Ejemplo n.º 1
def Bmat(N, k, rmin, rmax):
    dim = N - k - 2
    t = knotSeq(k, N, rmin, rmax)
    BB = zeros((dim, dim))

    for ii in range(0, dim):
        for jj in range(0, dim):
            i = ii + 2
            j = jj + 2
            if abs(i - j) <= k - 1:
                BB[ii][jj] = B_GQint(k, t, i, j)
                BB[ii][jj] = 0.0

    return BB
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Hmat(N, k, rmin, rmax, l, Z):
    dim = N - k - 2
    print("Hmat dim: %i " % dim)
    t = knotSeq(k, N, rmin, rmax)
    H = zeros((dim, dim))
    t1f = 0.5  #hbar**2/(2*m_e)
    t2f = 0.5 * (l * (l + 1))  #hbar^2*l(l+1)/2m_e
    t3f = -1 * Z  #-Z*e^2/(4*pi*epsilon_0)

    for ii in range(0, dim):
        for jj in range(0, dim):
            i = ii + 2
            j = jj + 2
            if abs(i - j) <= k - 1:
                term1 = t1f * H_GQint(k, t, i, j, term=1)
                term2 = t2f * H_GQint(k, t, i, j, term=2)
                term3 = t3f * H_GQint(k, t, i, j, term=3)
                H[ii][jj] = term1 + term2 + term3
                H[ii][jj] = 0.0
    return H
Ejemplo n.º 3

plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2)
       prop_cycle=(cycler('color', ['c', 'r', 'm', 'y', 'b']) +
                   cycler('linestyle', ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-'])))

HtGS = (13.6 / 27.211385)  # ~= 0.5 Hartree

Hh = Hmat(N, k, rmin, rmax, l, Z)
Bb = Bmat(N, k, rmin, rmax)

#print Hh[-1][-1], Bb[-1][-1] #SEEMS TO WORK

w, vr = LA.eig(Hh, Bb)
tt = knotSeq(k, N, rmin, rmax)
xx = linspace(rmin, rmax, 1000)
minidx = argwhere(w < 0)
minidx = minidx[:, 0]
#print minidx, len(minidx)

#print w
aPsi2n1 = pow(abs(xx * aPsi(xx, 1, l)), 2)
aPsi2n1 = aPsi2n1 / sum(aPsi2n1)
aPsi2n2 = pow(abs(xx * aPsi(xx, 2, l)), 2)
aPsi2n2 = aPsi2n2 / sum(aPsi2n2)
aPsi2n3 = pow(abs(xx * aPsi(xx, 3, l)), 2)
aPsi2n3 = aPsi2n3 / sum(aPsi2n3)

apsilab = r'Analytic $r^2 |R_{n,l}(r)|^2$'
if Z == 1 and lcompflag == 0: