Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_spec(unum, separate=False, bandnames=None, bandlimits=None, bandnorms=None, retCoord=False, retST=False):
    This function finds and pulls spectrum from the BDNYC database. Specifically, it looks for low-res, NIR SpeX Prism spectra. It can split and normalize it by the NIR bands (J, H, and K).
      String with the U-number of the target (e.g. U20268).
      Boolean, whether to split and normalize the spectrum by NIR bands (J, H, and K)
      List with strings containing the band names used to separate the spectrum (when separate=True)
      Dictionary with keys *bandnames*, each key containing a list with float numbers specifying the bands limits (e.g. {'J': [0.8,1.4], 'H': [1.4,1.9], 'K': [1.9,2.4]}
      Same structure as *bandlimits*, this time the float numbers specify the wavelength ranges used to normalize the bands (when separate=True)
      Boolean, whether to pull from the database the target coordinates
      Boolean, whether to pull from the database the target spectral type
    import pickle
    import BDNYC
    import astrotools as at
    # 1. Initialize variables ---------------------------------------
    FOLDER_DB = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Python/Python_Database/'
    FILE_DB = 'BDNYCData.txt'
    # 2. Load database ----------------------------------------------
    f = open(FOLDER_DB + FILE_DB,'rb')
    bdnyc = pickle.load(f)
    # 3. Check data available for target ----------------------------
    availData = bdnyc.show_data(unum, dump=True)
    if availData is None:
    # 4. Find Spex Prism data ---------------------------------------
    spexFound = False
    for row in availData:
        # Check that row is data row
            row[0] + 1
        except TypeError:
        # Check that row is nir row
            loc = row.index('nir')
        except ValueError:
        # Check that row is low res row
            loc = row.index('low')
        except ValueError:
        # Check that row is Spex Prism row
        instr = row[3].lower()
        loc = instr.find('spex')
        if loc != -1:
            spexFound = True
            specIdx = row[0]
    if not spexFound:
        print 'Spectrum for target not found.'
    # 5. Fetch target parameters if requested -----------------------
    params = []
    if retCoord:
        ra = availData[4][1][0:5]
        dec = availData[5][1][0:6]
        coord = ra + dec
        coord = coord.replace(' ','')
    if retST:
        st = availData[3][1]
    # 6. Get spectrum -----------------------------------------------
    specRaw = bdnyc.get_data(unum, specIdx)
    # 7. Separate spectrum by bands ---------------------------------
    if separate:
        spec = [None] * 3
        for bIdx, band in enumerate(bandnames):
            bLim = bandlimits[band][0]
            bMax = bandlimits[band][1]
            idx1 = np.where(specRaw[0,:] >= bLim)
            idx2 = np.where(specRaw[0,:] <= bMax)
            idx = np.intersect1d(idx1[0], idx2[0])
            if len(idx) == 0:
                print 'Error in spectrum range.'
            spec[bIdx] = specRaw[:,idx]
        # 8. Normalize spectrum -------------------------------------
        specNorm = [None] * 3
        for bIdx, band in enumerate(bandnames):
            specNorm[bIdx] = at.norm_spec(spec[bIdx], bandnorms[band])[0]
        if params != []:
            return specNorm, params
            return specNorm
        if params != []:
                return specRaw, params
            return specRaw
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(spInput, grav=''):
    # 1. LOAD RELEVANT MODULES ---------------------------------------------------------
    import astrotools as at
    import asciidata
    import pyfits
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy
    import sys
    import pdb
    # 2. SET UP VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------
    FOLDER_ROOT = '/Users/alejo/KCData/'  # Location of NIR and OPT folders
    FOLDER_OUT  = 'Output/NOCN/'
    OPTNIR_KEYS  = ['OPT', 'NIR']
    BAND_NAME  = ['NIR']
    data       = ''
    dataRaw    = ''
    specFiles  = ''
    spectraRaw = ''
    spectra    = ''
    # For TXT objects file (updatable here directly)
    FILE_IN     = 'nir_spex_prism_with_optical_12aug15.txt' # ASCII file w/ data
    HDR_FILE_IN = ('Ref','Designation','J','H','K','SpType','SpType_T','NIRFobs',\
    colNameRef   = HDR_FILE_IN[0]
    colNameDesig = HDR_FILE_IN[1]
    colNameJ     = HDR_FILE_IN[2]
    colNameK     = HDR_FILE_IN[4]
    colNameJK    = 'J-K'
    colNameType  = HDR_FILE_IN[6]
    colNameYng   = HDR_FILE_IN[14]
    colNameDust  = HDR_FILE_IN[15]
    colNameBlue  = HDR_FILE_IN[16]
    colNamePec   = HDR_FILE_IN[18]
    # For TXT exclude-objects file
    EXCL_FILE = 'Exclude_Objs.txt'   # ASCII file w/ U#s of objects to exclude
    # 3. READ DATA FROM INPUT FILES ----------------------------------------------------
    NULL_CHAR = ''   # Null character
    DELL_CHAR = '\t' # Delimiter character
    COMM_CHAR = '#'  # Comment character
    # File with objects (query in Access)
    dataRaw = asciidata.open(FOLDER_ROOT + FILE_IN, NULL_CHAR, DELL_CHAR, COMM_CHAR)
    # Store data in a dictionary-type object
    data = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN)
    for colIdx,colData in enumerate(dataRaw):
        data[HDR_FILE_IN[colIdx]] = colData.tonumpy()
    # 4. FORMAT SOME ASCII COLUMNS -----------------------------------------------------
    # 4.1 Convert into unicode the Spectral Type-Text column
    uniSpType = [None] * len(data[colNameType])
    for sIdx,sType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        uniSpType[sIdx] = sType.decode('utf-8')
    data[colNameType] = numpy.array(uniSpType)
    # 4.2 Calculate J-K Color And Add J-K Column
    data[colNameJK] = data[colNameJ] - data[colNameK]
    # 4.3 Format Designation Number from Designation Column
    for desigIdx,desig in enumerate(data[colNameDesig]):
        desig = ''.join(desig.split())
        signType = '+'
        signPos = desig.find(signType)
        if signPos == -1:
            signType = '-'
            signPos  = desig.find(signType)
        desigProper = desig[:4] + signType + desig[signPos+1:signPos+5]
        data[colNameDesig][desigIdx] = desigProper
    # 5. FILTER DATA BY USER INPUT IN spInput ------------------------------------------
    # Find all spectra of same spectral type
    specIdx = []
    for spIdx,spType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        if spType.upper().startswith(spInput.upper()):
    if not specIdx:
        print 'No target found for given input.'
    spTypeInput = spInput.upper()
    # Sort relevant objects by JKmag value
    specIdx     = numpy.array(specIdx)
    specSortIdx = data[colNameJK][specIdx].argsort()
    # 6. READ SPECTRAL DATA FROM SPECTRAL FILES ----------------------------------------
    spectraRaw    = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS) # Used to store the raw data from fits files
    specFilesDict = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS) # Used for reference purposes
    for key in OPTNIR_KEYS:
        specFiles = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
        for sortIdx,specSort in enumerate(specSortIdx):
            tmpFullName = FOLDER_ROOT + key + '/' + data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]]
            specFiles[sortIdx] = tmpFullName
            specFilesDict[key] = specFiles
        spectraRaw[key] = at.read_spec(specFiles, atomicron=True, negtonan=True, \
                                       errors=True, verbose=False)
    # Clear out spectral data for objects missing either OPT or NIR data
    allNone = True
    for spIdx in range(0,len(spectraRaw['OPT'])):
        if spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] = None
        elif spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] = None
            allNone = False
    if allNone:
        print 'No spectral data found for objects of the given spectral type.'
    # Convert spectraRaw contents into lists if only one spectral data
    for key in spectraRaw.keys():
        if spectraRaw[key][0] is not None:
            if len(spectraRaw[key][0]) > 3:
                spectraRaw[key] = [spectraRaw[key],]
    # 7. GATHER OBJECTS' NAMES----------------------------------------------------------
    # Filtered objects
    refs = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        tmpRef    = data[colNameRef][specIdx[spIdx]]
        refs[idx] = str(int(tmpRef))
    #8. SMOOTH SPECTRA -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Smooth the flux data to a reasonable resolution
    spectraS = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw['NIR'], specFile=specFilesDict['NIR'], \
    # 9. SET LIMITS FOR BAND AND NORMALIZING SECTION------------------------------------
    # Initialize dictionary to store limits
    BAND_LIMS = {}.fromkeys(BAND_NAME)
    for bandKey in BAND_NAME:
        BAND_LIMS[bandKey] = dict(lim = [None] * 2, limN = [None] * 2)
    # Set wl limits for band
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['lim'][0] = 0.8
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['lim'][1] = 2.4
    # Set wl limits for normalizing sections; this is the peak of the J band
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['limN'][0] = 1.28
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['limN'][1] = 1.32
    # 10. SELECT SPECTRAL DATA FOR NIR BAND---------------------------------------------
    # Initialize variables
    spectraN = {}.fromkeys(BAND_NAME)
    # Gather reference numbers of objects
    objRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[specSortIdx]]
    # Select band
    spectra = at.sel_band(spectraS, BAND_LIMS['NIR']['lim'], objRef)
    # Normalize band
    spectraN['NIR'] = at.norm_spec(spectra, BAND_LIMS['NIR']['limN'])
    # 11. CHARACTERIZE TARGETS (i.e. identify young, blue, to exclude...)---------------
    # Determine which targets to exclude using the "Exclude_Objs" file
    toExclude = [False] * len(refs)
    dataExcl = asciidata.open(FOLDER_ROOT + EXCL_FILE, NULL_CHAR, DELL_CHAR, COMM_CHAR)
    if len(dataExcl[0]) > 0:
        # Extract data from "Exclude_Objs" file
        excludeObjs = [None] * len(dataExcl[0])
        for rowIdx, rowData in enumerate(dataExcl[0]):
            excludeObjs[rowIdx] = str(rowData)
        # Find intersection of exclude-obj list and filtered targets list
        setExclude = set(excludeObjs).intersection(set(refs))
        # Create list with intersection targets
        if len(setExclude) != 0:
            for exclIdx in setExclude:
                tmpExclIdx = numpy.where(numpy.array(refs) == exclIdx)
                toExclude[tmpExclIdx[0]] = True
    # Determine which targets are blue
    blueObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameBlue][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            blueObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are dusty
    dustyObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameDust][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            dustyObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are peculiar
    pecObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNamePec][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            pecObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which plots are young objects
    youngObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        if data[colNameYng][specIdx[spIdx]].upper() == 'YES':
            youngObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are GAMMA
    gammaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode('utf-8')
        tmpLen  = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb3"
        if utcA == '\xce' and utcB == '\xb3':
            gammaObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are BETA
    betaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode('utf-8')
        tmpLen  = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb2"
        if utcA == '\xce' and utcB == '\xb2':
            betaObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets to include in plots (based on user input)
    # Consolidate plotting instructions
    grav = grav.upper()
    plotInstructions = ['exclude'] * len(refs)
    if grav == 'Y': # If plot request is Young, include gamma, beta & young targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(refs)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx] or betaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
    elif grav == 'G': # If plot request is Gamma, include only gamma targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
    elif grav == 'B': # If plot request is Beta, include only beta targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
    elif grav == 'F': # If plot request is Field, include Field & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx] or gammaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
            if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
            plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'field'
    else:   # Otherwise, print Field, gamma, beta, young & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
            if youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'field'
    # If all plot instructions are "exclude", then stop procedure
    allExcl = True
    for instr in plotInstructions:
        if instr != 'exclude':
            allExcl = False
    if allExcl:
        if not uniqueSpec:
            print 'No spectral data to plot based on your request.'
    # 12. PLOT DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Gather info on each object (for legend purposes)
    objInfo = [None] * len(refs)
    for posIdx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpDesig  = data[colNameDesig][spIdx]
        tmpJK     = data[colNameJK][spIdx]
        tmpSPtype = data[colNameType][spIdx]
        tmpSPtype = tmpSPtype + ' ' * (5 - len(tmpSPtype))  # For alignment purposes
        objInfo[posIdx] = (tmpDesig + ' ' + tmpSPtype + ' ' + '%.2f' %tmpJK)
    # Create Figure with Subplots
    figObj = plotspec(spectraN, BAND_NAME, BAND_LIMS, objInfo, spTypeInput, grav, \
    figObj.savefig(FOLDER_ROOT + FOLDER_OUT + spTypeInput + grav + '_fan.pdf', \
Ejemplo n.º 3
# 3. GET SPECTRAL NIR STANDARDS & TEMPLATES -----------------------------------
spTypes = []
spectra = {}.fromkeys(BANDS)
for band in BANDS:
    spectra[band] = []

