def calc_repulsive_gradient_ge(gradient, goal, pose):
    calculation of movement vector based on repulsive gradient and
    goal gradient
    :param gradient: repulsive gradient message
    :param goal: attractive gradient message (goal)
    :param pose: position SoMessage of the robot
    :return: movement vector
    distance of influence of obstacle = goal_radius + diffusion
    v = Vector3()

    # distance obstacle - agent
    tmp = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, gradient.p)

    # shortest distance considered (goal_radius of agent == size of agent)
    d = np.linalg.norm([tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z]) - pose.goal_radius \
        - gradient.goal_radius

    if d <= 0:
        v = Vector3(np.inf, np.inf, np.inf)
        # calculate norm vector for direction
        tmp = calc.unit_vector3(tmp)

        # calculate repulsion vector - adjust sign/direction
        if tmp.x != 0.0:
            v.x *= tmp.x
        if tmp.y != 0.0:
            v.y *= tmp.y
        if tmp.z != 0.0:
            v.z *= tmp.z
    elif 0 < d <= gradient.diffusion:
        # unit vector obstacle - agent
        tmp = calc.unit_vector3(tmp)
        # distance agent - goal
        d_goal = calc.get_gradient_distance(pose.p, goal.p) - \
                 pose.goal_radius - goal.goal_radius
        # unit vector agent - goal
        ag = calc.delta_vector(goal.p, pose.p)
        ag = calc.unit_vector3(ag)
        # closest distance to obstacle  - diffusion
        d_obs_diff = (1.0 / d) - (1.0 / gradient.diffusion)
        # parameters
        n = 1.0
        eta = 1.0
        # weighting rep1 and rep2
        f_rep1 = eta * d_obs_diff * ((d_goal**n) / (d**n))
        f_rep2 = eta * (n / 2.0) * np.square(d_obs_diff) * (d_goal**(n - 1))
        v.x = f_rep1 * tmp.x + f_rep2 * ag.x
        v.y = f_rep1 * tmp.y + f_rep2 * ag.y
        v.z = f_rep1 * tmp.z + f_rep2 * ag.z

    elif d > gradient.diffusion:
        v = Vector3()

    return v
def calc_attractive_gradient_ge(gradient, pose):
    calculate movement vector based on attractive gradient
    normalized version same as _calc_attractive_gradient
    :param gradient: attractive gradient message
    :param pose: position SoMessage of the robot
    :return: movement vector
    v = Vector3()

    # distance goal - agent
    tmp = calc.delta_vector(gradient.p, pose.p)

    # shortest distance considered (goal_radius of agent == size of agent)
    d = np.linalg.norm([tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z]) - pose.goal_radius \
        - gradient.goal_radius

    if d <= 0:
        v = Vector3()
    elif 0 < d <= gradient.diffusion:
        v = calc.adjust_length(tmp, d)
    elif d > gradient.diffusion:
        if gradient.diffusion == 0:
            v = calc.adjust_length(tmp, 1)
            v = calc.adjust_length(tmp, gradient.diffusion)

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 3
def separation(agent, neighbors, r=1.0):
    Calculates separation steering force between agent and neighbors
    :param agent: agent position and orientation
    :param neighbors: neighbor positions and orientations
    :param r: weighting parameter (1/r)
    :return: normalized movement vector for separation
    sep = Vector3()

    if len(neighbors) > 0:
        # 1/r weighting
        weight = 1.0 / r
        for q in neighbors:
            diff = calc.delta_vector(agent.p, q.p)
            # shortest distance between two robots
            dist = calc.vector_length(diff) - agent.goal_radius - q.goal_radius
            if dist > 0.0:
                diff = calc.unit_vector3(diff)
                sep.x += weight * (diff.x / dist)
                sep.y += weight * (diff.y / dist)
                sep.z += weight * (diff.z / dist)
            else:  # two agents on top of each other: add random vector
                tmp = np.random.rand(1, 3)[0]
                dist = np.linalg.norm(tmp)
                sep.x += weight * (tmp[0] / dist)
                sep.y += weight * (tmp[1] / dist)
                sep.z += weight * (tmp[2] / dist)

    return sep
def calc_attractive_gradient(gradient, pose):
    calculate movement vector based on attractive gradient
    :param gradient: attractive gradient message
    :param pose: position SoMessage of the robot
    :return: movement vector
    v = Vector3()

