Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_names():

    # First check that sesame is up
    if urllib.request.urlopen("http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame").getcode() != 200:
        pytest.skip("SESAME appears to be down, skipping test_name_resolve.py:test_names()...")

    with pytest.raises(NameResolveError):

        icrs = get_icrs_coordinates("NGC 3642")
    except NameResolveError:
        ra, dec = _parse_response(_cached_ngc3642["all"])
        icrs = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra)*u.degree, dec=float(dec)*u.degree)

    icrs_true = SkyCoord(ra="11h 22m 18.014s", dec="59d 04m 27.27s")

    # use precision of only 1 decimal here and below because the result can
    # change due to Sesame server-side changes.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.ra.degree, icrs_true.ra.degree, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.dec.degree, icrs_true.dec.degree, 1)

        icrs = get_icrs_coordinates("castor")
    except NameResolveError:
        ra, dec = _parse_response(_cached_castor["all"])
        icrs = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra)*u.degree, dec=float(dec)*u.degree)

    icrs_true = SkyCoord(ra="07h 34m 35.87s", dec="+31d 53m 17.8s")
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.ra.degree, icrs_true.ra.degree, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.dec.degree, icrs_true.dec.degree, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_names():

    # First check that sesame is up
    if urllib.request.urlopen(
            "http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame").getcode() != 200:
            "SESAME appears to be down, skipping test_name_resolve.py:test_names()..."

    with pytest.raises(NameResolveError):

        icrs = get_icrs_coordinates("NGC 3642")
    except NameResolveError:
        ra, dec = _parse_response(_cached_ngc3642["all"])
        icrs = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra) * u.degree, dec=float(dec) * u.degree)

    icrs_true = SkyCoord(ra="11h 22m 18.014s", dec="59d 04m 27.27s")

    # use precision of only 1 decimal here and below because the result can
    # change due to Sesame server-side changes.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.ra.degree, icrs_true.ra.degree, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.dec.degree, icrs_true.dec.degree, 1)

        icrs = get_icrs_coordinates("castor")
    except NameResolveError:
        ra, dec = _parse_response(_cached_castor["all"])
        icrs = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra) * u.degree, dec=float(dec) * u.degree)

    icrs_true = SkyCoord(ra="07h 34m 35.87s", dec="+31d 53m 17.8s")
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.ra.degree, icrs_true.ra.degree, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.dec.degree, icrs_true.dec.degree, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_name_resolve_cache(tmpdir):
    from astropy.utils.data import _get_download_cache_locs, get_cached_urls
    import shelve

    target_name = "castor"

    temp_cache_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir('cache'))
    with paths.set_temp_cache(temp_cache_dir, delete=True):
        download_dir, urlmapfn = _get_download_cache_locs()

        with shelve.open(urlmapfn) as url2hash:
            assert len(url2hash) == 0

        icrs1 = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name, cache=True)

        # This is a weak test: we just check to see that a url is added to the
        #  cache!
        with shelve.open(urlmapfn) as url2hash:
            assert len(url2hash) == 1
            url = get_cached_urls()[0]
            assert 'http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame/' in url

        # Try reloading coordinates, now should just reload cached data:
        with no_internet():
            icrs2 = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name, cache=True)

        with shelve.open(urlmapfn) as url2hash:
            assert len(url2hash) == 1

        assert u.allclose(icrs1.ra, icrs2.ra)
        assert u.allclose(icrs1.dec, icrs2.dec)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self,
     sources: dict
         Name: ICRS SkyCoord.
     if sources is None:
         source_names = [
             'Cas A', 'Cyg A', 'Vir A', 'Her A', 'Tau A', 'Per A', '3C 353',
             '3C 123', '3C 295', '3C 196', 'DR 4', 'DR 23', 'DR 21'
         source_icrs = [
             get_icrs_coordinates(source) for source in source_names
         self.sources = {
             name: icrs
             for name, icrs in zip(source_names, source_icrs)
         self.sources = sources
     self.pqr_to_itrs_matrix = pqr_to_itrs_matrix
     xyz = observing_location_itrs
     self.obsgeoloc = acc.CartesianRepresentation(x=xyz[0],
Ejemplo n.º 5
def resolve(name=None):
    """Resolve object name to coordinates.

    name : str or None
        If str, it is the name of the object to resolve. If None
        (default), a primpt for the object name will be presented.

    sc : instance
        Instance of SkyCoord from astropy. Get e.g. RA via sc.ra (with
        units), or sc.ra.value (without units). Or explictly in a
        different coordinate system, e.g. sc.galactic.b, etc.