for idxTp, spTp in enumerate(SPTYPES):
    # Fetch standard
    tmpStd = nocs.main(spTp, GRAV, plot=False, std=True, normalize=False)
    # Normalize standard
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
            norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
            norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]['lim']
        stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpStd[bdIdx], norm_lims)[0]
    # Fetch template from ascii files generated by make_templ.py in templates/ folder.
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        fileNm = spTp + band + '_' + GRAV + '.txt'
        templRaw = ad.read(FOLDER_OUT_TMPL + fileNm, delimiter='\t', \
        templRawToPlot = np.array([templRaw.columns[i] for i in range(5)])
        # Normalize when necessary
        if len(templRawToPlot) <= 3:
            if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
                norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(spInput,

    # 1. LOAD RELEVANT MODULES ------------------------------------------------
    #import asciidata
    import astrotools as at
    import numpy as np
    import sys
    import pdb
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from astropy.io import ascii

    # 2. SET UP VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------
    # Customizable variables <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
    FOLDER_ROOT = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/more data/'  # Location of NIR and OPT folders
    FOLDER_IN = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/data/'  # Location of input files
    FOLDER_OUT = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/plots/'  # Location to save output figures
    FILE_IN = 'nir_spex_prism_with_optical.txt'  # ASCII file w/ data
    # <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

    # For TXT objects list file
    HDR_FILE_IN = ('Ref','Designation`','J','H','K','SpType','SpType_T','NIRFobs',\
    # For TXT standards file
    FILE_IN_STD = 'NIR_Standards.txt'  # ASCII file w/ standards
    HDR_FILE_IN_STD = ('Ref', 'Designation', 'NIR SpType', 'OPT SpType')
    colNameNIRS = HDR_FILE_IN_STD[2]
    colNameOPTS = HDR_FILE_IN_STD[3]

    # For TXT exclude-objects file
    EXCL_FILE = 'Exclude_Objs.txt'  # ASCII file w/ unums of objects to exclude

    OPTNIR_KEYS = ['OPT', 'NIR']
    BANDS_NAMES = ['K', 'H', 'J', 'OPT']
    data = ''
    dataRaw = ''
    specFiles = ''
    spectraRaw = ''
    spectra = ''

    colNameRef = HDR_FILE_IN[0]
    colNameDesig = HDR_FILE_IN[1]
    colNameJ = HDR_FILE_IN[2]
    colNameK = HDR_FILE_IN[4]
    colNameJK = 'J-K'
    colNameType = HDR_FILE_IN[6]
    colNameNIRfile = HDR_FILE_IN[9]
    colNameYng = HDR_FILE_IN[14]
    colNameDust = HDR_FILE_IN[15]
    colNameBlue = HDR_FILE_IN[16]
    colNameBin = HDR_FILE_IN[17]
    colNamePec = HDR_FILE_IN[18]

    # Initialize dictionary to store NIR bands limits and normalizing sections
    BAND_LIMS = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    for bandKey in BANDS_NAMES:
        BAND_LIMS[bandKey] = dict(lim=[None] * 2, limN=[None] * 2)

    # Set wavelength limits for bands
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['lim'][0] = 0.65
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['lim'][1] = 0.90
    BAND_LIMS['J']['lim'][0] = 0.8
    BAND_LIMS['J']['lim'][1] = 1.4
    BAND_LIMS['H']['lim'][0] = 1.4
    BAND_LIMS['H']['lim'][1] = 1.9
    BAND_LIMS['K']['lim'][0] = 1.9
    BAND_LIMS['K']['lim'][1] = 2.4

    # Set wl limits for normalizing sections
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['limN'][0] = 0.66
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['limN'][1] = 0.89
    BAND_LIMS['J']['limN'][0] = 0.87
    BAND_LIMS['J']['limN'][1] = 1.39
    BAND_LIMS['H']['limN'][0] = 1.41
    BAND_LIMS['H']['limN'][1] = 1.89
    BAND_LIMS['K']['limN'][0] = 1.91
    BAND_LIMS['K']['limN'][1] = 2.39

    # 3. READ DATA FROM INPUT FILES -------------------------------------------
    DELL_CHAR = '\t'  # Delimiter character
    COMM_CHAR = '#'  # Comment character

    # File with objects (source: query in Access)
    dataRaw = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + FILE_IN, format='no_header', \
                         delimiter=DELL_CHAR, comment=COMM_CHAR, data_start=1)

    # Store data in a dictionary-type object
    data = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN)
    for colIdx, colname in enumerate(dataRaw.colnames):
        data[HDR_FILE_IN[colIdx]] = np.array(dataRaw[colname])

    # File with standards (source: manually generated)
    dataRawS = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + FILE_IN_STD, data_start=0)

    # Store standard data in a dictionary-type object
    dataS = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN_STD)
    for colIdx, colname in enumerate(dataRawS.colnames):
        dataS[HDR_FILE_IN_STD[colIdx]] = np.array(dataRawS[colname])

    # 4. FORMAT SOME ASCII COLUMNS --------------------------------------------
    # 4.1 Convert into unicode the Spectral Type-Text column
    uniSpType = [None] * len(data[colNameType])
    for sIdx, sType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        uniSpType[sIdx] = sType  #.decode('utf-8')
    data[colNameType] = np.array(uniSpType)

    # 4.2 Calculate J-K Color
    data[colNameJK] = data[colNameJ] - data[colNameK]

    # 4.3 Format Designation Number in Designation Column
    #     (From "XX XX XX.X +XX XX XX.X" to "XXXX+XXXX")
    for desigIdx, desig in enumerate(data[colNameDesig]):
        desig = ''.join(desig.split())
        signType = '+'
        signPos = desig.find(signType)
        if signPos == -1:
            signType = '-'
            signPos = desig.find(signType)

        desigProper = desig[:4] + signType + desig[signPos + 1:signPos + 5]
        data[colNameDesig][desigIdx] = desigProper

    # 5. FILTER DATA BY USER INPUT IN spInput ---------------------------------
    uniqueSpec = False
    specIdx = []
    if spInput.upper().startswith('L'):
        # If input is a spectral type, then find all spectra of same spectral type
        for spIdx, spType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
            if spType.upper().startswith(spInput.upper()):
        if not specIdx:
            print('No targets found for given input.')
            if std is False:
        spTypeInput = spInput.upper()
        # If input is one single spectrum, then find it
        for spIdx, spType in enumerate(data[colNameRef]):
            if str(spType) == spInput.upper():
        if not specIdx:
            print('Requested target not found.')
            if std is False:
            spTypeInput = data[colNameType][specIdx[0]][0:2]
            uniqueSpec = True