    # distance goal - agent
    tmp = calc.delta_vector(gradient.p, pose.p)

    # shortest distance considered (goal_radius of agent == size of agent)
    d = np.linalg.norm([tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z]) - pose.goal_radius \
        - gradient.goal_radius

    if d <= 0:
        v = Vector3()
    elif 0 < d <= gradient.diffusion:
        # calculate magnitude of vector
        magnitude = d / gradient.diffusion
        v = calc.adjust_length(tmp, magnitude)
    elif d > gradient.diffusion:
        # calculate attraction vector
        #v = calc.adjust_length(tmp, 1.0)#TODO Why this?
        v = tmp

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 5
def action_function(qj, qi, r, epsilon, a, b, avoidance_distance, h):
    calculation of action function
    :param qj: Positin neighbor Vector3
    :param qi: Position agent Vector3
    :param r: view_distance / interaction range
    :param epsilon: parameter of sigma norm (0,1)
    :param a: parameter
    :param b: parameter
                0 < a <= b; c = |a-b|/np.sqrt(4ab)
    :param h: parameter (0,1) specifying boundaries of bump function
    :param avoidance_distance: distance between agents
    :return: action function value
    dq = calc.delta_vector(qj, qi)
    z = sigma_norm(epsilon, dq)
    r_alpha = sigma_norm_f(epsilon, r)
    d_alpha = sigma_norm_f(epsilon, avoidance_distance)

    # calculate parameter c for action function
    c = np.abs(a - b) / np.sqrt(4 * a * b)

    z_phi = z - d_alpha
    sigma = (z_phi + c) / (np.sqrt(1 + np.square(z_phi + c)))
    phi = 0.5 * ((a + b) * sigma + (a - b))
    phi_alpha = bump_function(z / r_alpha, h) * phi

    return phi_alpha
    def static_list_angle(self,
        function determines all static gradients within view distance with a
        certain frame ID & within a view angle,
        only static gradients as pheromones are deposited in environment,
        :param frameids: frame ID of agent data
        :param view_angle_xy: angle in which agent can see pheromones on
        x-y-plane (+/- from heading)
        :param view_angle_yz: angle in which agent can see pheromones on
        y-z-plane (+/- from heading)
        :param time: optional time stamp for evaporation calculations, if None
        :return: list of gradients
        if not self.ev_thread:

        gradients = []

        # no own position available
        pose = self.get_last_position()

        if pose is None:
            rospy.logerr("No own positions available")
            return gradients

        # determine frames to consider
        if not frameids:
            frameids = self._static.keys()

        # heading vector
        heading = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([pose.q.x, pose.q.y,
                                                        pose.q.z, pose.q.w]).\
            dot([pose.direction.x, pose.direction.y, pose.direction.z, 1])

        heading = Vector3(heading[0], heading[1], heading[2])

        static = copy.deepcopy(self._static)

        for frame in frameids:
            if frame in static.keys():
                for element in static[frame]:
                    grad = calc.delta_vector(element.p, pose.p)
                    if calc.vector_length(
                    ) <= element.diffusion + element.goal_radius + self._view_distance:
                        if view_angle_xy is None or np.abs(calc.angle_between([grad.x, grad.y],
                                                     [heading.x, heading.y])) \
                                <= view_angle_xy:
                            if view_angle_xy is None or np.abs(calc.angle_between([grad.y, grad.z],
                                                          heading.z])) \
                                    <= view_angle_yz:

        return gradients
    def move(self):
        calculates movement vector considering all gradients
        :return: movement vector

        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()
        result = None

        # repulsive gradients
        gradients = self._buffer.gradients(self.frames, self.static,

        if pose:
            if gradients:
                result = Vector3()
                for grdnt in gradients:

                    if grdnt.attraction == 1:
                        result = calc.add_vectors(result, gradient.
                            grdnt, pose))
                    elif grdnt.attraction == -1:
                        grad = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient(grdnt, pose)

                        # robot position is within obstacle goal radius
                        # handle infinite repulsion
                        if grad.x == np.inf or grad.x == -1 * np.inf:
                            # create random vector with length (goal_radius +
                            # gradient.diffusion)
                            dv = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, grdnt.p)

