Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setObjCon(self, func):
        Set the python function handle to compute the final objective
        and constraints that are combinations of the functionals.

        func : Python function
            Python function handle
        if not isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
            raise Error("func must be a Python function handle.")

        # Also do some checking on function prototype to make sure it is ok:
        sig = inspect.signature(func)
        if len(sig.parameters) not in [1, 2, 3]:
            raise Error(
                "The function signature for the function given to 'setObjCon' is invalid. It must be: "
                "def objCon(funcs):, def objCon(funcs, printOK): or def objCon(funcs, printOK, passThroughFuncs):"

        # Now we know that there are exactly one or two arguments.
        self.nUserObjConArgs = len(sig.parameters)
        self.userObjCon = func
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def surfaceSmooth(self, nIter, stepSize, surfFile=None):
        Run smoothing iterations on the body surface

        nIter : int
            Number of iterations to run
        stepSize : float
            Size of step. Must be < 1. Usually less than 0.1 for stability

        if surfFile is not None:
                from pygeo import pyGeo
            except ImportError:
                raise Error(
                    "pyGeo must be available to use the surface "
                    "reprojection object. Try again without specifying "
                    "the surfFile option."

            geoSurf = pyGeo("iges", fileName=surfFile)
            for iSurf in range(geoSurf.nSurf):
                surf = geoSurf.surfs[iSurf]
                self.hyp.setsurface(iSurf + 1, surf.ku, surf.kv, surf.tu, surf.tv, surf.coef.T)

        self.hyp.smoothwrap(nIter, stepSize)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,

        self.initType = initType
        self.FFD = False
        self.topo = None  # The topology of the volumes/surface
        self.vols = []  # The list of volumes (pySpline volume)
        self.nVol = None  # The total number of volumessurfaces
        self.coef = None  # The global (reduced) set of control pts
        self.embeddedVolumes = {}
        self.symmPlane = symmPlane

        if initType == "plot3d":
            self._readPlot3D(fileName, FFD=FFD, kmax=kmax, **kwargs)
        elif initType == "create":
            raise Error(
                "initType must be one of 'plot3d' or 'create'. ('create' is only for expert debugging)"
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def writeGrid(self, fileName=None):
        Write the current grid to the correct format

        fileName : str or None

            Filename for grid. Should end in .cgns for CGNS files. For
            PLOT3D whatever you want. It is not optional for
            CGNS/PLOT3D. It is not required for OpenFOAM meshes. This
            call will update the 'points' file.
        if self.fileType in ["CGNS", "PLOT3D"]:
            if fileName is None:
                raise Error("fileName is not optional for writeGrid with "
                            "gridType of CGNS or PLOT3D")

            if self.fileType == "CGNS":
                # Copy the default and then write
                if self.comm.rank == 0:
                    shutil.copy(self.getOption("gridFile"), fileName)

            elif self.fileType == "PLOT3D":

        elif self.fileType == "OpenFOAM":
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def evalFunctions(self, funcs, config):
        Evaluate the functions this object has and place in the funcs dictionary

        funcs : dict
            Dictionary to place function values
        # Pull out the most recent set of coordinates:
        self.coords = self.DVGeo.update(self.name, config=config)

        self.C, self.KSC2, self.meanC2, self.maxC2 = self.calcCurvature2(
            self.coords, self.axis, self.nPts, self.eps, self.KSCoeff

        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
            print("Curvature squared-curvatures: KS: %f, mean: %f, max: %f" % (self.KSC2, self.meanC2, self.maxC2))

        if self.scaled:
            self.KSC2 /= self.KSC2Ref + 1e-16
            self.meanC2 /= self.meanC2Ref + 1e-16

            if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
                print("Normalized squared-curvatures: KS: %f, mean: %f, max: %f" % (self.KSC2, self.meanC2, self.maxC2))

        if self.curvatureType == "mean":
            funcs[self.name] = self.meanC2
        elif self.curvatureType == "aggregated":
            funcs[self.name] = self.KSC2
            raise Error("curvatureType=%s not supported! Options are: mean or aggregated" % self.curvatureType)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def evalFunctions(self, funcs):
        Evaluate the function this object has and place in the funcs
        dictionary. Note that this function typically will not need to
        called since these constraints are supplied as a linear
        constraint jacobian they constraints themselves need to be

        funcs : dict
            Dictionary to place function values
        cons = []
        for key in self.wrt:
            if key in self.DVGeo.DV_listLocal:
            elif key in self.DVGeo.DV_listSectionLocal:
            elif key in self.DVGeo.DV_listSpanwiseLocal:
                raise Error(
                    f"con {self.name} diffined wrt {key}, but {key} not found in DVGeo"
        funcs[self.name] = np.array(cons).real.astype("d")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def writeCGNS(self, fileName):
        """After we have generated a grid, write it out in a properly
        formatted 1-Cell wide CGNS file suitable for running in SUmb."""

        if not self.gridGenerated:
            raise Error("No grid has been generated! Run the run() "
                        "command before trying to write the grid!")


        # Possibly perform autoconnect using cgns_utils
        if self.comm.rank == 0 and self.getOption("autoConnect"):
            error = os.system("cgns_utils connect %s" % fileName)
            if error:
                raise Error("system command 'cgns_utils connect' failed, \
                            autoconnect was NOT performed")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def writePlot3D(self, fileName):
        """After we have generated a grid, write it out to a plot3d
        file for the user to look at"""

        if self.gridGenerated:
            raise Error("No grid has been generated! Run the run() " "command before trying to write the grid!")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _readPlot3D(self, fileName, order="f", ku=4, kv=4, nCtlu=4, nCtlv=4):
        """Load a plot3D file and create the splines to go with each patch

        fileName : str
            File name to load. Should end in .xyz
        order : str
            'f' for fortran ordering (usual), 'c' for c ordering
        ku : int
            Spline order in u
        kv : int
            Spline order in v
        nCtlu : int
            Number of control points in u
        nCtlv : int
            Number of control points in v
        f = open(fileName)
        binary = False
        nSurf = geo_utils.readNValues(f, 1, "int", binary)[0]
        sizes = geo_utils.readNValues(f, nSurf * 3, "int", binary).reshape((nSurf, 3))

        # ONE of Patch Sizes index must be one
        nPts = 0
        for i in range(nSurf):
            if sizes[i, 0] == 1:  # Compress back to indices 0 and 1
                sizes[i, 0] = sizes[i, 1]
                sizes[i, 1] = sizes[i, 2]
            elif sizes[i, 1] == 1:
                sizes[i, 1] = sizes[i, 2]
            elif sizes[i, 2] == 1:
                raise Error("One of the plot3d indices must be 1")

            nPts += sizes[i, 0] * sizes[i, 1]

        surfs = []
        for i in range(nSurf):
            curSize = sizes[i, 0] * sizes[i, 1]
            surfs.append(np.zeros([sizes[i, 0], sizes[i, 1], 3]))
            for idim in range(3):
                surfs[-1][:, :, idim] = geo_utils.readNValues(f, curSize, "float", binary).reshape(
                    (sizes[i, 0], sizes[i, 1]), order=order

        # Now create a list of spline surface objects:
        self.surfs = []
        self.surfs0 = surfs
        # Note This doesn't actually fit the surfaces...just produces
        # the parametrization and knot vectors
        self.nSurf = nSurf
        for isurf in range(self.nSurf):
            self.surfs.append(Surface(X=surfs[isurf], ku=ku, kv=kv, nCtlu=nCtlu, nCtlv=nCtlv))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def addProcSetObjFunc(self, setName, func):
        Add an additional python function handle to compute the functionals

        setName : str
            Name of set we are setting the function for
        func : Python function
            Python function handle
        if setName in self.dummyPSet:
        if setName not in self.pSet:
            raise Error(
                "setName '%s' has not been added with addProcessorSet." %
        if not isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
            raise Error("func must be a Python function handle.")

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def setProcSetSensFunc(self, setName, func):
        Set the python function handle to compute the derivative of
        the functionals

        setName : str
            Name of set we are setting the function for
        func : Python function
            Python function handle
        if setName in self.dummyPSet:
        if setName not in self.pSet:
            raise Error(
                "setName '%s' has not been added with addProcessorSet." %
        if not isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
            raise Error("func must be a Python function handle.")

        self.pSet[setName].sensFunc = [func]
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: misc.py Proyecto: sseraj/pygeo
def convertTo1D(value, dim1):
    Generic function to process 'value'. In the end, it must be
    array of size dim1. value is already that shape, excellent,
    otherwise, a scalar will be 'upcast' to that size

    if np.isscalar:
        return value * np.ones(dim1)
        temp = np.atleast_1d(value)
        if temp.shape[0] == dim1:
            return value
            raise Error("The size of the 1D array was the incorret shape")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def addProcessorSet(self, setName, nMembers, memberSizes):
        A Processor set is defined as one or more groups of processors
        that use the same obj() and sens() routines. Members of
        processor sets typically, but not necessarily, return the same
        number of functions. In all cases, the function names must be

        setName : str
            Name of process set. Process set names must be unique.

        nMembers : int
            Number of members in the set.

        memberSizes : int, iteratable
            Number of processors on each set. If an integer is supplied all
            members use the same number of processors.
            If a list or array is provided, a different number of processors
            on each member can be specified.

