Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _post(self, rule_id, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id exists.
        if not db.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction):
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        releaseNames = retry(db.releases.getReleaseNames, sleeptime=5, retry_exceptions=(SQLAlchemyError,))

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'],item['name']) for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL' ))

        if not form.validate():
            return Response(status=400, response=form.errors)
        what = dict(throttle=form.throttle.data,   
                    product = form.product.data,
                    version = form.version.data,
                    build_id = form.build_id.data,
                    channel = form.channel.data,
                    locale = form.locale.data,
                    distribution = form.distribution.data,
                    build_target = form.build_target.data,
                    os_version = form.os_version.data,
                    dist_version = form.dist_version.data,
                    comment = form.comment.data,
                    update_type = form.update_type.data,
                    header_arch = form.header_arch.data)
        self.log.debug("old_data_version: %s", form.data_version.data)
        retry(db.rules.updateRule, sleeptime=5, retry_exceptions=(SQLAlchemyError,),
                  kwargs=dict(changed_by=changed_by, rule_id=rule_id, what=what, old_data_version=form.data_version.data, transaction=transaction))
        return Response(status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _post(self, id_or_alias, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id or alias exists.
        rule = dbo.rules.getRule(id_or_alias, transaction=transaction)
        if not rule:
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        # Verify that the user has permission for the existing rule _and_ what the rule would become.
        toCheck = [rule['product']]
        # Rules can be partially updated - if product is null/None, we won't update that field, so
        # we shouldn't check its permission.
        if form.product.data:
        for product in toCheck:
            if not dbo.permissions.hasUrlPermission(changed_by, '/rules/:id', 'POST', urlOptions={'product': product}):
                msg = "%s is not allowed to alter rules that affect %s" % (changed_by, product)
                cef_event('Unauthorized access attempt', CEF_ALERT, msg=msg)
                return Response(status=401, response=msg)
        releaseNames = dbo.releases.getReleaseNames()

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'], item['name']) for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL'))

        if not form.validate():
            cef_event("Bad input", CEF_WARN, errors=form.errors)
            return Response(status=400, response=json.dumps(form.errors))

        what = dict()
        # We need to be able to support changing AND removing parts of a rule,
        # and because of how Flask's request object and WTForm's defaults work
        # this gets a little hary.
        for k, v in form.data.iteritems():
            # data_version is a "special" column, in that it's not part of the
            # primary data, and shouldn't be updatable by the user.
            if k == "data_version":
            # We need to check for each column in both the JSON style post
            # and the regular multipart form data. If the key is not present in
            # either of these data structures. We treat this cases as no-op
            # and shouldn't modify the data for that key.
            # If the key is present we should modify the data as requested.
            # If a value is an empty string, we should remove that restriction
            # from the rule (aka, set as NULL in the db). The underlying Form
            # will have already converted it to None, so we can treat it the
            # same as a modification here.
            if (request.json and k in request.json) or k in request.form:
                what[k] = v

        dbo.rules.updateRule(changed_by=changed_by, id_or_alias=id_or_alias, what=what,
                             old_data_version=form.data_version.data, transaction=transaction)

        # find out what the next data version is
        rule = dbo.rules.getRule(id_or_alias, transaction=transaction)
        new_data_version = rule['data_version']
        response = make_response(json.dumps(dict(new_data_version=new_data_version)))
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _post(self, id_or_alias, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id or alias exists.
        rule = dbo.rules.getRule(id_or_alias, transaction=transaction)
        if not rule:
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        releaseNames = dbo.releases.getReleaseNames()