                            if calc.vector_length(dv) == 0:
                                result = calc.add_vectors(result,
                                                              + grdnt.diffusion
                                result = calc.add_vectors(result,
                                                              + grdnt.diffusion
                                result = calc.add_vectors(result, grad)

        if not result:
            return None

        # adjust length
        d = calc.vector_length(result)
        if d > self.maxvel:
            result = calc.adjust_length(result, self.maxvel)
        elif 0 < d < self.minvel:
            result = calc.adjust_length(result, self.minvel)

        return result
    def move(self):
        calculates movement vector to avoid all repulsive gradients
        :return: movement vector

        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()
        vector_repulsion = None

        # repulsive gradients
        gradients_repulsive = self._buffer.repulsive_gradients(self.frames,

        if pose:
            if gradients_repulsive:
                vector_repulsion = Vector3()
                for grdnt in gradients_repulsive:

                    grad = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient(grdnt, pose)

                    # robot position is within obstacle goal radius
                    # handle infinite repulsion
                    if grad.x == np.inf or grad.x == -1 * np.inf:
                        # create random vector with length (goal_radius +
                        # gradient.diffusion)
                        dv = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, grdnt.p)

                        if not vector_repulsion:
                            vector_repulsion = Vector3()

                        if calc.vector_length(dv) == 0:
                            vector_repulsion = calc.add_vectors(
                                vector_repulsion, calc.random_vector(
                                    grdnt.goal_radius + grdnt.diffusion))
                            vector_repulsion = calc.add_vectors(
                                vector_repulsion, calc.adjust_length(dv,
                                        grdnt.goal_radius + grdnt.diffusion))
                        vector_repulsion = calc.add_vectors(vector_repulsion,

        if not vector_repulsion:
            return None

        # adjust length
        d = calc.vector_length(vector_repulsion)
        if d > self.maxvel:
            vector_repulsion = calc.adjust_length(vector_repulsion, self.maxvel)
        elif 0 < d < self.minvel:
            vector_repulsion = calc.adjust_length(vector_repulsion, self.minvel)

        return vector_repulsion
Ejemplo n.º 9
def adjacency_matrix(qj, qi, epsilon, r, h):
    calculate adjacency matrix element
    :param qj: Position neighbor
    :param qi: Position agent
    :param epsilon: parameter of sigma norm (0,1)
    :param r: view distance / interaction range
    :param h: parameter (0,1) of bump_function
    :return: adjacency matrix element aij
    dq = calc.delta_vector(qi, qj)
    z = sigma_norm(epsilon, dq)
    r_alpha = sigma_norm_f(epsilon, r)

    return bump_function(z / r_alpha, h)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def move(self):
        calculates repulsion vector based on Fernandez-Marquez
        :return: repulsion movement vector

        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()
        view = self._buffer.agent_list(self.frames)

        mov = None

        if pose and view:
            repulsion_radius = pose.diffusion + pose.goal_radius
            mov = Vector3()

            for el in view:
                distance = calc.get_gradient_distance(el.p, pose.p) \
                           - el.goal_radius

                if distance <= self._buffer.view_distance:

                    if distance > 0:
                        diff = repulsion_radius - distance
                        mov.x += (pose.p.x - el.p.x) * diff / distance
                        mov.y += (pose.p.y - el.p.y) * diff / distance
                        mov.z += (pose.p.z - el.p.z) * diff / distance

                    # enhancement of formulas to cover case when gradients are
                    # collided (agent is in goal radius of neighbor)
                    elif distance <= 0:
                        # create random vector with length=repulsion radius
                        if distance == - el.goal_radius:
                            mov = calc.add_vectors(mov, calc.random_vector(
                        # use direction leading away if available
                            mov = calc.add_vectors(mov, calc.adjust_length(
                                calc.delta_vector(pose.p, el.p),

            if not mov:
                return None

            if calc.vector_length(mov) > repulsion_radius:
                mov = calc.adjust_length(mov, repulsion_radius)

        return mov
    def move(self):
        calculate movement vector
        :return: movement vector
        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()
        g = None

        # strongest gradient
        grad = self._buffer.strongest_gradient(self.frames, self.static,

        if pose:
            if grad:
                if grad.attraction == 1:
                    g = gradient.calc_attractive_gradient(grad, pose)
                elif grad.attraction == -1:
                    g = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient(grad, pose)

