Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_writing_obj_with_mtl(self):
     local_file = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir,
     m = obj.load(sc(self.obj_with_texure))
     obj.dump(m, local_file)
     self.assertTrue(s3.exists(os.path.splitext(local_file)[0] + '.mtl'))
     self.assertTrue(s3.exists(os.path.splitext(local_file)[0] + '.png'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_s3_exists_return_false_if_with_unmatched_version_id(self):

        # test not exists with specified versionId
        unknown_version_id = '5elgojhtA8BGJerqfbciN78eU74SJ9mX'
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def existing_remote_file(self):
     In some tests it is convenient to have a file already on s3;
     in some others we need it not to be there (e.g. for clarity in the s3.ls test)
     uri = self.remote_file("FOO/A_preexisting_file.md")
     if not s3.exists(uri):
         s3.cp(self.local_file, uri)
     return uri
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_s3_tmpdir(self):
     def fake_uuid():
         fake_uuid.counter += 1
         return "FAKE-UUID-%d" % fake_uuid.counter
     fake_uuid.counter = 0
         s3.path.gettmpdir(bucket=TEST_BUCKET, prefix=self.s3_path, uuid_generator=fake_uuid),
         's3://%s/%sFAKE-UUID-1/' % (TEST_BUCKET, self.s3_path))
         len(list(s3.ls('s3://%s/%sFAKE-UUID-1' % (TEST_BUCKET, self.s3_path)))),
         s3.exists('s3://%s/%sFAKE-UUID-1/.tempdir' % (TEST_BUCKET, self.s3_path)))
         s3.path.gettmpdir(bucket=TEST_BUCKET, prefix=self.s3_path, uuid_generator=fake_uuid),
         's3://%s/%sFAKE-UUID-2/' % (TEST_BUCKET, self.s3_path))
     self.assertEqual(len(list(s3.ls('s3://%s/%sFAKE-UUID-2' % (TEST_BUCKET, self.s3_path)))), 1)
     self.assertTrue(s3.exists('s3://%s/%sFAKE-UUID-2/.tempdir' % (TEST_BUCKET, self.s3_path)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def existing_remote_file(self):
     In some tests it is convenient to have a file already on s3;
     in some others we need it not to be there (e.g. for clarity in the s3.ls test)
     uri = self.remote_file("FOO/A_preexisting_file.md")
     if not s3.exists(uri):
         s3.cp(self.local_file, uri)
     return uri
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def main(self, prefix):
     from baiji.util.console import LabeledSpinner
     if s3.path.islocal(prefix):
         raise ValueError("restore command only works on s3")
     spin = LabeledSpinner()
     for key in s3.ls(prefix, return_full_urls=True, require_s3_scheme=True, list_versions=True):
         if not s3.exists(key):
             spin.drop("Restoring deleted file {}".format(key))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def existing_versioned_remote_file(self):
        # use a hardcoded path for test versioned file on S3
        # to avoid bookkeeping
        # the current test won't make versioned copies of the file
        # the remote object will be either deleted (which will be overwritten later)
        # or download to local

        uri = 's3://{}/FOO/A_preexisting_file.md'.format(VERSIONED_TEST_BUCKET)

        if not s3.exists(uri):
            s3.cp(self.local_file, uri)

        return uri
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def existing_versioned_remote_file(self):
        # use a hardcoded path for test versioned file on S3
        # to avoid bookkeeping
        # the current test won't make versioned copies of the file
        # the remote object will be either deleted (which will be overwritten later)
        # or download to local

        uri = 's3://baiji-test-versioned/FOO/A_preexisting_file.md'

        if not s3.exists(uri):
            s3.cp(self.local_file, uri)

        return uri
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def main(self, prefix):
     from baiji.util.console import LabeledSpinner
     if s3.path.islocal(prefix):
         raise ValueError("restore command only works on s3")
     spin = LabeledSpinner()
     for key in s3.ls(prefix,
         if not s3.exists(key):
             spin.drop("Restoring deleted file {}".format(key))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_s3_exists_retries_if_not_found_at_first(self, mock_lookup):
     import warnings
     from baiji.exceptions import EventualConsistencyWarning
     mock_key = "all_we_care_is_that_it's not None"
     mock_lookup.side_effect = [None, None, mock_key]
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
         # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
         # Verify the warning was triggered
         self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
         self.assertIs(w[-1].category, EventualConsistencyWarning)
         self.assertEqual(str(w[-1].message), "S3 is behaving in an eventually consistent way in s3.exists(s3://foo) -- it took 3 attempts to locate the key")
     self.assertEqual(mock_lookup.call_count, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_s3_exists_retries_if_not_found_at_first(self, mock_lookup):
     import warnings
     from baiji.exceptions import EventualConsistencyWarning
     mock_key = "all_we_care_is_that_it's not None"
     mock_lookup.side_effect = [None, None, mock_key]
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
         # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
         # Verify the warning was triggered
         self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
         self.assertIs(w[-1].category, EventualConsistencyWarning)
             "S3 is behaving in an eventually consistent way in s3.exists(s3://foo) -- it took 3 attempts to locate the key"
     self.assertEqual(mock_lookup.call_count, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def uri(self, path, version=None, allow_local=True, suffixes=None):
        Default version is manifest version
        path = self.normalize_path(path)

