Ejemplo n.º 1
 def parse_most_cgi_args(self):
     self.myurl = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
     self.cgiform = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)
     self.size = self.cgiform.getvalue('size', '1200,850')
     all_toggles = set(('absolute', 'regress', 'dark', 'by_hosts'))
     self.toggles = set(tog for tog in all_toggles if tog in self.cgiform)
     platforms = self.cgiform.getvalue('platforms', '')
     if '.' in platforms:
     self.passthru = list(self.toggles)
     self.relative = 'absolute' not in self.toggles
     if platforms:
         self.passthru.append('platforms=%s' % platforms)
         self.platforms_filter = platforms.split(',')
         self.platforms_filter = []
     self.test_attributes = perf.parse_test_attr_args(self.cgiform)
     perf.append_cgi_args(self.passthru, self.test_attributes)
     test = self.cgiform.getvalue('test', '')
     if 'antag' in self.cgiform:
         antagonists = ','.join(self.cgiform.getlist('antag'))
         #      antag=*
         #   or antag=test1,test2,test3,...
         #   or antag=test1&antag=test2&...
         #   testN is empty for solo case of no antagonist
         self.passthru.append('antag=%s' % antagonists)
         antagonists = None  # not same as ''
     return test, antagonists
Ejemplo n.º 2
def table_variants_all_tests(plot_data, columns, colkeys, benchmarks, myurl,
    # generate html table of graph's numbers
    #   for primary metric over all benchmarks (rows),
    #   on one platform and one kernel,
    #   over various combos of test run attribute constraints (cols).
    ref_thresholds = {}
    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
    print "<tr> <td><b> Benchmark </b></td>",
    for col in columns:
        print "<td><b>", colkeys[col].replace(',', ',<br>'), "</b></td>"
    print "</tr>"
    for benchmark in benchmarks:
        print "<tr> <td><b>", benchmark, "</b></td>"
        for col in columns:
            print "<td>",
            vals = plot_data[col].get(benchmark, [])
            if not vals:
                print "?",
                (avg, std_dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
                args = filtered_passthru[:]
                perf.append_cgi_args(args, {'test': benchmark})
                for keyval in colkeys[col].split(','):
                    key, val = keyval.split('=', 1)
                    perf.append_cgi_args(args, {key: val})
                print "<a href='%s?%s&runs&attrs'>" % (myurl, '&'.join(args))
                print "<b>%.4g</b>" % avg, "</a><br>",
                print "&nbsp; <small> %dr   </small>" % len(vals),
                print "&nbsp; <small> %.3g </small>" % std_dev,
            print "</td>"
        print "</tr>\n"
    print "</table>"
    print "<p> <b>Bold value:</b> Average of this metric, then <br>"
    print "number of good test runs, then standard deviation of those runs"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def parse_most_cgi_args(self):
     self.myurl = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
     self.cgiform = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)
     self.size = self.cgiform.getvalue("size", "1200,850")
     all_toggles = set(("absolute", "regress", "dark", "by_hosts"))
     self.toggles = set(tog for tog in all_toggles if tog in self.cgiform)
     platforms = self.cgiform.getvalue("platforms", "")
     if "." in platforms:
     self.passthru = list(self.toggles)
     self.relative = "absolute" not in self.toggles
     if platforms:
         self.passthru.append("platforms=%s" % platforms)
         self.platforms_filter = platforms.split(",")
         self.platforms_filter = []
     self.test_attributes = perf.parse_test_attr_args(self.cgiform)
     perf.append_cgi_args(self.passthru, self.test_attributes)
     test = self.cgiform.getvalue("test", "")
     if "antag" in self.cgiform:
         antagonists = ",".join(self.cgiform.getlist("antag"))
         #      antag=*
         #   or antag=test1,test2,test3,...
         #   or antag=test1&antag=test2&...
         #   testN is empty for solo case of no antagonist
         self.passthru.append("antag=%s" % antagonists)
         antagonists = None  # not same as ''
     return test, antagonists
Ejemplo n.º 4
def table_variants_all_tests(plot_data, columns, colkeys, benchmarks, myurl, filtered_passthru):