    if name is None:
        name = input("Object name (+ENTER): ")

        coords = name_resolve.get_icrs_coordinates(name)
    except Exception as e:

    return coords
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_names_parse():
    # a few test cases for parsing embedded coordinates from object name
    test_names = [
        'CRTS SSS100805 J194428-420209', 'MASTER OT J061451.7-272535.5',
        '2MASS J06495091-0737408', '1RXS J042555.8-194534',
        'SDSS J132411.57+032050.5', 'DENIS-P J203137.5-000511',
        '2QZ J142438.9-022739', 'CXOU J141312.3-652013'
    for name in test_names:
        sc = get_icrs_coordinates(name, parse=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_names_parse():
    # a few test cases for parsing embedded coordinates from object name
    test_names = ['CRTS SSS100805 J194428-420209',
                  'MASTER OT J061451.7-272535.5',
                  '2MASS J06495091-0737408',
                  '1RXS J042555.8-194534',
                  'SDSS J132411.57+032050.5',
                  'DENIS-P J203137.5-000511',
                  '2QZ J142438.9-022739',
                  'CXOU J141312.3-652013']
    for name in test_names:
        sc = get_icrs_coordinates(name, parse=True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_name_resolve_cache(tmpdir):
    from astropy.utils.data import get_cached_urls

    target_name = "castor"

    temp_cache_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir('cache'))
    with paths.set_temp_cache(temp_cache_dir, delete=True):
        assert len(get_cached_urls()) == 0

        icrs1 = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name, cache=True)

        urls = get_cached_urls()
        assert len(urls) == 1
        assert 'http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame/' in urls[0]

        # Try reloading coordinates, now should just reload cached data:
        with no_internet():
            icrs2 = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name, cache=True)

        assert len(get_cached_urls()) == 1

        assert u.allclose(icrs1.ra, icrs2.ra)
        assert u.allclose(icrs1.dec, icrs2.dec)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_name_resolve_cache(tmpdir):
    from astropy.utils.data import get_cached_urls

    target_name = "castor"

    temp_cache_dir = str(tmpdir.mkdir('cache'))
    with paths.set_temp_cache(temp_cache_dir, delete=True):
        assert len(get_cached_urls()) == 0

        icrs1 = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name, cache=True)

        urls = get_cached_urls()
        assert len(urls) == 1
        expected_urls = sesame_url.get()
        assert any([urls[0].startswith(x) for x in expected_urls]), f'{urls[0]} not in {expected_urls}'

        # Try reloading coordinates, now should just reload cached data:
        with no_internet():
            icrs2 = get_icrs_coordinates(target_name, cache=True)

        assert len(get_cached_urls()) == 1

        assert u.allclose(icrs1.ra, icrs2.ra)
        assert u.allclose(icrs1.dec, icrs2.dec)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def search_around_source(self, source_name, radius):
        Search for sources around the named source. The coordinates of the provided source are resolved using the
        astropy.coordinates.name_resolve facility.

        :param source_name: name of the source, like "Crab"
        :param radius: radius of the search, in degrees
        :return: (ra, dec, table), where ra,dec are the coordinates of the source as resolved by astropy, and table is
        a table with the list of sources

        sky_coord = get_icrs_coordinates(source_name)

        ra, dec = (sky_coord.fk5.ra.value, sky_coord.fk5.dec.value)

        return ra, dec, self.cone_search(ra, dec, radius)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def search_around_source(self, source_name, radius):
        Search for sources around the named source. The coordinates of the provided source are resolved using the
        astropy.coordinates.name_resolve facility.

        :param source_name: name of the source, like "Crab"
        :param radius: radius of the search, in degrees
        :return: (ra, dec, table), where ra,dec are the coordinates of the source as resolved by astropy, and table is
        a table with the list of sources

        sky_coord = get_icrs_coordinates(source_name)

        ra, dec = (sky_coord.fk5.ra.value, sky_coord.fk5.dec.value)

        return ra, dec, self.cone_search(ra, dec, radius)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def object_az_el(source, site, year, doy):
  Compute object's position in alt-az for a given site and time
  Also returns the source's apparent coordinates
  @param source : a source name recognized by Simbad
  @type  source : str
  @param site : DSN station number
  @type  site : int
  @param year : four digit year
  @type  year : int
  @param doy : DOY with UT as a fraction of a day
  @type  doy : float
        coords = APcn.get_icrs_coordinates(source)
    except APcn.NameResolveError as details:
        raise APcn.NameResolveError(details)
    module_logger.debug("Sky coords: %s", coords)

        dss = C.DSS(site)
        module_logger.debug("DSS-%d: %f, %f", site, dss.long * 180 / pi,
                            dss.lat * 180 / pi)
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError('%d is not a valid DSS station' % site)
    loc = APc.EarthLocation(dss.long * u.rad, dss.lat * u.rad)
    module_logger.debug("Site coords: %s", loc)

    if doy:
        mjd = DT.MJD(year, doy)
        raise RuntimeError("no DOY given")
    tt = APt.Time(mjd, format='mjd')
    module_logger.debug("ISO time = %s", tt.iso)
    tt.delta_ut1_utc = 0
    coords.obstime = tt
    coords.location = loc
    return coords.altaz
Ejemplo n.º 13
    elif object_name.startswith('IRAS'):
        object_name = object_name.replace('IRAS', 'IRAS ')
        object_name = object_name.replace('p', '+')
    elif object_name.startswith('B86'):
        object_name = object_name.replace('B86', '[B86] ')
    change1_comments.append('Target designation')
        'The object name is taken from the file_name and is: {}'.format(