        if version is None:
            version = self.manifest_version(path)

        if self.version_number_is_valid(version):
            base_path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
            suffixes = '.' + '.'.join(suffixes) if suffixes is not None and len(suffixes) > 0 else ''
            return 's3://' + self.bucket + base_path + '.' + version + suffixes + ext
        elif allow_local and s3.exists(version):
            # version here is a local or s3 path
            return version
            raise self.KeyNotFound("File not found: {}".format(version))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def uri(self, path, version=None, allow_local=True, suffixes=None):
        Default version is manifest version
        path = self.normalize_path(path)

        if version is None:
            version = self.manifest_version(path)

        if self.version_number_is_valid(version):
            base_path, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
            suffixes = '.' + '.'.join(suffixes) if suffixes is not None and len(suffixes) > 0 else ''
            return 's3://' + self.bucket + base_path + '.' + version + suffixes + ext
        elif allow_local and s3.exists(version):
            # version here is a local or s3 path
            return version
            raise self.KeyNotFound("File not found: %s", version)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def load_landmarks(filename):
    import re
    from baiji import s3
    from baiji.serialization import json, pickle, yaml
    from lace.serialization import lmrk, meshlab_pickedpoints

    if not s3.exists(filename):
        raise ValueError("Landmark file %s not found" % filename)
    if re.search(".ya{0,1}ml$", filename):
        return yaml.load(filename)
    elif re.search(".json$", filename):
        return json.load(filename)
    elif re.search(".pkl$", filename):
        return pickle.load(filename)
    elif re.search(".lmrk$", filename):
        return lmrk.load(filename)
    elif re.search(".pp$", filename):
        return meshlab_pickedpoints.load(filename)
        raise ValueError("Landmark file %s is of unknown format" % filename)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def path_relative_to_mesh(filename):
        # The OBJ file we're loading may have come from a local path, an s3 url,
        # or a file cached by sc. Since OBJ defines materials and texture files
        # with paths relative to the OBJ itself, we need to cope with the various
        # possibilities and if it's a cached file make sure that the material and
        # texture have been downloaded as well.
        # If an absolute path is given and the file is missing, try looking in the same directory;
        # this lets you find the most common intention when an abs path is used.
        # NB: We do not support loading material & texture info from objs read
        # from filelike objects without a location on the filesystem; what would
        # the relative file names mean in that case, anyway? (unless we're given
        # a valid absolute path, in which case go for it)
        import os
        import re

        # The second term here let's us detect windows absolute paths when we're running on posix
        if filename == os.path.abspath(filename) or re.match(
                r'^.\:(\\|/)', filename):
            if s3.exists(filename):
                return filename
                filename = s3.path.basename(filename)

        if hasattr(fd, 'remotename'):
            mesh_path = fd.remotename
        elif hasattr(fd, 'name'):
            mesh_path = fd.name
            return None

        path = s3.path.join(s3.path.dirname(mesh_path), filename)
        if sc.is_cachefile(mesh_path):
                return sc(path)
            except s3.KeyNotFound:
                return None
        return path
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def main(self, key):
     if not s3.exists(key, retries_allowed=self.retries):
         return -1
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def main(self, key):
     if not s3.exists(key, retries_allowed=self.retries):
         return -1
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _load(fd, mesh=None):
    from collections import OrderedDict
    from baiji import s3
    from lace.mesh import Mesh
    from lace.cache import sc
    import lace.serialization.obj.objutils as objutils  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

    v, vt, vn, vc, f, ft, fn, mtl_path, landm, segm = objutils.read(fd.name)
    if not mesh:
        mesh = Mesh()
    if v.size != 0:
        mesh.v = v
    if f.size != 0:
        mesh.f = f
    if vn.size != 0:
        mesh.vn = vn
    if vt.size != 0:
        mesh.vt = vt
    if vc.size != 0:
        mesh.vc = vc
    if fn.size != 0:
        mesh.fn = fn
    if ft.size != 0:
        mesh.ft = ft
    if segm:
        mesh.segm = OrderedDict([(k, v if isinstance(v, list) else v.tolist())
                                 for k, v in segm.items()])

