Ejemplo n.º 1
def recover_secret(shares):
    p_count = len(shares)
    x_s, y_s = zip(*shares)
    # Use lagrange interpolation
    product = lambda vals: reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, vals)
    nums = []; dens = [];
    for i in range(p_count):
        others = list(x_s)
        cur = others.pop(i)
        nums.append(product(0 - o for o in others))
        dens.append(product(cur - o for o in others))
    den = product(dens)
    num = sum([nums[i] * den * y_s[i] * inv(dens[i], P) % P for i in range(p_count)])
    return num * inv(den, P) % P
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ecdsa_raw_sign_one_to_one(msghash, sender_priv, receiver_pub):
    z = bitcoin.hash_to_int(msghash)
    k = bitcoin.deterministic_generate_k(msghash, sender_priv)
    r, y = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.decode_pubkey(receiver_pub), k)
    s = bitcoin.inv(k, N) * (z + r * bitcoin.decode_privkey(sender_priv)) % N
    v, r, s = 27 + ((y % 2) ^
                    (0 if s * 2 < N else 1)), r, s if s * 2 < N else N - s
    return v, r, s
Ejemplo n.º 3
def lagrange_interpolate(x,y,n):
	for j in range(k):
		for m in range(k):
			if(j != m):
				numerator = (numerator * x[m]) % n
				denominator = (denominator * (x[m]-x[j])) % n
		lsum = (y[j] * numerator * bitcoin.inv(denominator,n)) % n
		constant=(constant+lsum) % n
	return constant
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ecdsa_raw_verify_one_to_one(msghash, vrs, sender_pub, receiver_priv):
    v, r, s = vrs
    w = bitcoin.inv(s, N)
    z = bitcoin.hash_to_int(msghash)
    u1, u2 = z * w % N, r * w % N
    receiver_pub = bitcoin.decode_pubkey(bitcoin.privtopub(receiver_priv))
    receiver_sender_shared = bitcoin.fast_multiply(
    u1Qr = bitcoin.fast_multiply(receiver_pub, u1)
    u2Qs = bitcoin.fast_multiply(receiver_sender_shared, u2)
    x, y = bitcoin.fast_add(u1Qr, u2Qs)
    return bool(r == x and (r % N) and (s % N))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def sign_donation_tx(tx, i, priv):
	k = sign_k
	hashcode = btc.SIGHASH_ALL
	i = int(i)
	if len(priv) <= 33:
		priv = btc.safe_hexlify(priv)
	pub = btc.privkey_to_pubkey(priv)
	address = btc.pubkey_to_address(pub)
	signing_tx = btc.signature_form(tx, i, btc.mk_pubkey_script(address), hashcode)

	msghash = btc.bin_txhash(signing_tx, hashcode)
	z = btc.hash_to_int(msghash)
	#k = deterministic_generate_k(msghash, priv)
	r, y = btc.fast_multiply(btc.G, k)
	s = btc.inv(k, btc.N) * (z + r*btc.decode_privkey(priv)) % btc.N
	rawsig = 27+(y % 2), r, s

	sig =  btc.der_encode_sig(*rawsig)+btc.encode(hashcode, 16, 2)
	#sig = ecdsa_tx_sign(signing_tx, priv, hashcode)
	txobj = btc.deserialize(tx)
	txobj["ins"][i]["script"] = btc.serialize_script([sig, pub])
	return btc.serialize(txobj)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def sign(tx_hash: bytes, private_key: str):
    msg_hash = tx_hash
    z = bitcoin.hash_to_int(msg_hash)
    k = bitcoin.deterministic_generate_k(msg_hash, private_key)

    r, y = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, k)
    s = bitcoin.inv(k, bitcoin.N) * (
        z + r * bitcoin.decode_privkey(private_key)) % bitcoin.N

