def geometric_delay(sig, dur, copies, pamp=0.5):
  Delay effect by copying data (with Streamix).

    Input signal (an iterable).
    Duration, in samples.
    Number of times the signal will be replayed in the given duration. The
    signal is played copies + 1 times.
    The relative remaining amplitude fraction for the next played Stream,
    based on the idea that total amplitude should sum to 1. Defaults to 0.5.

    out = Streamix()
    sig = thub(sig, copies + 1)
    out.add(0, sig * pamp)  # Original
    remain = 1 - pamp
    for unused in xrange(copies):
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, lista_filtros, ncanais=1,rate=44100):
     Inicia o Player.
     lista_filtros: lista de filtros aplicados, se for uma tupla, se trata
     de uma preset.
     pos: Posição Inicial no preset
     self.filtros = lista_filtros
     if self.filtros is not None:
         self.filter = CascadeFilter(self.filtros)
         self.filter = CascadeFilter()
     self.ncanais = ncanais
     self.release = 0.05*filters.s
     self.rate = rate
     self.player = AudioIO()
     self.streamix = Streamix(True)
     self.input = ChangeableStream(self.player.record(nchannels=ncanais,rate=self.rate))
     self.input.last = 0. = ChangeableStream(self.filter(self.input)) = 0., rate=self.rate)        
Ejemplo n.º 3
def geometric_delay(sig, dur, copies, pamp=.5):
  Delay effect by copying data (with Streamix).

    Input signal (an iterable).
    Duration, in samples.
    Number of times the signal will be replayed in the given duration. The
    signal is played copies + 1 times.
    The relative remaining amplitude fraction for the next played Stream,
    based on the idea that total amplitude should sum to 1. Defaults to 0.5.

    out = Streamix()
    sig = thub(sig, copies + 1)
    out.add(0, sig * pamp)  # Original
    remain = 1 - pamp
    for unused in xrange(copies):
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Basic initialization
rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)
kHz = 1e3 * Hz

# Some parameters
table_len = 8192
min_freq = 20 * Hz
max_freq = 10 * kHz
duration = 60 * s

# "Track-by-track" partials configuration
noctaves = abs(log2(max_freq/min_freq))
octave_duration = duration / noctaves
smix = Streamix()
data = [] # Global: keeps one parcial "track" for all uses (but the first)

# Inits "data"
def partial():
  smix.add(octave_duration, partial_cached()) # Next track/partial event
  # Octave-based frequency values sequence
  scale = 2 ** line(duration, finish=True)
  partial_freq = (scale - 1) * (max_freq - min_freq) + min_freq
  # Envelope to "hide" the partial beginning/ending
  env = [k ** 2 for k in window.hamming(int(round(duration)))]
  # The generator, properly:
  for el in env * sinusoid(partial_freq) / noctaves:
    yield el
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Basic initialization
rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)
kHz = 1e3 * Hz

# Some parameters
table_len = 8192
min_freq = 20 * Hz
max_freq = 10 * kHz
duration = 60 * s

# "Track-by-track" partials configuration
noctaves = abs(log2(max_freq / min_freq))
octave_duration = duration / noctaves
smix = Streamix()
data = []  # Global: keeps one parcial "track" for all uses (but the first)

# Inits "data"
def partial():
    smix.add(octave_duration, partial_cached())  # Next track/partial event
    # Octave-based frequency values sequence
    scale = 2**line(duration, finish=True)
    partial_freq = (scale - 1) * (max_freq - min_freq) + min_freq
    # Envelope to "hide" the partial beginning/ending
    env = [k**2 for k in window.hamming(int(round(duration)))]
    # The generator, properly:
    for el in env * sinusoid(partial_freq) / noctaves:
        yield el
Ejemplo n.º 6

tk = tkinter.Tk()
tk.title("Keyboard Example")
lbl = tkinter.Label(tk, text=txt, font=("Mono", 30))
lbl.pack(expand=True, fill=tkinter.BOTH)

rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)
ms = 1e-3 * s
attack = 30 * ms
release = 50 * ms
level = .2  # Highest amplitude value per note

smix = Streamix(True)
cstreams = {}

class ChangeableStream(Stream):
  Stream that can be changed after being used if the limit/append methods are
  called while playing. It uses an iterator that keep taking samples from the
  Stream instead of an iterator to the internal data itself.
    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            yield next(self._data)

