Ejemplo n.º 1
def basic_compute_loop(compute_function,
	Canonical form of the basic compute loop.
	!!! remove this from contacts.py when it works
    #---send the frame as the debug argument
    if debug != None and debug != False:
        fr = debug
        incoming = compute_function(**looper[fr])
        import ipdb
    start = time.time()
    if run_parallel:
        incoming = Parallel(n_jobs=8, verbose=10 if debug else 0)(
            delayed(compute_function, has_shareable_memory)(**looper[ll])
            for ll in framelooper(len(looper), start=start))
        incoming = []
        for ll in framelooper(len(looper)):
    return incoming
Ejemplo n.º 2
def basic_compute_loop(compute_function,looper,run_parallel=True,debug=False):
	"""Canonical form of the basic compute loop."""
	start = time.time()
	if run_parallel:
		incoming = Parallel(n_jobs=8,verbose=10 if debug else 0)(
			for ll in framelooper(len(looper),start=start))
		incoming = []
		for ll in framelooper(len(looper)):
	return incoming
Ejemplo n.º 3
def basic_compute_loop(compute_function,
    """Canonical form of the basic compute loop."""
    start = time.time()
    if run_parallel:
        incoming = Parallel(n_jobs=8, verbose=10 if debug else 0)(
            delayed(compute_function, has_shareable_memory)(**looper[ll])
            for ll in framelooper(len(looper), start=start))
        incoming = []
        for ll in framelooper(len(looper)):
    return incoming
Ejemplo n.º 4
def import_readymade_meso_v2_membrane(**kwargs):
	Compute bilayer midplane structures for studying undulations.
	Adapted from `undulations.py`.
    import ipdb
    sn = kwargs['sn']
    work = kwargs['workspace']
    calc = kwargs['calc']
    #---import mesh points
    points = import_membrane_mesh(sn=sn, calc=calc, work=work)
    #---ensure there are the same number of points
    points_shapes = list(set([p.shape for p in points]))
    if len(points_shapes) != 1:
        raise Exception('some frames have a different number of points: %s' %
        npoints, ncols = points_shapes[0]
    if ncols != 4: raise Exception('expecting 4-column input on incoming data')
    #---with a consistent number of points everything is an array
    points = np.array(points)[:, :, :3]
    #---previously checked that the minimum points were identically zero but this was not always true
    #---box vectors are just the maximum points
    #---! check that this assumption makes sense
    vecs = points.max(axis=1)[:, :3]
    #---debug the shapes in 3D
    if False:
        from codes import review3d
        fr = 0
        review3d.review3d(points=[points[fr][:, :3]], radius=10)
    grid_spacing = calc['specs']['grid_spacing']
    nframes = len(points)
    #---choose grid dimensions
    grid = np.array([round(i)
                     for i in np.mean(vecs, axis=0) / grid_spacing])[:2]
    #---compute in parallel
    start = time.time()
    mesh = [[]]
    mesh[0] = Parallel(n_jobs=work.nprocs, verbose=0)(
        delayed(makemesh_regular, has_shareable_memory)(points[fr], vecs[fr],
        for fr in framelooper(nframes, start=start, text='frame'))
    attrs, result = {}, {}
    result['mesh'] = np.array(mesh)
    result['grid'] = np.array(grid)
    result['nframes'] = np.array(nframes)
    result['vecs'] = vecs
    attrs['grid_spacing'] = grid_spacing
    #---introduce a dated validator string to ensure that any changes to the pipeline do not overwrite
    #---...other data and are fully propagated downstream
    attrs['validator'] = '2017.08.16.1930'
    return result, attrs
Ejemplo n.º 5
def lipid_mesh(**kwargs):

	Compute monolayer mesh objects.