    # RA Dec
    radec = name_resolve.get_icrs_coordinates(object_name).transform_to(
        'The coordinates of the object are taken from an online archive:')
    msgs.warning('RA={}, Dec={}'.format(radec.ra, radec.dec))
    result_from_query = download_archive.query_from_radec(radec, radius=600., instrument='MUSE')

    change1_comments.append('[deg] Spectroscopic target position (J2000.0)')
    change1_comments.append('[deg] Spectroscopic target position (J2000.0)')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def PulsarVis(sourcename, times):

    if sourcename in {'PSRJ0030+0451', 'PSRJ0437-4715'}:
        SunAvoidance = 55.0 * u.deg
        SunAvoidance = 45.0 * u.deg
    print("Sun Avoidance: {0:.3f}".format(SunAvoidance))
    MoonAvoidance = 15.0 * u.deg
    # Each pulsar's feasible observation range based on ISS hardware data
    if sourcename in 'PSRB1821-24':  #Analysis ticket 890
        HardwareUpperAvoidance = 120 * u.deg  #360*u.deg
        HardwareLowerAvoidance = 88 * u.deg  #0*u.deg
    elif sourcename in 'PSRB1937+21':
        HardwareUpperAvoidance = 142.0 * u.deg  #360*u.deg
        HardwareLowerAvoidance = 91.0 * u.deg  #0*u.deg
    elif sourcename in 'PSRJ0218+4232':
        HardwareUpperAvoidance = 156.0 * u.deg  #360*u.deg
        HardwareLowerAvoidance = 88.0 * u.deg  #0*u.deg
    elif sourcename in 'PSRJ0030+0451':
        HardwareUpperAvoidance = 148.0 * u.deg  #360*u.deg
        HardwareLowerAvoidance = 95.0 * u.deg  #0*u.deg
    elif sourcename in 'PSRJ0437-4715':
        HardwareUpperAvoidance = 95.0 * u.deg  #360*u.deg
        HardwareLowerAvoidance = 35.0 * u.deg  #0*u.deg
        HardwareUpperAvoidance = 360.0 * u.deg  #360*u.deg
        HardwareLowerAvoidance = 0.0 * u.deg  #0*u.deg

    print("ISS Upper:", HardwareUpperAvoidance, "Lower:",
          HardwareLowerAvoidance, "\n".format(HardwareLowerAvoidance,

    tle160lines = [
        '1 25544U 98067A   17160.91338884 +.00001442 +00000-0 +29152-4 0  9993',
        '2 25544 051.6425 074.5823 0004493 253.3640 193.9362 15.54003243060621'

    tle167lines = [
        '1 25544U 98067A   17167.53403196 +.00002711 +00000-0 +48329-4 0  9994',
        '2 25544 051.6431 041.5846 0004445 283.0899 147.8207 15.54043876061656'

    platform = 'ISS (ZARYA)'

    # Set up two TLEs so we can compute the precession rate from the
    # change of RA of ascending node with time
    tle1 = tlefile.read(platform, line1=tle160lines[0], line2=tle160lines[1])
    tle2 = tlefile.read(platform, line1=tle167lines[0], line2=tle167lines[1])

    #    print(platform)
    ISSInclination = tle2.inclination * u.deg
    #    print("Inclination = {0:.3f}".format(ISSInclination))

    StarboardPoleDec0 = -1 * (90.0 * u.deg - ISSInclination)
    PortPoleDec0 = -1 * StarboardPoleDec0

    #print("Starboard Orbit Pole Declination {0:.2f}".format(StarboardPoleDec0))
    #    print("Port Orbit Pole Declination {0:.2f}".format(PortPoleDec0))

    # Compute ISS precession rate in degrees per day
    ISSPrecessionRate = (tle2.right_ascension - tle1.right_ascension) / (
        tle2.epoch_day - tle1.epoch_day) * u.deg / u.d
    #    print("ISS Precession Rate {0:.3f} ({1:.3f} period)".format(ISSPrecessionRate,
    #                                                               np.abs(360.0*u.deg/ISSPrecessionRate)))

    ttle2 = Time("{0:4d}-01-01T00:00:00".format(int(tle2.epoch_year) + 2000),
                 scale='utc') + tle2.epoch_day * u.d
    #    print("ttle2 = ",ttle2.isot)
    StarboardPoleRA0 = np.fmod(tle2.right_ascension + 90.0, 360.0) * u.deg
    PortPoleRA0 = np.fmod(StarboardPoleRA0 + 180.0 * u.deg, 360.0 * u.deg)