has_after = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Player:
    Classe Player, gerencia um player de Audio.
    É destruído no STOP.
    Ao pausar apenas para de exibir novos valores
    def __init__(self, lista_filtros, ncanais=1,rate=44100):
        Inicia o Player.
        lista_filtros: lista de filtros aplicados, se for uma tupla, se trata
        de uma preset.
        pos: Posição Inicial no preset
        self.filtros = lista_filtros
        if self.filtros is not None:
            self.filter = CascadeFilter(self.filtros)
            self.filter = CascadeFilter()
        self.ncanais = ncanais
        self.release = 0.05*filters.s
        self.rate = rate
        self.player = AudioIO()
        self.streamix = Streamix(True)
        self.input = ChangeableStream(self.player.record(nchannels=ncanais,rate=self.rate))
        self.input.last = 0. = ChangeableStream(self.filter(self.input)) = 0., rate=self.rate)        
    def last_input_output(self):
        Função que retorna os últimos valores de input e output
        Na forma de tupla (in,out)
           return (self.input.last,
            return (0,0)
    def muda_filtro(self, novos_filtros, window):
        Muda o filtro aplicado, garantindo que não haja um "click" ao fazer isso
        #self.chamando = True
        novo_filtro = CascadeFilter(novos_filtros)
        last =,last,0))      
                = ChangeableStream(novo_filtro(self.input)) = last
    def __del__(self):
        if not self.player.finished:
    def pausar (self):
        Para o player
        if not self.player.finished:

    def tocar (self, lista_filtros=None):
        Reinicia o player (tanto quando ele é pausado como parado)
        if lista_filtros is None:
            lista_filtros = self.filtros
Ejemplo n.º 8
    out.add(0, sig * pamp)  # Original
    remain = 1 - pamp
    for unused in xrange(copies):
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out

# Audio mixture
tracks = 3  # besides unpitched track
dur_note = 120 * ms
dur_perc = 100 * ms
smix = Streamix()

# Pitched tracks based on a 1:2 triangular wave
table = TableLookup(line(100, -1, 1).append(line(200, 1, -1)).take(inf))
for track in xrange(tracks):
    env = adsr(dur_note, a=20 * ms, d=10 * ms, s=.8, r=30 * ms) / 1.7 / tracks
    smix.add(0, geometric_delay(new_note_track(env, table), 80 * ms, 2))

# Unpitched tracks
pfuncs = [unpitched_low] * 4 + [unpitched_high]
snd = chain.from_iterable(
    choice(pfuncs)(dur_perc, randint(0, 1)) for unused in zeros())
smix.add(0, geometric_delay(snd * (1 - 1 / 1.7), 20 * ms, 1))

# Finishes (save in a wave file)
    out.add(0, sig * pamp)  # Original
    remain = 1 - pamp
    for unused in xrange(copies):
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out

# Audio mixture
tracks = 3  # besides unpitched track
dur_note = 120 * ms
dur_perc = 100 * ms
smix = Streamix()

# Pitched tracks based on a 1:2 triangular wave
table = TableLookup(line(100, -1, 1).append(line(200, 1, -1)).take(inf))
for track in xrange(tracks):
    env = adsr(dur_note, a=20 * ms, d=10 * ms, s=0.8, r=30 * ms) / 1.7 / tracks
    smix.add(0, geometric_delay(new_note_track(env, table), 80 * ms, 2))

# Unpitched tracks
pfuncs = [unpitched_low] * 4 + [unpitched_high]
snd = chain.from_iterable(choice(pfuncs)(dur_perc, randint(0, 1)) for unused in zeros())
smix.add(0, geometric_delay(snd * (1 - 1 / 1.7), 20 * ms, 1))

# Finishes (save in a wave file)
Ejemplo n.º 10
for staff in tab:
  print("\n".join("".join(el) for el in zip(*(heading_cols + staff))))

# Audio

# Useful values from AudioLazy
rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)
ms = 1e-3 * s
kHz = 1e3 * Hz
beat_duration = 60. / beat * s # In samples
dur = beat_duration / notes_per_beat # Per note
smix = Streamix() # That's our sound mixture
env = adsr(dur, a=40*ms, d=35*ms, s=.6, r=70*ms).take(inf) # Envelope

# Effects used
def distortion(sig, multiplier=18):
  return atan(multiplier * sig) * (2 / pi)

# Intro count synth
filt = (1 - z ** -2) * .5
if starting_beats > 0:
  inoisy_stream = filt(gauss_noise()) * env
  inoisy_thub = thub(inoisy_stream.append(0).limit(beat_duration),
  inoisy = chain.from_iterable(repeat(inoisy_thub).limit(starting_beats))
  smix.add(.1 * s, inoisy)
  smix.add(starting_beats * beat_duration - dur, []) # Event timing
Ejemplo n.º 11
for staff in tab:
    print("\n".join("".join(el) for el in zip(*(heading_cols + staff))))

# Audio

# Useful values from AudioLazy
rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)
ms = 1e-3 * s
kHz = 1e3 * Hz
beat_duration = 60. / beat * s  # In samples
dur = beat_duration / notes_per_beat  # Per note
smix = Streamix()  # That's our sound mixture
env = adsr(dur, a=40 * ms, d=35 * ms, s=.6, r=70 * ms).take(inf)  # Envelope

# Effects used
def distortion(sig, multiplier=18):
    return atan(multiplier * sig) * (2 / pi)

# Intro count synth
filt = (1 - z**-2) * .5
if starting_beats > 0:
    inoisy_stream = filt(gauss_noise()) * env
    inoisy_thub = thub(
        inoisy_stream.append(0).limit(beat_duration), starting_beats)
    inoisy = chain.from_iterable(repeat(inoisy_thub).limit(starting_beats))