Ejemplo n.º 1
    def push_schema(self, name, schema):
        Store a schema on server and cache it

        :param str name: name of schema file
        :param str schema: xml content in a string
        :raises ValueError: if schema name already exists
        :raises SyntaxError: if xml cannot be read by lxml
        :raises AttributeError: if unique_key does not exist
        :raises ValueError: if unique_key exists in an other schema

        if is_name_available(name):
            raise ValueError("Provided schema name : '{}' already exists".format(name))

        if self.validate_schema(schema)[0] is False:
            raise SyntaxError("Provided xml can neither be interpreted as " "XMLSchema nor as XSLT")

        xschema = parse(StringIO(schema))
        unique_key = get_unique_key(xschema)
        if unique_key is None:
            raise AttributeError("Unique key (targetNamespace attribute of " "root element) does not exist")

        if self.is_unique_key_existing(unique_key):
            raise ValueError("Unique key ('{}') already exists".format(unique_key))

        # if no exception has been raised until here, we can write the
        # schema and add it to cache
        with open(get_schema_path(name), "w") as schema_file:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def push_schema(self, name, schema):
        Store a schema on server and cache it

        :param str name: name of schema file
        :param str schema: xml content in a string
        :raises ValueError: if schema name already exists
        :raises SyntaxError: if xml cannot be read by lxml
        :raises AttributeError: if unique_key does not exist
        :raises ValueError: if unique_key exists in an other schema

        if is_name_available(name):
            raise ValueError(
                'Provided schema name : \'{}\' already exists'.format(name))

        if self.validate_schema(schema)[0] is False:
            raise SyntaxError('Provided xml can neither be interpreted as '
                              'XMLSchema nor as XSLT')

        xschema = parse(StringIO(schema))
        unique_key = get_unique_key(xschema)
        if unique_key is None:
            raise AttributeError('Unique key (targetNamespace attribute of '
                                 'root element) does not exist')

        if self.is_unique_key_existing(unique_key):
            raise ValueError(
                'Unique key (\'{}\') already exists'.format(unique_key))

        # if no exception has been raised until here, we can write the
        # schema and add it to cache
        with open(get_schema_path(name), 'w') as schema_file:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def load_cache(self):
        Put each available schema in cache

        # For the moment only one location is allowed for schemas : in
        # root_path/share/canopsis/schema/xml
        for schema_file in listdir(get_schema_path()):
                xschema = parse(get_schema_path(schema_file))
            except Exception:
                # If we don't manage to parse it, it may be a non-xml
                # file that we ignore

            unique_key = get_unique_key(xschema)
            # unique_key is None when an xml parsable ressource does not
            # fit the unique_key requirement
            if unique_key is not None and unique_key not in self.cache:
                self.cache[unique_key] = xschema
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def load_cache(self):
        Put each available schema in cache

        self.cache = {}

        # For the moment only one location is allowed for schemas : in
        # root_path/share/canopsis/schema/xml
        for schema_file in listdir(get_schema_path()):
                xschema = parse(get_schema_path(schema_file))
            except Exception:
                # If we don't manage to parse it, it may be a non-xml
                # file that we ignore

            unique_key = get_unique_key(xschema)
            # unique_key is None when an xml parsable ressource does not
            # fit the unique_key requirement
            if unique_key is not None and unique_key not in self.cache:
                self.cache[unique_key] = xschema
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_get_schema_path(self):
     r = get_schema_path()
     self.assertEqual(r, root_path + '/share/canopsis/schema')