	sn = kwargs['sn']
	work = kwargs['workspace']
	calc = kwargs['calc']
	dat = kwargs['upstream']['lipid_abstractor']
	resnames = dat['resnames']
	monolayer_indices = dat['monolayer_indices']
	nframes = dat['nframes']
	debug = kwargs.pop('debug',False)
	kwargs_out = dict(curvilinear=calc.get('specs',{}).get('curvilinear',False))

	mesh = [[],[]]
	if debug: 
		mn,fr = 0,10
	for mn in range(2):
		start = time.time()
		mesh[mn] = Parallel(n_jobs=work.nprocs,verbose=0)(
			for fr in framelooper(nframes,start=start,text='monolayer %d, frame'%mn))

	attrs,result = {},{}
	result['nframes'] = array(nframes)
	result['vecs'] = dat['vecs']
	result['resnames'] = resnames
	result['monolayer_indices'] = monolayer_indices
	#---pack mesh objects
	#---keys include: vertnorms simplices nmol facenorms gauss points vec ghost_ids mean principals areas
	keylist = mesh[0][0].keys()
	for key in keylist:
		for mn in range(2):
			for fr in range(nframes): 
				result['%d.%d.%s'%(mn,fr,key)] = mesh[mn][fr][key]		
	return result,attrs	
Ejemplo n.º 6
def undulations(**kwargs):
	Compute bilayer midplane structures for studying undulations.

    sn = kwargs['sn']
    work = kwargs['workspace']
    calc = kwargs['calc']
    upname = 'lipid_abstractor'
    grid_spacing = calc['specs']['grid_spacing']
    vecs = datmerge(kwargs, upname, 'vecs')
    nframes = int(np.sum(datmerge(kwargs, upname, 'nframes')))
    trajectory = datmerge(kwargs, upname, 'points')
    attrs, result = {}, {}
    #---! hacking through error with monolayer separation
        monolayer_indices = kwargs['upstream'][upname +
        monolayer_indices = kwargs['upstream'][upname]['monolayer_indices']
    #---choose grid dimensions
    grid = np.array([round(i)
                     for i in np.mean(vecs, axis=0) / grid_spacing])[:2]
    #---! removed timeseries from result for new version of omnicalc
    mesh = [[], []]
    for mn in range(2):
        start = time.time()
        mesh[mn] = Parallel(
            n_jobs=work.nprocs, verbose=0, require='sharedmem')(
                    monolayer_indices == mn)], vecs[fr], grid)
                for fr in framelooper(
                    nframes, start=start, text='monolayer %d, frame' % mn))

    result['mesh'] = np.array(mesh)
    result['grid'] = np.array(grid)
    result['nframes'] = np.array(nframes)
    result['vecs'] = vecs
    attrs['grid_spacing'] = grid_spacing
    return result, attrs
Ejemplo n.º 7
def undulations(**kwargs):
	Compute bilayer midplane structures for studying undulations.

    sn = kwargs['sn']
    work = kwargs['workspace']
    calc = kwargs['calc']
    grid_spacing = calc['specs']['grid_spacing']
    dat = kwargs['upstream']['lipid_abstractor']
    nframes = dat['nframes']

    #---choose grid dimensions
    grid = array([round(i)
                  for i in mean(dat['vecs'], axis=0) / grid_spacing])[:2]
    monolayer_indices = dat['monolayer_indices']

    start = time.time()
    mesh = [[], []]
    for mn in range(2):
        mesh[mn] = Parallel(n_jobs=work.nprocs, verbose=0)(
                monolayer_indices == mn)], dat['vecs'][fr], grid)
            for fr in framelooper(
                nframes, start=start, text='monolayer %d, frame' % mn))

    attrs, result = {}, {}
    result['mesh'] = array(mesh)
    result['grid'] = array(grid)
    result['nframes'] = array(nframes)
    result['vecs'] = dat['vecs']
    result['timeseries'] = work.slice(sn)[kwargs['slice_name']][
        'all' if not kwargs['group'] else kwargs['group']]['timeseries']
    attrs['grid_spacing'] = grid_spacing
    return result, attrs
Ejemplo n.º 8
def electron_density_profiles_deprecated(grofile, trajfile, **kwargs):
	Compute the electron density profile
    #from calcs.codes.mesh import identify_lipid_leaflets
    bin_size = kwargs['calc']['specs']['bin_size']
    chargedict = {
        '^N(?!A$)': 7,
        '^C[0-9]+': 6,
        '^CL$': 17,
        '^H': 1,
        '^O': 8,
        '^P': 15,
        '^Cal': 18,
        '^MG': 10,
        '^NA': 11,
        '^S': 16,
        'K': 18
    group_regexes = ['.+', '^(OW)|(HW(1|2))$', '^C[0-9]+']

    sn = kwargs['sn']
    work = kwargs['workspace']

