Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Caf.py Proyecto: azag0/caf
def work(caf, profile: '--profile', n: ('-j', int), targets: 'TARGET',
         limit: ('--limit', int), queue: '--queue', myid: '--id',
         dry: '--dry', do_init: 'init', do_build: 'build', verbose: '--verbose',
         last_queue: '--last', maxdepth: ('--maxdepth', int)):
    Execute all prepared build tasks.

        caf [[init] build] work [-v] [--limit N]
                                [--profile PROFILE [-j N] | [--id ID] [--dry]]
                                [--last | --queue URL | [TARGET...] [--maxdepth N]]

        -n, --dry                  Dry run (do not write to disk).
        --id ID                    ID of worker [default: 1].
        -p, --profile PROFILE      Run worker via ~/.config/caf/worker_PROFILE.
        -q, --queue URL            Take tasks from web queue.
        --last                     As above, but use the last submitted queue.
        -j N                       Number of launched workers [default: 1].
        -l, --limit N              Limit number of tasks to N.
        -v, --verbose              Be more verbose.
        --maxdepth N               Maximal depth.
    import subprocess
    if do_init:
        build(['caf', 'init', 'build'], caf)
    elif do_build:
        build(['caf', 'build'], caf)
    if profile:
        for _ in range(n):
            cmd = ['{}/.config/caf/worker_{}'.format(os.environ['HOME'], profile),
                   '-v' if verbose else None, ('--limit', limit),
                   ('--queue', queue), targets, ('--maxdepth', maxdepth)]
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                error('Running ~/.config/caf/worker_{} did not succeed.'
        if queue or last_queue:
            if last_queue:
                with open('.caf/LAST_QUEUE') as f:
                    queue = f.read().strip()
            url = caf.get_queue_url(queue, 'get') or queue
            worker = QueueWorker(myid, caf.cache, url,
                                 dry=dry, limit=limit, debug=verbose)
            roots = [caf.out/t for t in targets] \
                if targets else (caf.out).glob('*')
            tasks = OrderedDict()
            for path in find_tasks(*roots, unsealed=True, maxdepth=maxdepth):
                cellarid = get_stored(path)
                if cellarid not in tasks:
                    tasks[cellarid] = str(path)
            worker = LocalWorker(myid, caf.cache,
                                 dry=dry, limit=limit, debug=verbose)