    v, r, s = 27 + ((y % 2) ^ (0 if s * 2 < bitcoin.N else 1)
                    ), r, s if s * 2 < bitcoin.N else bitcoin.N - s
    if 'compressed' in bitcoin.get_privkey_format(private_key):
        v += 4
    hex_str_r = hex(r)[2:]
    if len(hex_str_r) < 64:
        hex_str_r = ((64 - len(hex_str_r)) * "0") + hex_str_r
    hex_str_s = hex(s)[2:]
    if len(hex_str_s) < 64:
        hex_str_s = ((64 - len(hex_str_s)) * "0") + hex_str_s
    signature = hex_str_r + hex_str_s
    recovery = v - 27
    return signature, recovery
Ejemplo n.º 7
def sign_donation_tx(tx, i, priv):
    k = sign_k
    hashcode = btc.SIGHASH_ALL
    i = int(i)
    if len(priv) <= 33:
        priv = btc.safe_hexlify(priv)
    pub = btc.privkey_to_pubkey(priv)
    address = btc.pubkey_to_address(pub)
    signing_tx = btc.signature_form(tx, i, btc.mk_pubkey_script(address),

    msghash = btc.bin_txhash(signing_tx, hashcode)
    z = btc.hash_to_int(msghash)
    #k = deterministic_generate_k(msghash, priv)
    r, y = btc.fast_multiply(btc.G, k)
    s = btc.inv(k, btc.N) * (z + r * btc.decode_privkey(priv)) % btc.N
    rawsig = 27 + (y % 2), r, s

    sig = btc.der_encode_sig(*rawsig) + btc.encode(hashcode, 16, 2)
    #sig = ecdsa_tx_sign(signing_tx, priv, hashcode)
    txobj = btc.deserialize(tx)
    txobj["ins"][i]["script"] = btc.serialize_script([sig, pub])
    return btc.serialize(txobj)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ecdsa_sign_k(z, d, k):
    r, y = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, k)
    s = bitcoin.inv(k, bitcoin.N) * (z + r * d) % bitcoin.N
    v, r, s = 27 + ((y % 2) ^ (0 if s * 2 < bitcoin.N else 1)
                    ), r, s if s * 2 < bitcoin.N else bitcoin.N - s
    return v, r, s
Ejemplo n.º 9
    r, y = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, k)
    s = bitcoin.inv(k, bitcoin.N) * (z + r * d) % bitcoin.N
    v, r, s = 27 + ((y % 2) ^ (0 if s * 2 < bitcoin.N else 1)
                    ), r, s if s * 2 < bitcoin.N else bitcoin.N - s
    return v, r, s

# Generate secret key & the corresponding public key and address
sk = random.SystemRandom().randrange(1, bitcoin.N)
Q = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, sk)

# Sign 2 differents messages with same k
signing_k = random.SystemRandom().randrange(1, bitcoin.N)
z1 = bitcoin.hash_to_int(hashlib.sha256('first_message').hexdigest())
z2 = bitcoin.hash_to_int(hashlib.sha256('second_message').hexdigest())
v1, r1, s1 = ecdsa_sign_k(z1, sk, signing_k)
v2, r2, s2 = ecdsa_sign_k(z2, sk, signing_k)
assert r1 == r2
print('+ R used   = {:x}'.format(r1))

# Calculate k candidates
k_candidates = [(z1 - z2) * bitcoin.inv(s1 - s2, bitcoin.N) % bitcoin.N,
                (z1 - z2) * bitcoin.inv(s1 + s2, bitcoin.N) % bitcoin.N]
for k in k_candidates:
    priv_key = (s1 * k - z1) * bitcoin.inv(r1, bitcoin.N) % bitcoin.N
    if bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, priv_key) == Q:
        print('+ Calc key = {0}'.format(priv_key))
    print('An unknown error occured.')
Ejemplo n.º 10
        assert pow(root, 3, p) == a % p
        return root
    if (p % 9) == 7:
        root = pow(a, (p + 2) / 9, p)
        assert pow(root, 3, p) == a % p
        return root
        print "Not implemented yet. See the second paper"