    #---prepare universe
    grofile, trajfile = kwargs['structure'], kwargs['trajectory']
    uni = MDAnalysis.Universe(grofile, trajfile)
    nframes = len(uni.trajectory)
    #---MDAnalysis uses Angstroms not nm
    lenscale = 10.

    #---select residues of interest
    selector = kwargs['calc']['specs']['selector']
    monolayer_cutoff = kwargs['calc']['specs']['selector']['monolayer_cutoff']

    #---center of mass over residues
    if 'type' in selector and selector[
            'type'] == 'com' and 'resnames' in selector:
        resnames = selector['resnames']
        selstring = '(' + ' or '.join(['resname %s' % i
                                       for i in resnames]) + ')'
        raise Exception('\n[ERROR] unclear selection %s' % str(selector))

    #---compute masses by atoms within the selection
    sel = uni.select_atoms(selstring)
    mass_table = {
        'H': 1.008,
        'C': 12.011,
        'O': 15.999,
        'N': 14.007,
        'P': 30.974
    masses = np.array([mass_table[i[0]] for i in sel.atoms.names])
    resids = sel.resids
    #---create lookup table of residue indices
    divider = [np.where(resids == r) for r in np.unique(resids)]

    #---load trajectory into memory
    trajectory, vecs = [], []
    for fr in range(nframes):
        status('loading frame', tag='load', i=fr, looplen=nframes)
        trajectory.append(sel.positions / lenscale)

    start = time.time()
    coms = Parallel(n_jobs=work.nprocs, verbose=0)(
        delayed(centroid)(trajectory[fr], masses, divider)
        for fr in framelooper(nframes, start=start))

    #---identify monolayers
    #---! why though?
    #---note that this could just refer to the mesh object but this is very fast
    if False:
        monolayer_indices = identify_lipid_leaflets(
            coms[0], vecs[0], monolayer_cutoff=monolayer_cutoff)

    #---load trajectory into memory
    allsel = uni.select_atoms('all')
    trajectory, vecs = [], []
    for fr in range(nframes):
        status('loading frame', tag='load', i=fr, looplen=nframes)
        trajectory.append(allsel.positions / lenscale)
    trajectory = np.array(trajectory)
    vecs = np.array(vecs) / lenscale

    #---center the mean of com positions at z=0
    midplane_heights = np.array(
        [np.mean(coms[fr], axis=0)[2] for fr in range(nframes)])
    for fr in range(nframes):
        trajectory[fr, :, 2] -= midplane_heights[fr]

    #---correct for periodic boundaries
    for fr in range(nframes):
        trajectory[fr, :,
                   2] -= (trajectory[fr, :, 2] > vecs[fr, 2] / 2.) * vecs[fr,
            fr, :,
            2] += (trajectory[fr, :, 2] < -1 * vecs[fr, 2] / 2.) * vecs[fr, 2]
    #---offset by one bin width here so the use of astype(int) is symmetric later on
    trajectory[..., 2] += bin_size / 2.

    #---assign charges
    namelist = uni.atoms.names
    resnamelist = list(set(uni.atoms.resnames))
    #---charge dictionary for the atoms in this particular system
    chargedict_obs = dict([
        (name, [chargedict[key] for key in chargedict if re.match(key, name)])
        for name in np.unique(namelist)
    unclear_charges = dict([(key, val) for key, val in chargedict_obs.items()
                            if len(val) != 1])
    if any(unclear_charges):
        raise Exception('charges for these atoms were not specified: %s' %
    chargedict_obs = dict([(key, val[0])
                           for key, val in chargedict_obs.items()])
    charges = [chargedict_obs[n] for n in namelist]