        >>> MP = multiPointSparse.multiPoint(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
        >>> MP.addProcessorSet('cruise', 3, 32)
        >>> MP.addProcessorSet('maneuver', 2, [10, 20])

        The ``cruise`` set creates 3 processor groups, each of size 32.
        and the ``maneuver`` set creates 2 processor groups, of size 10 and 20.
        # Lets let the user explicitly set nMembers to 0. This is
        # equivalent to just turning off that proc set.
        if nMembers == 0:
            nMembers = int(nMembers)
            memberSizes = np.atleast_1d(memberSizes)
            if len(memberSizes) == 1:
                memberSizes = np.ones(nMembers) * memberSizes[0]
                if len(memberSizes) != nMembers:
                    raise Error(
                        "The supplied memberSizes list is not the correct length."

            self.pSet[setName] = procSet(setName, nMembers, memberSizes,
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def setSurfaceCoordinates(self, coordinates):
        """Sets all surface coordinates on this processor

        coordinates : numpy array, size(N, 3)
            The coordinate to set. This MUST be exactly the same size as
            the array obtained from getSurfaceCoordinates()
        if len(coordinates) != self.nSurf:
            raise Error("Incorrect length of coordinates supplied to "
                        "setSurfaceCoordinates on proc %d. Expected "
                        "aray of length %d, received an array of length "
                        "%d." % (self.comm.rank, self.nSurf, len(coordinates)))

Ejemplo n.º 15
    def writeCGNS(self, fileName):
        """After we have generated a grid, write it out in a properly
        formatted 1-Cell wide CGNS file suitable for running in SUmb."""

        if not self.gridGenerated:
            raise Error("No grid has been generated! Run the run() " "command before trying to write the grid!")


        # Possibly perform autoconnect using cgns_utils
        if self.comm.rank == 0 and self.getOption("autoConnect"):
            grid = readGrid(fileName)

Ejemplo n.º 16
    def setOptProb(self, optProb):
        Set the optimization problem that this multiPoint object will
        be used for. This is required for this class to know how to
        assemble the gradients. If the optProb is not 'finished', it
        will done so here. Therefore, this function is collective on
        the comm that optProb is built on. multiPoint sparse does
        *not* hold a reference to optProb so no additional changes can
        be made to optProb after this function is called.

        optProb : pyOptSparse optimization problem class
            The optProb object to use


        # Since there is no distinction between objective(s) and
        # constraints just put everything in conKeys, including the
        # objective(s)
        for iCon in dkeys(optProb.constraints):
            if not optProb.constraints[iCon].linear:
                self.outputWRT[iCon] = optProb.constraints[iCon].wrt
                self.outputSize[iCon] = optProb.constraints[iCon].ncon
        for iObj in dkeys(optProb.objectives):
            self.outputWRT[iObj] = list(optProb.variables.keys())
            self.outputSize[iObj] = 1

        for dvGroup in dkeys(optProb.variables):
            ss = optProb.dvOffset[dvGroup]
            self.dvSize[dvGroup] = ss[1] - ss[0]

        self.conKeys = set(self.conKeys)

        # Check the dvsAsFuncs names to make sure they are *actually*
        # design variables and raise error
        for dv in self.dvsAsFuncs:
            if dv not in optProb.variables:
                raise Error((
                    "The supplied design variable '{}' in addDVsAsFunctions() call"
                    + " does not exist in the supplied Optimization object."
Ejemplo n.º 17
def createGroups(sizes, comm):
    Create groups takes a list of sizes, and creates new MPI
    communicators coorsponding to those sizes. This is typically used
    for generating the communicators for an aerostructural analysis.

    sizes : list or array
        List or integer array of the sizes of each split comm
    comm : MPI intracomm
        The communicator to split. comm.size must equal sum(sizes)

    nGroups = len(sizes)
    nProc_total = sum(sizes)
    if not (comm.size == nProc_total):
        raise Error(
            "Cannot split comm. Comm has %d processors, but requesting to split into %d."
            % (comm.size, nProc_total))

    # Create a cumulative size array
    cumGroups = [0] * (nGroups + 1)
    cumGroups[0] = 0

    for igroup in range(nGroups):
        cumGroups[igroup + 1] = cumGroups[igroup] + sizes[igroup]

    # Determine the member_key for each processor
    for igroup in range(nGroups):
        if comm.rank >= cumGroups[igroup] and comm.rank < cumGroups[igroup +
            member_key = igroup

    new_comm = comm.Split(member_key)

    flags = [False] * nGroups
    flags[member_key] = True

    return new_comm, flags
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, initType, *args, **kwargs):
        self.initType = initType
        print("pyGeo Initialization Type is: %s" % (initType))

        # ------------------- pyGeo Class Attributes -----------------
        self.topo = None  # The topology of the surfaces
        self.surfs = []  # The list of surface (pySpline surf)
        # objects
        self.nSurf = None  # The total number of surfaces
        self.coef = None  # The global (reduced) set of control
        # points

        if initType == "plot3d":
            self._readPlot3D(*args, **kwargs)
        elif initType == "iges":
            self._readIges(*args, **kwargs)
        elif initType == "liftingSurface":
            self._init_lifting_surface(*args, **kwargs)
        elif initType == "create":  # Don't do anything
            raise Error("Unknown init type. Valid Init types are 'plot3d', 'iges' and 'liftingSurface'")
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, comm=None, options=None, debug=False):

        # Load the compiled module using MExt, allowing multiple
        # imports
        curDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.adflow = MExt.MExt("libadflow", [curDir], debug=debug)._module

        # Information for base class:
        name = "ADFLOW"
        category = "Three Dimensional CFD"
        informs = {}

        # If 'options' is not None, go through and make sure all keys
        # are lower case:
        if options is not None:
            for key in options.keys():
                options[key.lower()] = options.pop(key)
            raise Error(
                "The 'options' keyword argument must be passed "
                "adflow. The options dictionary must contain (at least) "
                "the gridFile entry for the grid")

        # Load all the option/objective/DV information:
        defOpts = self._getDefOptions()
        self.optionMap = self._getOptionMap()
        self.ignoreOptions, self.deprecatedOptions, self.specialOptions = self._getSpecialOptionLists(

        self.possibleAeroDVs, self.basicCostFunctions = self._getObjectivesAndDVs(

        # This is the real solver so dtype is 'd'
        self.dtype = "d"

        # Next set the MPI Communicators and associated info
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

        self.comm = comm
        self.adflow.communication.adflow_comm_world = self.comm.py2f()
        self.adflow.communication.adflow_comm_self = MPI.COMM_SELF.py2f()
        self.adflow.communication.sendrequests = numpy.zeros(self.comm.size)
        self.adflow.communication.recvrequests = numpy.zeros(self.comm.size)
        self.myid = self.adflow.communication.myid = self.comm.rank
        self.adflow.communication.nproc = self.comm.size

        # Initialize the inherited aerosolver

        # Initialize petec in case the user has not already

        # Set the stand-alone adflow flag to false...this changes how
        # terminate calls are handled.
        self.adflow.iteration.standalonemode = False

        # Set the frompython flag to true... this also changes how
        # terminate calls are handled
        self.adflow.killsignals.frompython = True

        # Set default values
        self.adflow.inputio.autoparameterupdate = False

        # Make sure all the params are ok
        for option in self.options:
            if option != "defaults":
                self.setOption(option.lower(), self.options[option][1])

        dummyAP = AeroProblem(
            coefPol=[0, 0],
            sinCoefFourier=[0, 0],
            cosCoefFourier=[0, 0],

        self.curAP = dummyAP

        # Finally complete loading
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def sens(self, x, funcs):
        This is a built-in sensitivity function that is designed to be
        used directly as a the sensitivity function with
        pyOptSparse. The user should not use this function directly,
        instead see the class documentation for the intended usage.

        x : dict
            Dictionary of variables returned from pyOptSparse
        for key in dkeys(self.pSet):
            if self.setFlags[key]:
                # Run "sens" function to functionals sensitivities
                res = {"fail": False}
                for func in self.pSet[key].sensFunc:
                    tmp = func(x, funcs)
                    if tmp is None:
                        raise Error((
                            "No return from user supplied sensitivity function for pSet {}. "
                            "Functional derivatives must be returned in a dictionary."
                    if "fail" in tmp:
                        res["fail"] = bool(tmp.pop("fail") or res["fail"])


        if self.sensCommPattern is None:
            # On the first pass we need to determine the (one-time)
            # communication pattern

