def ego_graph(self, radius=1, types=None, min_degree=None):
        '''Generate an undirected ego graph around the current entity.

        :param radius: radius or degree of the ego graph; defaults to 1
        :param types: node types to be included in the graph (e.g., restrict
            to people and organizations only)
        :param min_degree: optionally filter nodes in the generated ego graph
            by minimum degree
        network = network_data()
        undirected_net = network.to_undirected()

        # filter network *before* generating ego graph
        # so we don't get disconnected nodes
        if types is not None:
            for n in undirected_net.nodes():
                if 'type' not in undirected_net.node[n] or \
                   undirected_net.node[n]['type'] not in types:

        # converted multidigraph to undirected
        # to make it possible to find all neighbors,
        # not just outbound connections
        # (should be a way to get this from a digraph...)

        eg = nx.ego_graph(undirected_net, self.nx_node_id,
        if min_degree is not None:
            return filter_graph(eg, min_degree=min_degree)
        return eg
def group_people_js(request, mode="egograph", output="full"):
    """Return Belfast Group network graph data as JSON, for use with

    Optionally filter
    the data by minimum degree, if min_degree is specified as a url parameter.
    When generating the node and link data, nodes are annotated with
    degree, in degree, out degree, betweenness centrality, and eigenvector
    centrality if available.  (In/out degree is only available for directed

    :param mode: egograph: network information for a one- or two-degree
        egograph centered around the Belfast Group; groupsheet-model:
        alternate network graph based on the Group sheets themselves
    :param output: full: node and link data; adjacency: adjacency matrix,
        used for generating chord diagram

    if mode == "egograph":
        degree = request.GET.get("degree", 1)
        extra_opts = {}
            degree = int(degree)
            # currently only support 1 or 2 degree
            degree = max(1, min(degree, 2))
            # NOTE: degree 2 graph is large enough that it *must* be filtered
            # to be sensible and usable on the webpage;
            # by trial & error, I found a minimum degree of 5 to be reasonable
            if degree == 2:
                extra_opts["min_degree"] = 5
        except ValueError:
            # if a value is passed that can't be converted to int, fallback to 1
            degree = 1

        belfast_group = RdfOrganization(network_data().copy(), BELFAST_GROUP_URI)
        graph = belfast_group.ego_graph(radius=degree, types=["Person", "Organization"], **extra_opts)

        # annotate nodes in graph with degree
        # FIXME: not a directional graph; in/out degree not available
        graph = annotate_graph(
            graph, fields=["degree", "in_degree", "out_degree", "betweenness_centrality", "eigenvector_centrality"]

    elif mode == "groupsheet-model":
        graph = gexf.read_gexf(settings.GEXF_DATA["bg1"])
        graph = annotate_graph(
            graph, fields=["degree", "betweenness_centrality", "eigenvector_centrality"]  #'in_degree', 'out_degree',

    if output == "full":
        data = json_graph.node_link_data(graph)
    if output == "adjacency":
        # adjacency matrix for generating chord diagram
        matrix = nx.convert_matrix.to_numpy_matrix(graph)

        # NOTE: this also works, but as of networx 1.9 requires scipy
        # matrix = nx.linalg.graphmatrix.adjacency_matrix(graph)
        data = matrix.tolist()

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")
    def connections(self, rdftype=None, resource=rdflib.resource.Resource):
        '''Generate a dictionary of connected entities (direct neighbors
        in the network graph) with a list of relationship terms (edge labels).
        Optionally, takes an RDF type to filter the entities (e.g., restrict
        only to People or Organizations), and a subclass of
        :class:`rdflib.resource.Resource` to initialize the entity as.'''
        network = network_data()
        graph = rdf_data()

        if self.nx_node_id not in network.nodes():
            return {}

        # this also works...
        # neighbors = network.neighbors(self.nx_node_id)
        ego_graph = self.ego_graph()
        neighbors = ego_graph.nodes()

        connections = {}
        for node in neighbors:
            weight = 0
            # don't include the current person in their own connections
            if node == self.nx_node_id:

            uriref = rdflib.URIRef(node)
            # if an rdf type was specified, filter out items that do not
            # match that type.
            if rdftype is not None and \
               (uriref, rdflib.RDF.type, rdftype) not in graph:

            res = resource(graph, uriref)
            rels = set()
            # find any edges between this node and me
            # include data to simplify accessing edge label
            # use edges & labels from original multidigraph
            all_edges = network.out_edges(node, data=True) + \
                network.in_edges(node, data=True)

            for edge in all_edges:
                src, target, data = edge
                if self.nx_node_id in edge and 'label' in data:
                    weight += data.get('weight', 1)  # assume default of 1 if not set

            if 'knows' in rels and 'correspondedWith' in rels:

            # connections[res] = {'rels': rels, 'weight': weight}
            connections[res] = (rels, weight)

        # sort by weight so strongest connections will be listed first
        conn =  sorted(connections.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][1], reverse=True)
        return conn
def gexf_content(request, mode):
    """Make network data available as GEXF files for download and use in
    tools like Gephi."""
    if mode == "all":
        graph = network_data()
    elif mode == "group-people":
        # filtered graph of people/places/organizations used for
        # first BG network graph displayed on the site
        # - same data used in :meth:`full_js`
        graph = _network_graph()
    elif mode == "groupsheets":
        graph = gexf.read_gexf(settings.GEXF_DATA["bg1"])

    buf = StringIO()
    gexf.write_gexf(graph, buf)
    response = HttpResponse(buf.getvalue(), content_type="application/gexf+xml")
    response["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=belfastgroup-%s.gexf" % mode
    return response
def _network_graph(min_degree=1, **kwargs):
    graph = network_data().copy()  # don't modify the original network

    rdfgraph = rdf_data()
    # filter graph by type of node
    types = ["Person", "Organization", "Place", "BelfastGroupSheet"]

    for n in graph.nodes():
        if "type" not in graph.node[n] or graph.node[n]["type"] not in types:

        # use groupsheets to infer a connection between the author
        # of the groupsheet and the group itself
        # FIXME: this needs to be in data prep/clean, NOT here
        # TODO: should be handled in prep now; confirm and then remove this logic
        if graph.node[n]["type"] == "BelfastGroupSheet":

            sheet = RdfGroupSheet(rdfgraph, rdflib.URIRef(n))
            # FIXME: error handling when author is not in the graph?
            # should probably at least log this...
            if and unicode( in graph:
                graph.add_edge(unicode(, BELFAST_GROUP_URI, weight=4)

            # remove the groupsheet itself from the network, to avoid
            # cluttering up the graph with too much information
            # graph.add_edge(n, BELFAST_GROUP_URI, weight=5)

    # AFTER filtering by type, filter out by requested minimum degree

    removed = 0
    for n in graph.nodes():
        if < min_degree:
            removed += 1
            graph.remove_node(n)"removed %d nodes with degree less than %d" % (removed, min_degree))

    return graph