Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_make_random_models_table():
    model = Moffat2D(amplitude=1)
    param_ranges = {
        'x_0': (0, 300),
        'y_0': (0, 500),
        'gamma': (1, 3),
        'alpha': (1.5, 3)
    source_table = make_random_models_table(10, param_ranges)

    # most of the make_model_sources_image options are exercised in the
    # make_gaussian_sources_image tests
    image = make_model_sources_image((300, 500), model, source_table)
    assert image.sum() > 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_moffat_fitting(moffimg):
    Test that the Moffat to be fit in test_psf_adapter is behaving correctly
    from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
    from astropy.modeling.models import Moffat2D

    mof, (xg, yg, img) = moffimg

    # a closeish-but-wrong "guessed Moffat"
    guess_moffat = Moffat2D(x_0=.1, y_0=-.05, gamma=1.05,
                            amplitude=mof.amplitude*1.06, alpha=4.75)

    f = LevMarLSQFitter()

    fit_mof = f(guess_moffat, xg, yg, img)
    assert_allclose(fit_mof.parameters, mof.parameters, rtol=.01, atol=.0005)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def moffat_psf_integration(self,
     Based on Remedy extract.py code from G. Zeimann
     Moffat PSF profile image
     seeing: float
         FWHM of the Moffat profile
     boxsize: float
         Size of image on a side for Moffat profile
     scale: float
         Pixel scale for image
     alpha: float
         Power index in Moffat profile function
     zarray: numpy 3d array
         An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid
     M = Moffat2D()
     M.alpha.value = alpha
     M.gamma.value = 0.5 * seeing / np.sqrt(2**(1. / M.alpha.value) - 1.)
     xl, xh = (0. - boxsize / 2., 0. + boxsize / 2. + scale)
     yl, yh = (0. - boxsize / 2., 0. + boxsize / 2. + scale)
     x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale))
     xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y)
     Z = M(xgrid, ygrid)
     Z = Z / Z.sum()
     V = xloc * 0.
     cnt = 0
     for xl, yl in zip(xloc, yloc):
         d = np.sqrt((xgrid - xl)**2 + (ygrid - yl)**2)
         sel = d <= 0.75
         adj = np.pi * 0.75**2 / (sel.sum() * scale**2)
         V[cnt] = np.sum(Z[sel]) * adj
         cnt += 1
     return V
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_prfadapter_integrates(adapterkwargs):
    from scipy.integrate import dblquad

    mof = Moffat2D(gamma=1.5, alpha=4.8)
    if not adapterkwargs['renormalize_psf']:
        mof = normalize_moffat(mof)
    prf1 = PRFAdapter(mof, **adapterkwargs)

    # first check that the PRF over a central grid ends up summing to the
    # integrand over the whole PSF
    xg, yg = np.meshgrid(*([(-1, 0, 1)]*2))
    evalmod = prf1(xg, yg)

    if adapterkwargs['renormalize_psf']:
        mof = normalize_moffat(mof)

    integrando, itol = dblquad(mof, -1.5, 1.5, lambda x: -1.5, lambda x: 1.5)
    assert_allclose(np.sum(evalmod), integrando, atol=itol * 10)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_prepare_psf_model(moffimg, prepkwargs, tols):
    Test that prepare_psf_model behaves as expected for fitting (don't worry
    about full-on psf photometry for now)

    from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
    from astropy.modeling.models import Moffat2D

    mof, (xg, yg, img) = moffimg
    f = LevMarLSQFitter()

    # a close-but-wrong "guessed Moffat"
    guess_moffat = Moffat2D(x_0=.1,
                            amplitude=mof.amplitude * 1.01,
    if prepkwargs['renormalize_psf']:
        # definitely very wrong, so this ensures the re-normalization
        # stuff works
        guess_moffat.amplitude = 5.

    if prepkwargs['xname'] is None:
        guess_moffat.x_0 = 0
    if prepkwargs['yname'] is None:
        guess_moffat.y_0 = 0

    psfmod = prepare_psf_model(guess_moffat, **prepkwargs)
    xytol, fluxtol = tols

    fit_psfmod = f(psfmod, xg, yg, img)

    if xytol is not None:
        assert np.abs(getattr(fit_psfmod, fit_psfmod.xname)) < xytol
        assert np.abs(getattr(fit_psfmod, fit_psfmod.yname)) < xytol
    if fluxtol is not None:
        assert np.abs(1 - getattr(fit_psfmod, fit_psfmod.fluxname)) < fluxtol

    # ensure the amplitude and shape parameters did *not* change
    assert fit_psfmod.psfmodel.gamma == guess_moffat.gamma
    assert fit_psfmod.psfmodel.alpha == guess_moffat.alpha
    if prepkwargs['fluxname'] is None:
        assert fit_psfmod.psfmodel.amplitude == guess_moffat.amplitude
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_psf_photometry_moffat():
    Test psf_photometry with Moffat PSF model from Astropy.

    psf = Moffat2D(1. / (2 * np.pi * GAUSSIAN_WIDTH ** 2), PSF_SIZE // 2,
                   PSF_SIZE // 2, 1, 1)
    psf = prepare_psf_model(psf, xname='x_0', yname='y_0',

    basic_phot = BasicPSFPhotometry(group_maker=DAOGroup(2),
                                    bkg_estimator=None, psf_model=psf,
    f = basic_phot(image=image, init_guesses=INTAB)

    for n in ['x', 'y']:
        assert_allclose(f[n + '_0'], f[n + '_fit'], rtol=1e-3)
    # image was created with a gaussian, so flux won't match exactly
    assert_allclose(f['flux_0'], f['flux_fit'], rtol=1e-1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def moffimg():
    This fixture requires scipy so don't call it from non-scipy tests
    from scipy import integrate
    from astropy.modeling.models import Moffat2D

    mof = Moffat2D(alpha=4.8)

    # this is the analytic value needed to get a total flux of 1
    mof.amplitude = (mof.alpha-1)/(np.pi*mof.gamma**2)

    # first make sure it really is normalized
    assert (1 - integrate.dblquad(mof, -10, 10,
                                  lambda x: -10, lambda x: 10)[0]) < 1e-6

    # now create an "image" of the PSF
    xg, yg = np.meshgrid(*([np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)]*2))

    return mof, (xg, yg, mof(xg, yg))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def moffat_psf(self, seeing, boxsize, scale, alpha=3.5):
        Moffat PSF profile image
        seeing: float
            FWHM of the Moffat profile
        boxsize: float
            Size of image on a side for Moffat profile
        scale: float
            Pixel scale for image
        alpha: float
            Power index in Moffat profile function
        zarray: numpy 3d array
            An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid
        M = Moffat2D()
        M.alpha.value = alpha
        M.gamma.value = 0.5 * seeing / np.sqrt(2**(1.0 / M.alpha.value) - 1.0)
        xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale)
        yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale)
        x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale))
        xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        Z = self.moffat_psf_integration(xgrid.ravel(),
                                        boxsize=boxsize + 1.5,
        Z = np.reshape(Z, xgrid.shape)

        zarray = np.array([Z, xgrid, ygrid])
        #zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum()

        return zarray