            # Send all the keys
            allKeys = self.gcomm.allgather(sorted(list(res.keys())))

            self.sensCommPattern = dict()

            for i in range(len(allKeys)):  # This is looping over processors
                for key in allKeys[i]:  # This loops over keys from proc
                    if key not in self.sensCommPattern:
                        if key != "fail":
                            # Only add on the lowest proc and ignore on higher
                            # ones
                            self.sensCommPattern[key] = i

        # Perform Communication of functional (derivatives)
        funcSens = dict()
        for key in dkeys(self.sensCommPattern):
            if self.sensCommPattern[key] == self.gcomm.rank:
                tmp = self.gcomm.bcast(res[key],
                tmp = self.gcomm.bcast(None, root=self.sensCommPattern[key])

            funcSens[key] = tmp

        # Simply do an allReduce on the fail flag:
        fail = self.gcomm.allreduce(res["fail"], op=MPI.LOR)

        # Add in the sensitivity of the extra DVs as Funcs...This will
        # just be an identity matrix
        for dv in self.dvsAsFuncs:
            if np.isscalar(x[dv]) or len(np.atleast_1d(x[dv])) == 1:
                funcSens[dv] = {dv: np.eye(1)}
                funcSens[dv] = {dv: np.eye(len(x[dv]))}

        # Now we have to perform the CS loop over the user-supplied
        # objCon function to generate the derivatives of our final
        # constraints (and objective(s)) with respect to the
        # intermediate functionals. We will put everything in gcon
        # (including the objective)

        gcon = {}
        # Extract/Complexify just the keys we need:
        passThroughFuncs = _extractKeys(self.funcs, self.passThroughKeys)
        cFuncs = _extractKeys(self.funcs, self.inputKeys)
        cFuncs = _complexifyFuncs(cFuncs, self.inputKeys)

        # Just copy the passthrough keys and keys that are both inputs and constrains:
        for pKey in self.passThroughKeys:
            gcon[pKey] = funcSens[pKey]
        for cKey in self.consAsInputs:
            gcon[cKey] = funcSens[cKey]

        # Setup zeros for the output keys:
        for oKey in skeys(self.outputKeys):
            gcon[oKey] = {}
            # Only loop over the DVsets that this constraint has:
            for dvSet in self.outputWRT[oKey]:
                gcon[oKey][dvSet] = np.zeros(
                    (self.outputSize[oKey], self.dvSize[dvSet]))

        for iKey in skeys(self.inputKeys):  # Keys to peturb:
            if np.isscalar(cFuncs[iKey]) or len(np.atleast_1d(
                    cFuncs[iKey])) == 1:
                cFuncs[iKey] += 1e-40j
                con = self._userObjConWrap(cFuncs, False, passThroughFuncs)
                cFuncs[iKey] -= 1e-40j

                # Extract the derivative of output key variables
                for oKey in skeys(self.outputKeys):
                    n = self.outputSize[oKey]
                    for dvSet in self.outputWRT[oKey]:
                        if dvSet in funcSens[iKey]:
                            deriv = (np.imag(np.atleast_1d(con[oKey])) /
                                     1e-40).reshape((n, 1))
                            gcon[oKey][dvSet] += np.dot(
                                deriv, np.atleast_2d(funcSens[iKey][dvSet]))

                for i in range(len(cFuncs[iKey])):
                    cFuncs[iKey][i] += 1e-40j
                    con = self._userObjConWrap(cFuncs, False, passThroughFuncs)
                    cFuncs[iKey][i] -= 1e-40j

                    # Extract the derivative of output key variables
                    for oKey in skeys(self.outputKeys):
                        n = self.outputSize[oKey]

                        for dvSet in self.outputWRT[oKey]:
                            if dvSet in funcSens[iKey]:
                                deriv = (np.imag(np.atleast_1d(con[oKey])) /
                                         1e-40).reshape((n, 1))
                                gcon[oKey][dvSet] += np.dot(
                                    np.atleast_2d(funcSens[iKey][dvSet][i, :]))

        gcon = self.gcomm.bcast(gcon, root=0)
        fail = self.gcomm.bcast(fail, root=0)

        return gcon, fail
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def addVariable(self,
        Add a design variable definition.

        component : str
            Name of the VSP component
        group : str
            Name of the VSP group
        parm : str
            Name of the VSP parameter
        value : float or None
            The design variable. If this value is not supplied (None), then
            the current value in the VSP model will be queried and used
        lower : float or None
            Lower bound for the design variable. Use None for no lower bound
        upper : float or None
            Upper bound for the design variable. Use None for no upper bound
        scale : float
            Scale factor
        scaledStep : bool
            Flag to use a scaled step sized based on the initial value of the
            variable. It will remain constant thereafter.
        dh : float
            Step size. When scaledStep is True, the actual step is dh*value. Otherwise
            this actual step is used.

        container_id = openvsp.FindContainer(component, 0)
        if container_id == "":
            raise Error("Bad component for DV: %s" % component)

        parm_id = openvsp.FindParm(container_id, parm, group)
        if parm_id == "":
            raise Error(f"Bad group or parm: {component} {group} {parm}")

        # Now we know the parmID is ok. So we just get the value
        val = openvsp.GetParmVal(parm_id)

        dvName = f"{component}:{group}:{parm}"

        if value is None:
            value = val

        if scaledStep:
            dh = dh * value

            if value == 0:
                raise Error(
                    "Initial value is exactly 0. scaledStep option cannot be used"
                    "Specify an explicit dh with scaledStep=False")

        self.DVs[dvName] = vspDV(parm_id, component, group, parm, value, lower,
                                 upper, scale, dh)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def evalCurvAreaSens(self, iSurf):
        Compute sensitivity of the integral K**2 wrt the coordinate
        locations X
        # Evaluate the derivative of the position vector of every point on the
        # surface wrt to the parameteric corrdinate u and v
        t_u = self.evalDiff(iSurf, self.X[iSurf], "u")
        Dt_uDX = self.evalDiffSens(iSurf, "u")
        t_v = self.evalDiff(iSurf, self.X[iSurf], "v")
        Dt_vDX = self.evalDiffSens(iSurf, "v")
        # Compute the normal vector by taking the cross product of t_u and t_v
        n = self.evalCross(iSurf, t_u, t_v)
        [DnDt_u, DnDt_v] = self.evalCrossSens(iSurf, t_u, t_v)
        DnDX = DnDt_u.dot(Dt_uDX) + DnDt_v.dot(Dt_vDX)
        # Compute the norm of tu_ x tv
        n_norm = self.evalNorm(iSurf, n)
        Dn_normDn = self.evalNormSens(iSurf, n)
        Dn_normDX = Dn_normDn.dot(DnDX)
        # Normalize the normal vector
        n_hat = np.zeros_like(n)
        n_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 0]] = n[
            self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 0]] / n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]
        n_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 1]] = n[
            self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 1]] / n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]
        n_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 2]] = n[
            self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 2]] / n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]

        ii = []
        data = []
        for i in range(3):
            # Dn_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:,:,i]]/Dn[self.X_map[iSurf][:,:,i]]
            ii += list(np.reshape(self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, i], -1))
            data += list(np.reshape(n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]**-1,
        Dn_hatDn = csr_matrix((data, [ii, ii]),
                              shape=(self.X[iSurf].size, self.X[iSurf].size))

        ii = []
        jj = []
        data = []
        for i in range(3):
            # Dn_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:,:,i]]/Dn_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:,:]]
            ii += list(np.reshape(self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, i], -1))
            jj += list(np.reshape(self.node_map[iSurf][:, :], -1))
            data += list(
                    -n[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, i]] /
                    (n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]**2), -1))
        Dn_hatDn_norm = csr_matrix((data, [ii, jj]),
                                   shape=(n_hat.size, n_norm.size))

        Dn_hatDX = Dn_hatDn.dot(DnDX) + Dn_hatDn_norm.dot(Dn_normDX)
        # Evaluate the second derivatives of the position vector wrt u and v
        t_uu = self.evalDiff(iSurf, t_u, "u")
        Dt_uuDt_u = self.evalDiffSens(iSurf, "u")
        Dt_uuDX = Dt_uuDt_u.dot(Dt_uDX)

        t_vv = self.evalDiff(iSurf, t_v, "v")
        Dt_vvDt_v = self.evalDiffSens(iSurf, "v")
        Dt_vvDX = Dt_vvDt_v.dot(Dt_vDX)

        t_uv = self.evalDiff(iSurf, t_v, "u")
        Dt_uvDt_v = self.evalDiffSens(iSurf, "u")
        Dt_uvDX = Dt_uvDt_v.dot(Dt_vDX)
        # Compute the components of the first fundamental form of a parameteric
        # surface
        E = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_u, t_u)
        [DEDt_u, _] = self.evalInProdSens(iSurf, t_u, t_u)
        DEDt_u *= 2
        DEDX = DEDt_u.dot(Dt_uDX)