    # Find NIR standard target that matches user's spectral type
    stdIdx = []
    for spIdx, spType in enumerate(dataS[colNameNIRS]):
        if spType.upper().startswith(spTypeInput):

    # Add NIR standard target to list of filtered objects if not there already
    # (It may not be included in first filter because OPT SpT != NIR SpT)
    if not uniqueSpec:
        if dataS[colNameNIRS][stdIdx] != dataS[colNameOPTS][stdIdx]:
            for spIdx, spRef in enumerate(data[colNameRef]):
                if spRef == dataS[colNameRef][stdIdx][0]:
                    if spIdx not in specIdx:

    # Sort relevant objects by JKmag value
    specIdx = np.array(specIdx)
    specSortIdx = data[colNameJK][specIdx].argsort()

    # 6. READ SPECTRAL DATA FROM SPECTRAL FILES -------------------------------
    spectraRaw = {}.fromkeys(
        OPTNIR_KEYS)  # Used to store the raw data from fits files
    specFilesDict = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS)  # Used for reference purposes

    for key in OPTNIR_KEYS:
        specFiles = [None] * len(specSortIdx)

        for sortIdx, specSort in enumerate(specSortIdx):
            if data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]][-4:] == '.dat': continue
            if data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]] == 'include': continue
            tmpFullName = FOLDER_ROOT + key + '/' + data[key \
                          + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]]
            specFiles[sortIdx] = tmpFullName
            specFilesDict[key] = specFiles

        spectraRaw[key] = at.read_spec(specFiles, atomicron=True, negtonan=True, \
                                       errors=True, verbose=False)

    # Clear out spectral data for objects missing either OPT or NIR data
    allNone = True
    for spIdx in range(0, len(spectraRaw['OPT'])):
        if spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] = None
        elif spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] = None
            allNone = False

    if allNone:
        print('No spectral data found for objects of the given spectral type.')
        if std is False:

    # Convert spectraRaw contents into lists if only one spectral data
    # (This reduces the dimensions of the object holding the data)
    for key in spectraRaw.keys():
        if spectraRaw[key][0] is not None:
            if len(spectraRaw[key][0]) > 3:
                spectraRaw[key] = [

    # 7. GATHER OBJECTS' NAMES ------------------------------------------------
    # Filtered objects
    refs = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        tmpRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[spIdx]]
        refs[idx] = str(tmpRef)

    # Standard objects
    refsStd = [None] * len(dataS[colNameRef])
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(dataS[colNameRef]):
        tmpRef = dataS[colNameRef][idx]
        refsStd[idx] = str(tmpRef)

    # Gather reference numbers of objects
    objRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[specSortIdx]]

    #8. SMOOTH SPECTRA --------------------------------------------------------
    # Smooth the flux data to a reasonable resolution
    spectraS = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS)
    tmpSpOPT = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw['OPT'], specFile=specFilesDict['OPT'], \
    tmpSpNIR = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw['NIR'], specFile=specFilesDict['NIR'], \

    spectraS['OPT'] = tmpSpOPT
    spectraS['NIR'] = tmpSpNIR

    # 9. SELECT SPECTRAL DATA FOR THE DIFFERENT BANDS -------------------------
    # Initialize variables
    spectra = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    spectraN = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)

    for bandKey in BANDS_NAMES:
        if bandKey == 'OPT':
            optNIR = 'OPT'
            optNIR = 'NIR'

        # Select band
        spectra[bandKey] = at.sel_band(spectraS[optNIR], BAND_LIMS[bandKey]['lim'], \
        if spectra[bandKey] is None:

        # Normalize band
        spectraN[bandKey], flagN = at.norm_spec(spectra[bandKey], \
                                               BAND_LIMS[bandKey]['limN'], flag=True)
        if flagN:
            print('LIMITS for normalization changed!')
        if spectraN[bandKey] is None:

    # 10. CHARACTERIZE TARGETS (i.e. identify young, blue, to exclude...) -----
    # Determine which targets to exclude
    # (source: file manually generated)
    toExclude = [False] * len(refs)  # FORCE TO INCLUDE ALL TARGETS
    # dataExcl = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + EXCL_FILE, data_start=0, delimiter=DELL_CHAR, \
    #                       comment=COMM_CHAR, names=['ID'])
    # if len(dataExcl['ID']) > 0:
    #     # Extract data from "Exclude_Objs" file
    #     excludeObjs = np.array(dataExcl['ID'], dtype='string')
    #     # Find intersection of exclude-obj list and filtered targets list
    #     setExclude = set(excludeObjs).intersection(set(refs))
    #     # Create list with intersection targets
    #     if len(setExclude) != 0:
    #         for exclIdx in setExclude:
    #             tmpExclIdx = np.where(np.array(refs) == exclIdx)
    #             toExclude[tmpExclIdx[0]] = True

    # Determine which target is the NIR Standard object
    O_standard = [None] * 3  # Holds standard for output
    stdObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameRef][spIdx] == dataS[colNameRef][stdIdx]:
            stdObjs[idx] = True

            if normalize:
                O_standard[0] = spectraN['J'][idx]
                O_standard[1] = spectraN['H'][idx]
                O_standard[2] = spectraN['K'][idx]
                O_standard[0] = spectra['J'][idx]
                O_standard[1] = spectra['H'][idx]
                O_standard[2] = spectra['K'][idx]

    # Determine which targets are blue
    blueObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameBlue][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            blueObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are dusty
    dustyObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameDust][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            dustyObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are binary
    binObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameBin][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            binObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are peculiar
    pecObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNamePec][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            pecObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are young
    youngObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameYng][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            youngObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are GAMMA
    gammaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode('utf-8')
        tmpLen = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb3"
        if utcA == '\xce' and utcB == '\xb3':
            gammaObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are BETA
    betaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode('utf-8')
        tmpLen = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb2"
        if utcA == '\xce' and utcB == '\xb2':
            betaObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets to include in plots (based on user input)
    # Consolidate plotting & template-flux instructions
    grav = grav.upper()
    plotInstructions = ['exclude'] * len(refs)
    templInstructions = [False] * len(refs)
    if grav == 'Y':  # If plot request is Young, include gamma, beta & young targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(refs)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx] or betaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] \
                                                           or binObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
                templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    elif grav == 'G':  # If plot request is Gamma, include only gamma targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] \
                                                           or binObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
                templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    elif grav == 'B':  # If plot request is Beta, include only beta targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] \
                                                           or binObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
                templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    elif grav == 'F':  # If plot request is Field, include Field & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx] or gammaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
            #if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] \
            #                                           or binObjs[plotIdx]:
            #    continue
            if stdObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'standard'
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'field'
            templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    else:  # Otherwise, print Field, gamma, beta, young & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] \
                                                       or binObjs[plotIdx]:
            if youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
            elif stdObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'standard'
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'field'
            templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    # If all plot instructions are "exclude", then stop procedure (for spectral types)
    allExcl = True
    for instr in plotInstructions:
        if instr != 'exclude':
            allExcl = False
    if allExcl:
        if std:
            return O_standard
        if not uniqueSpec:
            print('No spectral data to plot based on your request.')

    # Gather spectra to use to calculate template spectrum
    # if not allExcl:
    #     O_template = [None] * 3 # Holds calculated template for output
    #     templCalculated = False
    #     for bandIdx, bandKey in enumerate(BANDS_NAMES):
    #         if bandKey == 'OPT':
    #             continue
    #         templSpecs = []
    #         for spIdx, spex in enumerate(spectraN[bandKey]):
    #             if templInstructions[spIdx]:
    #                 # Check that spectrum exists
    #                 if spex is None:
    #                     templInstructions[spIdx] = False
    #                     continue
    #                 if bandKey == 'OPT':
    #                     templSpecs.append(spex)
    #                 else:
    #                     # Check that spectrum comes with error values (NIR bands only)
    #                     notNansBool = np.isfinite(spex[2])
    #                     notNans     = np.any(notNansBool)
    #                     if notNans:
    #                         templSpecs.append(spex)
    #                     else:
    #                         print(str(objRef[spIdx]) + ' excluded from template')
    #         # Calculate template spectrum
    #         if len(templSpecs) > 1:
    #             template = at.mean_comb(templSpecs)
    #             templCalculated = True
    #             # Append template to list of spectra to plot in the next step
    #             spectraN[bandKey].append(template)
    #             # Append template to output object
    #             if bandIdx == 0:
    #                 tempIdx = 2
    #             elif bandIdx == 2:
    #                 tempIdx = 0
    #             else:
    #                 tempIdx = 1
    #             O_template[tempIdx] = template
    #     if templCalculated:
    #         refs.append('template')
    #         plotInstructions.append('template')
    #     else:
    #         O_template = None

    # 12. PLOT DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
    if lbl or plot:
        # Gather info on each target
        objInfo = [None] * len(refs)
        for posIdx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
            tmpDesig = data[colNameDesig][spIdx]
            tmpJK = data[colNameJK][spIdx]
            tmpSPtype = data[colNameType][spIdx]
            tmpSPtype = tmpSPtype + ' ' * (5 - len(tmpSPtype)
                                           )  # For alignment purposes

            objInfo[posIdx] = (tmpDesig + ' ' + tmpSPtype + ' ' +
                               '%.2f' % tmpJK)

        if objInfo[-1] is None:
            objInfo[-1] = 'template'
    if plot:
        # Create Figure with Subplots and Annotations
        tmpspectraN = {key: spectraN[key] for key in ['J', 'H', 'K']}
        tmpBANDS_NAMES = BANDS_NAMES[:-1]
        tmpBAND_LIMS = {key: BAND_LIMS[key] for key in ['J', 'H', 'K']}
        figObj = plotspec(tmpspectraN, tmpBANDS_NAMES, tmpBAND_LIMS, objInfo, \
                          spTypeInput, grav, plotInstructions)

        figObj.savefig(FOLDER_OUT + spTypeInput + grav + '.pdf', dpi=600)

