Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_includes():
    ks = specs.SpecDict()

    # ab-spec includes xy
    ab = {
        'a': specs.Parameter('a', str),
        'b': specs.Parameter('b', int, optional=True)
    ab = specs.ParameterCollection(ab)
    ab_spec = specs.Spec([
                             ('xy-spec', None, False, 'mydoc'),
    ks['ab-spec'] = ab_spec

    # xy spec
    xy = {
        'x': specs.Parameter('x', float),
        'y': specs.Parameter('y', float, optional=True)
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy)
    xy_spec = specs.Spec([
    ks['xy-spec'] = xy_spec

    # create an ab
    my_ab = ks['ab-spec']
    assert ('x' in my_ab)
    my_ab['x'] = 1.1
    assert (my_ab['x'] == 1.1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_parlist_with_optional():
    pars = {
        'mydouble': specs.Parameter('mydouble', float),
        'myint': specs.Parameter('myint', int, default=6)
    pars = specs.ParameterCollection(pars)

    assert (not pars.is_complete())
    assert (not pars.has_value())
    assert (len(list(pars.complete())) == 1)
    assert (len(list(pars.valued())) == 0)

    pars['mydouble'] = 3.0
    assert (pars.is_complete())
    assert (pars.has_value())
    assert (len(list(pars.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(pars.valued())) == 1)

    assert (pars['mydouble'] == 3.0)
    assert (pars['myint'] == 6)

    pars['myint'] = 7
    assert (pars.is_complete())
    assert (pars.has_value())
    assert (len(list(pars.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(pars.valued())) == 2)

    assert (pars['mydouble'] == 3.0)
    assert (pars['myint'] == 7)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_primitives():
    """Tests basic functionality of primitives."""
    p1 = specs.Parameter('mypar', float)
    assert (not p1.is_optional())
    assert (not p1.is_complete())
    assert (not p1.has_value())
    assert (p1.is_complete())
    assert (p1.has_value())
    assert (p1.get() == 3.0)

    p2 = specs.Parameter('mypar', float, default=3.0)
    assert (p2.is_optional())
    assert (p2.is_complete())
    assert (not p2.has_value())
    assert (p2.get() == 3.0)
    assert (p2.is_complete())
    assert (p2.has_value())
    assert (p2.get() == 4.0)

    p2 = specs.Parameter('mypar', float, default=3.0)
    assert (p2.is_optional())
    assert (p2.is_complete())
    assert (not p2.has_value())
    assert (p2.get() == 3.0)
    assert (p2.is_complete())
    assert (p2.has_value())
    assert (p2.get() == 4.0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_list_typed_spec():
    # parameters for type "ab"
    ab = {
        'a': specs.Parameter('a', str),
        'b': specs.Parameter('b', int, optional=True)
    ab = specs.ParameterCollection(ab)

    # type to be stored
    xy = {
        'x': specs.Parameter('x', float),
        'y': specs.Parameter('y', float, optional=True)
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy)

    # list of typed
    ts = specs.TypedSpec('regions')
    tc = specs.TypedCollection(ts)
    first_list = tc.append_empty('first')
    first_list.set_type('ab', ab)
    first_list['ab parameters']['a'] = 'hello'

    second_list = tc.append_empty('second')
    second_list.set_type('xy', xy)
    second_list['xy parameters']['x'] = 1.1
    assert (tc.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(tc.parameters())) == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_oneof2():
    x = specs.Parameter('x', float)
    y = specs.Parameter('y', float)
    z = specs.Parameter('z', float, optional=True)

    branch1 = specs.ParameterCollection([
    branch2 = specs.ParameterCollection([y, z])

    oneof = specs.OneOf([branch1, branch2])
    assert ('y' in oneof)
    assert (len(oneof) == 2)
    assert (not oneof.is_complete())
    assert (not oneof.has_value())

    oneof['y'] = 1.1
    assert (oneof.is_complete())
    assert (oneof.has_value())
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        oneof['x'] = 2.1  # this errors because it is on the other branch
    assert (oneof.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(oneof.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(oneof.valued())) == 1)
    assert (len(list(oneof.parameters())) == 3)
    oneof['z'] = 3.3
    assert (oneof.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(oneof.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(oneof.valued())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(oneof.parameters())) == 3)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_derived():
    xy = {'x': specs.Parameter('x', float), 'y': specs.Parameter('y', float)}
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy, 'xy-spec')
    p1 = specs.Parameter('xy', 'xy-spec')

    assert (not p1.is_optional())
    assert (not p1.is_complete())
    assert (not p1.has_value())
    p1.get()['x'] = 1.1
    p1.get()['y'] = 2.1
    assert (p1.is_complete())
    assert (p1.has_value())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_typed_list_derived():
    # type to be stored
    xy = {'x': specs.Parameter('x', float), 'y': specs.Parameter('y', float)}
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy)