        F = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_v, t_u)
        [DFDt_v, DFDt_u] = self.evalInProdSens(iSurf, t_v, t_u)
        DFDX = DFDt_v.dot(Dt_vDX) + DFDt_u.dot(Dt_uDX)

        G = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_v, t_v)
        [DGDt_v, _] = self.evalInProdSens(iSurf, t_v, t_v)
        DGDt_v *= 2
        DGDX = DGDt_v.dot(Dt_vDX)

        # Compute the components of the second fundamental form of a parameteric
        # surface
        L = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_uu, n_hat)
        [DLDt_uu, DLDn_hat] = self.evalInProdSens(iSurf, t_uu, n_hat)
        DLDX = DLDt_uu.dot(Dt_uuDX) + DLDn_hat.dot(Dn_hatDX)

        M = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_uv, n_hat)
        [DMDt_uv, DMDn_hat] = self.evalInProdSens(iSurf, t_uv, n_hat)
        DMDX = DMDt_uv.dot(Dt_uvDX) + DMDn_hat.dot(Dn_hatDX)

        N = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_vv, n_hat)
        [DNDt_vv, DNDn_hat] = self.evalInProdSens(iSurf, t_vv, n_hat)
        DNDX = DNDt_vv.dot(Dt_vvDX) + DNDn_hat.dot(Dn_hatDX)

        # Compute Gaussian and mean curvature (K and H)
        K = (L * N - M * M) / (E * G - F * F)
        DKDE = self.diags(-(L * N - M * M) / (E * G - F * F)**2 * G)
        DKDF = self.diags((L * N - M * M) / (E * G - F * F)**2 * 2 * F)
        DKDG = self.diags(-(L * N - M * M) / (E * G - F * F)**2 * E)
        DKDL = self.diags(N / (E * G - F * F))
        DKDM = self.diags(2 * M / (E * G - F * F))
        DKDN = self.diags(L / (E * G - F * F))
        DKDX = DKDE.dot(DEDX) + DKDF.dot(DFDX) + DKDG.dot(DGDX) + DKDL.dot(
            DLDX) + DKDM.dot(DMDX) + DKDN.dot(DNDX)

        H = (E * N - 2 * F * M + G * L) / (2 * (E * G - F * F))
        DHDE = self.diags(N / (2 *
                               (E * G - F * F)) - (E * N - 2 * F * M + G * L) /
                          (2 * (E * G - F * F))**2 * 2 * G)
        DHDF = self.diags(-2 * M / (2 * (E * G - F * F)) +
                          (E * N - 2 * F * M + G * L) /
                          (2 * (E * G - F * F))**2 * 4 * F)
        DHDG = self.diags(L / (2 *
                               (E * G - F * F)) - (E * N - 2 * F * M + G * L) /
                          (2 * (E * G - F * F))**2 * 2 * E)
        DHDL = self.diags(G / (2 * (E * G - F * F)))
        DHDM = self.diags(-2 * F / (2 * (E * G - F * F)))
        DHDN = self.diags(E / (2 * (E * G - F * F)))
        DHDX = DHDE.dot(DEDX) + DHDF.dot(DFDX) + DHDG.dot(DGDX) + DHDL.dot(
            DLDX) + DHDM.dot(DMDX) + DHDN.dot(DNDX)

        # Assign integration weights for each point
        # 1   for center nodes
        # 1/2 for edge nodes
        # 1/4 for corner nodes
        wt = np.zeros_like(n_norm) + 1
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][0, :]] *= 0.5
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][-1, :]] *= 0.5
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][:, 0]] *= 0.5
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][:, -1]] *= 0.5
        # Compute discrete area associated with each node
        dS = wt * n_norm
        DdSDX = self.diags(wt).dot(Dn_normDX)

        one = np.ones(self.node_map[iSurf].size)

        if self.curvatureType == "Gaussian":
            # Now compute integral (K**2) over S, equivalent to sum(K**2*dS)
            # kS = np.dot(one, K * K * dS)
            DkSDX = (self.diags(2 * K * dS).dot(DKDX) +
                     self.diags(K * K).dot(DdSDX)).T.dot(one)
            return DkSDX
        elif self.curvatureType == "mean":
            # Now compute integral (H**2) over S, equivalent to sum(H**2*dS)
            # hS = np.dot(one, H * H * dS)
            DhSDX = (self.diags(2 * H * dS).dot(DHDX) +
                     self.diags(H * H).dot(DdSDX)).T.dot(one)
            return DhSDX
        elif self.curvatureType == "combined":
            # Now compute dcSDX. Note: cS= sum( (4*H*H-2*K)*dS ), DcSDX = term1 - term2
            # where term1 = sum( 8*H*DHDX*dS + 4*H*H*DdSdX ), term2 = sum( 2*DKDX*dS + 2*K*DdSdX )
            term1 = (self.diags(8 * H * dS).dot(DHDX) +
                     self.diags(4 * H * H).dot(DdSDX)).T.dot(one)
            term2 = (self.diags(2 * dS).dot(DKDX) +
                     self.diags(2 * K).dot(DdSDX)).T.dot(one)
            DcSDX = term1 - term2
            return DcSDX
        elif self.curvatureType == "KSmean":
            sigmaH = np.dot(one, np.exp(self.KSCoeff * H * H * dS))
            DhSDX = (self.diags(2 * H * dS / sigmaH *
                                np.exp(self.KSCoeff * H * H * dS)).dot(DHDX) +
                     self.diags(H * H / sigmaH * np.exp(
                         self.KSCoeff * H * H * dS)).dot(DdSDX)).T.dot(one)
            return DhSDX
            raise Error(
                "The curvatureType parameter should be Gaussian, mean, or combined, "
                "%s is not supported!" % self.curvatureType)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def evalCurvArea(self, iSurf):
        Evaluate the integral K**2 over the surface area of the wing.
        Where K is the Gaussian curvature.
        # Evaluate the derivative of the position vector of every point on the
        # surface wrt to the parameteric corrdinate u and v
        t_u = self.evalDiff(iSurf, self.X[iSurf], "u")
        t_v = self.evalDiff(iSurf, self.X[iSurf], "v")
        # Compute the normal vector by taking the cross product of t_u and t_v
        n = self.evalCross(iSurf, t_u, t_v)
        # Compute the norm of tu_ x tv
        n_norm = self.evalNorm(iSurf, n)
        # Normalize the normal vector
        n_hat = np.zeros_like(n)
        n_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 0]] = n[
            self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 0]] / n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]
        n_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 1]] = n[
            self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 1]] / n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]
        n_hat[self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 2]] = n[
            self.X_map[iSurf][:, :, 2]] / n_norm[self.node_map[iSurf][:, :]]
        # Evaluate the second derivatives of the position vector wrt u and v
        t_uu = self.evalDiff(iSurf, t_u, "u")
        t_vv = self.evalDiff(iSurf, t_v, "v")
        t_uv = self.evalDiff(iSurf, t_v, "u")
        # Compute the components of the first fundamental form of a parameteric
        # surface
        E = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_u, t_u)
        F = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_v, t_u)
        G = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_v, t_v)
        # Compute the components of the second fundamental form of a parameteric
        # surface
        L = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_uu, n_hat)
        M = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_uv, n_hat)
        N = self.evalInProd(iSurf, t_vv, n_hat)
        # Compute Gaussian and mean curvature (K and H)
        K = (L * N - M * M) / (E * G - F * F)
        H = (E * N - 2 * F * M + G * L) / (2 * (E * G - F * F))
        # Compute the combined curvature (C)
        C = 4.0 * H * H - 2.0 * K
        # Assign integration weights for each point
        # 1   for center nodes
        # 1/2 for edge nodes
        # 1/4 for corner nodes
        wt = np.zeros_like(n_norm) + 1
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][0, :]] *= 0.5
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][-1, :]] *= 0.5
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][:, 0]] *= 0.5
        wt[self.node_map[iSurf][:, -1]] *= 0.5
        # Compute discrete area associated with each node
        dS = wt * n_norm
        one = np.ones(self.node_map[iSurf].size)

        if self.curvatureType == "Gaussian":
            # Now compute integral (K**2) over S, equivalent to sum(K**2*dS)
            kS = np.dot(one, K * K * dS)
            return [kS, K, H, C]
        elif self.curvatureType == "mean":
            # Now compute integral (H**2) over S, equivalent to sum(H**2*dS)
            hS = np.dot(one, H * H * dS)
            return [hS, K, H, C]
        elif self.curvatureType == "combined":
            # Now compute integral C over S, equivalent to sum(C*dS)
            cS = np.dot(one, C * dS)
            return [cS, K, H, C]
        elif self.curvatureType == "KSmean":
            # Now compute the KS function for mean curvature, equivalent to KS(H*H*dS)
            sigmaH = np.dot(one, np.exp(self.KSCoeff * H * H * dS))
            KSmean = np.log(sigmaH) / self.KSCoeff
            if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
                print("Max curvature: ", max(H * H * dS))
            return [KSmean, K, H, C]
            raise Error(
                "The curvatureType parameter should be Gaussian, mean, or combined, "
                "%s is not supported!" % self.curvatureType)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def evalFunctionsSens(self, funcsSens, config):
        Evaluate the sensitivity of the functions this object has and
        place in the funcsSens dictionary