    def path_relative_to_mesh(filename):
        # The OBJ file we're loading may have come from a local path, an s3 url,
        # or a file cached by sc. Since OBJ defines materials and texture files
        # with paths relative to the OBJ itself, we need to cope with the various
        # possibilities and if it's a cached file make sure that the material and
        # texture have been downloaded as well.
        # If an absolute path is given and the file is missing, try looking in the same directory;
        # this lets you find the most common intention when an abs path is used.
        # NB: We do not support loading material & texture info from objs read
        # from filelike objects without a location on the filesystem; what would
        # the relative file names mean in that case, anyway? (unless we're given
        # a valid absolute path, in which case go for it)
        import os
        import re

        # The second term here let's us detect windows absolute paths when we're running on posix
        if filename == os.path.abspath(filename) or re.match(
                r'^.\:(\\|/)', filename):
            if s3.exists(filename):
                return filename
                filename = s3.path.basename(filename)

        if hasattr(fd, 'remotename'):
            mesh_path = fd.remotename
        elif hasattr(fd, 'name'):
            mesh_path = fd.name
            return None

        path = s3.path.join(s3.path.dirname(mesh_path), filename)
        if sc.is_cachefile(mesh_path):
                return sc(path)
            except s3.KeyNotFound:
                return None
        return path

    mesh.materials_filepath = None
    if mtl_path:
        materials_filepath = path_relative_to_mesh(mtl_path.strip())
        if materials_filepath and s3.exists(materials_filepath):
            with s3.open(materials_filepath, 'r') as f:
                mesh.materials_file = f.readlines()
            mesh.materials_filepath = materials_filepath

    if hasattr(mesh, 'materials_file'):
        mesh.texture_filepaths = {
            line.split(None, 1)[0].strip():
            path_relative_to_mesh(line.split(None, 1)[1].strip())
            for line in mesh.materials_file if line.startswith('map_K')
        if 'map_Ka' in mesh.texture_filepaths:
            mesh.texture_filepath = mesh.texture_filepaths['map_Ka']
        elif 'map_Kd' in mesh.texture_filepaths:
            mesh.texture_filepath = mesh.texture_filepaths['map_Kd']

    if landm:
        mesh.landm = landm
    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_exists_returns_false_for_nonexistent_bucket(self):
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_s3_exists_return_false_if_the_file_never_shows_up(
         self, mock_lookup):
     mock_lookup.return_value = None
     self.assertEqual(mock_lookup.call_count, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_s3_exists_return_false_if_the_file_never_shows_up(self, mock_lookup):
     mock_lookup.return_value = None
     self.assertEqual(mock_lookup.call_count, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_s3_exists_does_not_retry_if_found_immidiately(self, mock_lookup):
     mock_key = "all_we_care_is_that_it's not None"
     mock_lookup.return_value = mock_key
     self.assertEqual(mock_lookup.call_count, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_s3_exists_return_false_if_with_unmatched_version_id(self):

        # test not exists with specified versionId
        unknown_version_id = '5elgojhtA8BGJerqfbciN78eU74SJ9mX'
        self.assertFalse(s3.exists(self.existing_versioned_remote_file, version_id=unknown_version_id))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def assert_s3_exists(self, path):
     self.assertTrue(self.retriable_s3_call(lambda: s3.exists(path)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_s3_exists_does_not_retry_if_found_immidiately(self, mock_lookup):
     mock_key = "all_we_care_is_that_it's not None"
     mock_lookup.return_value = mock_key
     self.assertEqual(mock_lookup.call_count, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_exists_returns_false_for_nonexistent_bucket(self):
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def assert_s3_exists(self, path):
     self.assertTrue(self.retriable_s3_call(lambda: s3.exists(path)))
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_uploading_a_directory_without_slash(self):
     from baiji.util.shutillib import mkdir_p
     mkdir_p(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "foo"))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         s3.cp(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "foo"), self.remote_file("foo"))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_uploading_a_directory_without_slash(self):
     from baiji.util.shutillib import mkdir_p
     mkdir_p(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "foo"))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         s3.cp(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "foo"), self.remote_file("foo"))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def assert_s3_does_not_exist(self, path):
     self.assertFalse(self.retriable_s3_call(lambda: s3.exists(path)))
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def assert_s3_does_not_exist(self, path):
     self.assertFalse(self.retriable_s3_call(lambda: s3.exists(path)))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def _dump(f,
          write_mtl=True):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    write_mtl: When True and mesh has a texture, includes a mtllib
      reference in the .obj and writes a .mtl alongside.