    # make a list of xy objects
    tl = specs.TypedCollection(xy)
    assert (len(tl) == 0)
    assert (not tl.is_complete())
    assert (not tl.has_value())

    # add one via append_empty
    min_c = tl.append_empty('lower coordinate')
    min_c['x'] = 1.1
    assert (len(tl) == 1)
    assert (not tl.is_complete())
    assert (tl.has_value())
    assert (tl['lower coordinate']['x'] == 1.1)
    tl['lower coordinate']['y'] = 2.1
    assert (len(tl) == 1)
    assert (tl.is_complete())
    assert (tl.has_value())
    assert (tl['lower coordinate']['x'] == 1.1)
    assert (tl['lower coordinate']['y'] == 2.1)

    # add another via append_empty
    max_c = tl.append_empty('upper coordinate')
    max_c['x'] = 3.1
    assert (len(tl) == 2)
    assert (not tl.is_complete())
    assert (tl.has_value())
    assert (tl['upper coordinate']['x'] == 3.1)
    assert (tl['lower coordinate']['x'] == 1.1)
    tl['upper coordinate']['y'] = 4.1
    assert (len(tl) == 2)
    assert (tl.is_complete())
    assert (tl.has_value())
    assert (tl['lower coordinate']['x'] == 1.1)
    assert (tl['lower coordinate']['y'] == 2.1)
    assert (tl['upper coordinate']['x'] == 3.1)
    assert (tl['upper coordinate']['y'] == 4.1)

    # add another of the same name
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        tl.append_empty('lower coordinate')

    assert (len(list(tl.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(tl.valued())) == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_copy_derived():
    xy = {'x': specs.Parameter('x', float), 'y': specs.Parameter('y', float)}
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy, 'xy-spec')
    p1 = specs.Parameter('xy', 'xy-spec')

    p2 = p1.copy()
    p2.get()['x'] = 1.1
    p2.get()['y'] = 2.1
    assert (p2.is_complete())
    assert (not p2.is_primitive())
    assert (p2.has_value())
    assert (p2.get()['x'] == 1.1)

    assert (not p1.is_complete())
    assert (not p1.is_primitive())
    assert (not p1.has_value())
    assert (p1.get()['x'] is None)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_copy_primitive():
    p1 = specs.Parameter('mypar', float)
    p2 = p1.copy()
    assert (p2.is_complete())
    assert (p2.is_primitive())
    assert (p2.has_value())
    assert (p2.get() == 1.1)
    assert (not p1.is_complete())
    assert (not p1.has_value())
    assert (p1.get() is None)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_typed_spec_sublist():
    # parameters for type "ab"
    ab = {'a': specs.Parameter('a', str), 'b': specs.Parameter('b', int)}
    ab = specs.ParameterCollection(ab)

    ts = specs.TypedSpec('wrm', policy='sublist')
    assert (not ts.is_complete())
    assert (not ts.has_value())
    ts.set_type('ab', ab)
    assert (not ts.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(ts.complete())) == 0)
    assert (len(list(ts.parameters())) == 1)
    assert (ts.has_value())
    assert (next(ts.parameters()).name == 'wrm: ab')
    ts['wrm: ab']['a'] = 'hello'
    ts['wrm: ab']['b'] = 3
    assert (ts.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(ts.complete())) == 1)
    assert (len(list(ts.parameters())) == 1)
    assert (ts.has_value())
    assert (ts['wrm: ab']['a'] == 'hello')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_usage_ParameterCollection():
    known_specs = dict()

    # first we read the file xy
    xy = {'x': specs.Parameter('x', float), 'y': specs.Parameter('y', float)}
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy)

    # register xy with the known_specs
    known_specs['xy-spec'] = xy

    # now we read the file main and register it
    main = {
        'my_xy': specs.Parameter('my_xy', 'xy-spec'),
        'my_ab': specs.Parameter('my_ab', 'ab-spec'),
        'my_other_xy': specs.Parameter('my_other_xy', 'xy-spec'),
        'phi': specs.Parameter('phi', float)
    main = specs.ParameterCollection(main)
    known_specs['main-spec'] = main