# Generate secret key & the corresponding public key and address
d = random.SystemRandom().randrange(1, N)
(x, y) = fast_multiply(G, d)

# Double Q, works only when A = 0 in ECDSA curve
Q2 = ((9 * x**4 * inv(4 * y**2, P) - (2 * x)) % P,
      (9 * x**3 * inv(2 * y, P) - (27 * x**6) * inv(8 * y**3, P) - y) % P)
assert Q2 == fast_multiply(G, d * 2)

# Double and triple Qx, works only for secp256k1 curve
Q2x = ((x**4 - 56 * x) * inv(4 * x**3 + 28, P)) % P
Q3x = (
    (x**9 - 672 * x**6 + 2352 * x**3 + 21952) * inv(9 * x**2 *
                                                    (x**3 + 28)**2, P)) % P
assert Q2x == fast_multiply(G, d * 2)[0]
assert Q3x == fast_multiply(G, d * 3)[0]

# Double Qx and add G
Q2xp1 = (((Q2[0] * G[0]) * (Q2[0] + G[0]) - 2 * Q2[1] * G[1] + 14) * inv(
    (Q2[0] - G[0])**2, P)) % P
assert Q2xp1 == fast_multiply(G, (d * 2) + 1)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 11
from bitcoin import fast_add, fast_multiply, G, hash_to_int, inv, N
from hashlib import sha256
from random import SystemRandom

# Generate secret key & the corresponding public key and address
d = SystemRandom().randrange(1, N)
Q = fast_multiply(G, d);

# Choose a 2 random numbers
a = SystemRandom().randrange(1, N)
b = SystemRandom().randrange(1, N)

# calculate a signature
r = fast_add(fast_multiply(G, a), fast_multiply(Q, b))[0]
s = r * inv(b, N)

# Calculate the hash corresponding to the signature (r,s)
h = a * r * inv(b, N)

# calculate the hash of the message we want to sign
z = hash_to_int(sha256('0xDEADBEEF').hexdigest())

# re-calculate s to sign z
s_p = s * (z + d*r) * inv(h + d*r, N)

# et voila
w = inv(s_p, N)
u1, u2 = z*w % N, r*w % N
x, y = fast_add(fast_multiply(G, u1), fast_multiply(Q, u2))
assert(r == x and (r % N) and (s_p % N))
Ejemplo n.º 12
Q = fast_multiply(G, k)
print("SEARCH - {0}".format(k))

# Pollard rho
def new_xab(x, a, b):
    S = x[0] % 3
    if S == 0:
        a = (a + 1) % N
        x = fast_add(x, G)
    elif S == 1:
        a = (a * 2) % N
        b = (b * 2) % N
        x = fast_add(x, x)
    elif S == 2:
        b = (b + 1) % N
        x = fast_add(x, Q)
    return x, a, b

x=X=(0,0); a=A=0; b=B=0;
for i in range(N):
    x, a, b = new_xab(x, a, b)
    X, A, B = new_xab(X, A, B)
    X, A, B = new_xab(X, A, B)
    if x == X:
        if b == B:
            print("NOT FOUND")
            k = ((a - A) * inv(B - b, N)) % N
            print("FOUND  - {0}".format(k))
Ejemplo n.º 13
#!/usr/bin/env python

from bitcoin import fast_add, fast_multiply, G, inv, N
from random import SystemRandom

# Generate random public key
Q = fast_multiply(G, SystemRandom().randrange(1, N))

# Choose a 2 random numbers
a = SystemRandom().randrange(1, N)
b = SystemRandom().randrange(1, N)

# calculate a signature
r = fast_add(fast_multiply(G, a), fast_multiply(Q, b))[0]
s = r * inv(b, N)

# and now calculate the non hashed message from the result
m = a * r * inv(b, N)

# et voila
w = inv(s, N)
u1, u2 = m * w % N, r * w % N
x, y = fast_add(fast_multiply(G, u1), fast_multiply(Q, u2))
assert (r == x and (r % N) and (s % N))