    #---identify atoms for each residue type
    groups = [[ii for ii, i in enumerate(uni.atoms) if i.resname == r]
              for r in resnamelist]
    groups += [
        np.array([i for i, j in enumerate(namelist) if re.match(reg, j)])
        for reg in group_regexes

    #---bin the heights according to bin_size
    xx = np.array(np.floor(trajectory[:, :, 2] / bin_size)).astype(int)
    offset = xx.min()
    xx -= xx.min()
    bincounts_by_group = [np.zeros(xx.max() + 1) for grp in groups]
    start = time.time()
    for fr in range(nframes):
        status('electron density',
        for g, grp in enumerate(groups):
            for i, z in enumerate(xx[fr][grp]):
                bincounts_by_group[g][z] += charges[grp[i]]
    xvals = bin_size * np.arange(0, len(bincounts_by_group[0])) - len(
        bincounts_by_group[0]) * bin_size / 2.
    mvecs = np.mean(np.array([vecs[i] for i in range(nframes)]), axis=0)
    scaleconst = np.product(mvecs[:2]) * (mvecs[2] / len(xvals)) * nframes
    results, attrs = {}, {}
    results['midplane_heights'] = midplane_heights
    #---note that bincoungs_by_group is ordered first by resnamelist then group_regexes
    results['bincounts_by_group'] = np.array(bincounts_by_group) / scaleconst
    for index, group in enumerate(groups):
        results['groups%d' % index] = np.array(group)
    results['offset'] = np.array(offset)
    attrs['selector'] = selector
    attrs['resnamelist'] = resnamelist
    attrs['bin_size'] = bin_size
    attrs['group_regexes'] = group_regexes
    return results, attrs
Ejemplo n.º 9
def ion_binding(grofile,trajfile,**kwargs):

	Analyze bound ion distances to the nearest lipids.

	sn = kwargs['sn']
	work = kwargs['workspace']
	nrank = kwargs['calc']['specs']['nrank']
	#---! note that the parallel code is severely broken and caused wierd spikes in the distances!!!
	#! on 2018.07.13 trying to revive parallel
	compute_parallel = True
	#---prepare universe	
	#! is this deprecated? grofile,trajfile = [work.slice(sn)['current']['all'][i] for i in ['gro','xtc']]
	#! uni = MDAnalysis.Universe(work.postdir+grofile,work.postdir+trajfile)
	uni = MDAnalysis.Universe(grofile,trajfile)
	nframes = len(uni.trajectory)
	#---MDAnalysis uses Angstroms not nm
	lenscale = 10.

	#---compute masses by atoms within the selection
	sel_lipids = uni.select_atoms(' or '.join('resname %s'%r 
		for r in work.vars['selectors']['resnames_lipid_chol']))
	sel_ions = uni.select_atoms(work.vars['selectors']['cations'])

	#---load lipid points into memory
	trajectory_ions = zeros((nframes,len(sel_ions),3))
	trajectory_lipids = zeros((nframes,len(sel_lipids),3))
	vecs = zeros((nframes,3))
	for fr in range(nframes):
		status('loading frame',tag='load',i=fr,looplen=nframes)
		#! mdanalysis removed coordinates(), using positions with cast to be sure
		trajectory_lipids[fr] = np.array(sel_lipids.positions)/lenscale
		trajectory_ions[fr] = np.array(sel_ions.positions)/lenscale
		vecs[fr] = sel_lipids.dimensions[:3]/lenscale

	monolayer_indices = kwargs['upstream']['lipid_abstractor']['monolayer_indices']
	resids = kwargs['upstream']['lipid_abstractor']['resids']
	monolayer_residues = [resids[where(monolayer_indices==mn)[0]] for mn in range(2)]
	group_lipid = uni.select_atoms(' or '.join(['resid '+str(i) for mononum in range(2) 
		for i in monolayer_residues[mononum]]))
	lipid_resids = array([i.resid for i in group_lipid])
	if work.meta[sn]['composition_name'] != 'asymmetric': lipid_resid_subselect = slice(None,None)
	#---hack to account for asymmetric bilayer by analyzing only the first (top) monolayer 
	else: lipid_resid_subselect = where([i.resid in monolayer_residues[0] for i in group_lipid])[0]