        funcsSens : dict
            Dictionary to place function values

        # we need to hand derive the derivatives of the curvature with respect to the projected points
        nDV = self.DVGeo.getNDV()
        if nDV > 0:
            dC2dPt = np.zeros((self.coords.shape[0], self.coords.shape[1]))
            if self.curvatureType == "mean":
                tmp = 2 / (self.nPts - 2) / self.eps / self.eps
                for i in range(self.nPts):
                    for j in range(3):
                        if i == 0:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = self.axis[j] * tmp * (self.C[i + 1])
                        elif i == 1:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = self.axis[j] * tmp * (
                                -2 * self.C[i] + self.C[i + 1])
                        elif i == self.nPts - 1:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = self.axis[j] * tmp * (self.C[i - 1])
                        elif i == self.nPts - 2:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = self.axis[j] * tmp * (
                                -2 * self.C[i] + self.C[i - 1])
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = self.axis[j] * tmp * (
                                self.C[i + 1] - 2 * self.C[i] + self.C[i - 1])
            elif self.curvatureType == "aggregated":
                eSum = 0.0
                for i in range(1, self.nPts - 1):
                    eSum += np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i] * self.C[i])
                tmp = 2 / eSum / self.eps / self.eps
                for i in range(self.nPts):
                    for j in range(3):
                        if i == 0:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = (
                                self.axis[j] * tmp *
                                (self.C[i + 1] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i + 1] *
                                        self.C[i + 1])))
                        elif i == 1:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = (
                                self.axis[j] * tmp *
                                (-2 * self.C[i] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i] * self.C[i]) +
                                 self.C[i + 1] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i + 1] *
                                        self.C[i + 1])))
                        elif i == self.nPts - 1:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = (
                                self.axis[j] * tmp *
                                (self.C[i - 1] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i - 1] *
                                        self.C[i - 1])))
                        elif i == self.nPts - 2:
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = (
                                self.axis[j] * tmp *
                                (-2 * self.C[i] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i] * self.C[i]) +
                                 self.C[i - 1] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i - 1] *
                                        self.C[i - 1])))
                            dC2dPt[i][j] = (
                                self.axis[j] * tmp *
                                (self.C[i + 1] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i + 1] *
                                        self.C[i + 1]) - 2 * self.C[i] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i] * self.C[i]) +
                                 self.C[i - 1] *
                                 np.exp(self.KSCoeff * self.C[i - 1] *
                                        self.C[i - 1])))
                raise Error(
                    "curvatureType=%s not supported! Options are: mean or aggregated"
                    % self.curvatureType)

            funcsSens[self.name] = self.DVGeo.totalSensitivity(dC2dPt,
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _setSymmetryConditions(self):
        """This function determines the symmetry planes used for the
        computation. It has a similar structure to setInternalSurface.

        Symmetry planes are specified throught 'symmetryPlanes' option, which
        has the form

        'symmetryPlanes':[[[x1,y1, z1],[dir_x1, dir_y1, dir_z1]],[[x2,y2, z2],[dir_x2, dir_y2, dir_z2]],...]

        meshOptions = {'symmetryPlanes':[[[0.,0., 0.],[0., 1., 0.]]]}
        mesh = USMesh(options=meshOptions,comm=gcomm)


        symmList = self.getOption("symmetryPlanes")
        if symmList is not None:
            # The user has explictly supplied symmetry planes. Use those
            pts = []
            normals = []
            for i in range(len(symmList)):

            # Otherwise generate from the geometry.
            planes = []
            if self.fileType == "CGNS":
                if self.comm.rank == 0:

                    # Do the necessary fortran preprocessing
                    if self.warp.cgnsgrid.cgnsstructured:

                    fullConn = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceconn - 1
                    fullPts = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfacepoints

                    nPatch = self.warp.cgnsgrid.getnpatch()
                    fullPatchNames = []
                    for i in range(nPatch):
                            self.warp.cgnsgrid.getsurf(i + 1).strip().lower())
                    symmFamilies = set()
                    if self.getOption("symmetrySurfaces") is None:
                        # Use all symmetry surfaces:
                        for i in range(len(self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceissymm)):
                            if self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceissymm[i]:
                        # The user has supplied a list of surface families
                        for name in self.getOption("symmetrySurfaces"):

                usedFams = set()
                if self.warp.cgnsgrid.cgnsstructured:
                    if self.comm.rank == 0:

                        # Pull out data and convert to 0-based ordering
                        fullPatchSizes = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfacesizes.T

                        # Now we loop back over the "full" versions of
                        # thing and just take the ones that correspond
                        # to the families we are using.

                        curNodeIndex = 0
                        curCellIndex = 0
                        curOffset = 0
                        for i in range(len(fullPatchNames)):
                            curNodeSize = fullPatchSizes[i][
                                0] * fullPatchSizes[i][1]
                            curCellSize = (fullPatchSizes[i][0] -
                                           1) * (fullPatchSizes[i][1] - 1)

                            if fullPatchNames[i] in symmFamilies:
                                # Keep track of the families we've actually used

                                # Determine the average normal for these points:
                                conn = (fullConn[curCellIndex:curCellIndex +
                                                 curCellSize * 4] -
                                        fullConn[curCellIndex] + 1)
                                pts = fullPts[curNodeIndex:curNodeIndex +
                                              curNodeSize * 3]
                                avgNorm = self.warp.averagenormal(
                                    pts, conn,
                                    4 * np.ones(curCellSize, "intc"))
                                planes.append([pts[0:3], avgNorm])
                                # If we skipped, we increment the offset
                                curOffset += curNodeSize

                            curNodeIndex += curNodeSize * 3
                            curCellIndex += curCellSize * 4

                    # end for (root proc)

                else:  # unstructured

                    # We won't do this in general. The issue is that
                    # each of the elements needs to be checked
                    # individually since one sym BC may have multiple
                    # actual symmetry planes. This could be done, but
                    # since plane elemination code is in python and
                    # slow, we'll just defer this and make the user
                    # supply the symmetry planes.

                    raise Error(
                        "Automatic determine of symmetry surfaces is "
                        "not supported for unstructured CGNS. Please "
                        "specify the symmetry planes using the "
                        "'symmetryPlanes' option. See the _setSymmetryConditions()"
                        " documentation string for the option prototype.")

                # Check if all supplied family names were actually
                # used. The user probably wants to know if a family
                # name was specified incorrectly.
                if self.comm.rank == 0:
                    if usedFams < symmFamilies:
                        missing = list(symmFamilies - usedFams)
                        warnings.warn("Not all specified symm families that "
                                      "were given were found the CGNS file. "
                                      "The families not found are %s." %

            elif self.fileType in ["OpenFOAM", "PLOT3D"]:

                # We could probably implement this at some point, but
                # it is not critical

                raise Error(
                    "Automatic determine of symmetry surfaces is "
                    "not supported for OpenFOAM or PLOT3D meshes. Please "
                    "specify the symmetry planes using the "
                    "'symmetryPlanes' option. See the _setSymmetryConditions()"
                    " documentation string for the option prototype.")

            # Now we have a list of planes. We have to reduce them to the
            # set of independent planes. This is tricky since you can have
            # have to different normals belonging to the same physical
            # plane. Since we don't have that many, we just use a dumb
            # double loop.

            def checkPlane(p1, n1, p2, n2):
                # Determine if two planes defined by (pt, normal) are
                # actually the same up to a normal sign.