                    # robot position is within obstacle goal radius
                    # handle infinite repulsion
                    if g.x == np.inf or g.x == -1 * np.inf:
                        # create random vector with length (goal_radius +
                        # gradient.diffusion)
                        dv = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, grad.p)

                        if calc.vector_length(dv) == 0:
                            g = calc.random_vector(grad.goal_radius +
                            g = calc.adjust_length(dv, grad.goal_radius
                                                   + grad.diffusion)

        if not g:
            return None

        # adjust length
        d = calc.vector_length(g)
        if d > self.maxvel:
            g = calc.adjust_length(g, self.maxvel)
        elif 0 < d < self.minvel:
            g = calc.adjust_length(g, self.minvel)

        return g
Ejemplo n.º 12
def vector_btw_agents(qi, qj, epsilon):
    vector between agents
    :param qi: agent under consideration
    :param qj: neighbor
    :param epsilon: fixed parameter (0,1) of sigma_norm
    :return: vector along the line btw qj and qi
    n = Vector3()
    # dq = qj - qi
    dq = calc.delta_vector(qj, qi)
    # denominator of calculation
    denom = np.sqrt(1 + epsilon * np.square(calc.vector_length(dq)))

    n.x = dq.x / denom
    n.y = dq.y / denom
    n.z = dq.z / denom

    return n
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cohesion(agent, neighbors):
    calculates cohesion steering force
    average of neighbor positions
    :param agent: agent position and orientation
    :param neighbors: list of neighbor positions and orientations
    :return: norm vector steering towards average position of neighbors
    coh = Vector3()

    for q in neighbors:
        coh = calc.add_vectors(coh, q.p)

    if len(neighbors) > 0:
        coh.x /= len(neighbors)
        coh.y /= len(neighbors)
        coh.z /= len(neighbors)

        coh = calc.delta_vector(coh, agent.p)

    return coh
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def move(self):
        calculates repulsion vector based on agent gradients
        :return: repulsion movement vector
        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()
        view = self._buffer.agent_list(self.frames)
        repulsion = None

        if pose and view:
            repulsion_radius = pose.diffusion + pose.goal_radius
            repulsion = Vector3()

            for el in view:
                grad = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient(el, pose)

                # case: agents are collided
                if abs(grad.x) == np.inf or abs(grad.y) == np.inf or \
                                abs(grad.z) == np.inf:
                    dv = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, el.p)

                    if calc.vector_length(dv) == 0:
                        repulsion = calc.add_vectors(repulsion,
                        repulsion = calc.add_vectors(repulsion,
                                                         dv, repulsion_radius))

                    repulsion = calc.add_vectors(repulsion, grad)

            if not repulsion:
                return None

            if calc.vector_length(repulsion) > repulsion_radius:
                repulsion = calc.adjust_length(repulsion, repulsion_radius)

        return repulsion
def calc_repulsive_gradient(gradient, pose):
    calc movement vector based on repulsive gradient
    :param gradient: repulsive gradient message
    :param pose: position SoMessage of the robot
    :return: movement vector
    v = Vector3()

    # distance goal - agent
    tmp = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, gradient.p)

    # shortest distance considered (goal_radius of agent == size of agent)
    d = np.linalg.norm([tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z]) - pose.goal_radius \
        - gradient.goal_radius

    if d <= 0 or gradient.diffusion == np.inf:  # infinitely large repulsion
        v = Vector3(np.inf, np.inf, np.inf)
        # calculate norm vector for direction
        tmp = calc.unit_vector3(tmp)

        # calculate repulsion vector / adjust sign/direction
        if tmp.x != 0.0:
            v.x *= tmp.x
        if tmp.y != 0.0:
            v.y *= tmp.y
        if tmp.z != 0.0:
            v.z *= tmp.z

    elif 0 < d <= gradient.diffusion:
        # calculate magnitude of vector
        magnitude = (gradient.diffusion - d) / gradient.diffusion
        # calculate vector
        v = calc.adjust_length(tmp, magnitude)

    elif d > gradient.diffusion:
        v = Vector3()

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 16
def agent_velocity(p1, p2):
    calculate velocity of agent
    :param p1: gradient 1 (soMessage)
    :param p2: gradient 2 (soMessage)
    :return: current agent velocity
    v = calc.delta_vector(p1.p, p2.p)