    # 13. DETERMINE OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
    if templ:
        if std:
            return O_template, O_standard
            return O_template
    elif std:
        return O_standard
        if lbl:
            return spectraN, objInfo
            return spectraN
 if spTp in SPSTDNM:
     if spTp == 'L2':
         isp = 0
     elif spTp == 'L5':
         isp = 1
         isp = 2
     tmpspec = at.read_spec('../more data/NIR/' + SPSTD[isp], errors=False, \
                            atomicron=True, negtonan=True)
     for band in BANDS:
         tmpband = at.sel_band(tmpspec, BAND_LIMS[band]['lim'])
         if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
             norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
             norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]['lim']
         stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpband, norm_lims)[0]
 # # Fetch standard
 # tmpStd = nocs.main(spTp, GRAV, plot=False, std=True, normalize=False)
 # # Normalize standard
 # for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
 #     if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
 #         norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
 #     else:
 #         norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]['lim']
 #     stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpStd[bdIdx], norm_lims)[0]
 #     spectra[band].append(stdToPlot)
 #     #spectra[band].append(tmpStd[bdIdx])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(spInput, grav=''):
    # 1. LOAD RELEVANT MODULES ---------------------------------------------------------
    import astrotools as at
    from astropy.io import ascii
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import sys
    import pdb
    # 2. SET UP VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Customizable variables <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
    FOLDER_ROOT = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/more data/'  # Location of NIR and OPT folders
    FOLDER_IN = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/data/' # Location of input files
    FOLDER_OUT = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/plots/' # Location to save output figures
    FILE_IN = 'nir_spex_prism_with_optical.txt' # ASCII file w/ data
    # <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
    # For TXT objects file (updatable here directly)
    HDR_FILE_IN = ('Ref','Designation`','J','H','K','SpType','SpType_T','NIRFobs',\
    OPTNIR_KEYS  = ['OPT', 'NIR']
    BAND_NAME  = ['NIR']
    data       = ''
    dataRaw    = ''
    specFiles  = ''
    spectraRaw = ''
    spectra    = ''
    colNameRef   = HDR_FILE_IN[0]
    colNameDesig = HDR_FILE_IN[1]
    colNameJ     = HDR_FILE_IN[2]
    colNameK     = HDR_FILE_IN[4]
    colNameJK    = 'J-K'
    colNameType  = HDR_FILE_IN[6]
    colNameNIRfile = HDR_FILE_IN[9]
    colNameYng   = HDR_FILE_IN[14]
    colNameDust  = HDR_FILE_IN[15]
    colNameBlue  = HDR_FILE_IN[16]
    colNameBin   = HDR_FILE_IN[17]
    colNamePec   = HDR_FILE_IN[18]
    # Initialize dictionary to store NIR bands limits and normalizing sections
    BAND_LIMS = {}.fromkeys(BAND_NAME)
    for bandKey in BAND_NAME:
        BAND_LIMS[bandKey] = dict(lim = [None] * 2, limN = [None] * 2)
    # Set wl limits for band
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['lim'][0] = 0.8
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['lim'][1] = 2.4
    # Set wl limits for normalizing sections; this is the peak of the J band
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['limN'][0] = 1.28
    BAND_LIMS['NIR']['limN'][1] = 1.32
    # 3. READ DATA FROM INPUT FILES ----------------------------------------------------
    DELL_CHAR = '\t' # Delimiter character
    COMM_CHAR = '#'  # Comment character
    # File with objects (source: query in Access)
    dataRaw = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + FILE_IN, format='no_header', \
                         delimiter=DELL_CHAR, comment=COMM_CHAR, data_start=1)
    # Store data in a dictionary-type object
    data = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN)
    for colIdx,colname in enumerate(dataRaw.colnames):
        data[HDR_FILE_IN[colIdx]] = np.array(dataRaw[colname])
    # 4. FORMAT SOME ASCII COLUMNS -----------------------------------------------------
    # 4.1 Convert into unicode the Spectral Type-Text column
    uniSpType = [None] * len(data[colNameType])
    for sIdx,sType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        uniSpType[sIdx] = sType#.decode('utf-8')
    data[colNameType] = np.array(uniSpType)
    # 4.2 Calculate J-K Color
    data[colNameJK] = data[colNameJ] - data[colNameK]
    # 4.3 Format Designation Number from Designation Column
    for desigIdx,desig in enumerate(data[colNameDesig]):
        desig = ''.join(desig.split())
        signType = '+'
        signPos = desig.find(signType)
        if signPos == -1:
            signType = '-'
            signPos  = desig.find(signType)
        desigProper = desig[:4] + signType + desig[signPos+1:signPos+5]
        data[colNameDesig][desigIdx] = desigProper
    # 5. FILTER DATA BY USER INPUT IN spInput ------------------------------------------
    # Find all spectra of same spectral type
    specIdx = []
    for spIdx,spType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        if spType.upper().startswith(spInput.upper()):
    if not specIdx:
        print('No target found for given input.')
    spTypeInput = spInput.upper()
    # Sort relevant objects by JKmag value
    specIdx     = np.array(specIdx)
    specSortIdx = data[colNameJK][specIdx].argsort()
    # 6. READ SPECTRAL DATA FROM SPECTRAL FILES ----------------------------------------
    spectraRaw    = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS) # Used to store the raw data from fits files
    specFilesDict = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS) # Used for reference purposes
    for key in OPTNIR_KEYS:
        specFiles = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
        for sortIdx,specSort in enumerate(specSortIdx):
            if data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]][-4:] == '.dat': continue
            if data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]] == 'include': continue
            tmpFullName = FOLDER_ROOT + key + '/' + data[key \
                          + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]]
            specFiles[sortIdx] = tmpFullName
            specFilesDict[key] = specFiles
        spectraRaw[key] = at.read_spec(specFiles, atomicron=True, negtonan=True, \
                                       errors=True, verbose=False)
    # Clear out spectral data for objects missing either OPT or NIR data
    allNone = True
    for spIdx in range(0,len(spectraRaw['OPT'])):
        if spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] = None
        elif spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] = None
            allNone = False
    if allNone:
        print('No spectral data found for objects of the given spectral type.')
    # Convert spectraRaw contents into lists if only one spectral data
    for key in spectraRaw.keys():
        if spectraRaw[key][0] is not None:
            if len(spectraRaw[key][0]) > 3:
                spectraRaw[key] = [spectraRaw[key],]
    # 7. GATHER OBJECTS' NAMES ---------------------------------------------------------
    # Filtered objects
    refs = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        tmpRef    = data[colNameRef][specIdx[spIdx]]
        refs[idx] = str(int(tmpRef))
    #8. SMOOTH SPECTRA -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Smooth the flux data to a reasonable resolution
    spectraS = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw['NIR'], specFile=specFilesDict['NIR'], \
    # 9. SELECT SPECTRAL DATA FOR NIR BAND --------------------------------------------
    # Initialize variables
    spectraN = {}.fromkeys(BAND_NAME)
    # Gather reference numbers of objects
    objRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[specSortIdx]]
    # Select band
    spectra = at.sel_band(spectraS, BAND_LIMS['NIR']['lim'], objRef)
    # Normalize band
    spectraN['NIR'] = at.norm_spec(spectra, BAND_LIMS['NIR']['limN'])
    # 11. CHARACTERIZE TARGETS (i.e. identify young, blue, to exclude...) --------------
    # Force to include all targerts
    toExclude = [False] * len(refs)
    # Determine which targets are blue
    blueObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameBlue][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            blueObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are dusty
    dustyObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameDust][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            dustyObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are peculiar
    pecObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNamePec][spIdx].upper() == 'YES':
            pecObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which plots are young objects
    youngObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        if data[colNameYng][specIdx[spIdx]].upper() == 'YES':
            youngObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are GAMMA
    gammaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode('utf-8')
        tmpLen  = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb3"
        if utcA == '\xce' and utcB == '\xb3':
            gammaObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets are BETA
    betaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode('utf-8')
        tmpLen  = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb2"
        if utcA == '\xce' and utcB == '\xb2':
            betaObjs[idx] = True
    # Determine which targets to include in plots (based on user input)
    # Consolidate plotting instructions
    grav = grav.upper()
    plotInstructions = ['exclude'] * len(refs)
    if grav == 'Y': # If plot request is Young, include gamma, beta & young targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(refs)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx] or betaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
    elif grav == 'G': # If plot request is Gamma, include only gamma targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
    elif grav == 'B': # If plot request is Beta, include only beta targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
    elif grav == 'F': # If plot request is Field, include Field & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx] or gammaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
            plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'field'
    else:   # Otherwise, print Field, gamma, beta, young & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx]:
            if youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'young'
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'field'
    # If all plot instructions are "exclude", then stop procedure
    allExcl = True
    for instr in plotInstructions:
        if instr != 'exclude':
            allExcl = False
    if allExcl:
        if not uniqueSpec:
            print('No spectral data to plot based on your request.')
    # 11. PLOT DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Gather info on each object (for legend purposes)
    objInfo = [None] * len(refs)
    for posIdx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpDesig  = data[colNameDesig][spIdx]
        tmpJK     = data[colNameJK][spIdx]
        tmpSPtype = data[colNameType][spIdx]
        tmpSPtype = tmpSPtype + ' ' * (5 - len(tmpSPtype))  # For alignment purposes
        objInfo[posIdx] = (tmpDesig + ' ' + tmpSPtype + ' ' + '%.2f' %tmpJK)
    # Create Figure with Subplots
    figObj = plotspec(spectraN, BAND_NAME, BAND_LIMS, objInfo, spTypeInput, grav, \
    figObj.savefig(FOLDER_OUT + spTypeInput + grav + '_fan.pdf', \
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(spInput, grav='', plot=True, templ=False, std=False, excluded=False, normalize=True):
    # 1. LOAD RELEVANT MODULES ------------------------------------------------
    from astropy.io import ascii
    import astrotools as at
    import numpy as np
    import sys
    import os
    import pdb
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # 2. SET UP VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------
    # Customizable variables <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
    FOLDER_ROOT = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/more data/'  # Location of NIR and OPT folders
    FOLDER_IN = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/data/' # Location of input files
    FOLDER_OUT = '/Users/alejo/Dropbox/Project_0/plots/' # Location to save output figures
    FILE_IN = 'nir_spex_prism_with_optical.txt' # ASCII file w/ data
    # <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
    # For TXT objects file (updatable here directly)
    HDR_FILE_IN = ('Ref','Designation`','J','H','K','SpType','SpType_T','NIRFobs',\
    # For TXT standards file
    FILE_IN_STD = 'NIR_Standards_K10.txt'   # ASCII file w/ standards
    HDR_FILE_IN_STD = ('Ref','Designation','NIR SpType','OPT SpType')
    colNameNIRS = HDR_FILE_IN_STD[2]
    colNameOPTS = HDR_FILE_IN_STD[3]
    BANDS_NAMES = ['K','H','J','OPT']
    data       = ''
    dataRaw    = ''
    specFiles  = ''
    spectraRaw = ''
    spectra    = ''
    colNameRef   = HDR_FILE_IN[0]
    colNameDesig = HDR_FILE_IN[1]
    colNameJ     = HDR_FILE_IN[2]
    colNameK     = HDR_FILE_IN[4]
    colNameJK    = 'J-K'
    colNameType  = HDR_FILE_IN[6]
    colNameNIRfile = HDR_FILE_IN[9]
    colNameYng   = HDR_FILE_IN[14]
    colNameDust  = HDR_FILE_IN[15]
    colNameBlue  = HDR_FILE_IN[16]
    colNameBin   = HDR_FILE_IN[17]
    colNamePec   = HDR_FILE_IN[18]
    # Initialize dictionary to store NIR bands limits and normalizing sections
    BAND_LIMS = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    for bandKey in BANDS_NAMES:
        BAND_LIMS[bandKey] = dict(lim = [None] * 2, limN = [None] * 2)
    # Set wavelength limits for bands
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['lim'][0] = 0.65
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['lim'][1] = 0.90
    BAND_LIMS['J'  ]['lim'][0] = 0.8
    BAND_LIMS['J'  ]['lim'][1] = 1.4 
    BAND_LIMS['H'  ]['lim'][0] = 1.4
    BAND_LIMS['H'  ]['lim'][1] = 1.9
    BAND_LIMS['K'  ]['lim'][0] = 1.9
    BAND_LIMS['K'  ]['lim'][1] = 2.4
    # Set wl limits for normalizing sections
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['limN'][0] = 0.66
    BAND_LIMS['OPT']['limN'][1] = 0.89
    BAND_LIMS['J'  ]['limN'][0] = 0.87
    BAND_LIMS['J'  ]['limN'][1] = 1.39
    BAND_LIMS['H'  ]['limN'][0] = 1.41
    BAND_LIMS['H'  ]['limN'][1] = 1.89
    BAND_LIMS['K'  ]['limN'][0] = 1.91
    BAND_LIMS['K'  ]['limN'][1] = 2.39
    # 3. READ DATA FROM MAIN INPUT FILE ---------------------------------------
    DELL_CHAR = '\t' # Delimiter character
    COMM_CHAR = '#'  # Comment character
    # File with ALL objects (source: query in Access)