                # First check the normal...if these are not the same,
                # cannot be the same plane
                if abs(np.dot(n1, n2)) < 0.99:
                    return False

                # Normals are the same direction. Check if p2 is on the
                # first plane up to a tolerance.

                d = p2 - p1
                d1 = p2 - np.dot(d, n1) * n1

                if np.linalg.norm(d1 - p2) / (np.linalg.norm(d) +
                                              1e-30) > 1e-8:
                    return False

                return True

            uniquePlanes = []
            flagged = np.zeros(len(planes), "intc")
            for i in range(len(planes)):
                if not flagged[i]:
                    curPlane = planes[i]
                    # Loop over remainder to check:
                    for j in range(i + 1, len(planes)):
                        if checkPlane(curPlane[0], curPlane[1], planes[j][0],
                            flagged[j] = 1

            # Before we return, reset the point for each plane to be as
            # close to the origin as possible. This will help slightly
            # with the numerics.

            pts = []
            normals = []

            for i in range(len(uniquePlanes)):
                p = uniquePlanes[i][0]
                n = uniquePlanes[i][1]

                p2 = np.zeros(3)
                d = p2 - p
                pstar = p2 - np.dot(d, n) * n


        normals = self.comm.bcast(np.array(normals))
        pts = self.comm.bcast(np.array(pts))

        # Let the user know what they are:
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            print("+-------------------- Symmetry Planes -------------------+")
            print("|           Point                        Normal          |")
            for i in range(len(pts)):
                print("| (%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f)    (%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) |" % (

        # Now set the data into fortran.
        self.warp.setsymmetryplanes(pts.T, normals.T)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _setInternalSurface(self):
        """This function is used by default if setSurfaceDefinition() is not
        set BEFORE an operation is requested that requires this

        if self.warpInitialized:

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
                "Using internally generated IDWarp surfaces. If "
                "this mesh object is to be used with an "
                "external solver, ensure the mesh object is "
                "passed to the solver immediatedly after it is created. "
                "The external solver must then call "
                "'setExternalMeshIndices()' and 'setSurfaceDefinition()' "

        conn = []
        pts = []
        faceSizes = []

        if self.fileType == "CGNS":
            if self.comm.rank == 0:

                # Do the necessary fortran preprocessing
                if self.warp.cgnsgrid.cgnsstructured:

                fullConn = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceconn - 1
                fullPts = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfacepoints

                nPatch = self.warp.cgnsgrid.getnpatch()
                fullPatchNames = []
                for i in range(nPatch):
                        self.warp.cgnsgrid.getsurf(i + 1).strip().lower())
                # We now have all surfaces belonging to
                # boundary conditions. We need to decide which
                # ones to use depending on what the user has
                # told us.
                surfaceFamilies = set()
                if self.getOption("specifiedSurfaces") is None:
                    # Use all wall surfaces:
                    for i in range(len(self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceiswall)):
                        if self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceiswall[i]:
                    # The user has supplied a list of surface families
                    for name in self.getOption("specifiedSurfaces"):

            usedFams = set()
            if self.warp.cgnsgrid.cgnsstructured:
                if self.comm.rank == 0:

                    # Pull out data and convert to 0-based ordering
                    fullPatchSizes = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfacesizes.T

                    # Now we loop back over the "full" versions of
                    # thing and just take the ones that correspond
                    # to the families we are using.

                    curNodeIndex = 0
                    curCellIndex = 0
                    curOffset = 0
                    for i in range(len(fullPatchNames)):
                        curNodeSize = fullPatchSizes[i][0] * fullPatchSizes[i][
                        curCellSize = (fullPatchSizes[i][0] -
                                       1) * (fullPatchSizes[i][1] - 1)

                        if fullPatchNames[i] in surfaceFamilies:
                            # Keep track of the families we've actually used
                            pts.extend(fullPts[curNodeIndex:curNodeIndex +
                                               curNodeSize * 3])
                            conn.extend(fullConn[curCellIndex:curCellIndex +
                                                 curCellSize * 4] - curOffset)
                            # If we skipped, we increment the offset
                            curOffset += curNodeSize

                        curNodeIndex += curNodeSize * 3
                        curCellIndex += curCellSize * 4

                # end for (root proc)

                # Run the common surface definition routine
                pts = np.array(pts).reshape((len(pts) // 3, 3))
                faceSizes = 4 * np.ones(len(conn) // 4, "intc")
                                          conn=np.array(conn, "intc"),

            else:  # unstructured
                if self.comm.rank == 0:

                    # Pull out data and convert to 0-based ordering
                    fullPtr = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfaceptr - 1
                    fullPatchPtr = self.warp.cgnsgrid.surfacepatchptr - 1
                    fullFaceSizes = fullPtr[1:-1] - fullPtr[0:-2]

                    # Now we loop back over the "full" versions of
                    # thing and just take the ones that correspond
                    # to the families we are using.
                    curOffset = 0
                    for i in range(len(fullPatchNames)):

                        # Start/end indices into fullPtr array
                        iStart = fullPatchPtr[i]
                        iEnd = fullPatchPtr[i + 1]

                        # Start/end indices into the fullConn/fullPts array
                        iStart2 = fullPtr[iStart]
                        iEnd2 = fullPtr[iEnd]

                        if fullPatchNames[i] in surfaceFamilies:
                            # Keep track of the families we've actually used
                            conn.extend(fullConn[iStart2:iEnd2] - curOffset)
                            pts.extend(fullPts[iStart2 * 3:iEnd2 * 3])
                            # If we skipped, we increment the offset
                            curOffset += iEnd2 - iStart2

                pts = np.array(pts).reshape((len(pts) // 3, 3))
                # Run the common surface definition routine
                                          conn=np.array(conn, "intc"),

            # Check if all supplied family names were actually
            # used. The user probably wants to know if a family
            # name was specified incorrectly.
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                if usedFams < surfaceFamilies:
                    missing = list(surfaceFamilies - usedFams)
                    warnings.warn("Not all specified surface families that "
                                  "were given were found the CGNS file. "
                                  "The families not found are %s." %
                if len(usedFams) == 0:
                    raise Error("No surfaces were selected. Check the names "
                                "given in the 'specifiedSurface' option. The "
                                "list of families is %s." %

        elif self.fileType == "OpenFOAM":

            faceSizes, conn, pts = self._computeOFConn()

            # Run the "external" command
            self.setSurfaceDefinition(pts=pts, conn=conn, faceSizes=faceSizes)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, CGNSFile, optionsDict, comm=None, dtype="d", debug=False):
        Create the MultiUSMesh object.


        CGNSFile: string -> file name of the CGNS file. This CGNS file should be generated with
        cgns_utils combine, so that the domain names have the appropriate convention. That is,
        domains will have the same name as their original files. Domains that share the same name
        will be grouped to make an IDWarp instance.

        optionsDict: dictionary of dictionaries -> Dictionary containing dictionaries that will
        be used to initialize multiple IDWarp instances. The keys are domain names and the
        values are dictionaries of standard IDWarp options that will be applied to this domain.
        The domains of the full CGNS file that do not have a corresponding entry in optionsDict will
        not be warped. For instance, if the CGNS file has the domains wing.00000, wing.00001, and wing.00002
        associated with a wing mesh that we want to warp, then optionsDict should have an entry for 'wing'.

        Ney Secco 2017-02

        # Check if cs was imported correctly:
        if cs is None:
            raise Error("cgns_utils could not be loaded correctly. MultiUSMesh " "requires cgns_utils to function.")

        # Assign communicator if we do not have one yet
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

        # Check if warp has already been set by the complex version
        except AttributeError:
            curDir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
            self.warp = MExt("libidwarp", curDir, debug=debug)._module

        # Store communicator
        self.comm = comm

        # Store original file name
        self.CGNSFile = CGNSFile

        # Store scalar type
        self.dtype = dtype

        # Only the root processor will take the combined CGNS file
        # and explode it by instance.
        if self.myID == 0:

            # Initialize list to store the block IDs that belong to each IDWarp instance.
            # For example, suppose that our combined CGNS file has 21 blocks.
            # Blocks 1 to 5 belong to the fuselage
            # Blocks 6 to 12 belong to the wing
            # Blocks 13 to 21 belong to the background mesh
            # Then cgnsBlockIntervals = [[0,5],[5,12],[12,21]
            self.cgnsBlockIntervals = []

            # Initialize array to store volume nodes CGNS intervals for each instance
            self.cgnsVolNodeIntervals = []

            # Initialize block counter
            blockCounter = 0

            # Initialize node counter
            nodeCounter = 0

            # Load the CGNS file
            combined_file = cs.readGrid(CGNSFile)

            # Explode the CGNS file by zones (this will only work if the user used cgns_utils combine
            # to create the input CGNS file, since the explosion uses the domain names)
            grids, zoneNames = cs.explodeByZoneName(combined_file)

            # Save temporary grid files with the exploded zones
            for grid, zoneName in zip(grids, zoneNames):
                grid.writeToCGNS("_" + zoneName + ".cgns")

                # Store the number of blocks in each zone
                self.cgnsBlockIntervals.append([blockCounter, blockCounter + len(grid.blocks)])

                # Count the number of nodes (here is degrees of freedom or nodes*3
                totalNodes = 0
                for blk in grid.blocks:
                    totalNodes += blk.dims[0] * blk.dims[1] * blk.dims[2] * 3

                # Store the number of volume nodes in each zone
                self.cgnsVolNodeIntervals.append([nodeCounter, nodeCounter + totalNodes])

                # Update block counter
                blockCounter = blockCounter + len(grid.blocks)

                # Update node counter
                nodeCounter = nodeCounter + totalNodes

            # Delete grids to free space
            del grids
            del combined_file


            # Initialize variables to get results in the end
            zoneNames = None
            self.cgnsBlockIntervals = None
            self.cgnsVolNodeIntervals = None