    # delta t in secs
    dt = p1.header.stamp.secs - p2.header.stamp.secs
    dt += (p1.header.stamp.nsecs - p2.header.stamp.nsecs) / 1000000000.0

    if dt == 0.0:
        return Vector3()

    # velocity = delta distance / delta time
    v.x /= dt
    v.y /= dt
    v.z /= dt

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 17
def velocity_consensus(neighbors, agent, epsilon, r, h):
    calculates velocity consensus term
    :param neighbors: array of neighbors of agent i (tuple position - velocity)
    :param agent: agent under consideration (position and velocity)
    :param epsilon: sigma norm parameter (0,1)
    :param r: view distance / interaction range
    :param h: parameter specifying boundaries of bump function
    :return: velocity consensus term for flocking
    v = Vector3()

    for q in neighbors:
        # needs velocity - delta velocity
        dp = calc.delta_vector(q.v, agent.v)
        # needs position
        aij = adjacency_matrix(q.p, agent.p, epsilon, r, h)

        v.x += aij * dp.x
        v.y += aij * dp.y
        v.z += aij * dp.z

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def move(self):
        calculates movement vector, handling all gradients as repulsive
        :return: movement vector

        # spread pheromone

        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()
        result = None

        # repulsive gradients
        gradients = self._buffer.gradients(self.frames, self.static,

        if pose:
            if gradients:
                result = Vector3()

                if len(gradients) > 1:

                    for grdnt in gradients:
                        grad = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient(grdnt, pose)

                        # robot position is within obstacle goal radius
                        # handle infinite repulsion
                        if grad.x == np.inf or grad.x == -1 * np.inf:
                            # create random vector with length (goal_radius +
                            # gradient.diffusion)
                            dv = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, grdnt.p)

                            dv = calc.adjust_length(
                                dv, grdnt.goal_radius + grdnt.diffusion)

                            result = calc.add_vectors(result, dv)
                            result = calc.add_vectors(result, grad)
                    grdnt = gradients[0]
                    result = calc.random_vector(grdnt.goal_radius +
                rospy.logwarn("No gradients of frames '%s' available",
            rospy.logwarn("No own pose available!")

        if not result:
            rospy.logwarn("No gradient vector available!")
            return None

        # adjust length
        d = calc.vector_length(result)
        if d > self.maxvel:
            result = calc.adjust_length(result, self.maxvel)
        elif 0 < d < self.minvel:
            result = calc.adjust_length(result, self.minvel)
            result = calc.random_vector(grdnt.goal_radius + grdnt.diffusion)

        return result
    def move(self):
        :return: movement vector
        vector_repulsion = None

        pose = self._buffer.get_own_pose()

        # repulsive gradients
        gradients_repulsive = self._buffer.repulsive_gradients(self.frames,

        # attractive gradient / set goal
        vector_attraction = self.goal_gradient()

        if pose:
            if gradients_repulsive:
                vector_repulsion = Vector3()
                for grdnt in gradients_repulsive:
                    if self.goal:
                        grad = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient_ge(grdnt,
                    else:  # no attractive gradient, apply repulsion only
                        grad = gradient.calc_repulsive_gradient(grdnt, pose)

                    # robot position is within obstacle goal radius
                    # handle infinite repulsion
                    if abs(grad.x) == np.inf or abs(grad.y) == np.inf or \
                                    abs(grad.z) == np.inf:
                        # create random vector with length (goal_radius +
                        # gradient.diffusion)
                        dv = calc.delta_vector(pose.p, grdnt.p)

                        if calc.vector_length(dv) == 0:
                            vector_repulsion = calc.add_vectors(
                                vector_repulsion, calc.random_vector(
                                    grdnt.goal_radius + grdnt.diffusion))
                            vector_repulsion = calc.add_vectors(
                                vector_repulsion, calc.adjust_length(dv,
                                        grdnt.goal_radius + grdnt.diffusion))
                        vector_repulsion = calc.add_vectors(vector_repulsion,

        if vector_attraction and vector_repulsion:
            result = calc.add_vectors(vector_attraction, vector_repulsion)
        elif vector_repulsion:
            result = vector_repulsion
        elif vector_attraction:
            result = vector_attraction
            return None

        d = calc.vector_length(result)
        if d > self.maxvel:
            result = calc.adjust_length(result, self.maxvel)
        elif 0 < d < self.minvel:
            result = calc.adjust_length(result, self.minvel)

        return result