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'], item['name'])
                                for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL'))

        if not form.validate():
            self.log.warning("Bad input: %s", form.errors)
            return Response(status=400, response=json.dumps(form.errors))

        what = dict()
        # We need to be able to support changing AND removing parts of a rule,
        # and because of how Flask's request object and WTForm's defaults work
        # this gets a little hary.
        for k, v in form.data.iteritems():
            # data_version is a "special" column, in that it's not part of the
            # primary data, and shouldn't be updatable by the user.
            if k == "data_version":
            # We need to check for each column in both the JSON style post
            # and the regular multipart form data. If the key is not present in
            # either of these data structures. We treat this cases as no-op
            # and shouldn't modify the data for that key.
            # If the key is present we should modify the data as requested.
            # If a value is an empty string, we should remove that restriction
            # from the rule (aka, set as NULL in the db). The underlying Form
            # will have already converted it to None, so we can treat it the
            # same as a modification here.
            if (request.json and k in request.json) or k in request.form:
                what[k] = v

            where={"rule_id": id_or_alias},

        # find out what the next data version is
        rule = dbo.rules.getRule(id_or_alias, transaction=transaction)
        return jsonify(new_data_version=rule["data_version"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _post(self, id_or_alias, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id or alias exists.
        rule = dbo.rules.getRule(id_or_alias, transaction=transaction)
        if not rule:
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        releaseNames = dbo.releases.getReleaseNames()

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'], item['name'])
                                for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL'))

        if not form.validate():
            self.log.warning("Bad input: %s", form.errors)
            return Response(status=400, response=json.dumps(form.errors))

        what = dict()
        # We need to be able to support changing AND removing parts of a rule,
        # and because of how Flask's request object and WTForm's defaults work
        # this gets a little hary.
        for k, v in form.data.iteritems():
            # data_version is a "special" column, in that it's not part of the
            # primary data, and shouldn't be updatable by the user.
            if k == "data_version":
            # We need to check for each column in both the JSON style post
            # and the regular multipart form data. If the key is not present in
            # either of these data structures. We treat this cases as no-op
            # and shouldn't modify the data for that key.
            # If the key is present we should modify the data as requested.
            # If a value is an empty string, we should remove that restriction
            # from the rule (aka, set as NULL in the db). The underlying Form
            # will have already converted it to None, so we can treat it the
            # same as a modification here.
            if (request.json and k in request.json) or k in request.form:
                what[k] = v

                         where={"rule_id": id_or_alias},

        # find out what the next data version is
        rule = dbo.rules.getRule(id_or_alias, transaction=transaction)
        return jsonify(new_data_version=rule["data_version"])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _post(self, rule_id, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id exists.
        if not db.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction):
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        releaseNames = db.releases.getReleaseNames()

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'],item['name']) for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL' ))

        if not form.validate():
            return Response(status=400, response=form.errors)
        what = dict(backgroundRate=form.backgroundRate.data,
                    product = form.product.data,
                    version = form.version.data,
                    buildID = form.build_id.data,
                    channel = form.channel.data,
                    locale = form.locale.data,
                    distribution = form.distribution.data,
                    buildTarget = form.build_target.data,
                    osVersion = form.os_version.data,
                    distVersion = form.dist_version.data,
                    comment = form.comment.data,
                    update_type = form.update_type.data,
                    headerArchitecture = form.header_arch.data)
        self.log.debug("old_data_version: %s", form.data_version.data)
        db.rules.updateRule(changed_by=changed_by, rule_id=rule_id, what=what,
            old_data_version=form.data_version.data, transaction=transaction)
        # find out what the next data version is
        rule = db.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction)
        new_data_version = rule['data_version']
        response = make_response(json.dumps(dict(new_data_version=new_data_version)))
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _post(self, rule_id, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id exists.
        rule = dbo.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction)
        if not rule:
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        # Verify that the user has permission for the existing rule _and_ what the rule would become.
        toCheck = [rule['product']]
        # Rules can be partially updated - if product is null/None, we won't update that field, so
        # we shouldn't check its permission.
        if form.product.data:
        for product in toCheck:
            if not dbo.permissions.hasUrlPermission(
                    urlOptions={'product': product}):
                msg = "%s is not allowed to alter rules that affect %s" % (
                    changed_by, product)
                cef_event('Unauthorized access attempt', CEF_ALERT, msg=msg)
                return Response(status=401, response=msg)
        releaseNames = dbo.releases.getReleaseNames()