        # Send information to all procs
        zoneNames = self.comm.bcast(zoneNames, root=0)
        self.cgnsBlockIntervals = self.comm.bcast(self.cgnsBlockIntervals, root=0)
        self.cgnsVolNodeIntervals = self.comm.bcast(self.cgnsVolNodeIntervals, root=0)

        # Get names for nearfield meshes.
        # The nearfield mesh names will be the keys of the options dictionary.
        nearfieldNames = optionsDict.keys()

        # Initialize list of IDWarp instances
        self.meshes = []

        # Initialize list to hold indices of the background zones
        self.backgroundInstanceIDs = []

        # Loop over all zones that we found in the combined CGNS file
        for zoneNumber, zoneName in enumerate(zoneNames):

            # Check if the zone belongs to a nearfield mesh
            if zoneName in nearfieldNames:

                # ------------------------------------------------------
                # READING NEARFIELD MESHES (The ones that will be warped)

                # Assign the name of the temporary CGNS file to the options.
                # This is the file that contains the mesh o a single component.
                # Remember that we should use the temporary grid file.
                optionsDict[zoneName]["gridFile"] = "_" + zoneName + ".cgns"

                # Initialize an IDWarp instance with the current options
                if self.dtype == "d":
                    currMesh = self.warp.USMesh(options=optionsDict[zoneName], comm=self.comm)
                elif self.dtype == "D":
                    currMesh = self.warp.USMesh_C(options=optionsDict[zoneName], comm=self.comm)


                # We have a background mesh

                # Regenerate the temporary filename for the background grid
                bgFile = "_" + zoneName + ".cgns"

                # ------------------------------------------------------

                # =========================================================#
                # TO GET volNodes, PLEASE ADD IT HERE.
                # volNodes is a flattened vector that contains the background
                # mesh volume nodes that belong to the current proc.

                # Let's try using IDWarp's CGNS loader to extract the bakground nodes.
                # However, we will have to trick IDWarp in order to do this, since it
                # expects a surface mesh in the file.
                # So we will make a copy of the background mesh file, assign an arbitrary
                # wall surface, and then load it with IDWarp

                # Only the root proc will modify the input file
                if self.myID == 0:

                    # Make a copy of the background mesh file
                    os.system("cp " + bgFile + " tmp_bg_file.cgns")

                    # Create a temporary BC file
                    with open("tmp_bcdata.dat", "w") as fid:
                        fid.write("1 iLow BCwall wall\n")

                    # Use CGNS utils to modify the BCs
                    os.system("cgns_utils overwritebc tmp_bg_file.cgns tmp_bcdata.dat")

                # Create dummy set of options just to load the CGNS file
                dummyOptions = {
                    "gridFile": "tmp_bg_file.cgns",
                    "warpType": "unstructured",

                # Initialize an IDWarp instance with the current options
                if self.dtype == "d":
                    currMesh = self.warp.USMesh(options=dummyOptions, comm=self.comm)
                elif self.dtype == "D":
                    currMesh = self.warp.USMesh_C(options=dummyOptions, comm=self.comm)

                # Initialize a dummy surface in the background mesh
                if self.myID == 0:
                    print('ATTENTION: This is a dummy initialization for background mesh warping.')
                pts = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
                                [2.0, 0.0, 1.0],
                                [2.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])*(self.myID+1)
                conn = np.array([0,1,2,3])
                faceSizes = np.array([4])
                currMesh.setSurfaceDefinition(pts, conn, faceSizes)
                if self.myID == 0:
                    print('Dummy initialization is Done!')
                if self.myID == 0:
                    print("ATTENTION: This is a dummy initialization for background mesh warping.")


                if self.myID == 0:
                    print("Dummy initialization is Done!")

                # The root proc can remove the temporary files
                if self.myID == 0:

                    # Make a copy of the background mesh file
                    os.system("rm tmp_bg_file.cgns")
                    os.system("rm tmp_bcdata.dat")

                # Store the ID of this zone

            # Append the instance to the list.
            # We will store even the background mesh instances for now,
            # but we will delete them as soon as we call self.setExternalMeshIndices().

        # Now the root proc can remove the temporary grid files
        if self.myID == 0:
            for zoneName in zoneNames:
                os.system("rm _" + zoneName + ".cgns")

        # ------------------------------------------------------
        # Initialize other fields for completness
        self.numSurfNodes = None  # How many solver surface nodes we have in the current proc, for all instances
        self.numVolNodes = None  # How many solver volume nodes we have in the current proc, for all instances
        self.cgnsVolNodeMasks = []  # Mask used to filter which volume nodes given by the solver belong to each instance
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, options=None, comm=None, debug=False):
        Create the USMesh object.

        options :  dictionary
            A dictionary containing the options for the mesh movement
            strategies. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL.

        comm : MPI_INTRA_COMM
            MPI communication (as obtained from mpi4py) on which to create
            the USMesh object. If not provided, MPI_COMM_WORLD is used.

        debug : bool
            Flag specifying if the MExt import is automatically deleted.
            This needs to be true ONLY when a symbolic debugger is used.

        name = "IDWarp"
        category = "Volume mesh warping"

        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

        # Default options for mesh warping
        defOpts = self._getDefaultOptions()

        if options is None:
            raise Error("The 'options' keyword argument is *NOT* "
                        "optional. An options dictionary must be passed upon "
                        "creation of this object")

        # Initialize the inherited BaseSolver


        # Check if warp has already been set if this has been
        # inherited to complex version
        except AttributeError:
            curDir = os.path.basename(
            self.warp = MExt("libidwarp", curDir, debug=debug)._module

        # Initialize PETSc if not done so

        # Set realtype of 'd'. 'D' is used in Complex and set in
        # UnstructuredMesh_C.py
        self.dtype = "d"

        # Set Fortran options values

        # Initialize various bits of stored information
        self.OFData = {}
        self.warpInitialized = False
        self.faceSizes = None
        self.fileType = self.getOption("fileType")
        fileName = self.getOption("gridFile")

        # Determine how to read
        if self.fileType == "CGNS":
            # Determine type of CGNS mesh we have
        elif self.fileType == "OpenFOAM":
        elif self.fileType == "PLOT3D":
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, comm=None, options=None, debug=False):
        Create the pyHyp object.

        comm : MPI_INTRACOMM
            Comm to use. This is used when running in parallel. If not
            provided, MPI.COMM_WORLD is used by default.

        options : dict
            A dictionary containing the the options for pyHyp.

        debug : bool
            Flag used to specify if debugging. This only needs to be
            set to true when using a symbolic debugger.

        name = "pyHyp"
        category = "Hyperbolic mesh generator"
        informs = {}

        # Set the possible MPI Intracomm
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

        # Default options for hyperbolic generation
        defOpts = self._getDefaultOptions()

        # Use supplied options
        if options is None:
            raise Error("The options = keyword argument is *NOT* optional. " "It must always be provided")

        # Initialize the inherited BaseSolver
        super().__init__(name, category, defaultOptions=defOpts, options=options, comm=comm, informs=informs)

        # Import and set the hyp module
        curDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.hyp = MExt.MExt("hyp", [curDir], debug=debug)._module

        # Initialize PETSc and MPI if not already done so:

        # Set the fortan options
        self.gridGenerated = False

        # Convert file type to integer
        fileType = {"CGNS": self.hyp.hypinput.cgnsfiletype, "PLOT3D": self.hyp.hypinput.plot3dfiletype}

        intFileType = fileType[self.getOption("fileType")]

        # Determine how we are getting data: by Input file or
        # explictly by patches.
        patchInput = False
        patches = self.getOption("patches")

        if len(patches) > 0:
            patchInput = True
            nBlocks = len(patches)
        if not patchInput:
            if not os.path.isfile(self.getOption("inputFile")):
                raise Error("Input file '%s' not found." % self.getOption("inputFile"))

            # Determine the number of blocks we have so we can initialize
            # the BC array:
            nBlocks = self.hyp.getnblocks(self.getOption("inputFile"), intFileType)

        if self.getOption("noPointReduce") and nBlocks > 1:
            raise Error("The noPointReduce option may only be true when " "a single surface grid is provided.")