    # generate html table of graph's numbers
    #   for primary metric over all benchmarks (rows),
    #   on one platform and one kernel,
    #   over various combos of test run attribute constraints (cols).
    ref_thresholds = {}
    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
    print "<tr> <td><b> Benchmark </b></td>",
    for col in columns:
        print "<td><b>", colkeys[col].replace(",", ",<br>"), "</b></td>"
    print "</tr>"
    for benchmark in benchmarks:
        print "<tr> <td><b>", benchmark, "</b></td>"
        for col in columns:
            print "<td>",
            vals = plot_data[col].get(benchmark, [])
            if not vals:
                print "?",
                (avg, std_dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
                args = filtered_passthru[:]
                perf.append_cgi_args(args, {"test": benchmark})
                for keyval in colkeys[col].split(","):
                    key, val = keyval.split("=", 1)
                    perf.append_cgi_args(args, {key: val})
                print "<a href='%s?%s&runs&attrs'>" % (myurl, "&".join(args))
                print "<b>%.4g</b>" % avg, "</a><br>",
                print "&nbsp; <small> %dr   </small>" % len(vals),
                print "&nbsp; <small> %.3g </small>" % std_dev,
            print "</td>"
        print "</tr>\n"
    print "</table>"
    print "<p> <b>Bold value:</b> Average of this metric, then <br>"
    print "number of good test runs, then standard deviation of those runs"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def table_1_metric_all_kernels(plot_data, columns, column_argname, kernels,
                               kernel_dates, myurl, filtered_passthru):
    # generate html table of graph's numbers
    #   for 1 benchmark metric over all kernels (rows),
    #   over various platforms or various antagonists etc (cols).
    ref_thresholds = {}
    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
    print "<tr> <td><b> Kernel </b></td>",
    for label in columns:
        if not label and column_argname == 'antag':
            label = 'no antag'
        print "<td><b>", label.replace('_', '<br>_'), "</b></td>"
    print "</tr>"
    for kernel in kernels:
        print "<tr> <td><b>", kernel, "</b>",
        if kernel in kernel_dates:
            print "<br><small>", kernel_dates[kernel], "</small>"
        print "</td>"
        for col in columns:
            print "<td",
            vals = plot_data[col].get(kernel, [])
            if not vals:
                print "> ?",
                (avg, std_dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
                if col not in ref_thresholds:
                    ref_thresholds[col] = avg - std_dev
                if avg + std_dev < ref_thresholds[col]:
                    print "bgcolor=pink",
                print "> ",
                args = filtered_passthru[:]
                perf.append_cgi_args(args, {
                    column_argname: col,
                    'kernel': kernel
                print "<a href='%s?%s&runs&attrs'>" % (myurl, '&'.join(args))
                print "<b>%.4g</b>" % avg, "</a><br>",
                print "&nbsp; <small> %dr   </small>" % len(vals),
                print "&nbsp; <small> %.3g </small>" % std_dev,
            print "</td>"
        print "</tr>\n"
    print "</table>"
    print "<p> <b>Bold value:</b> Average of this metric, then <br>"
    print "number of good test runs, then standard deviation of those runs"
    print "<br> Pink if regressed from reference kernel"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def table_1_metric_all_kernels(plot_data, columns, column_argname, kernels, kernel_dates, myurl, filtered_passthru):
    # generate html table of graph's numbers
    #   for 1 benchmark metric over all kernels (rows),
    #   over various platforms or various antagonists etc (cols).
    ref_thresholds = {}
    print "<table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
    print "<tr> <td><b> Kernel </b></td>",
    for label in columns:
        if not label and column_argname == "antag":
            label = "no antag"
        print "<td><b>", label.replace("_", "<br>_"), "</b></td>"
    print "</tr>"
    for kernel in kernels:
        print "<tr> <td><b>", kernel, "</b>",
        if kernel in kernel_dates:
            print "<br><small>", kernel_dates[kernel], "</small>"
        print "</td>"
        for col in columns:
            print "<td",
            vals = plot_data[col].get(kernel, [])
            if not vals:
                print "> ?",
                (avg, std_dev) = plotgraph.avg_dev(vals)
                if col not in ref_thresholds:
                    ref_thresholds[col] = avg - std_dev
                if avg + std_dev < ref_thresholds[col]:
                    print "bgcolor=pink",
                print "> ",
                args = filtered_passthru[:]
                perf.append_cgi_args(args, {column_argname: col, "kernel": kernel})
                print "<a href='%s?%s&runs&attrs'>" % (myurl, "&".join(args))
                print "<b>%.4g</b>" % avg, "</a><br>",
                print "&nbsp; <small> %dr   </small>" % len(vals),
                print "&nbsp; <small> %.3g </small>" % std_dev,
            print "</td>"
        print "</tr>\n"
    print "</table>"
    print "<p> <b>Bold value:</b> Average of this metric, then <br>"
    print "number of good test runs, then standard deviation of those runs"
    print "<br> Pink if regressed from reference kernel"