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'], item['name'])
                                for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL'))

        if not form.validate():
            cef_event("Bad input", CEF_WARN, errors=form.errors)
            return Response(status=400, response=json.dumps(form.errors))

        what = dict()
        # We need to be able to support changing AND removing parts of a rule,
        # and because of how Flask's request object and WTForm's defaults work
        # this gets a little hary.
        for k, v in form.data.iteritems():
            # data_version is a "special" column, in that it's not part of the
            # primary data, and shouldn't be updatable by the user.
            if k == "data_version":
            # We need to check for each column in both the JSON style post
            # and the regular multipart form data. If the key is not present in
            # either of these data structures. We treat this cases as no-op
            # and shouldn't modify the data for that key.
            # If the key is present we should modify the data as requested.
            # If a value is an empty string, we should remove that restriction
            # from the rule (aka, set as NULL in the db). The underlying Form
            # will have already converted it to None, so we can treat it the
            # same as a modification here.
            if (request.json and k in request.json) or k in request.form:
                what[k] = v

        # find out what the next data version is
        rule = dbo.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction)
        new_data_version = rule['data_version']
        response = make_response(
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _post(self, rule_id, transaction, changed_by):
        # Verify that the rule_id exists.
        rule = dbo.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction)
        if not rule:
            return Response(status=404)
        form = EditRuleForm()

        # Verify that the user has permission for the existing rule _and_ what the rule would become.
        toCheck = [rule['product']]
        # Rules can be partially updated - if product is null/None, we won't update that field, so
        # we shouldn't check its permission.
        if form.product.data:
        for product in toCheck:
            if not dbo.permissions.hasUrlPermission(changed_by, '/rules/:id', 'POST', urlOptions={'product': product}):
                msg = "%s is not allowed to alter rules that affect %s" % (changed_by, product)
                cef_event('Unauthorized access attempt', CEF_ALERT, msg=msg)
                return Response(status=401, response=msg)
        releaseNames = dbo.releases.getReleaseNames()

        form.mapping.choices = [(item['name'],item['name']) for item in releaseNames]
        form.mapping.choices.insert(0, ('', 'NULL' ))

        if not form.validate():
            cef_event("Bad input", CEF_WARN, errors=form.errors)
            return Response(status=400, response=json.dumps(form.errors))

        what = dict()
        if form.backgroundRate.data:
            what['backgroundRate'] = form.backgroundRate.data
        if form.mapping.data:
            what['mapping'] = form.mapping.data
        if form.priority.data:
            what['priority'] = form.priority.data
        if form.product.data:
            what['product'] = form.product.data
        if form.version.data:
            what['version'] = form.version.data
        if form.build_id.data:
            what['buildID'] = form.build_id.data
        if form.channel.data:
            what['channel'] = form.channel.data
        if form.locale.data:
            what['locale'] = form.locale.data
        if form.distribution.data:
            what['distribution'] = form.distribution.data
        if form.build_target.data:
            what['buildTarget'] = form.build_target.data
        if form.os_version.data:
            what['osVersion'] = form.os_version.data
        if form.dist_version.data:
            what['distVersion'] = form.dist_version.data
        if form.comment.data:
            what['comment'] = form.comment.data
        if form.update_type.data:
            what['update_type'] = form.update_type.data
        if form.header_arch.data:
            what['headerArchitecture'] = form.header_arch.data

        dbo.rules.updateRule(changed_by=changed_by, rule_id=rule_id, what=what,
            old_data_version=form.data_version.data, transaction=transaction)
        # find out what the next data version is
        rule = dbo.rules.getRuleById(rule_id, transaction=transaction)
        new_data_version = rule['data_version']
        response = make_response(json.dumps(dict(new_data_version=new_data_version)))
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response