        # The fortran BC information
        fBCs = numpy.zeros((4, nBlocks), order="f")
        fBCs[:, :] = self.hyp.hypinput.bcdefault

        # The python BC information
        BCs = self.getOption("BC")
        BCMap = {
            "splay": self.hyp.hypinput.bcsplay,
            "xsymm": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxsymm,
            "ysymm": self.hyp.hypinput.bcysymm,
            "zsymm": self.hyp.hypinput.bczsymm,
            "xconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxconst,
            "yconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcyconst,
            "zconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bczconst,
            "xyconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxyconst,
            "yzconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcyzconst,
            "xzconst": self.hyp.hypinput.bcxzconst,

        edgeMap = {
            "ilow": self.hyp.hypinput.ilow - 1,
            "ihigh": self.hyp.hypinput.ihigh - 1,
            "jlow": self.hyp.hypinput.jlow - 1,
            "jhigh": self.hyp.hypinput.jhigh - 1,

        helpStr = "An example of a boundary specification is:  'BC':{1:{'iLow':'ySymm'}, 2:{'jHigh':'splay'}}"
        for blkBC in BCs:
            if blkBC < 1 or blkBC > nBlocks or not isinstance(blkBC, int):
                raise Error(
                    "Keys in BC array must be 1-based integers and less "
                    "than or equal to the total number of blocks. %s" % helpStr
            for edgeKey in BCs[blkBC]:
                lKey = edgeKey.lower()
                if lKey not in edgeMap.keys():
                    raise Error(
                        "Boundary edge specification must be one of: "
                        "'iLow', 'iHigh', 'jLow', or 'jHigh'. %s" % helpStr
                BCToSet = BCs[blkBC][edgeKey].lower()
                if BCToSet.lower() not in BCMap.keys():

                    raise Error(
                        "Boundary condition specification unknown. Must be one of: "
                        "'splay', 'xSymm', 'ySymm', 'zSymm', "
                        "'xConst', 'yConst', 'zConst, 'xyConst, "
                        "'yzConst or xzConst'. %s" % helpStr

                fBCs[edgeMap[lKey], blkBC - 1] = BCMap[BCToSet]

        # Set the boundary condition information into fortran
        self.hyp.hypinput.bcs = fBCs

        # Now process the family information if we have any:
        families = self.getOption("families")

        fFamilies = []
        # Set default a default name of "wall".
        for _i in range(nBlocks):

        # If we were given a CGNS file we might have families
        # there. So load them and overwrite the default.
        if intFileType == self.hyp.hypinput.cgnsfiletype:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                for i in range(nBlocks):
                    family, foundFam = self.hyp.readfamily(self.getOption("inputFile"), i + 1)
                    if foundFam and len(family.strip()) > 0:
                        fFamilies[i] = family.strip()
            fFamilies = self.comm.bcast(fFamilies)

        # If we have explictly other families given, these will
        # overwrite anything we already have.
        if isinstance(families, str):
            for i in range(nBlocks):
                fFamilies[i] = families

        elif isinstance(families, dict):
            for blkBC in families:
                if blkBC < 1 or blkBC > nBlocks or not isinstance(blkBC, int):
                    raise Error(
                        "Keys in families dictionary must be 1-based integers and less "
                        "than or equal to the total number of blocks"
                fFamilies[blkBC - 1] = families[blkBC]
            raise Error(
                "'families' option must be a string or a dictionary. A string will "
                "set all wall families to the single string. A dictionary with "
                "one-based keys for the blocks may be used to specify individual "
                "families for each block.\n Examples: 'families':'fuselage' or"
                "'families':{'1:'fuselage', 2:'wing'}."

        # Set our family information in fortran
        for i in range(nBlocks):
            self.hyp.setfamily(i + 1, fFamilies[i])

        # Explicitly set patches if necessary
        if patchInput:
            for i in range(len(patches)):
                self.hyp.setpatch(i + 1, patches[i])
            intFileType = self.hyp.hypinput.patchinput

        # Now run the fortran setup.
        self.hyp.setup(self.getOption("inputFile"), intFileType)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, comm=None, options=None, commonOptions=None, debug=False, skipList=[]):

        The inititalization method will setup, run, and write all the results.

        options : object
            ORDERED dictionary or list of dictionaries.
            This contains options for the extrusion of all several grids. An example of
            option dictionary is given below:

            .. code-block:: python

               options = {
                   "epsE": 4.0,
                   "epsI": 8.0,
                   "outputFile": "corner_hyp.cgns",
                   "skip": False,

            We can set a list of dictionaries as input:

            .. code-block:: python

               options1 = {
                   "epsE": 4.0,
                   "epsI": 8.0,
                   "outputFile": "corner1_hyp.cgns",
                   "skip": False,
               options2 = "cartesian.cgns"
               options3 = {
                   "epsE": 2.0,
                   "epsI": 4.0,
                   "outputFile": "corner2_hyp.cgns",
                   "skip": False,
               options = [options1, options2, options3]

            Alternatively, we can set an ORDERED dictionary of dictionaries as input:

            .. code-block:: python

               from collections import OrderedDict

               options = OrderedDict()
               options["case1"] = {
                   "epsE": 4.0,
                   "epsI": 8.0,
                   "outputFile": "corner1_hyp.cgns",
                   "skip": False,
               options["block"] = "cartesian.cgns"
               options["case2"] = {
                   "epsE": 2.0,
                   "epsI": 4.0,
                   "outputFile": "corner2_hyp.cgns",
                   "skip": False,

            Each element of the list/dictionary will be considered as a different case.
            One of the elements can be a string specifying a CGNS file that should be combined
            with the other grids in the end. pyHyp will not do anything with this file except
            combine it with the generated grids in the corresponding order.
            These options will overwrite the default options (defined in the pyHyp class)
            and the common options (another argument of this method).
            If the user gives a list, this will be converted to a dictionary with integers
            as keys. Remember this when setting the skip list for unnamed cases.

        commomOptions : dict
            Dictionary with options that should be applied to all cases in the
            options dictionary. See the 'defOpts' dictionary defined in
            the pyHyp class to see the available options.

        skip_list : list
            List containing names of cases that should be skipped.

        # Set the possible MPI Intracomm
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        self.comm = comm

        # Get processor ID
        myid = self.comm.Get_rank()

        # Convert input to dictionary even if user gave a single element
        if type(options) is dict:
            raise Error(
                "pyHypMulti only accepts Ordered Dictionaries or Lists as inputs."
                + " Declare your options using options=OrderedDict()"
        elif type(options) is list:
            # Set ordered dict
            optionsDict = OrderedDict()
            # Convert list to dictionary using integers as keys
            optionsDict = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(range(len(options)), options[:])}
            # User gave an ordered dictionary
            optionsDict = deepcopy(options)

        # Add unused common options to each set
        for name in optionsDict:
            # Avoid options that are just strings indicating volume grids
            if type(optionsDict[name]) is not str:
                for key in commonOptions:
                    if key not in optionsDict[name].keys():
                        optionsDict[name][key] = commonOptions[key]

        # Initilize counter
        index = 0

        # Get the number of grids
        self.numGrids = len(optionsDict)

        # Initialize dictionary with results
        self.results = {
            "name": list(optionsDict.keys()),
            "outputFile": [0] * self.numGrids,
            "gridRatio": [0] * self.numGrids,
            "minQualityOverall": [0] * self.numGrids,
            "minVolumeOverall": [0] * self.numGrids,

        # Loop over all elements in the options list
        for optionName in optionsDict:

            options = optionsDict[optionName]

            if type(options) is str:

                # Just set up relationships to combine it with the other grids
                # later on
                self.results["name"][index] = optionName
                self.results["outputFile"][index] = options
                self.results["gridRatio"][index] = "N/A"
                self.results["minQualityOverall"][index] = "N/A"
                self.results["minVolumeOverall"][index] = "N/A"

                # Increment counter
                index = index + 1

            elif optionName in skipList:
                if myid == 0:
                    print("Skipping case: ", optionName)

                # Get input file name
                    inputFile = options["inputfile"]
                except KeyError:
                    inputFile = options["inputFile"]

                # Check if output name exists or if we should get the
                # the automatically generated one
                    outputFile = options["outputfile"]
                except KeyError:
                        outputFile = options["outputFile"]
                    except KeyError:  # User probably did not set neither in options or common options
                        outputFile = generateOutputName(inputFile, outputType="cgns")

                # Save results
                self.results["name"][index] = optionName
                self.results["outputFile"][index] = outputFile
                self.results["gridRatio"][index] = "skip"
                self.results["minQualityOverall"][index] = "skip"
                self.results["minVolumeOverall"][index] = "skip"

                # Increment counter
                index = index + 1

            elif type(options) is dict:

                # Only the root processor will print
                if myid == 0:
                    print("Running case %d : %s" % (index, options["inputFile"]))

                # Create pyHyp object using the corresponding options
                hypGrid = pyHyp(comm, options, debug)

                # Run it

                # Write outputs

                # Save results
                self.results["name"][index] = optionName
                self.results["outputFile"][index] = hypGrid.options["outputfile"]
                self.results["gridRatio"][index] = float(hypGrid.hyp.hypdata.gridratio)
                self.results["minQualityOverall"][index] = float(hypGrid.hyp.hypdata.minqualityoverall)
                self.results["minVolumeOverall"][index] = float(hypGrid.hyp.hypdata.minvolumeoverall)

                # Delete object to free memory
                del hypGrid

                # Increment counter
                index = index + 1

        # Print the log