    # finally read the file ab and register it
    ab = {'a': specs.Parameter('a', str), 'b': specs.Parameter('b', int)}
    ab = specs.ParameterCollection(ab)
    known_specs['ab-spec'] = ab

    # now, create a main spec and populate it
    mymain = known_specs['main-spec'].copy()
    specs.populate_specs(mymain, known_specs)

    #  now fill it
    mymain['my_xy']['x'] = 1.1
    mymain['my_xy']['y'] = 2.1
    mymain['my_other_xy']['x'] = 3.1
    mymain['my_other_xy']['y'] = 4.1
    mymain['my_ab']['a'] = 'hello'
    mymain['my_ab']['b'] = 42
    mymain['phi'] = 6.1
    assert (mymain.is_complete())
    assert (mymain.has_value())

    # make sure also that we didn't populate the known_specs
    assert (known_specs['xy-spec']['x'] is None)
    assert (mymain['my_xy']['x'] == 1.1)
    assert (mymain['my_other_xy']['x'] == 3.1)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_usage_oneof_caseswitch():
    """Tests a file that has a few pars, a OneOf, and a CaseSwitch."""
    known_specs = dict()

    # first we read the file xy
    xy = {
        'x': specs.Parameter('x', float),
        'y': specs.Parameter('y', float, optional=True)
    xy = specs.ParameterCollection(xy)
    known_specs['xy-spec'] = xy

    # now we read the file main and register it
    # - main has some "other" parameters
    main_others = {
        'my_xy': specs.Parameter('my_xy', 'xy-spec'),
        'phi': specs.Parameter('phi', float)
    main_others = specs.ParameterCollection(main_others)

    # - main has a oneof
    f = specs.Parameter('f', float)
    g = specs.Parameter('g', float, optional=True)
    branch1 = specs.ParameterCollection([f, g])
    my_ab = specs.Parameter('my_ab', 'ab-spec')
    branch2 = specs.ParameterCollection([
    main_oneof = specs.OneOf([branch1, branch2])

    # - main has a case-switch
    case = specs.Parameter('case', bool, default=True)
    jk = specs.Parameter('jk', 'xy-spec')
    mn = specs.Parameter('mn', 'ab-spec')
    main_caseswitch = specs.CaseSwitch(
        case, {
            True: specs.ParameterCollection([
            False: specs.ParameterCollection([

    known_specs['main-spec'] = \
        specs.Spec([main_others, main_oneof, main_caseswitch])

    # finally read the file ab and register it
    ab = {'a': specs.Parameter('a', str), 'b': specs.Parameter('b', int)}
    ab = specs.ParameterCollection(ab)
    known_specs['ab-spec'] = ab

    # now, create a main spec and populate it
    mymain = known_specs['main-spec'].copy()
    specs.populate_specs(mymain, known_specs)

    #  now fill it
    assert (not mymain.is_complete())
    assert (not mymain.has_value())
    mymain['my_xy']['x'] = 1.1
    mymain['phi'] = 2.1
    mymain['f'] = 3.1
    mymain['case'] = False
    mymain['mn']['a'] = 'hello'
    assert (not mymain.is_complete())
    assert (mymain.has_value())
    mymain['mn']['b'] = 42
    assert (mymain.is_complete())
Ejemplo n.º 13
    assert (oneof.has_value())
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        oneof['x'] = 2.1  # this errors because it is on the other branch
    assert (oneof.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(oneof.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(oneof.valued())) == 1)
    assert (len(list(oneof.parameters())) == 3)
    oneof['z'] = 3.3
    assert (oneof.is_complete())
    assert (len(list(oneof.complete())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(oneof.valued())) == 2)
    assert (len(list(oneof.parameters())) == 3)

def test_caseswitch():
    case = specs.Parameter('case', str)
    x = specs.Parameter('x', float)
    y = specs.Parameter('y', float, optional=True)
    z = specs.Parameter('z', float, optional=True)
    branch1 = specs.ParameterCollection([
    branch2 = specs.ParameterCollection([y, z])

    cs = specs.CaseSwitch(case, {'a': branch1, 'b': branch2})
    assert (not cs.is_complete())
    assert (not cs.has_value())
    assert (len(list(cs.parameters())) == 4)

    assert (not cs.is_complete())