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from baiji import s3

    ff = -1 if flip_faces else 1

    def write_face_to_obj_file(obj, faces, face_index, obj_file):
        vertex_indices = faces[face_index][::ff] + 1

        write_normals = obj.fn is not None or (obj.vn is not None
                                               and obj.vn.shape == obj.v.shape)
        write_texture = obj.ft is not None and obj.vt is not None

        if write_normals and obj.fn is not None:
            normal_indices = obj.fn[face_index][::ff] + 1
            assert len(normal_indices) == len(vertex_indices)
        elif write_normals:  # unspecified fn but per-vertex normals, assume ordering is same as for v
            normal_indices = faces[face_index][::ff] + 1

        if write_texture:
            texture_indices = obj.ft[face_index][::ff] + 1
            assert len(texture_indices) == len(vertex_indices)

        # Valid obj face lines are: v, v/vt, v//vn, v/vt/vn
        if write_normals and write_texture:
            pattern = '%d/%d/%d'
            value = tuple(
                np.array([vertex_indices, texture_indices,
        elif write_normals:
            pattern = '%d//%d'
            value = tuple(
                np.array([vertex_indices, normal_indices]).T.flatten())
        elif write_texture:
            pattern = '%d/%d'
            value = tuple(
                np.array([vertex_indices, texture_indices]).T.flatten())
            pattern = '%d'
            value = tuple(vertex_indices)
            ('f ' + ' '.join([pattern] * len(vertex_indices)) + '\n') % value)

    if comments != None:
        if isinstance(comments, basestring):
            comments = [comments]
        for comment in comments:
            for line in comment.split("\n"):
                f.write("# %s\n" % line)

    if write_mtl and hasattr(
            obj, 'texture_filepath') and obj.texture_filepath is not None:
        save_to = s3.path.dirname(f.name)
        mtl_name = os.path.splitext(s3.path.basename(f.name))[0]
        mtl_filename = mtl_name + '.mtl'
        f.write('mtllib %s\n' % mtl_filename)
        f.write('usemtl %s\n' % mtl_name)
        texture_filename = mtl_name + os.path.splitext(obj.texture_filepath)[1]
        if not s3.exists(s3.path.join(save_to, texture_filename)):
            s3.cp(obj.texture_filepath, s3.path.join(save_to,
        obj.write_mtl(s3.path.join(save_to, mtl_filename), mtl_name,

    if obj.vc is not None:
        for r, c in zip(obj.v, obj.vc):
            f.write('v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n' %
                    (r[0], r[1], r[2], c[0], c[1], c[2]))
    elif obj.v is not None:
        for r in obj.v:
            f.write('v %f %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1], r[2]))

    if obj.vn is not None:
        if split_normals:
            for vn_idx in obj.fn:
                r = obj.vn[vn_idx[0]]
                f.write('vn %f %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
                r = obj.vn[vn_idx[1]]
                f.write('vn %f %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
                r = obj.vn[vn_idx[2]]
                f.write('vn %f %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
            for r in obj.vn:
                f.write('vn %f %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1], r[2]))

    if obj.ft is not None and obj.vt is not None:
        for r in obj.vt:
            if len(r) == 3:
                f.write('vt %f %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
                f.write('vt %f %f\n' % (r[0], r[1]))
    if obj.f4 is not None:
        faces = obj.f4
    elif obj.f is not None:
        faces = obj.f
        faces = None
    if obj.segm is not None and not ungroup:
        if faces is not None:
            # An array of strings.
            group_names = np.array(obj.segm.keys())

            # A 2d array of booleans indicating which face is in which group.
            group_mask = np.zeros((len(group_names), len(faces)), dtype=bool)
            for i, segm_faces in enumerate(obj.segm.itervalues()):
                group_mask[i][segm_faces] = True

            # In an OBJ file, "g" changes the current state. This is a slice of
            # group_mask that represents the current state.
            current_group_mask = np.zeros((len(group_names), ), dtype=bool)

            for face_index in range(len(faces)):
                # If the group has changed from the previous face, write the
                # group entry.
                this_group_mask = group_mask[:, face_index]
                if any(current_group_mask != this_group_mask):
                    current_group_mask = this_group_mask
                    f.write('g %s\n' %
                            ' '.join(group_names[current_group_mask]))

                write_face_to_obj_file(obj, faces, face_index, f)
        if faces is not None:
            for face_index in range(len(faces)):
                write_face_to_obj_file(obj, faces, face_index, f)