    dataRaw = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + FILE_IN, format='no_header', \
                         delimiter=DELL_CHAR, comment=COMM_CHAR, data_start=1)
    # Store data in a dictionary-type object
    data = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN)
    for colIdx,colname in enumerate(dataRaw.colnames):
        data[HDR_FILE_IN[colIdx]] = np.array(dataRaw[colname])
    # File with standards (source: manually generated)
    dataRawS = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + FILE_IN_STD, data_start=0)
    # Store standard data in a dictionary-type object
    dataS = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN_STD)
    for colIdx,colname in enumerate(dataRawS.colnames):
        dataS[HDR_FILE_IN_STD[colIdx]] = np.array(dataRawS[colname])
    # 4. FORMAT SOME ASCII COLUMNS --------------------------------------------
    # 4.1 Convert into unicode the Spectral Type-Text column
    uniSpType = [None] * len(data[colNameType])
    for sIdx,sType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        uniSpType[sIdx] = sType #.decode('utf-8')
    data[colNameType] = np.array(uniSpType)
    # 4.2 Calculate J-K Color
    data[colNameJK] = data[colNameJ] - data[colNameK]
    # 4.3 Format Designation Number from Designation Column
    #     (From "XX XX XX.X +XX XX XX.X" to "XXXX+XXXX")
    for desigIdx,desig in enumerate(data[colNameDesig]):
        desig    = ''.join(desig.split())
        signType = '+'
        signPos  = desig.find(signType)
        if signPos == -1:
            signType = '-'
            signPos  = desig.find(signType)
        desigProper = desig[:4] + signType + desig[signPos+1:signPos+5]
        data[colNameDesig][desigIdx] = desigProper
    # 5. FILTER DATA BY USER INPUT IN spInput ---------------------------------
    specIdx = []
    # Find all spectra of same spectral type
    for spIdx,spType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        if spType.upper().startswith(spInput.upper()):
    if not specIdx:
        print('No targets found for given input.')
        if std is False:
    spTypeInput = spInput.upper()
    # Find NIR standard target that matches user's spectral type
    stdIdx = []
    for spIdx,spType in enumerate(dataS[colNameNIRS]):
        if spType.upper().startswith(spTypeInput):
    # Add NIR standard target to list of filtered objects if not there already
    # (It may not be included in first filter because OPT SpT != NIR SpT)
    if dataS[colNameNIRS][stdIdx] != dataS[colNameOPTS][stdIdx]:
        for spIdx,spRef in enumerate(data[colNameRef]):
            if spRef == int(dataS[colNameRef][stdIdx][0]):
                if spIdx not in specIdx:
    # Sort relevant objects by JKmag value
    specIdx     = np.array(specIdx)
    specSortIdx = data[colNameJK][specIdx].argsort()
    # 6. READ SPECTRAL DATA FROM SPECTRAL FILES -------------------------------
    spectraRaw    = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS) # Used to store the raw data from fits files
    specFilesDict = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS) # Used for reference purposes
    for key in OPTNIR_KEYS:
        specFiles = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
        for sortIdx,specSort in enumerate(specSortIdx):
            if data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]][-4:] == '.dat': continue
            if data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]] == 'include': continue
            tmpFullName = FOLDER_ROOT + key + '/' + data[key + 'file'][specIdx[specSort]]
            specFiles[sortIdx] = tmpFullName
        specFilesDict[key] = specFiles
        spectraRaw[key] = at.read_spec(specFiles, atomicron=True, negtonan=True, \
                                       errors=True, verbose=False)
    # Clear out spectral data for objects missing either OPT or NIR data
    allNone = True
    for spIdx in range(0,len(spectraRaw['OPT'])):
        if spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] = None
        elif spectraRaw['NIR'][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw['OPT'][spIdx] = None
            allNone = False
    if allNone:
        print('No spectral data found for objects of the given spectral type.')
        if std is False:
    # Convert spectraRaw contents into lists if only one spectral data
    # (This reduces the dimensions of the object holding the data)
    for key in spectraRaw.keys():
        if spectraRaw[key][0] is not None:
            if len(spectraRaw[key][0]) > 3:
                spectraRaw[key] = [spectraRaw[key],]
    # 7. GATHER OBJECTS' NAMES ------------------------------------------------
    # Filtered objects
    refs = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
    NIRfilenames = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        tmpRef    = data[colNameRef][specIdx[spIdx]]
        refs[idx] = str(int(tmpRef))
        NIRfilenames[idx] = data[colNameNIRfile][specIdx[spIdx]]
    # Standard objects
    refsStd = [None] * len(dataS[colNameRef])
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(dataS[colNameRef]):
        tmpRef       = dataS[colNameRef][idx]
        refsStd[idx] = str(int(tmpRef))
    # Gather reference numbers of objects
    objRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[specSortIdx]]
    # 8. SMOOTH SPECTRA -------------------------------------------------------
    # Smooth the flux data to a reasonable resolution
    spectraS = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS)
    tmpSpOPT = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw['OPT'], specFile=specFilesDict['OPT'], \
    tmpSpNIR = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw['NIR'], specFile=specFilesDict['NIR'], \
    spectraS['OPT'] = tmpSpOPT
    spectraS['NIR'] = tmpSpNIR
    # 9. SELECT SPECTRAL DATA FOR THE DIFFERENT BANDS -------------------------
    # Initialize variables
    spectra  = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    spectraN = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    for bandKey in BANDS_NAMES:
        if bandKey == 'OPT':
            optNIR = 'OPT'
            optNIR = 'NIR'
        # Select band
        spectra[bandKey] = at.sel_band(spectraS[optNIR], BAND_LIMS[bandKey]['lim'], \
        if spectra[bandKey] is None:
        # Normalize band
        spectraN[bandKey], flagN = at.norm_spec(spectra[bandKey], \
                                               BAND_LIMS[bandKey]['limN'], flag=True)
        if flagN:
            print(bandKey + ' LIMITS for normalization changed!')
        if spectraN[bandKey] is None:
    # 10. CHARACTERIZE TARGETS (i.e. identify young, field, and excluded) -----
    grav = grav.lower()
    toInclude = [False] * len(refs)
    # toInclude_LG = [False] * len(refs)
    toExclude = [False] * len(refs)
    dataIncl = []
    # dataIncl_LG = []
    dataExcl = []
    # 10.1 Extract NIR file names from "keepers" file
    fileslist = os.listdir(FOLDER_IN)
    inclFile = ''
    for fl in fileslist:
        if fl.find('keepers') == -1 or fl.find(spInput) == -1: continue
        tmpfl = fl.split('_')
        if len(tmpfl[1]) == 2 and grav == 'f':
            inclFile = fl
        elif len(tmpfl[1]) == 3:
            if tmpfl[1][-1] == grav:
                inclFile = fl
    if inclFile != '':
        dataIncl = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + inclFile, format='no_header', \
                              delimiter=DELL_CHAR, comment=COMM_CHAR)
    if len(dataIncl) > 0:
        includeObjs = np.array(dataIncl['col1']).astype(object)
        includeObjs = includeObjs + np.repeat('.fits', len(dataIncl))
        # Find intersection of include-obj list and filtered targets list
        setInclude = set(includeObjs).intersection(set(NIRfilenames))
        # Create list with intersection targets
        if len(setInclude) != 0:
            for inclIdx in setInclude:
                tmpInclIdx = np.where(np.array(NIRfilenames) == inclIdx)[0]
                toInclude[tmpInclIdx] = True
    # 10.2 Extract NIR file names from "rejects" file
    exclFile = ''
    for fl in fileslist:
        if fl.find('rejects') == -1 or fl.find(spInput) == -1: continue
        tmpfl = fl.split('_')
        if len(tmpfl[1]) == 2 and grav == 'f':
            exclFile = fl
        elif len(tmpfl[1]) == 3:
            if tmpfl[1][-1] == grav:
                exclFile = fl
    if exclFile != '':
            dataExcl = ascii.read(FOLDER_IN + exclFile, format='no_header', \
                                  delimiter=DELL_CHAR, comment=COMM_CHAR)
            dataExcl = []
    if len(dataExcl) == 0 and excluded:
        print('No objects found in REJECTS file. Nothing to plot.')
    elif len(dataExcl) > 0:
        excludeObjs = np.array(dataExcl['col1']).astype(object)
        excludeObjs = excludeObjs + np.repeat('.fits', len(dataExcl))
        # Find intersection of exclude-obj list and filtered targets list
        setExclude = set(excludeObjs).intersection(set(NIRfilenames))
        # Create list with intersection targets
        if len(setExclude) != 0:
            for exclIdx in setExclude:
                tmpExclIdx = np.where(np.array(NIRfilenames) == exclIdx)[0]
                toExclude[tmpExclIdx] = True
    # 10.3 Determine which target is the NIR Standard object
    O_standard = [None] * 3 # Holds standard for output
    stdObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameRef][spIdx] == dataS[colNameRef][stdIdx]:
            stdObjs[idx] = True
            if normalize:
                O_standard[0] = spectraN['J'][idx]
                O_standard[1] = spectraN['H'][idx]
                O_standard[2] = spectraN['K'][idx]
                O_standard[0] = spectra['J'][idx]
                O_standard[1] = spectra['H'][idx]
                O_standard[2] = spectra['K'][idx]
    # 10.4 Determine which targets to include in plots (based on user input)
    # Consolidate plotting & template-flux instructions
    plotInstructions  = ['no'] * len(refs)
    templInstructions = [False] * len(refs)
    if grav == 'f':
        plotinstlbl = 'field'
    elif grav == 'lg':
        plotinstlbl = 'low'
    elif grav == 'g':
        plotinstlbl = 'gamma'
    elif grav == 'b':
        plotinstlbl = 'beta'
        print('Wrong gravity input.')
    for plotIdx in range(len(refs)):
        if toInclude[plotIdx]:
            plotInstructions[plotIdx] = plotinstlbl
            templInstructions[plotIdx] = True
        if toExclude[plotIdx] and excluded:
            plotInstructions[plotIdx] = 'excluded'
    # If all plot instructions are "no", then stop procedure (for spectral types)
    allExcl = True
    for instr in plotInstructions:
        if instr != 'no':
            allExcl = False
    if allExcl:
        print('No spectral data to plot based on your request.')
    # Gather spectra to use to calculate template spectrum
    if not allExcl:
        O_template = [None] * 3 # Holds calculated template for output
        templCalculated = False
        for bandIdx, bandKey in enumerate(BANDS_NAMES):
            template = None
            templSpecs = []
            for spIdx, spex in enumerate(spectraN[bandKey]):
                if templInstructions[spIdx]:
                    # Check that spectrum exists
                    if spex is None:
                        templInstructions[spIdx] = False
                    if bandKey == 'OPT':
                        # Manually skip including OPT spectrum of some specific targets
                        # which use the same NIR fits file as both OPT and NIR spectrum
                        # so OPT spectrum is very bad
                        if refs[spIdx] == '50246':
                        if refs[spIdx] == '50061':
                        elif refs[spIdx] == '50188':
                        # Check that spectrum comes with error values (NIR bands only)
                        notNansBool = np.isfinite(spex[2])
                        notNans = np.any(notNansBool)
                        if notNans:
                            print(str(objRef[spIdx]) + ' excluded from template')
                            templInstructions[spIdx] = False
            # Calculate template spectrum using spec uncertainties as weights
            if len(templSpecs) > 1:
                if bandKey == 'OPT':
                    template = at.mean_comb(templSpecs, extremes=True)
                    template_first, renormSpecs = at.mean_comb(templSpecs, renormalize=True)
                    # Re-calculate template using re-normalized spectra
                    template = at.mean_comb(renormSpecs, extremes=True)
                # To calculate simple standard deviation, recalculate template without
                # any weights, and just use the simple variance that comes out of that.
                tmptempl = at.mean_comb(renormSpecs, forcesimple=True)
                template[2] = tmptempl[2].copy()
                templCalculated = True
            # Append template to list of spectra to plot in the next step
            if templCalculated:
                # Append template to output object
                if bandIdx == 0:
                    tempIdx = 2
                elif bandIdx == 2:
                    tempIdx = 0
                elif bandIdx == 1:
                    tempIdx = 1
                    tempIdx = None
                if tempIdx is not None:
                    O_template[tempIdx] = template
        if templCalculated:
            O_template = None
    # 12. PLOT DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
    if plot:
        # Gather info on each target
        objInfo = [None] * len(refs)
        for posIdx,spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
            tmpDesig  = data[colNameDesig][spIdx]
            tmpJK     = data[colNameJK][spIdx]
            # Append description of special object to its spectral type when missing
            spDesc = ''
                loc = data[colNameType][spIdx].index(spDesc)
            except ValueError:
                loc = None
            if loc is None:
                tmpSPtype = data[colNameType][spIdx] + spDesc
                tmpSPtype = data[colNameType][spIdx]
            tmpSPtype = tmpSPtype + ' ' * (7 - len(tmpSPtype)) # For alignment purposes
            if tmpDesig == '1126-5003':
                objInfo[posIdx] = (tmpDesig + ' ' + tmpSPtype + '%.2f' %tmpJK)
                objInfo[posIdx] = (tmpDesig + ' ' + tmpSPtype + ' ' + '%.2f' %tmpJK)
        if objInfo[-1] is None:
            objInfo[-1] = 'template' 
        # Create Figure with Subplots and Annotations
        figObj = plotspec(spectraN, BANDS_NAMES, BAND_LIMS, objInfo, spTypeInput, \
                          grav, plotInstructions, excluded)
    if plot:
        if excluded:
            sptxt = '_excluded'
            sptxt = ''
        figObj.savefig(FOLDER_OUT + spTypeInput + 'strip_' + \
                       grav + sptxt + '.pdf', dpi=300)
    # 13. DETERMINE OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------
    if templ:
        if std:
            return O_template, O_standard
            return O_template
    elif std:
        return O_standard
        return spectraN
Ejemplo n.º 8
    fitsNames.append(FOLDER_NIR + tgt[1])

