Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_construct_failure(self):
        message = "Either `id` or `_data` must be provided."
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        assert str(excinfo.value) == message

        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
            LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy", _data={"id": "dummy"})
        assert str(excinfo.value) == message
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_hash(self):
     thread1 = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy1")
     thread2 = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="Dummy1")
     thread3 = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy3")
     assert hash(thread1) == hash(thread1)
     assert hash(thread2) == hash(thread2)
     assert hash(thread3) == hash(thread3)
     assert hash(thread1) != hash(thread2)
     assert hash(thread2) != hash(thread3)
     assert hash(thread1) != hash(thread3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_construct_success(self):
        thread_id = "ukaeu1ik4sw5"
        data = {"id": thread_id}

        thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, thread_id)
        assert isinstance(thread, LiveThread)
        assert thread.id == thread_id

        thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, _data=data)
        assert isinstance(thread, LiveThread)
        assert thread.id == thread_id
Ejemplo n.º 4
 async def test_contributor(self):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "ukaeu1ik4sw5")
     with self.use_cassette():
         contributors = [
             contributor async for contributor in thread.contributor()
     assert isinstance(contributors, list)
     assert len(contributors) > 0
     for contributor in contributors:
         assert "permissions" in contributor.__dict__
         assert isinstance(contributor, Redditor)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_equality(self):
     thread1 = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy1")
     thread2 = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="Dummy1")
     thread3 = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy3")
     assert thread1 == thread1
     assert thread2 == thread2
     assert thread3 == thread3
     assert thread1 != thread2  # live thread ID in a URL is case sensitive
     assert thread2 != thread3
     assert thread1 != thread3
     assert "dummy1" == thread1
     assert thread2 != "dummy1"
     assert thread2 == "Dummy1"
Ejemplo n.º 6
 async def test_contributor__with_manage_permission(self, _):
     # see issue #710 for more info
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "xyu8kmjvfrww")
     url = API_PATH["live_contributors"].format(id=thread.id)
     with self.use_cassette():
         data = await thread._reddit.request("GET", url)
         contributors = [
             contributor async for contributor in thread.contributor()
     assert isinstance(data, dict)
     assert isinstance(contributors, list)
     assert len(contributors) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
 async def test_getitem(self):
     thread_id = "dummy_thread_id"
     update_id = "dummy_update_id"
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, id=thread_id)
     update = await thread.get_update(update_id, lazy=True)
     assert isinstance(update, LiveUpdate)
     assert update.id == update_id
Ejemplo n.º 8
 async def test_invite__already_invited(self, _):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         with pytest.raises(RedditAPIException) as excinfo:
             await thread.contributor.invite(pytest.placeholders.username)
     assert excinfo.value.items[
         0].error_type == "LIVEUPDATE_ALREADY_CONTRIBUTOR"
Ejemplo n.º 9
 async def test_attributes(self):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "ukaeu1ik4sw5")
     with self.use_cassette():
         update = await thread.get_update(
         assert isinstance(update.author, Redditor)
         assert update.author == "umbrae"
         assert update.name == "LiveUpdate_7827987a-c998-11e4-a0b9-22000b6a88d2"
         assert update.body.startswith("Small change")
Ejemplo n.º 10
 async def test_update__other_settings(self, _):
     new_settings = {
         "title": "new title",
         "other1": "other 1",
         "other2": "other 2",
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contrib.update(**new_settings)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 async def test_remove_invite__redditor(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     redditor = Redditor(self.reddit,
                             "name": pytest.placeholders.username,
                             "id": "3ebyblla"
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contributor.remove_invite(redditor)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 async def test_update__full_settings(self, _):
     new_settings = {
         "title": "new title 2",
         "description": "## new description 2",
         "nsfw": True,
         "resources": "## new resources 2",
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contrib.update(**new_settings)
         thread = await self.reddit.live("1595195m6j9zw", fetch=True)
         assert thread.title == new_settings["title"]
         assert thread.description == new_settings["description"]
         assert thread.nsfw == new_settings["nsfw"]
         assert thread.resources == new_settings["resources"]
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_repr(self):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy")
     assert repr(thread) == "LiveThread(id='dummy')"
Ejemplo n.º 14
 async def test_invite__empty_list(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contributor.invite(pytest.placeholders.username, [])
Ejemplo n.º 15
 async def test_remove_invite__fullname(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contributor.remove_invite("t2_3ebyblla")
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_contributor(self):
     thread_id = "ukaeu1ik4sw5"
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, thread_id)
     assert isinstance(thread.contributor, LiveContributorRelationship)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_contrib(self):
     thread_id = "ukaeu1ik4sw5"
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, thread_id)
     assert isinstance(thread.contrib, LiveThreadContribution)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 async def test_update__limited(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contributor.update(pytest.placeholders.username,
                                         ["manage", "edit"])
Ejemplo n.º 19
 async def test_update_invite__none(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contributor.update_invite(
             pytest.placeholders.username, None)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 async def test_accept_invite(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contributor.accept_invite()
Ejemplo n.º 21
 async def test_updates(self, _):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "ukaeu1ik4sw5")
     with self.use_cassette():
         async for update in thread.updates(limit=None):
             assert update.thread == thread
     assert update.body.startswith("Small change:")
Ejemplo n.º 22
 async def test_report(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.report("spam")
Ejemplo n.º 23
 async def test_add(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contrib.add("* `LiveThreadContribution.add() test`")
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_str(self):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, id="dummy")
     assert str(thread) == "dummy"
Ejemplo n.º 25
 async def test_close(self):
     self.reddit.read_only = False
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         await thread.contrib.close()
Ejemplo n.º 26
 async def test_update__no_args(self):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "xyu8kmjvfrww")
     assert await thread.contrib.update() is None
Ejemplo n.º 27
 async def test_discussions(self):
     thread = LiveThread(self.reddit, "1595195m6j9zw")
     with self.use_cassette():
         async for submission in thread.discussions(limit=None):
             assert isinstance(submission, Submission)
             assert submission.title == "reddit updates"