespace (locals)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        exec('from %s import %s' % (class_name, class_name))

    # Return the class we just created

    return class_name, locals()[class_name]