# Break into several plots if too many objects
numData = len(dataOrg)
if numData > 6:
    numPlots = int(np.ceil(numData / 6.))
    numPlots = 1

# 3. GET SPECTRA --------------------------------------------------------------
spectra = at.read_spec(fitsNames, aToMicron=True, negToZero=True, errors=False, plot=False)

# 4. CLEAN AND NORMALIZE SPECTRA ----------------------------------------------
spectraC = at.sel_band(spectra, BAND_LIMS)
spectraN = at.norm_spec(spectraC, BAND_LIMS)

# 6. PLOT ALL SPECTRA ---------------------------------------------------------
# Parameter to space spectra more
if FILE_LBL == 'emln_galaxies':
    broad = True
    broad = False
start = 0
stop = 6
for plIdx in range(numPlots):
    if stop > numData:
        plSpecs = spectraN[start:]
        plNames = tgtNames[start:]
        plSpecs = spectraN[start:stop]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main(spInput, grav="", plot=True, templ=False, std=False, lbl=False):
    # 1. LOAD RELEVANT MODULES ---------------------------------------------------------
    import asciidata
    import astrotools as at
    import pyfits
    import numpy
    import sys
    import pdb
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # 2. SET UP VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------
    # General variables
    FOLDER_ROOT = "/Users/alejo/KCData/"  # Location of NIR and OPT folders
    FOLDER_OUT = "Output/NOC/"
    OPTNIR_KEYS = ["OPT", "NIR"]
    BANDS_NAMES = ["K", "H", "J", "OPT"]
    data = ""
    dataRaw = ""
    specFiles = ""
    spectraRaw = ""
    spectra = ""