	#---parallel partnerfinder
	start = time.time()
	lipid_resids = array([i.resid for i in group_lipid])
	if not compute_parallel:
		incoming = []
		start = time.time()
		for fr in range(nframes):
			ans = partnerfinder(trajectory_lipids[fr],trajectory_ions[fr],vecs[fr],
		incoming = Parallel(n_jobs=4,verbose=0,require='sharedmem')(
			for fr in framelooper(nframes,start=start))
	n_ion_atoms,n_lipid_atoms = len(sel_ions),len(sel_lipids)
	lipid_distances = zeros((nframes,n_ion_atoms,nrank))
	partners_atoms = zeros((nframes,n_ion_atoms,nrank))

	start = time.time()
	for fr in range(nframes):
		status('[UNPACK] frame',i=fr,looplen=nframes,start=start)
		lipid_distances[fr] = incoming[fr][0]		
		partners_atoms[fr] = incoming[fr][1]
	result,attrs = {},{}
	attrs['nrank'] = nrank
	result['lipid_distances'] = lipid_distances
	result['partners_atoms'] = partners_atoms.astype(int)
	result['names'] = array([i.name for i in group_lipid])
	result['resnames'] = array([i.resname for i in group_lipid])
	result['resids'] = array([i.resid for i in group_lipid])
	result['nframes'] = array(nframes)
	return result,attrs
Ejemplo n.º 10
def lipid_abstractor(grofile, trajfile, **kwargs):
	Reduce a bilayer simulation to a set of points.

    sn = kwargs['sn']
    work = kwargs['workspace']
    parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', False)
    #---prepare universe
    #---note that the universe throws a UserWarning on coarse-grained systems
    #---...which is annoying to elevate to error stage and handled below without problems
    uni = MDAnalysis.Universe(grofile, trajfile)
    nframes = len(uni.trajectory)
    #---MDAnalysis uses Angstroms not nm
    lenscale = 10.
    #---select residues of interest
    selector = kwargs['calc']['specs']['selector']
    nojumps = kwargs['calc']['specs'].get('nojumps', '')

    #---center of mass over residues
    if 'type' in selector and selector[
            'type'] == 'com' and 'resnames' in selector:
        resnames = selector['resnames']
        selstring = '(' + ' or '.join(['resname %s' % i
                                       for i in resnames]) + ')'
    elif 'type' in selector and selector[
            'type'] == 'select' and 'selection' in selector:
        if 'resnames' not in selector:
            raise Exception('add resnames to the selector')
        selstring = selector['selection']
    elif selector.get('type', None) == 'custom':
        custom_exec_vars = dict(uni=uni, selector=selector)
        exec(selector['custom'], globals(), custom_exec_vars)
        selstring = custom_exec_vars['selstring']
        raise Exception('\n[ERROR] unclear selection %s' % str(selector))

    #---compute masses by atoms within the selection
    sel = uni.select_atoms(selstring)
    if len(sel) == 0: raise Exception('empty selection')
    mass_table = {
        'H': 1.008,
        'C': 12.011,
        'O': 15.999,
        'N': 14.007,
        'P': 30.974,
        'S': 32.065
    missing_atoms_aamd = list(
        set([i[0] for i in sel.atoms.names if i[0] not in mass_table]))
    if any(missing_atoms_aamd):
            '[WARNING] missing mass for atoms %s so we assume this is coarse-grained'
            % missing_atoms_aamd)
        #---MARTINI masses
        mass_table = {
            'C': 72,
            'N': 72,
            'P': 72,
            'S': 45,
            'G': 72,
            'D': 72,
            'R': 72
        missing_atoms_cgmd = list(
            set([i[0] for i in sel.atoms.names if i[0] not in mass_table]))
        if any(missing_atoms_cgmd):
            raise Exception(
                'we are trying to assign masses. if this simulation is atomistic then we are '
                'missing atoms "%s". if it is MARTINI then we are missing atoms "%s"'
                % (missing_atoms_aamd, missing_atoms_cgmd))
            masses = np.array([mass_table[i[0]] for i in sel.atoms.names])
        masses = np.array([mass_table[i[0]] for i in sel.atoms.names])