    #   print("Starboard Pole RA @ ttle2 = {0:.3f}".format(StarboardPoleRA0))
    #   print("Port Pole RA @ ttle2 = {0:.3f}".format(PortPoleRA0))

    def StarboardPoleDec(t):
        return np.ones_like(t) * StarboardPoleDec0

    def PortPoleDec(t):
        return np.ones_like(t) * StarboardPoleDec0

    def StarboardPoleRA(t):
        return np.fmod(
            StarboardPoleRA0 + (t - ttle2).to(u.d) * ISSPrecessionRate,
            360.0 * u.deg)

    def PortPoleRA(t):
        return np.fmod(StarboardPoleRA(t) + 180.0 * u.deg, 360.0 * u.deg)

    def StarboardPoleCoord(t):
        return SkyCoord(StarboardPoleRA(t).value,

    def PortPoleCoord(t):
        return SkyCoord(PortPoleRA(t).value,

    now = Time.now()
    doy_now = np.float(now.yday.split(':')[1])
    #   print("Current DOY = {0}".format(np.int(doy_now)))
    #print("StarboardPoleRA (now) = {0:.3f}".format(StarboardPoleRA(now)))
    #print("PortPoleRA (now) = {0:.3f}".format(PortPoleRA(now)))

    if sourcename[0:2] != 'PSR':
        SourcePos = get_icrs_coordinates(sourcename)
        splitstr = sourcename.split(',')
        SourcePos = ICRS(ra=Angle(double(splitstr[0])),
    #print("\nSource: {0} at {1}, {2}".format(sourcename,SourcePos.ra, SourcePos.dec))
    #print("Separation from Starboard Pole = {0:.3f}".format(SourcePos.separation(StarboardPoleCoord(now))))
    #print("Separation from Port Pole = {0:.3f}".format(SourcePos.separation(PortPoleCoord(now))))

    #Calculate terms and references to do check
    #doy2XXX = np.arange(365.0)
    #times = doy2XXX*u.d + startepoch

    issseps = SourcePos.separation(StarboardPoleCoord(times)).to(u.deg)

    # The Sun and Moon positions are returned in the GCRS frame
    # Convert them to ICRS so .separation doesn't go insane when
    # comparing different frames with different obstimes.
    SunPos = get_sun(times)
    SunPos = SkyCoord(SunPos.ra, SunPos.dec, frame='icrs')
    MoonPos = get_moon(times)
    MoonPos = SkyCoord(MoonPos.ra, MoonPos.dec, frame='icrs')
    # Hold indicies when Sun and Moon cause constraint violation
    sunseps = SourcePos.separation(SunPos).to(u.deg)
    idxsun = sunseps < SunAvoidance
    moonseps = SourcePos.separation(MoonPos).to(u.deg)
    idxmoon = moonseps < MoonAvoidance
    # Hold indicies when sep is outside of 91 to 142 deg due to hardware violation (KWood analysis 10/27/2017)
    idxang = ~((issseps > HardwareLowerAvoidance) &
               (issseps < HardwareUpperAvoidance))
    # Apply all vis constraints
    indxall = idxsun | idxmoon | idxang  #true when constraint is violated
    # Generate and populate signal output
    vis = np.ones(len(doy2XXX))
    vis[indxall] = float('NaN')

    #Return result
    return vis
Ejemplo n.º 15
def PortPoleCoord(t):
    return SkyCoord(PortPoleRA(t).value,

now = Time.now()
doy_now = np.float(now.yday.split(':')[1])
print("Current DOY = {0}".format(np.int(doy_now)))
print("StarboardPoleRA (now) = {0:.3f}".format(StarboardPoleRA(now)))
print("PortPoleRA (now) = {0:.3f}".format(PortPoleRA(now)))

if args.ra is None or args.dec is None:
    SourcePos = get_icrs_coordinates(args.sourcename)
    SourcePos = ICRS(ra=Angle(args.ra), dec=Angle(args.dec))
print("\nSource: {0} at {1}, {2}".format(args.sourcename, SourcePos.ra,
print("Separation from Starboard Pole = {0:.3f}".format(
print("Separation from Port Pole = {0:.3f}".format(

# Plot separation from orbit pole for all of 2017 and beyond
doy2017 = np.arange(600.0)
times = doy2017 * u.d + Time("2017-01-01T00:00:00", format='isot', scale='utc')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
seps = SourcePos.separation(StarboardPoleCoord(times))