    # For TXT objects file (updatable here directly)
    FILE_IN = "nir_spex_prism_with_optical_12aug15.txt"  # ASCII file w/ data
    HDR_FILE_IN = (

    colNameRef = HDR_FILE_IN[0]
    colNameDesig = HDR_FILE_IN[1]
    colNameJ = HDR_FILE_IN[2]
    colNameK = HDR_FILE_IN[4]
    colNameJK = "J-K"
    colNameType = HDR_FILE_IN[6]
    colNameYng = HDR_FILE_IN[14]
    colNameDust = HDR_FILE_IN[15]
    colNameBlue = HDR_FILE_IN[16]
    colNameBin = HDR_FILE_IN[17]
    colNamePec = HDR_FILE_IN[18]

    # For TXT standards file
    FILE_IN_STD = "NIR_Standards.txt"  # ASCII file w/ standards
    HDR_FILE_IN_STD = ("Ref", "Designation", "NIR SpType", "OPT SpType")
    colNameNIRS = HDR_FILE_IN_STD[2]
    colNameOPTS = HDR_FILE_IN_STD[3]

    # For TXT exclude-objects file
    EXCL_FILE = "Exclude_Objs.txt"  # ASCII file w/ unums of objects to exclude

    # 3. READ DATA FROM INPUT FILES-----------------------------------------------------
    NULL_CHAR = ""  # Null character
    DELL_CHAR = "\t"  # Delimiter character
    COMM_CHAR = "#"  # Comment character

    # File with objects (query in Access)
    dataRaw = asciidata.open(FOLDER_ROOT + FILE_IN, NULL_CHAR, DELL_CHAR, COMM_CHAR)

    # Store data in a dictionary-type object
    data = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN)
    for colIdx, colData in enumerate(dataRaw):
        data[HDR_FILE_IN[colIdx]] = colData.tonumpy()

    # File with standards

    # Store standard data in a dictionary-type object
    dataS = {}.fromkeys(HDR_FILE_IN_STD)
    for colIdx, colData in enumerate(dataRawS):
        dataS[HDR_FILE_IN_STD[colIdx]] = colData.tonumpy()

    # 4. FORMAT SOME ASCII COLUMNS -----------------------------------------------------
    # 4.1 Convert into unicode the Spectral Type-Text column
    uniSpType = [None] * len(data[colNameType])
    for sIdx, sType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
        uniSpType[sIdx] = sType.decode("utf-8")

    data[colNameType] = numpy.array(uniSpType)

    # 4.2 Calculate J-K Color And Add J-K Column
    data[colNameJK] = data[colNameJ] - data[colNameK]

    # 4.3 Format Designation Number from Designation Column
    #     (From "XX XX XX.X +XX XX XX.X" to "XXXX+XXXX")
    for desigIdx, desig in enumerate(data[colNameDesig]):
        desig = "".join(desig.split())
        signType = "+"
        signPos = desig.find(signType)
        if signPos == -1:
            signType = "-"
            signPos = desig.find(signType)

        desigProper = desig[:4] + signType + desig[signPos + 1 : signPos + 5]
        data[colNameDesig][desigIdx] = desigProper

    # 5. FILTER DATA BY USER INPUT IN spInput -------------------------------------------
    uniqueSpec = False
    specIdx = []
    if spInput.upper().startswith("L"):
        # If input is a spectral type, then find all spectra of same spectral type
        for spIdx, spType in enumerate(data[colNameType]):
            if spType.upper().startswith(spInput.upper()):
        if not specIdx:
            print "No targets found for given input."
            if std is False:
        spTypeInput = spInput.upper()
        # If input is one single spectrum, then find it
        for spIdx, spType in enumerate(data[colNameRef]):
            if str(spType) == spInput.upper():
        if not specIdx:
            print "Requested target not found."
            if std is False:
            spTypeInput = data[colNameType][specIdx[0]][0:2]
            uniqueSpec = True

    # Find NIR standard target that matches user's spectral type
    stdIdx = []
    for spIdx, spType in enumerate(dataS[colNameNIRS]):
        if spType.upper().startswith(spTypeInput):

    # Add NIR standard target to list of filtered objects if not there already
    # (It may not be included in first filter because OPT SpT != NIR SpT)
    if not uniqueSpec:
        if dataS[colNameNIRS][stdIdx] != dataS[colNameOPTS][stdIdx]:
            for spIdx, spRef in enumerate(data[colNameRef]):
                if spRef == int(dataS[colNameRef][stdIdx][0]):
                    if spIdx not in specIdx:

    # Sort relevant objects by JKmag value
    specIdx = numpy.array(specIdx)
    specSortIdx = data[colNameJK][specIdx].argsort()

    # 6. READ SPECTRAL DATA FROM SPECTRAL FILES ----------------------------------------
    spectraRaw = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS)  # Used to store the raw data from fits files
    specFilesDict = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS)  # Used for reference purposes

    for key in OPTNIR_KEYS:
        specFiles = [None] * len(specSortIdx)

        for sortIdx, specSort in enumerate(specSortIdx):
            tmpFullName = FOLDER_ROOT + key + "/" + data[key + "file"][specIdx[specSort]]
            specFiles[sortIdx] = tmpFullName
            specFilesDict[key] = specFiles

        spectraRaw[key] = at.read_spec(specFiles, atomicron=True, negtonan=True, errors=True, verbose=False)

    # Clear out spectral data for objects missing either OPT or NIR data
    allNone = True
    for spIdx in range(0, len(spectraRaw["OPT"])):
        if spectraRaw["OPT"][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw["NIR"][spIdx] = None
        elif spectraRaw["NIR"][spIdx] is None:
            spectraRaw["OPT"][spIdx] = None
            allNone = False

    if allNone:
        print "No spectral data found for objects of the given spectral type."
        if std is False:

    # Convert spectraRaw contents into lists if only one spectral data
    # (This reduces the dimensions of the object holding the data)
    for key in spectraRaw.keys():
        if spectraRaw[key][0] is not None:
            if len(spectraRaw[key][0]) > 3:
                spectraRaw[key] = [spectraRaw[key]]

    # 7. GATHER OBJECTS' NAMES----------------------------------------------------------
    # Filtered objects
    refs = [None] * len(specSortIdx)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specSortIdx):
        tmpRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[spIdx]]
        refs[idx] = str(int(tmpRef))

    # Standard objects
    refsStd = [None] * len(dataS[colNameRef])
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(dataS[colNameRef]):
        tmpRef = dataS[colNameRef][idx]
        refsStd[idx] = str(int(tmpRef))

    # Gather reference numbers of objects
    objRef = data[colNameRef][specIdx[specSortIdx]]

    # 8. SMOOTH SPECTRA -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Smooth the flux data to a reasonable resolution
    spectraS = {}.fromkeys(OPTNIR_KEYS)

    tmpSpOPT = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw["OPT"], specFile=specFilesDict["OPT"], winWidth=10)
    tmpSpNIR = at.smooth_spec(spectraRaw["NIR"], specFile=specFilesDict["NIR"], winWidth=0)

    spectraS["OPT"] = tmpSpOPT
    spectraS["NIR"] = tmpSpNIR

    # 9. SET LIMITS FOR BANDS AND NORMALIZING SECTIONS----------------------------------
    # Initialize dictionary to store limits
    BAND_LIMS = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    for bandKey in BANDS_NAMES:
        BAND_LIMS[bandKey] = dict(lim=[None] * 2, limN=[None] * 2)

    # Set wavelength limits for bands
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS["OPT"]["lim"][0] = 0.65
    BAND_LIMS["OPT"]["lim"][1] = 0.90
    BAND_LIMS["J"]["lim"][0] = 0.8
    BAND_LIMS["J"]["lim"][1] = 1.4
    BAND_LIMS["H"]["lim"][0] = 1.4
    BAND_LIMS["H"]["lim"][1] = 1.9
    BAND_LIMS["K"]["lim"][0] = 1.9
    BAND_LIMS["K"]["lim"][1] = 2.4

    # Set wl limits for normalizing sections
    # Limits are in microns
    BAND_LIMS["OPT"]["limN"][0] = 0.66
    BAND_LIMS["OPT"]["limN"][1] = 0.89
    BAND_LIMS["J"]["limN"][0] = 0.87
    BAND_LIMS["J"]["limN"][1] = 1.39
    BAND_LIMS["H"]["limN"][0] = 1.41
    BAND_LIMS["H"]["limN"][1] = 1.89
    BAND_LIMS["K"]["limN"][0] = 1.91
    BAND_LIMS["K"]["limN"][1] = 2.39

    # 10. SELECT SPECTRAL DATA FOR OPTICAL, J-BAND, H-BAND, & K-BAND--------------------
    # Initialize variables
    spectra = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)
    spectraN = {}.fromkeys(BANDS_NAMES)

    for bandKey in BANDS_NAMES:
        if bandKey == "OPT":
            optNIR = "OPT"
            optNIR = "NIR"

        # Select band
        spectra[bandKey] = at.sel_band(spectraS[optNIR], BAND_LIMS[bandKey]["lim"], objRef)
        if spectra[bandKey] is None:

        # Normalize band
        spectraN[bandKey], flagN = at.norm_spec(spectra[bandKey], BAND_LIMS[bandKey]["limN"], flag=True)
        if flagN:
            print "LIMITS for normalization changed!"
        if spectraN[bandKey] is None:

    # 11. CHARACTERIZE TARGETS (i.e. identify young, blue, to exclude...)---------------
    # Determine which targets to exclude using the "Exclude_Objs" file
    toExclude = [False] * len(refs)
    dataExcl = asciidata.open(FOLDER_ROOT + EXCL_FILE, NULL_CHAR, DELL_CHAR, COMM_CHAR)
    if len(dataExcl[0]) > 0:
        # Extract data from "Exclude_Objs" file
        excludeObjs = [None] * len(dataExcl[0])
        for rowIdx, rowData in enumerate(dataExcl[0]):
            excludeObjs[rowIdx] = str(rowData)

        # Find intersection of exclude-obj list and filtered targets list
        setExclude = set(excludeObjs).intersection(set(refs))

        # Create list with intersection targets
        if len(setExclude) != 0:
            for exclIdx in setExclude:
                tmpExclIdx = numpy.where(numpy.array(refs) == exclIdx)
                toExclude[tmpExclIdx[0]] = True

    # Determine which target is the NIR Standard object
    O_standard = [None] * 3  # Holds standard for output
    stdObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameRef][spIdx] == dataS[colNameRef][stdIdx]:
            stdObjs[idx] = True

            O_standard[0] = spectraN["J"][idx]
            O_standard[1] = spectraN["H"][idx]
            O_standard[2] = spectraN["K"][idx]

    # Determine which targets are blue
    blueObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameBlue][spIdx].upper() == "YES":
            blueObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are dusty
    dustyObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameDust][spIdx].upper() == "YES":
            dustyObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are binary
    binObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameBin][spIdx].upper() == "YES":
            binObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are peculiar
    pecObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNamePec][spIdx].upper() == "YES":
            pecObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are young
    youngObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        if data[colNameYng][spIdx].upper() == "YES":
            youngObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are GAMMA
    gammaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode("utf-8")
        tmpLen = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb3"
        if utcA == "\xce" and utcB == "\xb3":
            gammaObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets are BETA
    betaObjs = [False] * len(refs)
    for idx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
        tmpType = data[colNameType][spIdx].encode("utf-8")
        tmpLen = len(tmpType)
        utcA = tmpType[tmpLen - 2]
        utcB = tmpType[tmpLen - 1]
        # GAMMA in utf-8 code is "\xce\xb2"
        if utcA == "\xce" and utcB == "\xb2":
            betaObjs[idx] = True

    # Determine which targets to include in plots (based on user input)
    # Consolidate plotting & template-flux instructions
    grav = grav.upper()
    plotInstructions = ["exclude"] * len(refs)
    templInstructions = [False] * len(refs)
    if grav == "Y":  # If plot request is Young, include gamma, beta & young targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(refs)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx] or betaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] or binObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "young"
                templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    elif grav == "G":  # If plot request is Gamma, include only gamma targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if gammaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] or binObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "young"
                templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    elif grav == "B":  # If plot request is Beta, include only beta targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx]:
                if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] or binObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "young"
                templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    elif grav == "F":  # If plot request is Field, include Field & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if betaObjs[plotIdx] or gammaObjs[plotIdx] or youngObjs[plotIdx]:
            if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] or binObjs[plotIdx]:
            if stdObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "standard"
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "field"
            templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    else:  # Otherwise, print Field, gamma, beta, young & Standard targets
        for plotIdx in range(len(plotInstructions)):
            if toExclude[plotIdx]:
            if blueObjs[plotIdx] or dustyObjs[plotIdx] or pecObjs[plotIdx] or binObjs[plotIdx]:
            if youngObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "young"
            elif stdObjs[plotIdx]:
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "standard"
                plotInstructions[plotIdx] = "field"
            templInstructions[plotIdx] = True

    # If all plot instructions are "exclude", then stop procedure (for spectral types)
    allExcl = True
    for instr in plotInstructions:
        if instr != "exclude":
            allExcl = False
    if allExcl:
        if std:
            return O_standard
        if not uniqueSpec:
            print "No spectral data to plot based on your request."

    # Gather spectra to use to calculate template spectrum
    if not allExcl:
        O_template = [None] * 3  # Holds calculated template for output
        templCalculated = False
        for bandIdx, bandKey in enumerate(BANDS_NAMES):
            if bandKey == "OPT":

            templSpecs = []
            for spIdx, spex in enumerate(spectraN[bandKey]):
                if templInstructions[spIdx]:
                    # Check that spectrum exists
                    if spex is None:
                        templInstructions[spIdx] = False

                    if bandKey == "OPT":
                        # Check that spectrum comes with error values (NIR bands only)
                        notNansBool = numpy.isfinite(spex[2])
                        notNans = numpy.any(notNansBool)
                        if notNans:
                            print str(objRef[spIdx]) + " excluded from template"

            # Calculate template spectrum
            if len(templSpecs) > 1:
                template = at.mean_comb(templSpecs)
                templCalculated = True

                # Append template to list of spectra to plot in the next step
                # Append template to output object
                if bandIdx == 0:
                    tempIdx = 2
                elif bandIdx == 2:
                    tempIdx = 0
                    tempIdx = 1
                O_template[tempIdx] = template

        if templCalculated:
            O_template = None

    # 13. PLOT DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if lbl or plot:
        # Gather info on each target
        objInfo = [None] * len(refs)
        for posIdx, spIdx in enumerate(specIdx[specSortIdx]):
            tmpDesig = data[colNameDesig][spIdx]
            tmpJK = data[colNameJK][spIdx]
            tmpSPtype = data[colNameType][spIdx]
            tmpSPtype = tmpSPtype + " " * (5 - len(tmpSPtype))  # For alignment purposes

            objInfo[posIdx] = tmpDesig + " " + tmpSPtype + " " + "%.2f" % tmpJK

        if objInfo[-1] is None:
            objInfo[-1] = "template"
    if plot:
        # Create Figure with Subplots and Annotations
        figObj = plotspec(spectraN, BANDS_NAMES, BAND_LIMS, objInfo, spTypeInput, grav, plotInstructions)

        figObj.savefig(FOLDER_ROOT + FOLDER_OUT + spTypeInput + grav + ".pdf", dpi=600)

    # 14. DETERMINE OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------
    if templ:
        if std:
            return O_template, O_standard
            return O_template
    elif std:
        return O_standard
        if lbl:
            return spectraN, objInfo
            return spectraN
Ejemplo n.º 10
# 3. GET SPECTRAL NIR STANDARDS & TEMPLATES -----------------------------------
spTypes = []
spectra = {}.fromkeys(BANDS)
for band in BANDS:
    spectra[band] = []

for idxTp, spTp in enumerate(SPTYPES):
    # Fetch standard
    tmpStd = nocs.main(spTp, GRAV, plot=False, std=True, normalize=False)
    # Normalize standard
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        if idxTp in [1, 2, 3] and band == "H":
            norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
            norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]["lim"]
        stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpStd[bdIdx], norm_lims)[0]
        # spectra[band].append(tmpStd[bdIdx])

    # Fetch template from ascii files generated by make_templ.py in templates/ folder.
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        fileNm = spTp + band + "_" + GRAV + ".txt"
        templRaw = ad.read(FOLDER_OUT_TMPL + fileNm, delimiter="\t", format="no_header")
        templRawToPlot = np.array([templRaw.columns[i] for i in range(5)])

        # Normalize when necessary
        if len(templRawToPlot) <= 3:
            if idxTp in [1, 2, 3] and band == "H":
                norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
                norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]["lim"]
Ejemplo n.º 11
 if spTp in SPSTDNM:
     if spTp == 'L2':
         isp = 0
     elif spTp == 'L5':
         isp = 1
         isp = 2
     tmpspec = at.read_spec(FOLDER_DATASPEC + 'NIR/' + SPSTD[isp], errors=False, \
                            atomicron=True, negtonan=True)
     for band in BANDS:
         tmpband = at.sel_band(tmpspec, BAND_LIMS[band]['lim'])
         if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
             norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
             norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]['lim']
         stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpband, norm_lims)[0]
 # # Fetch standard
 # tmpStd = nocs.main(spTp, GRAV, plot=False, std=True, normalize=False)
 # # Normalize standard
 # for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
 #     if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
 #         norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
 #     else:
 #         norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]['lim']
 #     stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpStd[bdIdx], norm_lims)[0]
 #     spectra[band].append(stdToPlot)
 #     #spectra[band].append(tmpStd[bdIdx])
Ejemplo n.º 12
BAND_NORMS['K'][1] = 2.39

# 3. GET SPECTRUM OF TARGET ---------------------------------------------------
specRaw = at.read_spec(interestObject)[0]
specRaw = np.array(specRaw)
if specRaw is None:
    print 'Could not get spectrum from file.'

# Separate spectrum by bands
specSep = separate_bands(specRaw, BANDS, BAND_LIMS)

# Normalize spectrum
specN = [None] * 3
for bIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
    specN[bIdx] = at.norm_spec(specSep[bIdx], BAND_NORMS[band])[0]

if specN[0] is None:
    'Error normalizing spectra.'

# 4. GET NIR TEMPLATES --------------------------------------------------------
# 4.1 Initialize holder of template spectra and strips
templ = [None] * len(SP_TYPES)
for tp in range(len(SP_TYPES)):
    templ[tp] = [[] for i in range(3)]

# 4.2 Fetch templates
for spIdx, sp in enumerate(SP_TYPES):
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        if AdamTemplates: