Ejemplo n.º 1
class Symbol(AtomicExpr, Boolean):
       commutative = True

    You can override the default assumptions in the constructor:

    >>> from sympy import symbols
    >>> A,B = symbols('A,B', commutative = False)
    >>> bool(A*B != B*A)
    >>> bool(A*B*2 == 2*A*B) == True # multiplication by scalars is commutative


    is_comparable = False

    __slots__ = ['name']

    is_Symbol = True

    def _diff_wrt(self):
        """Allow derivatives wrt Symbols.


            >>> from sympy import Symbol
            >>> x = Symbol('x')
            >>> x._diff_wrt
        return True

    def __new__(cls, name, **assumptions):
        """Symbols are identified by name and assumptions::

        >>> from sympy import Symbol
        >>> Symbol("x") == Symbol("x")
        >>> Symbol("x", real=True) == Symbol("x", real=False)


        if 'dummy' in assumptions:
                feature="Symbol('x', dummy=True)",
                useinstead="Dummy() or symbols(..., cls=Dummy)",
                issue=3378, deprecated_since_version="0.7.0",
            if assumptions.pop('dummy'):
                return Dummy(name, **assumptions)
        if assumptions.get('zero', False):
            return S.Zero
        is_commutative = fuzzy_bool(assumptions.get('commutative', True))
        if is_commutative is None:
            raise ValueError(
                '''Symbol commutativity must be True or False.''')
        assumptions['commutative'] = is_commutative
        return Symbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, name, **assumptions)

    def __new_stage2__(cls, name, **assumptions):
        assert isinstance(name, str), repr(type(name))
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls)
        obj.name = name
        obj._assumptions = StdFactKB(assumptions)
        return obj

    __xnew__ = staticmethod(
        __new_stage2__)            # never cached (e.g. dummy)
    __xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(
        cacheit(__new_stage2__))   # symbols are always cached

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return (self.name,)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {'_assumptions': self._assumptions}

    def _hashable_content(self):
        return (self.name,) + tuple(sorted(self.assumptions0.iteritems()))

    def assumptions0(self):
        return dict((key, value) for key, value
                in self._assumptions.iteritems() if value is not None)

    def sort_key(self, order=None):
        return self.class_key(), (1, (str(self),)), S.One.sort_key(), S.One

    def as_dummy(self):
        return Dummy(self.name, **self.assumptions0)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        from function import Function
        return Function(self.name)(*args)

    def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
        if hints.get('ignore') == self:
            return None
            return (C.re(self), C.im(self))

    def _sage_(self):
        import sage.all as sage
        return sage.var(self.name)

    def is_constant(self, *wrt, **flags):
        if not wrt:
            return False
        return not self in wrt

    def is_number(self):
        return False

    def free_symbols(self):
        return set([self])
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Symbol(AtomicExpr, Boolean):
       commutative = True

    You can override the default assumptions in the constructor:

    >>> from sympy import symbols
    >>> A,B = symbols('A,B', commutative = False)
    >>> bool(A*B != B*A)
    >>> bool(A*B*2 == 2*A*B) == True # multiplication by scalars is commutative


    is_comparable = False

    __slots__ = ['is_commutative', 'name']

    is_Symbol = True

    def _diff_wrt(self):
        """Allow derivatives wrt Symbols.


            >>> from sympy import Symbol
            >>> x = Symbol('x')
            >>> x._diff_wrt
        return True

    def __new__(cls, name, commutative=True, **assumptions):
        """Symbols are identified by name and assumptions::

        >>> from sympy import Symbol
        >>> Symbol("x") == Symbol("x")
        >>> Symbol("x", real=True) == Symbol("x", real=False)


        if 'dummy' in assumptions:
                "\nThe syntax Symbol('x', dummy=True) is deprecated and will"
                "\nbe dropped in a future version of Sympy. Please use Dummy()"
                "\nor symbols(..., cls=Dummy) to create dummy symbols.",
            if assumptions.pop('dummy'):
                return Dummy(name, commutative, **assumptions)
        return Symbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, name, commutative, **assumptions)

    def __new_stage2__(cls, name, commutative=True, **assumptions):
        assert isinstance(name, str), repr(type(name))
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        obj.is_commutative = commutative
        obj.name = name
        return obj

    __xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)  # never cached (e.g. dummy)
    __xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(
        cacheit(__new_stage2__))  # symbols are always cached

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return (self.name, self.is_commutative)

    def _hashable_content(self):
        return (self.is_commutative, self.name)

    def sort_key(self, order=None):
        return self.class_key(), (1, (str(self), )), S.One.sort_key(), S.One

    def as_dummy(self):
        assumptions = self.assumptions0.copy()
        assumptions.pop('commutative', None)
        return Dummy(self.name, self.is_commutative, **assumptions)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        from function import Function
        return Function(self.name, nargs=len(args))(*args, **self.assumptions0)

    def as_real_imag(self, deep=True):
        return (C.re(self), C.im(self))

    def _eval_expand_complex(self, deep=True, **hints):
        re, im = self.as_real_imag()
        return re + im * S.ImaginaryUnit

    def _sage_(self):
        import sage.all as sage
        return sage.var(self.name)

    def is_constant(self, *wrt):
        if not wrt:
            return False
        return not self in wrt

    def is_number(self):
        return False

    def free_symbols(self):
        return set([self])
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Symbol(Atom):
       real = True
       commutative = True

    You can override the default assumptions in the constructor::
       >>> A,B = symbols('AB', commutative = False)
       >>> bool(A*B != B*A)
       >>> bool(A*B*2 == 2*A*B) == True # multiplication by scalars is commutative

    is_comparable = False

    __slots__ = ['is_commutative', 'name']

    is_Symbol = True

    def __new__(cls, name, commutative=True, dummy=False, **assumptions):
        """if dummy == True, then this Symbol is totally unique, i.e.::

        >>> bool(Symbol("x") == Symbol("x")) == True

        but with the dummy variable ::

        >>> bool(Symbol("x", dummy = True) == Symbol("x", dummy = True)) == True


        # XXX compatibility stuff
        if dummy == True:
            return Dummy(name, commutative=commutative, **assumptions)
            return Symbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, name, commutative, **assumptions)

    def __new_stage2__(cls, name, commutative=True, **assumptions):
        assert isinstance(name, str), ` type(name) `
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        obj.is_commutative = commutative
        obj.name = name
        return obj

    __xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)  # never cached (e.g. dummy)
    __xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(
        cacheit(__new_stage2__))  # symbols are always cached

    def __getnewargs__(self):
        return (self.name, self.is_commutative)

    def _hashable_content(self):
        return (self.is_commutative, self.name)

    def as_dummy(self):
        return Dummy(self.name, **self.assumptions0)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        return Function(self.name, nargs=len(args))(*args, **self.assumptions0)

    def _eval_expand_complex(self, *args):
        return C.re(self) + C.im(self) * S.ImaginaryUnit

    def _sage_(self):
        import sage.all as sage
        return sage.var(self.name)

    def is_number(self):
        return False