    # note that the following sequence has been reworked to reflect apparent changes in the
    # ... residue-handling. previously we used `if len(sel.resids)==len(np.unique(sel.resids)):` but this
    # ... is now incompatible
    resids = sel.residues.resids
    # create lookup table of residue indices
    if len(resids) == len(np.unique(resids)):
        divider = [np.where(sel.resids == r) for r in np.unique(resids)]
    # note that redundant residue numbering requires special treatment
        #! note that the resid handling change above may not have been implemented in the custom method below
        if (('type' in selector) and (selector['type'] in ['com', 'select'])
                and ('resnames' in selector)):
            #---note that MDAnalysis sel.residues *cannot* handle redundant numbering
            #---note also that some test cases have redundant residues *and* adjacent residues with
            #---...the same numbering. previously we tried a method that used the following sequence:
            #---......divider = [np.where(np.in1d(np.where(np.in1d(
            #---..........uni.select_atoms('all').resnames,resnames))[0],d))[0] for d in divider_abs]
            #---...however this method is flawed because it uses MDAnalysis sel.residues and in fact
            #---...since it recently worked, RPB suspects that a recent patch to MDAnalysis has broken it
            #---note that rpb started a method to correct this and found v inconsistent MDAnalysis behavior
            #---the final fix is heavy-handed: leaving nothing to MDAnalysis subselections
            allsel = uni.select_atoms('all')
            lipids = np.where(
                np.in1d(allsel.resnames, np.array(selector['resnames'])))[0]
            resid_changes = np.concatenate(([
            ], np.where(
                allsel[lipids].resids[1:] != allsel[lipids].resids[:-1])[0]))
            residue_atomcounts = resid_changes[1:] - resid_changes[:-1]
            #---get the residue names for each lipid in our selection by the first atom in that lipid
            #---the resid_changes is prepended with -1 in the unlikely (but it happened) event that
            #---...a unique lipid leads this list (note that a blase comment dismissed this possibility at
            #---...first!) and here we correct the resnames list to reflect this. resnames samples the last
            #---...atom in each residue from allsel
            resnames = np.concatenate(
            guess_atoms_per_residue = np.array(
                zip(resnames, residue_atomcounts))
            #---get consensus counts for each lipid name
            atoms_per_residue = {}
            for name in np.unique(resnames):
                #---get the most common count
                counts, obs_counts = np.unique(
                    guess_atoms_per_residue[:, 1][np.where(
                        guess_atoms_per_residue[:, 0] == name)[0]].astype(int),
                atoms_per_residue[name] = counts[obs_counts.argmax()]
            #---faster method
            resid_to_start = np.transpose(
                np.unique(allsel.resids, return_index=True))
            resid_to_start = np.concatenate(
                (resid_to_start, [[resid_to_start[-1][0] + 1,
            divider = np.array([
                np.arange(i, j)
                for i, j in np.transpose((resid_to_start[:, 1][:-1],
                                          resid_to_start[:, 1][1:]))
            #---make sure no molecules have the wrong number of atoms
            if not set(np.unique([len(i) for i in divider])) == set(
                status('checking lipid residue indices the careful way',
                #---the following method is slow on large systems. we use it when the fast method above fails
                #---iterate over the list of lipid atoms and get the indices for each N-atoms for each lipid
                counter, divider = 0, []
                while counter < len(lipids):
                    status('indexing lipids',
                    #---until the end, get the next lipid resname
                    this_resname = allsel.resnames[lipids][counter]
                    if selector['type'] == 'select':
                        #---the only way to subselect here is to select on each divided lipid (since
                        #---...the procedure above has correctly divided the lipids). we perform the
                        #---...subselection by pivoting over indices
                        #---! this method needs checked
                        this_inds = np.arange(
                            counter, counter + atoms_per_residue[this_resname])
                        this_lipid = allsel[lipids][this_inds]
                        this_subsel = np.where(
                                counter + atoms_per_residue[this_resname]))
                    counter += atoms_per_residue[this_resname]
                #---in the careful method the sel from above is broken but allsel[lipids] is correct
                sel = allsel[lipids]
                masses = np.array([mass_table[i[0]] for i in sel.atoms.names])
            import ipdb
            raise Exception(
                'residues have redundant resids and selection is not the easy one'

    #---load trajectory into memory
    trajectory, vecs = [], []
    for fr in range(nframes):
        status('loading frame', tag='load', i=fr, looplen=nframes)
        trajectory.append(sel.positions / lenscale)
        #! critical fix: you must cast the dimensions or you get repeated vectors
    vecs = np.array(vecs) / lenscale

    start = time.time()
    if parallel:
        coms = Parallel(n_jobs=work.nprocs, verbose=0)(
            delayed(codes.mesh.centroid)(trajectory[fr], masses, divider)
            for fr in framelooper(nframes, start=start))
        coms = []
        for fr in range(nframes):
            status('computing centroid',
            coms.append(codes.mesh.centroid(trajectory[fr], masses, divider))

    #---identify leaflets
    status('identify leaflets', tag='compute')
    separator = kwargs['calc']['specs'].get('separator', {})
    leaflet_finder_trials = separator.get('trials', 3)
    #---preselect a few frames, always including the zeroth
    selected_frames = [0] + list(
            np.arange(1, nframes), leaflet_finder_trials, replace=False))
    #---alternate lipid representation is useful for separating monolayers
    if 'lipid_tip' in separator:
        tip_select = separator['lipid_tip']
        sel = uni.select_atoms(tip_select)
        atoms_separator = []
        for fr in selected_frames:
            atoms_separator.append(sel.positions / lenscale)
    #---default is to use the centers of mass to distinguish leaflets
        atoms_separator = [coms[fr] for fr in selected_frames]
    #---pass frames to the leaflet finder, which has legacy and cluster modes
    leaflet_finder = codes.mesh.LeafletFinder(
        #---pass along the corresponding vectors for topologize
        vecs=[vecs[i] for i in selected_frames],
        cluster=separator.get('cluster', False),
        cluster_neighbors=separator.get('cluster_neighbors', None),
        topologize_tolerance=separator.get('topologize_tolerance', None))
    #---get the indices from the leaflet finder
    monolayer_indices = leaflet_finder.monolayer_indices
    # for convenience when doing planar bilayers we put the zero index on top
    top_mono = np.argmax([
        atoms_separator[0][monolayer_indices == i][:, 2].mean()
        for i in range(2)
    if top_mono != 0: monolayer_indices = 1 - monolayer_indices

    coms_out = np.array(coms)
    #---remove jumping in some directions if requested
    if nojumps:
        nojump_dims = ['xyz'.index(j) for j in nojumps]
        nobjs = coms_out.shape[1]
        displacements = np.array([(coms_out[1:] - coms_out[:-1])[..., i]
                                  for i in range(3)])
        for d in nojump_dims:
            shift_binary = (
                np.abs(displacements) * (1. - 2 * (displacements < 0)) /
                                      (nobjs, 1, 1))) / 2.))[d].astype(int)
            shift = (np.cumsum(-1 * shift_binary, axis=0) *
                     np.transpose(np.tile(vecs[:-1, d], (nobjs, 1))))
            coms_out[1:, :, d] += shift

    attrs, result = {}, {}
    attrs['selector'] = selector
    attrs['nojumps'] = nojumps
    result['resnames'] = np.array(sel.residues.resnames)
    result['monolayer_indices'] = np.array(monolayer_indices)
    result['vecs'] = vecs
    result['nframes'] = np.array(nframes)
    result['points'] = coms_out
    result['resids'] = np.array(np.unique(resids))
    result['resids_exact'] = resids
    attrs['separator'] = kwargs['calc']['specs']['separator']
    return result, attrs